Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2023-02-28T09:49:13-07:00 2024-01-17T20:24:33-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis More

How to Care for Your wehoautodetail Necklaces

Necklaces have been around for thousands of years, with the earliest known necklaces dating back to the Stone Age. These necklaces were made from organic materials, like shells, feathers, and bones. Necklaces today are made from other things, like precious gemstones and metals.

Necklaces are a classic piece of jewelry that many women wear every day. However, if you own designer necklaces, it might be challenging to figure out how to clean them. Cleaning your jewelry with the wrong products could result in damage to your necklace.

This guide will discuss what you need to know about designer jewelry care and cleaning. We'll teach you the best ways to store your jewelry and how to clean it if it gets dirty.

Tips for Preventing Scratches and Tarnishing

wehoautodetail Adjustable CZ Necklace & Earring Set

Even high-quality, designer necklaces can lose their luster over time. Daily grime can cause your gemstones to look dirty. There are a few steps you can take to ensure your jewelry looks brand-new all of the time.

Don't Use Harsh Chemicals

Certain everyday chemicals might be harmful to gems and certain kinds of metals. These substances include:

  • Perfume
  • Lotion
  • Hairspray

Platinum, gold, and silver can get discolored if they're regularly exposed to these products. Don't put on your jewelry unit after you've applied these products.

Store Your Necklaces in a Dry and Clean Space

It's essential that you properly store your necklaces. Necklace storage prevents exposure to moisture and air, which can harm your jewelry. It also eliminates the chance that your necklaces will get tangled and damaged.

Take Off Your Jewelry

There might be certain times throughout your day when you might engage in activities that could harm your designer necklaces. This includes going to the gym or jumping in a swimming pool. Even completing household chores could put your jewelry at risk.

Remove your jewelry in these types of scenarios. Some of these activities could result in your necklace breaking or getting lost.

How to Clean wehoautodetail Necklaces

Shining Star Pendant

Jewelry cleaning depends largely upon the type of materials your necklace is made out of. Knowing what method is best for each gemstone or metal is essential to ensure you don't damage your piece.

Silver Necklaces

Jewelry care for silver is different than other types of materials. You can use high-quality silver polish to clean your silver necklaces. Explore using silver polish wipes for quick cleaning on the go.

Make sure you apply silver polish with a soft cotton pad or cloth. You don't want to use an abrasive material when cleaning silver. Additionally, you can clean your silver necklace with a cloth and no polish.

Use Mild Cleaning Products

If you don't have silver polish on hand or want to clean another type of jewelry, all you need to do is grab a few items from your pantry. Follow these steps to clean your designer jewelry:

  • Add a few drops of liquid dish soap into a bowl with warm water
  • Dip your soft cloth into the solution
  • Gently rub the cloth onto your jewelry until clean
  • Rinse your jewelry in a bowl of cold water
  • Buff it with a dry cloth

You can also get rid of tarnishing on your necklaces using toothpaste. Dab a small amount of white-colored toothpaste onto your jewelry. Rub the toothpaste in using a soft cloth.

Rinse the jewelry with warm water. Dry it with a cloth until it's shiny and bright.

Gently Clean Precious Stones

No matter what type of stone you have in your necklace, it's important to be gentle when cleaning it. There are many soft stones out there, such as tanzanites and emeralds. Abrasive detergents are harmful to these types of stones.

However, you'd be surprised by how durable diamonds are. They can stand up to regular cleaning without getting scratched.

We recommended adding a few drops of soap to a bowl of seltzer water. The bubbles in the water will assist with loosening debris that's gotten trapped in the nooks and crannies of your jewelry setting.

Take a soft-bristled toothbrush and use it to clean the stone. Rinse the jewelry clean in a bowl of clean water. Buff them with a dry, soft cloth.

Be Careful With Pearls

Freshwater Pearl Station Necklace

Pearls and opals are one of the most delicate stones. They're extremely porous due to the fact they're a natural material. Pearls aren't tolerant of harsh chemicals.

Follow these tips to ensure your pearls don't lose their luster:

  • Clean with a dry cloth each time you wear them
  • Wipe off stains with mild dish soap and water
  • Don't put them in a bowl of water

Since pearls are so delicate, you might benefit from taking them to a professional jeweler when it's time to clean them.

How to Store Your wehoautodetail Necklaces Properly

Full Scroll Sterling Silver Heart Locket

Necklaces can easily get tangled if you throw them in a jewelry box or drawer. Tangled necklaces can be a source of frustration, in addition to being bad for your jewelry. You want to store your items in a way that prevents scratches and keeps them in optimal condition.

Jewelry Stand

A jewelry stand is a great way to keep your necklaces tangle-free while attractively displaying them. Most jewelry stands come in multiple tiers of different heights. This enables you to display necklaces of varying lengths.

Jewelry Cabinet

If you have wall space, a jewelry cabinet is perfect for keeping your designer necklaces safe. You can also explore jewelry cabinets that you can lock. Prevent unwanted thefts of your precious items.

Jewelry Drawer

You can keep your necklaces in a drawer, so long as you keep the drawer organized. Explore a jewelry drawer organizer that has velvet-lined compartments. Sort your jewelry according to size and type.

Shop Our Large Collection of Premium wehoautodetail Necklaces

Pave Swarovski Crystal Teardrop Pendant

wehoautodetail necklaces are a staple in any woman's wardrobe. Knowing how to care for jewelry is important to protect your investment. You want to ensure the lifespan of your piece while ensuring it looks sparkling every day.

wehoautodetail sells high-quality designer necklaces, earrings, and more. Shop our online selection of necklaces today.

]]> 2022-03-28T09:00:01-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:56-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

There are advantages to owning both lab created and natural gemstones. Read further and see if you can tell the difference between them.



Can You Tell the Difference Between Lab Created or Natural Gemstones?

There are advantages to owning both lab created and natural gemstones. Read further and see if you can tell the difference between them.

Keyword(s): Natural gemstones



In the United States, there has been almost $22 billion worth of gemstones sold. And more than 85% of those gemstones are synthetic or lab-created. The demand for gemstones has led to increased demand in the jewelry industry.

From engagement rings to fine jewelry, gemstones are an investment. That's one reason why choosing the best quality pieces with superior brilliance, and a near-flawless appearance is key.

So, when it comes to lab-grown versus natural gemstones, which one will give you the best quality? Can the average person tell the difference between a natural gemstone and a human-made one?

Here's everything you need to know before buying your next gemstone piece.

What Are Natural Gemstones?

In the most basic definition, a natural gemstone is one that has formed in nature and has little to no interference from humans in its creation. 

These gemstones may still be mined, cut, and polished and still have the "natural" labeling.

Natural gemstones can be faceted and still have the "natural" label. However, there has been a greater demand for the unique look of rough stones. There is no enhancement or alteration to improve color, durability, or value.

Treatment and enhancement aim to fix flaws like inclusions, cracks, and discoloration. For many, this makes the gemstone more stunning in appearance, but the tradeoff is no longer considered a "natural" gemstone.

In some cases, gemstones that are natural and untreated are rarer and more valuable than their treated counterpart. This is the case with sapphires.

You may often see natural gemstones classified as "real" as there is not a dispute with their origins or mineral makeup. Of course, they can vary in size, shape, and color.

These three characteristics are often what determine to quality and price of the gemstone. 

What Are Lab-Created Gemstones?

As the name suggests, these gemstones are created by scientists in laboratories rather than mined after forming in the earth.

This process of creating lab-grown gemstones can vary from 6-10 weeks as opposed to the millions of years for natural gemstones.

You'll often hear terms like synthetic, lab-grown, human-made, and artificial to refer to these gemstones. However, the terms artificial and synthetic can be misleading.

Lab-grown gemstones can have the same chemical composition as those grown in nature. So while they may not have formed in the same environment, lab-grown gemstones are still very much gemstones.

If the mineral makeup is identical to those found in nature, lab-created gemstones can be classified as "real".

Lab-created gemstones are often preferred for their low impact on the environment and use of fewer resources because they don't need to be mined from the ground. 

Natural Versus Lab: Quality

As previously stated, a lab-created gemstone and a natural gemstone have little difference when it comes to mineral makeup. However, quality can still vary across the spectrum with both natural and lab-grown gemstones.

Comparatively, natural gemstones tend to have more imperfections than those grown in a lab. That's not to say that you can't find a near flawless gemstone mined from the earth; it might be a little rarer than a lab-grown gem. 

However, when gemstones are made in a lab, they tend to have fewer imperfections like inclusions, and color variations. This is due to the control the lab has over them during the growing process.

When it comes to durability, because of the identical mineral makeup, lab-grown gemstones will have similar durability to their natural counterpart.

Natural Versus Lab: Price

In general, lab-grown gemstones are less expensive than natural gemstones. Though, that may also depend on what gemstone. For example, rubies and gemstones are easy and inexpensive lab creations, and the price reflects that.

You may see a significant difference in price for gems like lab-grown rubies and sapphires versus natural gems. But that's not the case with every gemstone, namely diamonds.

Because there are many different factors that go into determining a diamond's price, there can be little difference between natural and lab-grown diamonds. In some cases, you may see a 30% reduction from natural to lab-grown.

In conclusion, the price can be difficult to determine because of the factors that affect it.

Natural Versus Lab: Appearance

Though lab-grown and natural gemstones may be identical in their mineral makeup, there can be large differences in appearance. In a lab, appearance can be closely monitored and controlled, leading to more perfect gems.

Lab-grown gemstones tend to have fewer inclusions which directly affects the clarity and color. Scientists are able to create brilliant sparkle and more vivid colors in the lab, growing the desired gemstone on demand.

Natural gemstones tend to have more flaws like inclusions that affect appearance. Finding a natural gem that's flawless may be more rare and pricey, but not impossible.

This doesn't mean that a natural gemstone couldn't have a comparable appearance. A natural gemstone would most likely need treatments to bring out a similar color and sparkle.

So, Can You See the Difference?

Unless one has prior experience or training with gemstones, the average person wouldn't be able to tell the difference with their naked eye.

After all, a natural gemstone and the lab-grown counterpart have the same mineral makeup. That means the two are similar in durability and general appearance.

The difference can come in the flaws like inclusions and vividness of color. But it takes a trained eye and special instruments to be able to spot these differences.

So, you should feel comfortable in your choice to buy both lab-grown and natural gemstones and jewelry.

Sparkle No Matter the Gemstone

Gemstone jewelry pieces are timeless additions to your collection. From ruby rings to diamond necklaces, these pieces will be classic and in style for years to come. That's why it's important to seek out quality gemstones.

Whether you choose human-made or natural gemstones, quality and appearance are essential to a stunning piece of jewelry. The brilliance creates a sparkle that will make you stand out from the crowd.

Ready to find your next luxury piece? Shop our collection of crystal earrings, bracelets, and pendant necklaces. 

]]> 2022-03-21T09:00:01-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:59-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

You know which birthstone is yours, but do you know the story and meaning behind your birthstone and does it suit your personality? Find out here!



What Does Your Birthstone Mean?

You know which birthstone is yours, but do you know the story and meaning behind your birthstone and does it suit your personality? Find out here!

Keyword(s): Your birthstone



Jewelry has long been seen as a way to display status and affluence in society. It was also used as a tool in courtship as a man would present his intended with a sparkling trinket to woo her and to show his ability to provide. 

Today, there are jewelry options available to suit every budget, not just the culturally elite. Women are no longer waiting around for a potential suitor to shower them in gold and jewels. They are purchasing their own jewelry.

Your birthstone is a unique way to express your personality and establish your personal brand. Since the day you were born, you may have had a precious or semi-precious stone representing your month of birth. But did you know that your birthstone also has a specific meaning?

A Brief Birthstone History

Birthstones have been around for centuries, dating as far back as Biblical times. These semi-precious stones were worn into battle on a breastplate as they were thought to imbue the wearer with certain protective powers.

Much like the 12 zodiac signs and their correlation to specific behaviors and personality characteristics, each month is assigned between 1-3 birthstones.

These stones symbolize distinct temperaments and attitudes amongst their wearers. Some cultures believe that different stones can even determine the wearer's fate.

Some months contain more than one type of birthstone. The thought behind this may have been to suggest more cost-friendly semi-precious stones as alternatives to pricier or rarer precious gemstones.


January's birthstone is Garnet. If you were born in January, your birthstone denotes strong energy and willpower. Garnet birthstones evoke the wearer as being confident, spontaneous, and a go-getter.

Garnet's birthstone bearers are often feisty and love to take on challenges. 

Most people associate garnet with being a deep dark red color, but it can also contain shades of orange, pink, green, and even purple. Red garnet stones resemble pomegranate seeds. 


February's main birthstone is Amethyst. Due to its rich purple coloring, it was only worn by royalty because purple signified the wealth and power of the ruling class. If your birthstone is Amethyst, you may have a keen business sense.

You may also be optimistic and pure of mind. You are seen as a good listener and help to soothe others, like a therapist. 

Amethysts pertain to serenity and peace. Amethyst is thought to be able to prevent intoxication due to ties to Greek mythos and a connection to spirituality.


Aquamarine is March's prominent birthstone. A light blue stone representative of the sky and sea. 

If your birthstone is Aquamarine, you are likely to bring this sense of calming and tranquility to those around you. You have a talent for mediating and settling disputes. 

Aquamarine was seen as a sort of good luck charm that protected sailors from rough seas and calmed the oceans ensuring safe journeys.

Wearing Aquamarine provides protection and peace. It is also thought to treat anxiety.


Diamonds are a girl's best friend, but they are also April's birthstone. Diamonds come in an array of colors, aside from the standard colorless, including pink, brown, black, blue, green, yellow, red, blue, and even purple. 

Diamonds imply luxury so those born in April have a penchant for shopping and the finer things in life. If your birthstone is a Diamond, you are stubborn and driven. You are not afraid to go for what you want. 

You are steadfast and loyal to your friendships. You value character and integrity above all.


Emerald is May's birthstone. This dazzling green precious gemstone has a long history of the belief that it provides protection against illnesses, such as cholera, wards off evil spirits and demons, and keeps snakes away. 

If your birthstone is an Emerald, you are seen as romantic and compassionate. You also love helping people and are loyal to your friends. You believe that there is a perfect soulmate for you.

Green emeralds often symbolize prosperity and good fortune, as well as rebirth, growth, and success.


June has three birthstones associated with it. Pearl, Moonstone, and Alexandrite. Pearls link to intuition and those who are born in June are known for being introspective thinkers. 

If your birthstone is a Pearl or Moonstone, you are enthusiastic and outgoing. You are a warm-hearted and pure individual who will always help a friend in need.

Like the Pearl, Moonstones enhance intuition and promote balance. Alexandrite also signifies balance and intuition. 


July's birthstone is the Ruby. The Ruby is a sign of power, health, and wisdom. The Ruby was long thought to provide protection and ward off evil spirits.

If your birthstone is the Ruby you are a combination of assertiveness and compassion. You are ambitious and able to come up with creative solutions to problems. Those with a Ruby birthstone enjoy social gatherings. 


Peridot is known as August's birthstone. This olive-green stone indicates good fortune and good health and a balance with nature.

If your birthstone is Peridot, you are a charming and extroverted person who gains the trust of others easily. You also have a natural beauty that attracts others to you. You are kind and welcoming to friends and strangers alike. 


The Sapphire is September's birthstone. Known for its rich blue coloring, sapphires are also available in pink, white, yellow, and green. 

If your birthstone is the Sapphire, you are humble and down-to-earth. You are also faithful and trustworthy. You prefer to keep your emotions to yourself and weigh all of your options before taking a risk.


October's dual birthstones are Pink Tourmaline and Opal. Opals are alluring due to their unique color patterns and structures. No two opals are ever the same.

If your birthstone is the Tourmaline, you are likely to be adventurous and restless with a racing mind. You also have strong intuitions.

If your birthstone is an Opal, you are loyal, protective, and faithful to your loved ones. You inspire others and love to mentor and take part in community events. Opals embody purity, truth, and hope.


The Topaz is widely regarded as November's birthstone but Citrine is also considered a November birthstone as well. 

If your birthstone is the Topaz, you may be easy but also stubborn at times and not open up to others right away. You are a gifted writer or teacher due to your intelligence and wit. You are generous and fair with advice.

The Topaz is a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, friendship, and strength.

If your birthstone is the Citrine, you are an optimistic thinker. You value honesty and integrity, but you also have a good sense of humor. 


December also has many different types of birthstones to choose from. Turquoise and Tanzanite are the primary birthstones. 

Turquoise birthstones mean you are wise and honest to a fault. People may consider you to be an old soul. You exhibit wisdom beyond your years.

If your birthstone is a Tanzanite, you possess a great persistent personality which may come off as intimidating or intense. You are loyal and don't take any form of betrayal lightly. You also play by your own rules.

Blue Zircon and Blue Topaz are also December birthstones.

Find Your Birthstone Jewelry

Birthstones aren't just limited to the month of your birth. You can wear your birthstone or a combination of birthstones that suit your personal brand and style.

wehoautodetail has eye-catching and affordable birthstone jewelry in bracelets, necklaces, rings, and earrings. Check out our collections, and find the birthstone jewelry that makes you shine.

]]> 2022-02-21T09:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:05-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Do you consider yourself a newbie jewelry collector? Even if you didn't and want to add pearls to your collection, check out this guide on freshwater pearls.



10 Fabulous Facts About Freshwater Pearls

Do you consider yourself a newbie jewelry collector? Even if you didn't and want to add pearls to your collection, check out this guide on freshwater pearls.

Keyword(s): freshwater pearls



Are you interested in buying freshwater pearls?

Freshwater pearls have a wide range of colors and unique shapes, making them the perfect options for luxurious jewelry pieces. Often referred to as the "Queen of Jewels," pearls are timeless and elegant. 

Despite how popular freshwater pearls are, there are countless things about them that people don't know. This guide will discuss everything you need to know about freshwater pearls and our top ten favorite facts so you can become an expert on them. 

What Are Freshwater Pearls?

Freshwater pearls come from mussels that live in freshwater rivers and lakes. These types of pearls are primarily found in China. 

Many freshwater pearls are white, but they come in many different colors and shapes. Many of these pearls don't come with a bead nucleus, only a tiny piece of tissue. The lack of a bead nucleus results in a thicker nacre pearl. 

Freshwater vs. Saltwater Pearls: What's the Difference?

Saltwater pearls are cultured pearls that are grown in Chinese and Japanese waters. They're typically round and white or cream. 

The main difference between the two types of pearls is the nacre. Saltwater pearls have a thinner nacre than freshwater ones. 

Another difference is the cost. Saltwater pearls are more expensive than freshwater because saltwater oysters produce fewer pearls. 

Additionally, freshwater pearls get dyed, so they appear shiny. Saltwater pearls don't require dye. 

Now that we have a basic understanding of freshwater pearls, let's dive deeper.

1. Freshwater Pearls Come From a Living Creature

Pearls are classified as a gemstone but are vastly different than other types of gemstones, like sapphires and rubies. The main reason is that they're the only gemstone that comes from a creature that's alive. The other types of gemstones form in the crust of the Earth. 

2. Natural Pearls Are Incredibly Rare

Did you know that only one in 10,000 oysters contain a pearl? Freshwater pearl jewelry gained significant popularity in the early 20th century. Unfortunately, that resulted in oyster beds becoming depleted as people sought the precious gemstone. 

3. The Most Expensive Pearl Is Worth Around $100 Million 

The most valuable pearl in the world used to be kept under its owner's bed as a good luck charm for a decade before it got discovered in 2016 when the home burned down. A fisherman had found the pearl off of the Philippines' coast inside an enormous clam. 

Why is this pearl so valuable? That's because it's around 26 inches long and weighs over 75 pounds. It's the largest pearl that's ever existed. 

4. Julius Caesar Created Laws About Pearls

In ancient Roman times, pearls were thought to symbolize prestige and wealth. If you wore pearl jewelry or even had them in your possession, you were considered a member of the elite social class. In one BC, Julius Caesar founded a law that forbade any person in the ruling class from wearing pearls. 

5. Cleopatra Drank a Pearl Cocktail 

In ancient times, Cleopatra wanted to show Mark Anthony that she could have the most expensive dinner ever recorded in history. It was known that she owned two of the world's largest pearls, at least at that time. Since they were so large, that meant they were incredibly valuable. 

During the dinner party, Cleopatra asked one of her servants to bring her one of her pearls and a glass of vinegar. She dropped to pearl into the vinegar, which caused it to dissolve. Cleopatra then drank what was the world's most valuable cocktail. 

6. The Oldest Pearl is Almost 8,000 Years Old

Pearls were common in ancient Roman times, but they're believed to be even older than that. French researchers discovered the world's oldest pearl in 2012. 

The pearl was found in the United Arab Emirates in an old gravesite. The pearl was named "Umm al Quwain" to pay homage to the area of the country the pearl was found. 

With carbon dating, scientists determined that the pearl was more than 7,500 years old. Before that, the world's oldest pearl was around 2,500 years old.  

7. Freshwater Pearls Can Be a Variety of Shapes

When most people think of pearls, they imagine a symmetrical and round shape. Freshwater pearls come in a variety of shapes. Some of the shapes include:

  • Drop
  • Off-round
  • Round
  • Baroque

Round freshwater pearls are the most popular out of all the shapes. 

8. Freshwater Pearls Take Six Months to Grow

Each pearl takes a different amount of time to grow. However, six months is generally the average length of time. Sometimes it can take a pearl up to two years to develop. 

The pearl growing process begins when a pearl farmer puts a nucleus inside a mollusk. It takes a bit of time for the oyster to recover from implantation. Once the mollusk has healed, the pearl starts to grow. 

9. Pearls Are One of June's Birthstones

Pearls are one of the gemstones that represent the month of June. People born in June are lucky as they have three birthstones. The other two are moonstone and alexandrite. 

Pearls symbolize loyalty, purity, and clarity. A piece of pearl jewelry would make an excellent gift for someone born in the month of June. 

10. Cartier Used Pearls to Buy Land for Its Store in New York

Back in the early 1900s, the wife of a wealthy railroad tycoon fell in love with a pearl necklace shown at a Cartier store on Fifth Avenue. The woman wanted the pearl necklace, and Pierre Cartier wanted her mansion on Fifth Avenue. A deal got struck, and the necklace was exchanged for her home, which became Cartier's flagship store. 

Shop at wehoautodetail for Freshwater Pearl Jewelry

Freshwater pearls are an affordable but luxurious option for elevating any jewelry collection. Whether you're looking for a freshwater pearl pendant or a pair of earrings, you're guaranteed to find something beautiful when shopping for pearls. 

Shop our online collection of freshwater pearl jewelry. 

]]> 2021-04-12T00:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:39-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Wondering how to clean jewelry? Well, look no further; there are several effective DIY methods to make your jewelry look as good as new. Read more to find out.


How to Clean Jewelry: Tips and Tricks
Wondering how to clean jewelry? Well, look no further; there are several effective DIY methods to make your jewelry look as good as new. Read more to find out.


Keyword(s): how to clean jewelry

The jewelry you wear is an important part of your personality and style, so if it looks dull, it can take away from your fashionable aesthetic.

Whatever you love to wear, it's crucial to know how to clean jewelry so you can keep it looking its absolute best.

From necklaces to bracelets and rings, read on to discover some tips about jewelry cleaning so that all your pieces continue to shine.

Make Your Silver Shine 


Silver is a stunning metal that looks amazing with virtually any outfit. To keep it clean, start with some standard jewelry cleaning products, like high-quality liquid silver polish.

Never apply the silver polish solution using an abrasive material. Instead, gently wipe it clean in circular motions with a soft microfiber cloth or a cotton pad.

If you want a quicker way to do some silver jewelry cleaning, try silver polish wipes. These convenient wipes are designed just for silver and typically feature two sides. One side cleans the silver jewelry and removes unsightly tarnish, while the other side buffs it to a bright shine.

You can also just gently buff any dull spots with a microfiber cloth alone. Start on the underside of your jewelry just to make sure that it works well before you finish cleaning the surface that people will see. For example, polish the back of a beautiful pendant, then finish with the front once you confirm it looks good. 

Most silver polish and jewelry cleaning products are affordable, but you can also try some DIY jewelry cleaning methods, too. Let's take a closer look at some ways you can clean your jewelry with a few things you already have lying around the home.

How to Clean Jewelry DIY

Before you try any of these DIY cleaning methods, it's important to note that none of them will keep the tarnish from returning. Store bough silver polishes have a special solution that cleans the jewelry and leaves a protective finish behind.

However, if you need to know how to clean jewelry in a pinch. these DIY solutions can be extremely helpful. If you have silver-plated jewelry, just be aware that rubbing it too vigorously or too often can start to wear the finish off.

The first method to clean your jewelry is to mix a few drops of regular liquid dish soap (like Dawn Ultra) into a small bowl of warm water. Dip your microfiber cloth into the mixture, then gently rub it onto your jewelry until the tarnish is removed. When you're done, rinse your jewelry with some cool water and buff it dry with a new cloth.

Baking soda does a great job of removing heavier tarnish and discoloration. Mix three parts baking soda to one part water until it forms a paste-like consistency.

Wet your silver jewelry and apply the paste with a soft cloth. Gently work the cloth into the crevices of your jewelry and turn it as the cloth starts to pick up the tarnish. Rinse the jewelry well, then buff it dry.

If you don't have dish soap or baking soda handy, you can also try the toothpaste method. Make sure you use a white-colored style of toothpaste and not a gel. 

Apply a small dab of toothpaste to your silver jewelry, then gently rub it with your finger or a soft, lint-free cloth. Rinse it well with slightly warm water, then buff it dry with the cloth until it's bright and shiny. 

Tips for Cleaning Precious and Semi-Precious Stones

From Roman glass to Baltic amber, it's important to be especially careful when cleaning jewelry made with precious stones. You can return your jewelry to its beautiful, original shine with some easy jewelry cleaning methods.

Start by mixing a few drops of dish soap into some seltzer water. The carbonation in the water can help to gently loosen solid and debris that can get trapped in between settings and on facets.

Once you make your mixture, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently brush your stones clean. Dip the jewelry in some clear water to rinse it clean. You can also place your jewelry in a strainer and rinse it under running water - just make sure you use a sink stopper to prevent it from accidentally falling down the drain!

After you've finished gently polishing your precious or semi-precious stones, buff them dry with a clean microfiber cloth. If you're ever in a pinch and need to do some touch-ups, try a jewelry cleaning stick. These portable jewelry cleaning products can fit easily into your purse and make it easy to polish small areas fast.

Whatever jewelry cleaning method you choose, the key is to make sure that you always rinse cleaning solutions thoroughly after you're done. Softly polishing or buffing the jewelry and letting it dry are also important steps to ensure that it's perfectly clean and ready to be worn again.

Getting Sparkly and Shiny Jewelry is Easy

Once you know how to clean jewelry and make it brilliant again, you can wear all of your favorite pieces in confidence. No matter what type of jewelry you love to wear, regular cleaning sessions will keep it looking shiny and give it a brilliant finish.

Always use soft, lint-free cloths and gentle motions to avoid scratching your stunning jewelry so it's protected from damage. Clean it regularly to reap the benefits of a bright, beautiful piece of jewelry you'll love to show off.

If you're ready to check out some incredible new jewelry to elevate your look, be sure to browse our new arrivals today!
