Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-09-24T10:00:07-06:00 wehoautodetail 2022-03-21T09:00:01-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:59-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

You know which birthstone is yours, but do you know the story and meaning behind your birthstone and does it suit your personality? Find out here!



What Does Your Birthstone Mean?

You know which birthstone is yours, but do you know the story and meaning behind your birthstone and does it suit your personality? Find out here!

Keyword(s): Your birthstone



Jewelry has long been seen as a way to display status and affluence in society. It was also used as a tool in courtship as a man would present his intended with a sparkling trinket to woo her and to show his ability to provide. 

Today, there are jewelry options available to suit every budget, not just the culturally elite. Women are no longer waiting around for a potential suitor to shower them in gold and jewels. They are purchasing their own jewelry.

Your birthstone is a unique way to express your personality and establish your personal brand. Since the day you were born, you may have had a precious or semi-precious stone representing your month of birth. But did you know that your birthstone also has a specific meaning?

A Brief Birthstone History

Birthstones have been around for centuries, dating as far back as Biblical times. These semi-precious stones were worn into battle on a breastplate as they were thought to imbue the wearer with certain protective powers.

Much like the 12 zodiac signs and their correlation to specific behaviors and personality characteristics, each month is assigned between 1-3 birthstones.

These stones symbolize distinct temperaments and attitudes amongst their wearers. Some cultures believe that different stones can even determine the wearer's fate.

Some months contain more than one type of birthstone. The thought behind this may have been to suggest more cost-friendly semi-precious stones as alternatives to pricier or rarer precious gemstones.


January's birthstone is Garnet. If you were born in January, your birthstone denotes strong energy and willpower. Garnet birthstones evoke the wearer as being confident, spontaneous, and a go-getter.

Garnet's birthstone bearers are often feisty and love to take on challenges. 

Most people associate garnet with being a deep dark red color, but it can also contain shades of orange, pink, green, and even purple. Red garnet stones resemble pomegranate seeds. 


February's main birthstone is Amethyst. Due to its rich purple coloring, it was only worn by royalty because purple signified the wealth and power of the ruling class. If your birthstone is Amethyst, you may have a keen business sense.

You may also be optimistic and pure of mind. You are seen as a good listener and help to soothe others, like a therapist. 

Amethysts pertain to serenity and peace. Amethyst is thought to be able to prevent intoxication due to ties to Greek mythos and a connection to spirituality.


Aquamarine is March's prominent birthstone. A light blue stone representative of the sky and sea. 

If your birthstone is Aquamarine, you are likely to bring this sense of calming and tranquility to those around you. You have a talent for mediating and settling disputes. 

Aquamarine was seen as a sort of good luck charm that protected sailors from rough seas and calmed the oceans ensuring safe journeys.

Wearing Aquamarine provides protection and peace. It is also thought to treat anxiety.


Diamonds are a girl's best friend, but they are also April's birthstone. Diamonds come in an array of colors, aside from the standard colorless, including pink, brown, black, blue, green, yellow, red, blue, and even purple. 

Diamonds imply luxury so those born in April have a penchant for shopping and the finer things in life. If your birthstone is a Diamond, you are stubborn and driven. You are not afraid to go for what you want. 

You are steadfast and loyal to your friendships. You value character and integrity above all.


Emerald is May's birthstone. This dazzling green precious gemstone has a long history of the belief that it provides protection against illnesses, such as cholera, wards off evil spirits and demons, and keeps snakes away. 

If your birthstone is an Emerald, you are seen as romantic and compassionate. You also love helping people and are loyal to your friends. You believe that there is a perfect soulmate for you.

Green emeralds often symbolize prosperity and good fortune, as well as rebirth, growth, and success.


June has three birthstones associated with it. Pearl, Moonstone, and Alexandrite. Pearls link to intuition and those who are born in June are known for being introspective thinkers. 

If your birthstone is a Pearl or Moonstone, you are enthusiastic and outgoing. You are a warm-hearted and pure individual who will always help a friend in need.

Like the Pearl, Moonstones enhance intuition and promote balance. Alexandrite also signifies balance and intuition. 


July's birthstone is the Ruby. The Ruby is a sign of power, health, and wisdom. The Ruby was long thought to provide protection and ward off evil spirits.

If your birthstone is the Ruby you are a combination of assertiveness and compassion. You are ambitious and able to come up with creative solutions to problems. Those with a Ruby birthstone enjoy social gatherings. 


Peridot is known as August's birthstone. This olive-green stone indicates good fortune and good health and a balance with nature.

If your birthstone is Peridot, you are a charming and extroverted person who gains the trust of others easily. You also have a natural beauty that attracts others to you. You are kind and welcoming to friends and strangers alike. 


The Sapphire is September's birthstone. Known for its rich blue coloring, sapphires are also available in pink, white, yellow, and green. 

If your birthstone is the Sapphire, you are humble and down-to-earth. You are also faithful and trustworthy. You prefer to keep your emotions to yourself and weigh all of your options before taking a risk.


October's dual birthstones are Pink Tourmaline and Opal. Opals are alluring due to their unique color patterns and structures. No two opals are ever the same.

If your birthstone is the Tourmaline, you are likely to be adventurous and restless with a racing mind. You also have strong intuitions.

If your birthstone is an Opal, you are loyal, protective, and faithful to your loved ones. You inspire others and love to mentor and take part in community events. Opals embody purity, truth, and hope.


The Topaz is widely regarded as November's birthstone but Citrine is also considered a November birthstone as well. 

If your birthstone is the Topaz, you may be easy but also stubborn at times and not open up to others right away. You are a gifted writer or teacher due to your intelligence and wit. You are generous and fair with advice.

The Topaz is a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, friendship, and strength.

If your birthstone is the Citrine, you are an optimistic thinker. You value honesty and integrity, but you also have a good sense of humor. 


December also has many different types of birthstones to choose from. Turquoise and Tanzanite are the primary birthstones. 

Turquoise birthstones mean you are wise and honest to a fault. People may consider you to be an old soul. You exhibit wisdom beyond your years.

If your birthstone is a Tanzanite, you possess a great persistent personality which may come off as intimidating or intense. You are loyal and don't take any form of betrayal lightly. You also play by your own rules.

Blue Zircon and Blue Topaz are also December birthstones.

Find Your Birthstone Jewelry

Birthstones aren't just limited to the month of your birth. You can wear your birthstone or a combination of birthstones that suit your personal brand and style.

wehoautodetail has eye-catching and affordable birthstone jewelry in bracelets, necklaces, rings, and earrings. Check out our collections, and find the birthstone jewelry that makes you shine.

]]> 2020-11-09T10:00:00-07:00 2024-04-03T13:42:33-06:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Jewelry can add an additional dimension to your personal brand by accentuating your style with sharp pieces, chosen so you look and feel your best.



8 Tips for Accessorizing With Jewelry to Accentuate Your Personal Brand

Jewelry can add an additional dimension to your personal brand by accentuating your style with sharp pieces, chosen so you look and feel your best.

Keyword(s): personal brand

The right jewelry can finish off your outfit, pulling it together to look stylish and polished. But how do you find the right jewelry pieces that will accentuate your outfit? What pieces do you need to have a well-rounded collection?

Building a jewelry wardrobe is essential for creating a stylish look that fits your personal brand. The task doesn't have to be difficult; in fact, finding the right jewelry can be fun, especially when building your style and personal brand.

Use these eight tips to help you accessorize like the best style icons.

1. Keep Your Budget in Mind

Before setting out on your jewelry buying mission, it's a good idea to set a budget and stick to it. Keep the purchase value and how often you would wear the piece in mind. You won't want to spend a lot on jewelry you only wear once.

If you want to splurge, consider doing so on statement pieces or jewelry you would wear to formal events. A piece you're going to wear every day doesn't have to be expensive, but the price should reflect a quality that can stand up to lots of wear.

However, trendy pieces or costume jewelry shouldn't be the bulk of your budget. It's better to focus your money on pieces you can wear lifelong.

2. Know Your Metals

One of the best ways to get started with building your jewelry wardrobe is to know what metals and materials you prefer to wear. This can help you narrow down the styles you want to buy.

Traditionally, jewelry comes in the form of gold or sterling silver.

One rule is that if you have cool-tones skin, silver is the way to go, and if you have warm tones, stick with gold. However, rules are meant to be broken, so wear the metal color you personally prefer. Also, consider rose gold, platinum, copper, and more.

3. Size Matters

Size is an important aspect that's commonly overlooked. Not only does size matter when it comes to fitting into your personal style, but it matters concerning your body as well. So it's important to consider the dimensions of your jewelry before purchasing.

Oversized pieces can overwhelm a small frame and small features. Those who are tall or have a larger frame may find that delicate pieces feel lost or don't stand out in your outfit. You want your jewelry to complement your features as much as your outfit.

That doesn't mean you can wear large jewelry with a small frame or vice versa. It just means you should take care to keep the size of your jewelry pieces in mind.

4. Pick Your Pieces

When building your jewelry wardrobe, you should consider what pieces, in general, you'll actually wear. Before you go out buying every piece you fall in love with, first, consider if you'll wear those pieces.

Do you like earrings, or does the weight distract you? Would you wear bracelets every day, or would those pieces get in the way? Asking yourself questions about how much use you'll get out of your jewelry can help you pick the pieces to focus on.

It can also help you choose the style. If you like earrings but not something with weight, you know to focus on studs and lightweight earrings. Or if you're not a fan of dangling pieces, long pendant necklaces probably aren't your go-to.

5. Go for Minimalism

One of the best ways to build your jewelry wardrobe is by choosing simple, minimalistic jewelry. A timeless accessory style will allow you to wear your jewelry wardrobe for years to come. These pieces are usually minimal and classic, lasting multiple seasons.

Simple hoops and studs are always in trend. A small pendant necklace, bangled bracelets, and watches will never go out of style. Diamonds, pearls, gold, and silver are common materials that last season after season.

6. Make a Statement

You always need a few jewelry pieces that make a statement. Statement jewelry should build off the basics you already have in your collection. Your statement pieces can be anything from bold gemstones to intricate metalwork designs.

These pieces add a bunch to your outfit and can really show off your personality. Statement jewelry can be trendy and changed out to fit the fashion season. Rotating statement pieces keep your jewelry wardrobe feeling fresh and on-trend. 

7. Incorporate Color

It's always a great idea to have a few pieces that have more color in them to add some variety to your jewelry wardrobe. Do you wear more muted colors or bright colors? Consider the color scheme of your closet to inspire the colors reflected in your jewelry.

One great way to add color is with gemstones. Gemstones offer color and style for your jewelry wardrobe. You can choose classy jewelry gemstones like pearls and diamonds or something with more vivid colors like rubies and sapphires.

8. Familiarize Yourself With Trends 

It's always a good idea to keep yourself up to date with what's trending in the fashion world, and that goes for jewelry too. Keep your eyes on the runway of major designers to see what kind of pieces and styles are trending.

You don't have to love every trend or even to buy those exact pieces. But you can take inspiration from their designs and incorporate them into your wardrobe. Look for what materials, colors, and styles are popular on the runways and choose the ones you love.

Accessorize Your Personal Brand

A huge part of establishing your personal brand is through your style. Your clothes are important, of course, but what really finishes a look is the jewelry you wear. Picking the right pieces for your jewelry wardrobe and your outfits doesn't need to cause stress.

Applying these eight tips will help you learn how to accessorize like a pro. You'll have a jewelry wardrobe you can rely on to pull pieces from. And your outfits will look more stylish and polished, which will strengthen your personal brand.

Ready to start building your ideal jewelry wardrobe? Check out our timeless Italian pieces that will be the cornerstone of your accessories.

]]> 2019-04-01T21:47:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:31:51-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Though brands may often be associated with businesses, building a personal brand has become just as important. Here are 5 ways to start building a fashion brand.



Building a Personal Brand: 5 Ways You Can Build Your Fashion Brand

Though brands may often be associated with businesses, building a personal brand has become just as important. Here are 5 ways to start building a fashion brand.

Keyword(s): building a personal brand


“Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.”

- Margaret Thatcher

Your personal brand is who you're presenting to the world and the impression you give off. It's not about creating a false persona - It's an intentional way of telling people what you stand for without having to say it.

One way of 'not saying it' is to become intentional with your fashion choices. A well-curated look will boost your confidence and manage the impressions you give off.

Keep reading discover how to use your personal style for building a personal brand.

How to Start Building a Personal Brand

When people hear the word 'personal brand' it's thought of in the context of a profession. It's the impression you give off to others. It's being yourself on purpose.

You want to build your platform from who you already are. Otherwise, you could find yourself trying to fit a character. Consider influential public figures like Beyonce, Michelle Obama, or Ariana Huffington. What you know of them are their brands. When they don't seem rehearsed or unnatural its because their brand is an extension of who they are.

Start with 3-5 emotional words that describe who you are. Are you perky, professional, or adventurous? Use your favorite search engine to find images and colors that are associated with these words.

If you have trouble with this, write down the impression you'd like to give off. From there, look at people that embody these traits. Use the parts you like about them in your own style.

How to Use Your Style to Compliment Your Personal Brand

Before someone ever gets to know you, they're first going to take a look. This is a pretty botched quote from Jim Rohn but it holds true. It takes mere seconds to form a first opinion. These moments are crucial for holding the attention of potential clients or partners.

1. Be Authentic

One of the most important parts of building a personal brand is being authentic. Now more than ever consumers want to be able to trust the brands they do business with. More than 90% of customers want the brand they interact with to be transparent.

Lacking authenticity will drive people away from you.

A well-curated wardrobe should reflect this. You don't want to look like you wandered out of the house in someone else's clothes. Take the list you made before and acquire pieces that fit.

Starting out, you may have the urge to mimic others. This is fine if you remain mindful that you're working toward finding your personal style.

Are you a fashion minimalist at heart? Do you prefer a pair of sunglasses for every outfit? No matter the style, a few well-chosen pieces can help you express who you truly are.

2. Be Mindful of Fit

Ill-fitting clothing is a sure way to give off the wrong impression. Is your dress too tight? You'll make people wonder what exactly you're selling. Is it too loose? You're sure to look rushed and unprepared.

Even if your brand is 'sexy' or 'casual', you can still give the wrong impression. You want your outfits to compliment you. Your new shirt isn't getting the deal, you are. You are the show.

Clothing is made based on size averages. This is why a size 10 isn't a size 10 everywhere. Most clothing can be custom tailored to your figure.

When you are comfortable in the clothes you wear, you are more confident. A good fit will help secure in people's minds who you are and what you stand for.

3. Be Well Groomed

Your hair is as much a part of your look as your outfit. The same would go for makeup if you chose to wear it. If you are more minimalist in the beauty category, find 3-4 quick hairstyles that are easy to do but complementing to your features. For makeup, have a routine you can move through quickly but that offers great results. 

If your style is bold and in-your-face, make sure it fits your brand. A signature look can go a long way to how people see you.

4. Be Mindful of Colors

Colors have different meanings depending on the culture you hail from. For example, in the west white is the color of purity. In some Asian countries, white is the color of mourning.

Colors also look different on different people. This is because your personal skin tone is complemented by the colors you wear. Warm skin tones look best in warm tones like red, orange, and yellow.

Cooler skin tones tend to look better in cooler shades like blue, purple, and green. Neutral skin tones can wear either.

The right color palette will make your clothes sing on you. The wrong colors can make you look sallow or washed out.

This is also why some look best with gold jewelry while others look best in silver and platinum.

The way to tell your personal shade is to check out the veins on the inside of your elbow. If your veins are blue, you have a cool skin tone. If they are green, you are a warm color person. If you can't see them, chances are you are neutral.

5. Be Consistent

Equally crucial to authenticity is consistency. It is the best way to get your personal brand across. When you continue to show up for people, they begin to recognize you for the value you create. 

A "uniform" can help with this. A uniform is a go-to style for different occasions. Select pieces that are well made and neutral. This will form the foundation of your look. You can then layer different parts around it.

For example, your work outfit can be a grey or blue pantsuit with a colorful shirt. For casual outings, try a uniform of a neutral tank, shorts, and wedges. Having a uniform will take the stress out of dressing well. It will also allow you to highlight unique clothing items like leopard print shoes.

Things to Remember

Whether you're trying or not, you are building a personal brand. If you're always on time, and nice to be around, this is how people view you. The opposite is also true. Adding intention to this will solidify you in the mind of others.

Consistency with your brand helps to build the brand. People will learn to think of your style as charming, well-groomed, eclectic, or professional. Being comfortable in what you wear will make you more confident and help you to market yourself. 

A personal brand is your reputation. Without authenticity, years of work can vanish in a second.

To discover how to choose the right jewelry for your wardrobe, click here.


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