Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2022-02-28T10:30:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:03-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Buying gold karat jewelry can be confusing. Is one better than the other? Let’s explore gold karats and find out what they are and why they are important.



Exploring Gold Karats: What Are They and Why Are They Important?

Buying gold karat jewelry can be confusing. Is one better than the other? Let’s explore gold karats and find out what they are and why they are important.

Keyword(s): Gold karats



Gold has been worshipped for almost as long as people. Gold symbolized royalty and divinity as far back as Ancient Egypt.

To this day, gold inherently represents luxury, power, and success. It also radiates a sense of warmth and compassion, like the glowing rays of the sun.

That's not even mentioning the timeless elegance and effortless style that gold possesses. 

Of course, not all gold is created equal. If you're in the market for some new gold jewelry, or just want to know more about your cherished collection, keep reading for our guide on everything you need to know about gold karats!

What You Need to Know About Gold Karats

We started off by saying how not all gold is created alike. The first thing you need to know about gold karats is that different types of gold have different applications. Some are better suited for certain circumstances than others. 

24K gold, which is considered "pure gold", is very soft for instance. This means it's not appropriate for items requiring precious metals that are more durable. These include engagement rings and wedding bands. 

This is just one example of how "the best" gold isn't always the best for every occasion. It's also an example of how "pure gold" isn't pure. Even 24K gold is blended with other metals to make it more durable and useful. 

Now let's take a look at each of the gold karats so you'll have a better idea how to tell them apart and to pick out what you're looking for. 


10K gold is 41.7% gold and 58.3% alloys. This means it's the least pure of the gold karats and the lowest karat that can be advertised as gold in most countries. It also means it's the most durable and least expensive. 

Even though 10k gold is very durable, it's still not a popular choice for special items like wedding bands or engagement rings. 10k gold also has a paler color than other more pure variants like 14K and 18K. This gives 10k gold more of a white gold appearance than the more traditional radiant gold. 

10K gold can be a good choice for wearable gold if you tend to be in rougher environments. If you're regularly in places with a lot of hard, flat, or sharp surfaces where a ring might be damaged, 10K gold might be a good option.


14K gold is 58.3% gold and 41.7% alloys. 14 karat gold is the most popular type of gold for wearable jewelry in the United States and the UK.

Almost 90% of engagement rings and wedding bands are made with 14 karat gold. If you're not sure what kind of gold to get, 14K is a good choice. 

14K gold has a richer, more saturated color than 10K, giving it a more classic look. If you're looking for a classic gold appearance that's still a little more subtle than 18K gold, 14K makes for a fine balance. 

14 karat gold also finds the perfect balance between style and affordability. It's less expensive than 18k and 24k gold, while still having a classic, iconic look. 


18K gold is 75% gold and 25% alloys. It's usually the purest form of gold that's available for wearable jewelry like rings and watches. 

18K offers a rich, lavish color that is luxurious. If you're looking for an item that makes a statement without becoming gaudy, consider 18k gold. 

Due to its purity, 18K gold is also a good choice if you have sensitive skin or allergies to other kinds of non-precious metals like copper or nickel.

Seeing as how it's so pure, it also means that 18K gold can be scratched fairly easily. Keep that in mind when you're picking out what kind of gold will meet your circumstances.

White and Rose Gold

There are some types of gold that have less to do with karats and more about the alloy. White gold is a mixture of pure gold with several other precious metals, including silver and palladium. Its pale color is due to rhodium plating 

White gold can come in different karats, just like regular gold. 

Keep in mind the rhodium plating will likely wear away over time. Rhodium plating can be restored, though, even through a local jeweler. It's a relatively inexpensive process, as well. 

Rose gold is similar to white gold. Rose gold just features a mixture of gold and copper, instead, to give it its distinctive hue. 

Choosing the Right Gold Karats 

There's no such thing as the "right" or "best" type of gold. It all boils down to your particular style and how you're planning on using your gold jewelry. 

As a general rule of thumb, if you're looking for a good, well-rounded gold karat for everyday use, 14K gold is a popular choice. It's got that perfect blend of durability and iconic gold coloring. 

If you're looking for something with a richer, even-more-classic gold appearance, 18k gold shines like the sun!

And, of course, if you're looking for the purest of pure gold, 24K gold is what you're after. 

You should also think about how you're going to be using your gold jewelry. If you're planning on wearing your new piece every day, you're going to want something more durable. If you're looking for a timeless heirloom piece, however, 24K gold is richer and more elegant. 

Whatever gold karats you're looking for, you'll find something to make your jaw drop in our collections! You can browse our clearance collections, as well, to see our extensive array of daily deals

Make sure to connect with us on social media for even more jewelry inspiration! Find us on Instagram!

]]> 2022-02-07T09:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:08-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

If you're looking at buying gold jewelry our guide has everything you need to know. Read about gold purity, colors, quality markings and more today.



Everything You Need to Know About Choosing Gold Jewelry

If you're looking at buying gold jewelry our guide has everything you need to know. Read about gold purity, colors, quality markings and more today.

Keyword(s): gold jewelry



Gold is a timeless, versatile, and coveted fashion accessory. The auspicious roots of gold date all the way back to the ancient Egyptians who valued it so highly they reserved it for royalty.

These days you can get almost any style of jewelry you like in gold. There are countless ways to incorporate gold jewelry into your personal aesthetic and very little chance that it will ever go out of style.

If you are going to buy gold jewelry, you need to understand what makes some types of gold jewelry more valuable than others.

When you know how to tell the difference between quality gold jewelry and sub-par gold, you won't make the mistake of investing in the wrong piece.

Understanding Gold Purity

The purity of gold determines its value. The higher the purity, the higher the value.

The purity of gold is measured in units called karats. When you buy gold jewelry that has 24 karats, it means your jewelry is 100 percent pure gold. But, you don't have to limit yourself to only buying solid gold jewelry.

To begin with, pure gold is very soft. That means it can get easily damaged from use. You might bump it on something, scratch it, or dent it just from going about your day doing regular things.

If you are looking for everyday gold jewelry, it is best to choose gold with fewer karats. Buy gold jewelry that is between 10 and 14 karats if you want to wear it regularly without worrying about inflicting costly damage.

When it comes to necklaces and earrings, you can look for pieces that go up to 14 to 18 karats. This is because these types of jewelry are usually more protected from bumping into things.

It is best to save your high-karat pieces of gold jewelry for special occasions. Gold jewelry that is between 18 and 24 karats is the most delicate. When you wear them only on special occasions they remain pristine for longer.

Gold Jewelry Colors

You hear the term alloy a lot when talking about precious metals like gold. Combining two or more metals creates an alloy. Alloyed metal jewelry is much stronger than solid gold jewelry and more resistant to corrosion.

Alloyed metals can also create a greater variety of colors. That's why metals like white gold and rose gold exist.

White Gold

White gold is one of the most popular gold alloys. White gold accounts for a large portion of affordable gold jewelry on the market.

White gold occurs when jewelers combine gold with nickel. It also comes from combining gold with palladium, zinc, and copper.

Even though it is called white gold, white gold alloys are never entirely white in color. In fact, most white gold jewelry gets plated with rhodium to create its characteristic white color.

White gold jewelry requires slightly more care over time to prevent the rhodium plating from wearing away. If this does happen, don't worry. It's very quick and simple to have your local jeweler re-plate your white gold.

White gold also has a tendency to turn yellow over time. This is because white gold is yellow gold with minerals added to it, such as zinc, to make it appear white. Cleaning white gold can quickly reverse this yellowing effect.

Rose Gold

Rose gold has enjoyed a wealth of popularity for a very long time. It seems like just about everyone loves the warm blush tones of rose gold.

It's the perfect accent for both casual and formal attire. A set of rose gold earrings and a necklace can work just as well for a day look as it does for a special occasion.

Rose gold is an alloy of gold and copper. That's why it has that desirable pink hue. It is most common to find 14-karat rose gold jewelry, which contains 58.5 percent pure gold.

You can find quality rose gold jewelry in a variety of different pink hues. It blends beautifully with gemstones and other metals. You can't go wrong.

Gold-Plated, Gold-Filled, & Gold Vermeil

When it comes to affordable gold jewelry, gold-plated, gold-filled, and gold vermeil are excellent options. These alternatives to solid gold jewelry are made entirely out of karat gold.

They are not as durable nor as valuable, but they can look just as good as solid gold. If you want to expand your gold jewelry collection without breaking the bank, each of these is an excellent option.

Gold-plated jewelry is the most affordable alternative. It is created by painting a thin layer of gold over another base metal like copper or brass. This is done through a process called electroplating.

Gold-filled jewelry comes from bonding a base metal like copper with a thick layer of gold. For gold-filled jewelry to be authentic it must be at least 5 percent gold weight.

Gold vermeil is similar to plated gold. The base metal, however, is usually of higher quality, such as silver. To be true gold vermeil, the plating must be at least 100 millionths of an inch thick and at least ten karats.

The reality is, selecting affordable gold jewelry can be just as taxing as deciding on fine gold jewelry. Here's what you need to know about choosing different qualities of gold chain necklaces.

Quality Markings

When you buy gold jewelry, it is important to look for quality markings. This will ensure that you are purchasing jewelry of true value.

You will find these quality markings stamped or engraved directly on the piece. Gold-plated jewelry often has a GP mark on it.

Solid gold will have a karat mark on it. For example, 10-karat gold will have a 10K karat mark or a 417 European mark. It contains 41.7 percent pure gold.

On the opposite end, 24-karat gold will have a 24K karat mark or a 999 European mark. It contains is 99.99 percent pure gold.

How To Choose Gold Jewelry

Gold is the best investment you can make when it comes to fine jewelry. When you buy gold jewelry, make sure you understand the purity level and check for quality markings to make sure you're getting a valuable piece.

Get your holiday shopping done early at wehoautodetail. We're certain you'll find something for everyone on your list - including yourself! Get started by shopping our best sellers today.  

]]> 2018-06-29T00:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:33:51-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis When it comes to jewelry, it's different strokes for different folks. There are people who prefer gold, those who like silver, and those who can't have enough of both. If you're choosing between gold and silver, check this essential guide on white gold vs sterling silver.d



White Gold vs Sterling Silver: Which Should You Choose?

When it comes to jewelry, it's different strokes for different folks. There are people who prefer gold, those who like silver, and those who can't have enough of both. If you're choosing between gold and silver, check this essential guide on white gold vs sterling silver.

Keyword(s): Primary KW - white gold vs sterling silver; Secondary KWs - white gold vs silver, sterling silver vs white gold, gold or silver wedding band, silver wedding bands, pros and cons of sterling silver

 Are you shopping for someone special or looking for a new piece to add to your own collection?

The art of jewelry selection is subjective and dependent on your personal style, aesthetic and reason for purchasing.

But with so many different options out there, it can be difficult to choose which is best for you. To the naked eye, weighing the pros and cons of white gold vs sterling silver may seem redundant since they virtually look the same. But look closer; there are many differences worth considering before you make your purchase.

Check out our guide below to see which is right for you.

White Gold vs Sterling Silver; What's the Difference?

Gold and silver are both naturally occurring metals that are found in the earth's crust. They are both soft metals and must be combined with others in order to make the material wearable as jewelry.

Silver is typically alloyed with copper to add strength. When shopping for sterling silver, keep in mind that a piece with a label of 0.925 is required to have at least 92.5% pure silver. This is a good measurement to tell if you're indeed getting an authentic and pure piece of jewelry.

White gold itself does not exist naturally in the earth, it is yellow gold that is mixed with other materials to change its appearance, making it resemble platinum. Yellow gold is often mixed with nickel or zinc.

When you look more carefully, you'll notice that sterling silver is brighter than white gold. We use karats to determine the purity and authenticity of gold. White gold can only reach 21 karats whereas yellow gold goes up to 24.

To reach the purest form of gold, the metal cannot be mixed with others which is why the highest karats must remain yellow, as they were found in their natural form. 18 karat white gold is is 75% pure and 14 karat white gold is 58.5% pure.

When it comes to choosing between sterling silver and white gold, it will likely boil down to the look you are going for since they do look very similar. Often times with rings, sterling silver can look too shiny, especially against a diamond or gemstone set inside.

White gold tends to look a little more sophisticated when it comes to fine jewelry. However, necklaces and bracelets tend to pop more when made with sterling silver.


Gold is typically more valuable than silver, although the cost of each will fluctuate given the state of the market. Silver is an affordable and reasonably priced metal. If you're on a budget - but want something real - this is probably the right choice. Silver is now being used regularly as budget-conscious couples look for a cheap engagement ring

White gold is frequently used as an alternative to platinum which can be very pricey. White gold is a more economical option if you still want the same look as a platinum setting. Platinum is a very soft metal and can be easily scratched or damaged, making white gold an ideal alternative to this metal while still allowing for the same look.

It's important to keep in mind that white gold does not lose value simply because it's been mixed with other metals. The piece will still be measured by how much real gold is included and that gold will remain just as valuable as if it were yellow.

While silver will generally be less expensive than white gold, you should also consider the other factors of the piece like diamonds, gemstones or other elements of the jewelry that will raise the cost regardless of the metal you choose to use.


Sterling silver is less durable than white gold which is why most people choose the material for everyday wear items like their wedding band. Sterling silver can scratch easily and even bend or become misshapen over time and when exposed to the elements.

Keep in mind it is a soft metal so this isn't abnormal or any indication of its quality. White gold is more durable and is likely a better choice for jewelry you plan to wear every day to ensure there is little damage to your piece. It can resist scratching and the shape will not change.


If you've ever had a piece of sterling silver jewelry, you may have noticed it tarnishes or becomes black over time, even if stored properly. With a good polish and the right care, the piece can easily be restored to its original state.

To avoid this from happening in the first place, be sure to polish and clean your sterling silver jewelry regularly and store the pieces away from any excessive heat or moisture.

White gold is less maintenance and will not tarnish over time. It requires less cleaning and care because the material is more scratch resistant and durable against elements like heat and water. The white gold may lose some of its shine over time but it can be cleaned at home or by a professional jeweler to bring back its luster.

If anything, some of the mixed metal may wear off over time, exposing the yellow from the original gold. If this happens, a jeweler will be able to coat the piece again and bring it back to its original appearance.

Some people may find they're allergic to the nickel or other metals used to mix the white gold. This is not typical and many jewelers can use a hypoallergenic coating material to avoid a reaction so be sure to ask if you do indeed have a metal allergy.


White gold retains a tinge of yellow while sterling silver can tarnish. Neither characteristic is desirable for consumers. Rhodium finish or rhodium dipping has become a popular treatment for both white gold and sterling silver. What is Rhodium? Rhodium is a metal in the platinum family that has a rich silver luster that prevents tarnish and preserves an even shine. For white gold, the rhodium dipping covers any hint of the yellow gold roots. For sterling silver, a rhodium finish prevents tarnishing. If possible, look for pieces finished in rhodium for a long-lasting, low-maintenance jewelry collection. 

What's Right for You?

Now that you know all the differences, you really can see that although they may appear to look similar, they are two very different metals in white gold vs sterling silver.

There are positives and negatives to both materials. Sterling silver is less durable but more affordable. White gold is more durable but comes with a higher price tag.

Think about the type of piece you'd like to by and how often it will be worn when making your decision. Be sure to check out the rest of our blog for more jewelry tips!

Sterling Silver Jewelry
