Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2021-04-26T17:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:37-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis As young people increasingly move away from natural diamonds, could lab grown diamonds be the future? Read more to find out.


Lab Grown Diamonds: The Future?
As young people increasingly move away from natural diamonds, could lab grown diamonds be the future? Read more to find out.

Keyword(s): lab grown diamonds



Do you love jewelry? Are you one of the 73% of millennials who want to shop sustainably? 

More and more shoppers are willing to pay a little more to ensure their high-quality pieces follow ethical practices. 

Many jewels historically have a somewhat shady past. Conflict diamonds, stones that are mined using unethical practices; the industry has seen it all. Fortunately, times are changing. To both protect our planet and its people. 

Astounding new technologies enable us to create stones in the laboratory. One of these miracle inventions is lab grown diamonds.

You may think this sounds like a strange concept; how can a naturally occurring stone be grown in a lab? However, these fascinating engineered stones are here to stay and have an array of remarkable properties. 

Read on to find out why lab created diamonds are the future.

How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Made?

Diamonds formed deep in the earth billions of years ago and were brought to the earth's surface with the heat and pressure caused by volcanic explosions. 

Lab created diamonds undergo a similar process. High pressure and high temperatures are used to replicate the same chemical processes natural diamonds go through. It just happens in a machine rather than on the earth.

For this reason, diamonds that are grown in a lab are chemically and physically identical to mined diamonds. You can't tell the difference to look at them either. 

Lab diamonds start life as a seed. It then undergoes the process of making it into the beautiful stone we know and love. Due to the artificial process, the seed goes through, diamonds made in a lab are often referred to as synthetic diamonds.

How Are Lab Diamonds Graded?

Artificial diamonds are also graded in precisely the same way as mined diamonds. They are cut by experts and graded using the same quality criteria as mined diamonds. 

They are rated using the 4 C's: 

  • Carat
  • Cut 
  • Color 
  • Clarity 

You would not be able to tell the difference between a mined diamond and a man-made one if you just looked at them. 

Why Are Synthetic Diamonds the Future?

Diamond mining is notorious for being unsustainable, unethical, linked to child labor, as well as war and conflicts. Although the diamond industry has been cleaned up since the Kimberly Process Certification was introduced in 2003, it is sometimes difficult to trace a diamond's origin.  

Many diamond dealers still can't tell you which mine their diamonds originate from. The Kimberly Process is hard to monitor, and many clean diamonds end up in the same shipments as those from less ethical origins. 

If a diamond is grown in a lab, it is easy to trace and harms nobody. Let's take a more in-depth look at why consumers are starting to choose man-made diamonds. 

They Are More Ethical

Even if a diamond claims to be conflict-free and not used to fund corrupt governments and warfare, we can never be entirely sure.

You also don't know if the workers who mine your natural diamond are paid fairly or treated humanely. Many countries where diamonds naturally occur don't have laws to ban child labor or enforce strict minimum wage or labor safety requirements. 

Ethical diamonds are having a moment, and we won't ever go back to the dark days of unethical diamond extraction. 

They Are More Environmentally Friendly 

Mining diamonds also have a significant impact on the natural environment. Digging up the earth to extract a stone is not the most sustainable of practices after all. Hundreds of tonnes of earth need to move to find just one diamond. 

This messes with local ecosystems and can end up displacing wildlife and communities. Local water sources can also end up polluted as a result of diamond mining. Minerals unearthed when the rocks are moved can run off into the water, causing it to become toxic. 

The air miles that a mined diamond costs are also huge. They fly from origin to middle man, to cuter, to trader. 

A lab grown diamond can be made in a few days and sold in the same city it is created. Further to this, a lot less energy is needed to create an artificial diamond. Thus, lab grown diamonds have a significantly lower carbon footprint. 

Artificial Diamonds Are Less Expensive

Lab grown diamonds have the same properties and high quality as mined diamonds but a lower price tag. 

Mined diamonds pass through many hands on their way to the store; each person involved takes a cut of the final price.

There are fewer people involved in creating a lab grown diamond which means fewer people who need paying. This, in turn, lowers the price for the end consumer. 

Diamond Jewelry Is Always In Fashion 

Ever since the 1940s, when diamonds became the height of fashion, they have been a staple in our jewelry boxes. We will continue to collect precious jewels for decades to come. They will be different from the jewels of the past. 

Want to make a statement with your outfit? Say it with diamonds. Want to give a gift that lasts an eternity? Diamonds are perfect. They last indefinitely and are a symbol of class.

Diamonds are also the most popular gemstone used for engagement rings. This stunning stone has represented love for centuries. 

Conscious Consumers Prefer Lab Diamonds 

You don't want your beautiful diamond to have a shady past, do you? Unethical practices and dubious origins are not what this stone should represent. For this reason, lab grown diamonds are the future. 

As consumer demands shift towards more transparent supply chains and the accountability of manufacturers, we need a change in the way goods are produced.

Innovative technologies that create lab-made diamonds can help us take much-needed steps towards a more sustainable and green future. 

Feel inspired to browse some ethically sourced diamonds? Check out our collection of diamond rings. 

If you are not into natural or lab grow diamonds there are options for you! Swarovski Crystals are beauiful, affordable and are sure to draw admiring eyes! 

]]> 2021-04-12T00:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:39-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Wondering how to clean jewelry? Well, look no further; there are several effective DIY methods to make your jewelry look as good as new. Read more to find out.


How to Clean Jewelry: Tips and Tricks
Wondering how to clean jewelry? Well, look no further; there are several effective DIY methods to make your jewelry look as good as new. Read more to find out.


Keyword(s): how to clean jewelry

The jewelry you wear is an important part of your personality and style, so if it looks dull, it can take away from your fashionable aesthetic.

Whatever you love to wear, it's crucial to know how to clean jewelry so you can keep it looking its absolute best.

From necklaces to bracelets and rings, read on to discover some tips about jewelry cleaning so that all your pieces continue to shine.

Make Your Silver Shine 


Silver is a stunning metal that looks amazing with virtually any outfit. To keep it clean, start with some standard jewelry cleaning products, like high-quality liquid silver polish.

Never apply the silver polish solution using an abrasive material. Instead, gently wipe it clean in circular motions with a soft microfiber cloth or a cotton pad.

If you want a quicker way to do some silver jewelry cleaning, try silver polish wipes. These convenient wipes are designed just for silver and typically feature two sides. One side cleans the silver jewelry and removes unsightly tarnish, while the other side buffs it to a bright shine.

You can also just gently buff any dull spots with a microfiber cloth alone. Start on the underside of your jewelry just to make sure that it works well before you finish cleaning the surface that people will see. For example, polish the back of a beautiful pendant, then finish with the front once you confirm it looks good. 

Most silver polish and jewelry cleaning products are affordable, but you can also try some DIY jewelry cleaning methods, too. Let's take a closer look at some ways you can clean your jewelry with a few things you already have lying around the home.

How to Clean Jewelry DIY

Before you try any of these DIY cleaning methods, it's important to note that none of them will keep the tarnish from returning. Store bough silver polishes have a special solution that cleans the jewelry and leaves a protective finish behind.

However, if you need to know how to clean jewelry in a pinch. these DIY solutions can be extremely helpful. If you have silver-plated jewelry, just be aware that rubbing it too vigorously or too often can start to wear the finish off.

The first method to clean your jewelry is to mix a few drops of regular liquid dish soap (like Dawn Ultra) into a small bowl of warm water. Dip your microfiber cloth into the mixture, then gently rub it onto your jewelry until the tarnish is removed. When you're done, rinse your jewelry with some cool water and buff it dry with a new cloth.

Baking soda does a great job of removing heavier tarnish and discoloration. Mix three parts baking soda to one part water until it forms a paste-like consistency.

Wet your silver jewelry and apply the paste with a soft cloth. Gently work the cloth into the crevices of your jewelry and turn it as the cloth starts to pick up the tarnish. Rinse the jewelry well, then buff it dry.

If you don't have dish soap or baking soda handy, you can also try the toothpaste method. Make sure you use a white-colored style of toothpaste and not a gel. 

Apply a small dab of toothpaste to your silver jewelry, then gently rub it with your finger or a soft, lint-free cloth. Rinse it well with slightly warm water, then buff it dry with the cloth until it's bright and shiny. 

Tips for Cleaning Precious and Semi-Precious Stones

From Roman glass to Baltic amber, it's important to be especially careful when cleaning jewelry made with precious stones. You can return your jewelry to its beautiful, original shine with some easy jewelry cleaning methods.

Start by mixing a few drops of dish soap into some seltzer water. The carbonation in the water can help to gently loosen solid and debris that can get trapped in between settings and on facets.

Once you make your mixture, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently brush your stones clean. Dip the jewelry in some clear water to rinse it clean. You can also place your jewelry in a strainer and rinse it under running water - just make sure you use a sink stopper to prevent it from accidentally falling down the drain!

After you've finished gently polishing your precious or semi-precious stones, buff them dry with a clean microfiber cloth. If you're ever in a pinch and need to do some touch-ups, try a jewelry cleaning stick. These portable jewelry cleaning products can fit easily into your purse and make it easy to polish small areas fast.

Whatever jewelry cleaning method you choose, the key is to make sure that you always rinse cleaning solutions thoroughly after you're done. Softly polishing or buffing the jewelry and letting it dry are also important steps to ensure that it's perfectly clean and ready to be worn again.

Getting Sparkly and Shiny Jewelry is Easy

Once you know how to clean jewelry and make it brilliant again, you can wear all of your favorite pieces in confidence. No matter what type of jewelry you love to wear, regular cleaning sessions will keep it looking shiny and give it a brilliant finish.

Always use soft, lint-free cloths and gentle motions to avoid scratching your stunning jewelry so it's protected from damage. Clean it regularly to reap the benefits of a bright, beautiful piece of jewelry you'll love to show off.

If you're ready to check out some incredible new jewelry to elevate your look, be sure to browse our new arrivals today!
