Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2018-10-24T22:46:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:32:48-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis More


Handy Tips for How to Clean Marcasite Jewelry

Keeping your jewelry clean is the best and most proper maintenance to keep it looking its best. Here are some tips on how to clean marcasite jewelry.

Keyword(s): how to clean marcasite


Marcasite jewelry is breathtaking, but it will start to tarnish or dim if you don't take care of it.

But cleaning marcasite is a delicate job. If you aren't careful, you can end up damaging your jewelry. So what's the right way to clean marcasite?

We'll walk you through the process of how to clean marcasite jewelry, along with tips for storage and maintenance.

So keep reading below.

How to Clean Marcasite Jewelry

If you use the wrong cleaners or tools to wash your marcasite jewelry, you could end up damaging your piece. Make sure you have enough time to scrub your jewelry, dry, it, and polish it in one sitting.

This will take some detail work to get into tight spaces, so don't rush through it.

Here's a six-step guide to cleaning your marcasite jewelry.

1. Prepare Your Workstation

Before you gather your marcasite jewelry pieces, spend a few minutes setting up your workstation. Having everything you need on hand will make the cleaning process faster and easier.

You should work on a flat surface that gets plenty of light. Make sure this surface is clean, otherwise you won't be doing your jewelry much of a favor. It's a good idea to spread a towel over the surface to catch any water drops or spills.

If your marcasite jewelry is set in silver, you might want to wear nitrile or latex gloves. This will prevent any fingerprints or smudges from stick to the jewelry's surface.

Get a soft cloth and a toothbrush. These will be your main cleaning tools.

2. Prepare Your Water

Don't use any chemicals, cleaners, or silver dips on your jewelry. Marcasite is fragile, and these could damage it. In some cases, they can deteriorate the glue that holds the setting in place, which can make the jewelry piece fall apart.

It's best to stick with lukewarm water.

You can use a light dish soap to clean your marcasite as well. But don't use anything stronger than that. If you choose to use soap, you can mix a small amount in with the water.

But you should try avoiding soap of any kind if you can.

3. Gently Scrub the Jewelry

Don't dunk or soak your marcasite jewelry in the water. While you can get away with this for simple marcasite pieces, you'll want to keep the jewelry out of the water if it has any emeralds or pearls.

Instead, dip your toothbrush in the water and use it to gently scrub the jewelry.

Remember, marcasite is delicate. Try to find a soft bristle toothbrush, such as a "baby's first toothbrush." You can also use a soft cloth if you don't have a clean toothbrush.

Be careful when you're scrubbing. You don't want to dislodge the stones.

4. Dry with a Soft Cloth

Dry the jewelry piece with your soft cloth, or a second if you used a cloth to scrub the marcasite.

You'll want to do this right away. Make sure you get any water trapped between the stones or inside the slots.

5. Polish with a Silver Cloth

Once the jewelry is dry, take a silver cloth and rub it over the marcasite. This will polish the surface, remove smudges, and make it shine.

Don't use a silver cloth if your marcasite isn't set in silver.

6. Let Dry Overnight

Even though you've already dried it, leave your marcasite jewelry out to finish drying overnight. This will take care of any remaining water you couldn't get off on your own.

How to Store Marcasite Jewelry

Once you're done cleaning your marcasite jewelry, you have to make sure you store it right. Leaving this type of jewelry in the wrong place can cause it to scratch or blemish.

And if that happens, cleaning won't make much of a difference.

Here are a few tips that'll help you store your marcasite jewelry and keep it in good condition.

Pick the Right Location

Keep your jewelry away from moisture or light. Too much of either of these things can cause the silver to tarnish. The location should also be clean. This will keep your marcasite free of dirt or grime the next time you want to put it on.

Don't Use Wood

You'll want to think twice before putting your marcasite in your wooden jewelry box. Wood contains acid that can cause the surface of your marcasite to scar.

Never leave this jewelry on any kind of bare wood.

You should also avoid putting it on paper or cardboard. Both of these materials are pulp products, so they can have a similar effect on your marcasite.

Don't Put All Your Jewelry Together

Storing all your marcasite jewelry together can result in scratched pieces. A good way to do this is with compartment dividers or small plastic containers.

If you can't store them in different locations, at least wrap each individual piece in cloth.

How to Care for Your Marcasite Jewelry

Knowing how to clean and store your marcasite jewelry is important knowledge to have. But your jewelry will last longer if you know how to take care of it during the day as well.

This tips will help you protect your marcasite jewelry on a day to day basis.

Remove Marcasite Jewelry When Washing Your Hands

If you submerge your marcasite underwater, it can dissolve the jeweler's cement that holds everything together.

It's easier to take your jewelry off before washing your hands instead of trying to repair it later.

Inspect Each Piece

You should inspect your marcasite jewelry ever so often to get a better idea of its condition. If you notice dirt building up along the edges of the marcasite, it's time to clean it.

Reattach the Stones with Epoxy Glue

If some of your marcasite stones do fall off, there is a way to reattach them.

Dab a bit of epoxy glue where the stone fell off. Before the glue dried, adjust the stone back into place. Allow the jewelry to dry overnight before wearing it again.

Taking Care of Your Marcasite Jewelry

Cleaning, storing, and maintaining your marcasite jewelry will make it look better and last longer. Taking care of this type of jewelry isn't hard, but because marcasite is delicate, it does take some time.

Knowing how to clean marcasite keeps it in great shape for a long time.

Did you know marcasite jewelry has healing powers? Don't believe us? Make sure you check out this post all about marcasite.

]]> 2018-07-23T16:51:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:33:27-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis More

Vintage Marcasite Jewelry: Marcasite Throughout the Ages
Did you know marcasite jewelry has an extensive history? Marcasite has been an amazing gem in all jewelry pieces. Here's marcasite throughout the ages.

Keyword(s): marcasite jewelry


Are you looking for jewelry that isn't as loud as diamonds or as expensive? Maybe you want something that's subtle, with a shine only if you pay attention.

Marcasite is the stone for you. It's more subtle than other stones, with an almost Halloween-like elegance. It pairs beautifully with shining sterling silver or adds contrast to brighter stones.

You've likely seen marcasite pieces too, many people think of it as "costume jewelry". If it's done cheaply or the gem is fake, it gives off too brassy of a glow.

Quality Marcasite Jewelry is family-heirloom quality. Learn about this semi-precious gem choice below.

What is Marcasite?

Marcasite is a semi-precious stone famous for its unique, stained glass-like shine. It's metallic, green-yellow, brassy, but holds shine like other reflective stones.

It's related to the gem pyrite, which is often called fools gold. Don't think that makes this stone less valuable, though. It's been a top choice for jewelers since the time of the Greeks.

Compared to fool's gold, Marcasite is paler and is sometimes called "white iron pyrite". It's rarer and used more often in jewelry than Pyrite is today.

In stats, Marcasite is orthorhombic (three axes at right angles), pyramid-like in shape and abundant in crystals. It grows in massive chunks, doesn't have a refractive index and its hardness is 6 or 6.5.

It's an opaque stone, that is iridescent in the right light. It forms at low temperatures, like caves and low-temperature veins in clays, shale, and coal.

It occurs in Europe, Mexico, and Peru most often, though the US has some Marcasite mining.

It has low cleavage, which means it's harder to work with, it doesn't break apart evenly.

The name Marcasite comes from the Arabic (Moorish) word for pyrite "marqash?t?".

Ancient History of Marcasite

What we know about the origins of Marcasite as jewelry comes from the Greeks. historians have found marcasite jewelry from ancient Greek culture.

Across the world, the Incas in South America used Marcasite as more general decoration. They'd cut marcasite into huge chunks, using it as room decoration after polishing.

In the Middle Ages, when people had plagues to worry about, Marcasite and Pyrite were medicines.

The stone is a low sulfide and medieval doctors thought applying it cured eye diseases. As Marcasite breaks down, they'd use it to treat toothaches and jam it in to fix cavities.

Not a good time to be in medicine!

Marcasite as a Metaphysical Element

If you're the kind of person who attributes energies and healing properties to gems, read on.

Marcasite is a meditative stone, said to aid in introspection. Use it to connect to the spiritual world with your higher chakras.

It's also said to inspire creativity in arts and creative form. It's a negative energy pusher, helping people forget grudges and unpleasant feelings.

In the modern world, naturopaths believe it helps fight brain fatigue. If you have marcasite and believe in metaphysical energy, wear a piece while studying for a test.

The Popularity of Marcasite Jewelry

The Georgian period saw the rise of Marcasite again after it died out in the middle ages. This is in the 1700's when cutting and molding intricate steel became possible.

Since Marcasite is cheaper and less rare than diamonds, people used it instead of more extravagant prices. The upper and richer classes used it as an accent to more precious stones.

The Victorian era was another time that Marcasite got a chance to shine. It's low cost and wide availability made it popular.

When you look at vintage-inspired Marcasite designs, most imitate this time period.

The 19th century (same era) saw Marcasite as a sadder stone. When Prince Albert died in 1861, Queen Victoria didn't see diamonds as appropriate in mourning.

Since she, the queen, couldn't go without jewelry, she chose Marcasite as a shiny but more mourning appropriate choice.

This is when Marcasite really took off, as many things do when Royalty popularize them.

Art Deco Marcasite

Structured and geometric forms populated the machine-driven industrial age. In matching form, people began the trend of Art Deco.

Art Deco is famous for its structure and recognizable shapes, unlike intricate pieces of old.

There's a light and dark theme in art deco, which makes darker Marcasite the perfect choice to contrast with brighter stones.

Choosing Vintage Marcasite

Even though Marcasite is only semi-precious and widely available, people make fakes. The look of this gem is achievable with small, polished and cut pieces of steel.

There are a few ways to make sure you get original, authentic Marcasite if buying vintage.

The first step is to look at the back. The stamp on the silver base set is a good hint. You're looking for a stamp that says "925".

Old Marcasite pieces have settings, like diamonds, while newer or cheaper pieces get glued in. You can check this out with a magnifying glass or jewelers loop.

Make sure there are settings (little metal arms) and not just glue holding the stones in place.

Maintaining Marcasite

Marcasite is soft, relative to the hardness of diamonds or silver. Over time, the exposure to oxygen will make it disintegrate.

Museums with historical pieces keep them in low temperatures, but won't be able to preserve them forever.

Eventually, Marcasite will get crumbly and fall out of its setting or break off.

You can get at least a hundred years of wear out of one piece, though, so don't let that scare you.

When you wear vintage Marcasite, make sure all the stones are in place when you put it on and when you take it off. If you notice something a little loose, take it to a jeweler.

Try not to get Marcasite pieces wet, especially in the chemical water like a hot tub or pool.

Since it's such a delicate stone, you need to be careful cleaning it.

Cleaning Marcasite

In our opinion, all jewelry should be professionally cleaned. We understand that it can get expensive and you don't always have time for that.

If expert cleaning isn't an option, you can do some gentle work yourself.

Take a damp, very soft cloth and rub over the Marcasite piece. Wipe it down and try not to snag anything.

Do not put it in any heavy duty cleaners or machines, as it will shorten the gem's life.

The most work you'll need to do is to clean the silver settings around your marcasite, other than occasional buffing.

Marcasite in Jewelry Design

Most of the Marcasite pieces we see have another stone in them unless it's a small bracelet or brooch. This is because the small size and affordability of the gem lend itself to a pave-like pattern.

Jewelers can fill in shapes and spaces with marcasite stones to add extra shine without adding huge cost.

These gems are commonly set in sterling silver, polished steel, or gold. Gold and Marcasite pieces are rare-er, and the two soft metals make these pieces especially delicate.

Wearing Marcasite Jewelry

If you'd like to wear this semi-precious stone, pair it with deep or dark colors. Ocean blues and emerald greens will bring out the color undertones.

Need some suggestions or examples of marcasite jewelry? We're showing you our favorite personal pieces below.

Favorite and Available Marcasite Pieces

At wehoautodetail Jewelry, we do our best to design pieces that let stones shine. We're not about forcing a semi-lustrous stone to do overtime.

The following are descriptions of available, hand-designed marcasite pieces.


We have two marcasite pieces that are our top sellers for neck adornment.

The first one is a vintage-inspired pendant in sterling silver with onyx detail. The black of the onyx really brings out the depth in the Marcasite stones.

This intricate pendant is diamond shaped, with an oval onyx in the middle. Around the black stone is another oval, traced in sterling silver, with a ring of Marcasite between the inside and outside edges.

Coming from the oval center, this piece blooms out, almost flower-like. There are four large points, each with three marcasite features. In between the four points is intricate sterling silver designs sandwiching another stone.

This elegant pendant is best paired with a simple neckline and stud earrings. It will be the subtle yet appreciated star of the show.

Sterling Silver & Marcasite with Amethyst Statement Necklace

Inspired by the Marcasite time of Royals, this collarbone hugging piece will make you feel like a queen. This 17-inch necklace with a locking latch clasp will make your friends ooh and ahh.

Its gorgeous and intricate sterling silver shapes resemble small ivy-like leaves. With a small to large leaf pattern from neck to center, the balance of delicate to shine is appropriate for any venue.

The purple amethysts peek in and out of the ivy leaves, contrasting with darker Marcasite.

With its intricate design, small gaps in the ivy leaves show the skin, keeping a look of negative space.

Matching earrings are available, to round out this royal look.

If this necklace is a little too much for you, try our Sterling and Marcasite 17" Necklace with Pear Amethyst. You get the color combinations of the necklace above but a more simple shape on your neck.


We love some good arm candy, in the jewelry sense of the term. Check out a few of our options for your wrist below.

Sterling & Marcasite Bracelet with Mother of Pearl Flowerlets

Remember how we talked about Art Deco designs with their aspects of dark and light? This tennis-style bracelet balances that perfectly.

The mother of pearl's pearly white luminescence brings out the color depth of marcasite stones. In mini flower-lets, this bracelet's stone shaping looks almost like glammed out ladybugs.

It doesn't look like you have bugs on your wrist, though. This bracelet is intricate yet elegance. It even has the touch of gems on the vintage style clasp.

A simple pearl necklace or pearl studs will round this look out and bring people flocking to you.

Sterling & Marcasite Stacked Links Bracelets

If you like more abstract style jewelry or Celtic-inspired intricacy, check out this geometric pick.

It's stacked chain of diamond-shaped sterling silver links, inset with marcasite, are almost chevron-like.

More gender-neutral than the other bracelets on this list, the elegant man could get away with this chunky design yet delicate presentation.


Who doesn't love a little dangle? Marcasite earrings will add some shine to your look without blinding passers-by. If you like florals, but not in the classic all-pink girly way, check out the next pick.

Sterling & Marcasite Rose Earrings

There's something rock-chic while boho glam about these dark rose shaped earrings. The delicate rose shape contrasts with dark silver and marcasite.

It's almost like instead of painting her roses red, the Queen of Hearts painted everything a deep, shimmery silver. These earrings are statement pieces without being dangly if you don't like ear weight.

Round it out with a matching rose pendant and you're good to go!

Buying Marcasite Jewelry

The most important thing when you buy Marcasite jewelry or bling of any type is to trust your jeweler. There are companies that will take advantage of fake stones, though we're not one of them.

Make sure you don't get gypped with a fake and do your research like you just did by reading this article.

Adding Marcasite to your jewelry box is an edgy yet elegant way to bring in darker colors. Channel royalty of old and Greek wisdom when you wear these beautiful contrasting pieces.

There are more choices on our site than we could list here, along with plenty of other stone types. Check out our selection!

]]> 2018-06-15T15:08:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:34:03-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis You may already know that marcasite can make some very stunning and unique jewelry pieces. Did you also know that it has meaning, history, and is even known for its healing powers? Learn more about the wonders of Marcasite here!



Stunning and Unusual Marcasite Jewelry: Meaning, History, and Healing

You may already know that marcasite can make some very stunning and unique jewelry pieces. Did you also know that it has meaning, history, and is even known for its healing powers? Learn more about the wonders of Marcasite here!

Keyword(s): PKW: marcasite SKW: what is marcasite, marcasite meaning, marcasite mineral, marcasite jewelry history, marcasite stone

You've probably seen it on your friends, on celebrities and in the jewelry store: marcasite.

Easily recognizable because of its brilliant shine, marcasite is a popular choice for anyone wishing to add a bit of pizazz to their look.

But do you know what it is or where it originated?

Don't worry; most people don't.

However, the history and powers behind the mineral make it all the more attractive--and all the more mystical.

Care for a history lesson? We guarantee it will make you appreciate that piece of marcasite jewelry you've been curious about all the more.

What Is Marcasite?

A common (and completely understandable) confusion surrounds marcasite's use in jewelry.

The pieces we refer to as marcasite are actually not made from the marcasite mineral. Can you guess what they are really made of?

Fool's gold.

Also known as iron pyrite, fool's gold boasts just as spectacular of a sheen as the real marcasite. Because many would confuse the two, eventually it led to the jewelry's common name of marcasite today. The name simply stuck.

While its chemical makeup is literally identical to fool's gold, actual marcasite crystallizes differently, putting it in a completely different mineral species.

While beautiful, it is not used for jewelry because it crumbles into a fine dust when handled, making it unsuitable for any sort of manipulation.

On the other hand, fool's gold is much more durable, making it the prime candidate of the only two yellow metallic minerals that are hard enough to be used for jewelry.

So when we say "marcasite" throughout this article, know we are secretly whispering "iron pyrite" under our breaths.

How Is It Made?

The mineral pyrite forms under a wide variety of environmental conditions. It is extremely common in hydrothermal veins, but it can also be produced by magma or stalactite growth.

In fact, in the oceans, iron pyrite is dispelled from hydrothermal vents as small, microscopic particles. These widespread particles act like a vitamin for life, giving the sea creatures the iron they need.

So you'll find this mineral here and there and a bit of everywhere if you know what to look for.

Healing Powers

But iron pyrite's effectiveness is not limited to sea critters' well-being.

The Healing Power of Gold

Gold has long been associated with healing powers and deities. In fact, the Inca civilization believed gold was sweat descended to Earth from the Sun God. Gold has also been used in the medical realm for dental work or a defense against "magic potions."

Fool's gold, however, seems to lend its healing powers to the internal mind and spirit.

Fool's Gold

According to Doreen Virtue and Judith Lukomski's Crystal Therapy, "This mineral assists you in creating material abundance, and meditation with pyrite increases your ability to balance energies by providing a stabilizing force."

Fool's gold also strengthens your resolve, boosts confidence and helps manifest positive things in your life.

The Science

Lest you think it's all nonsense made for fools (heh, see what we did there?), science also points to the fact that it regulates oxygen. In fact, it's responsible for almost 80% of the sulfur removed from the ocean.

Why does that matter? Because that sulfur turns into the oxygen we breathe.

So while scientists may have once thought pyrite played a minimal role in oxygen formation, they have recently discovered quite the opposite.

As for the supposed healing powers of gold, well. Let's just say scientists are a tad more skeptical.

A Key to the Fey Realm

One last fun fact: fool's gold is said to be coveted by faeries.

As a result, you will sometimes hear iron pyrite be referred to as "fairy's gold."

Fairy's gold. Iron pyrite. Marcasite.

It all gets rather confusing, we know. Perhaps the real reason behind the many names lies with the tricky Fey creatures themselves.


Iron pyrite's first use can arguably be one of humankind's greatest discoveries: fire.

Early Years

The mineral's name derives from a Greek phrase meaning "stone which strikes fire."

To the early generations, this stone was invaluable because of this characteristic, especially to the Eskimos and Fuegians. However, other findings indicate early uses may have also been for mirrors and dye.

What else do you think it was used for?

You guessed it. You didn't think ancient people would pass up such beauty on jewelry, did you?

Civilizations in China, Greece, Egypt and South America used fool's gold for necklaces, rings and the like. It was even rumored to have been worn by Cleopatra.

The Incan civilization especially is noted as being the first recorded people to have used fool's gold for jewelry, with archaeological findings dating its use between 1100 to 1500. It has especially been discovered in burial sites.

The 1700s

After the early civilizations, the mineral's use in jewelry becomes somewhat hazy. That is, until the 1700s.

In early Europe, marcasite jewelry once again made a comeback, ironically through a distinction of the classes.

When the Sumptuary Laws were put into effect, the idea was to enforce clear differences between higher and lower classes. Women of lower classes were forbidden to wear or purchase diamonds and other such rarities.

The result was a great demand for marcasite, which was just as beautiful and much less expensive.

The Victorian Era

Starting from the late 1830s to the early 1900s, Britain was under the rule of Queen Victoria. Her reign also ignited interest in iron pyrite jewelry, although by this time it was widely used.

After the death of her husband, Prince Albert, in 1861, Queen Victoria mourned his death until she passed away in 1901. (The regular mourning period for a husband was two years, by the way. Talk about devotion!)

She requested her entire court to wear black, and she herself dressed as a widow. Etiquette during times of grief was strict, and to adhere to it the Queen began wearing marcasite jewelry.

During her reign, mourning etiquette was all the rage (many would fashion jewelry out of the deceased one's hair), and following her new choice in jewelry marcasite once again became a fashionable attire choice.

The Art Deco Movement

Prohibition raged. There were flappers and cocktail parties.

While Victorian thoughts persisted, society found itself largely pushing against them in the 1920s and 1930s.

In swept the Art Deco Movement, which paraded through Europe and America and modernized fashion, including jewelry. Using the new-age machines of the era, it blended vivid color combinations to provide stark contrast.

As the fashion centered on new times, natural elements were often used in combination with man-made ones. One common design included crystals and diamonds to contrast with the "bold whiteness of platinum." In fact, diamonds were especially common.

Because geometry and hardness were also important in this movement, the faces found on iron pyrite, its sparkling texture and its low cost made marcasite a valuable commodity and cost-efficient alternative for those who couldn't afford diamonds.


Shortly after the Art Deco Movement, World War II erupted and pyrite became valuable for a much different reason.

With the fervor of wartime came an increased demand for sulfur, which was integral in the success of the Industrial Revolution. Sulfuric acid became the staple chemical for production, and it was (and is) necessary for almost all produced goods.

In fact, it is so significant to industrial production that it has been called the "workhorse chemical of the industrial world."

During the War, however, sulfur was in short supply. As a result, the government turned to other means from which sulfur could be extracted.

As you may guess, iron pyrite once again jumped to the center stage.


Today, marcasite jewelry has become a common and accessible commodity. Because of its old-world charm and relatively inexpensive price, it's a common choice in jewelry.

Generally, a marcasite stone is set in sterling silver to better show off its shine and can be worn in virtually any environment.

It's so popular that it rivals diamonds. And, really, why shouldn't it? You get almost the same beauty for a fraction of the price.


Irony pyrite pieces usually do not hold particular value unless they are ancient relics. However, don't be so quick to move on.

Geologists sometimes use it as a marker, as the presence of fool's gold can indicate priceless gems are nearby.

While we don't expect you to undertake mining anytime soon, it's an interesting fact that does make it valuable to geologists and miners.

Further, just because a marcasite ring or necklace won't sell for hundreds of dollars doesn't mean it's virtually worthless. A 1918 brooch would net about $120.

Sure, it's not hitting the jackpot, but when you consider other minerals, metals or stones commonly used in jewelry, it's not awful.


Jewelry made with fool's gold is extremely easy to maintain.

Avoid getting the piece wet, as it can loosen the stones and encourage them to fall out of their settings. Even when the piece is being cleaned, it should not be splashed or submerged in water.

Do not use steamers, chemicals or ultrasonic chemicals to clean the jewelry. This may damage it.

Instead, take a soft cloth and gently wipe the piece. The cloth can be dry or damp, but it should remove any tarnish on the outside of the stone.

If a damp cloth is used, be sure to let the jewelry dry completely before use.

Also, avoid excessive sweating while wearing the jewelry. If you plan to partake in any sports or exert yourself, take it off until you have finished.

That's all there is to it! It's that easy to clean.

As an added bonus, the more you wear a piece of jewelry made with iron pyrite, the less likely it is to tarnish.

How to Check for Authenticity

Marcasite jewelry can be easily confused with other stamped steel or stamped sterling. However, if you know what to watch for you'll be able to spot a vintage piece wherever you travel:

  • The stones should have facets. They should not face the same direction.
  • The stones should be set or glued to the base. If there is a rivet on the back, it is not authentic.
  • Most are six-sided.
  • Glitter check! Yes, it will glitter almost as wonderfully as a diamond.
  • Usually, it will be set in sterling silver.
  • It is not magnetic, so if you hold up a magnet and it zooms towards it, you know you've got a false item on your hands.

If you are checking for age, take a very close look at the setting. Old pieces were set stone by stone; the maker would literally curl the base metal over each one.

Yes, it had to have taken eons.

And, yes, you'll probably need a magnifying glass.

Further, it's normal to have a few missing stones in older pieces. Don't immediately toss it to the side just because a few have been lost to the ages. If anything, that lends weight to the testament of its age.


As we're sure you've gathered, this jewelry type is a fantastic choice for a variety of reasons.

  • The simplicity and elegance of marcasite will let you wear it to any occasion. Formal attire? Check. Casual day at the beach? Check.
  • This jewelry is super easy to take care of. No nonsense chemicals and complicated instructions; just a gentle wipe and lots of wear.
  • The mineral itself is easily manipulated, meaning if you need to get it fitted or resized it's usually a cinch to do so.
  • Fool's gold is very accessible. It's easy to find.
  • Further, it's inexpensive. You can get a stunning pair of angle post earrings for €39.99.
  • Finally, fool's gold is breathtaking. It offers plenty of room for creativity in jewelry, and its eye-catching glimmer is beautiful to behold. That gives you plenty of wiggle room to stand out from the crowd with something that didn't break your bank account.

Where to Purchase

We guarantee you won't find the quality, craftsmanship or service we offer anywhere else! Browse our selection of marcasite jewelry today and take your pick.

The Rose Pendant is one of our personal favorites, but you're sure to find something that just screams "you."

It's your turn to sparkle.

]]> 2018-04-09T01:00:02-06:00 2024-01-17T20:34:57-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis If you're looking for a gem that never goes out of style, a marcasite ring is always a great pick! Here's why this is a timeless gem.



Why a Marcasite Ring is Always a Great Choice

If you're looking for a gem that never goes out of style, a marcasite ring is always a great pick! Here's why this is a timeless gem.

Keyword(s): marcasite ring


Traditionally, there have been two ways to go jewelry shopping: walk into a jewelry store and get exactly what you know you already want, or spend hours browsing through different options until you find the perfect fit. There was no in-between.

Not to mention there being all kinds of jewelry option to choose from! You don't even have to go to a professional jeweler's store anymore since most of today's jewelry trends are discovered via social media or fashion influencers with easy to use online purchase options.

Regardless of how you shop, though, you're still going to come across beautiful pieces of gold, silver, precious gems, marcasite, and more.

If you've never heard of marcasite, it's time that you do.

This beautiful stone looks lovely as a pair of marcasite earrings, a necklace, or a marcasite ring. The following is a closer look at why every lady should have a piece of marcasite jewelry in her collection.

What Is Marcasite Jewelry?

Marcasite is a rare form of white iron pyrite. This iron sulfide is accessible all around the world and has been used since the time of the ancient Greeks for fashionable purposes. The popularity of this stone spread over thousands of years, then really took off in the Victorian age.

Ladies used to wear an extensive amount of marcasite at once - from their earrings to their necklace, bracelets, and rings. It's a well-known material among jewelers today, who continue to make marcasite ring collections, earring and necklace pairs, and bracelets.

Depending on the quality of marcasite used, designs can range from high fashion pieces to costume jewelry. Still, proper care of any marcasite item you buy helps it to last throughout the years as a timeless part of your jewelry collection.

The Benefits of Buying Marcasite

Why should you try marcasite as opposed to the diamonds or other gemstones you might normally buy?

For starters, this stone is easy to manipulate. It allows jewelers to create lovely designs with ease - like intricate shapes and delicate lines that many marcasite ring collections display.

Also, it's a fairly simple stone to keep up with. There's not much maintenance that goes into owning marcasite, so long as you maintain common jewelry best practices. Don't swim or shower with your marcasite ring on, and careful of sweating too much with it, although it's not the best idea to wear jewelry while doing sports anyway.

Other benefits of marcasite include the way marcasite naturally shines when it catches the light and the ease of access to marcasite. You don't have to look very hard to find this beautiful stone.

Once you do come across a marcasite ring or pair of earrings you like, though, you have to know how to style it!

Different Ways to Style a Marcasite Ring

Like any piece of jewelry, the true beauty of a marcasite ring depends on how you wear it. It's one thing for an item to look absolutely stunning while on display, and another for it to look just right with whatever you're wearing.

Here are some styling tips to follow for all kinds of occasions.

As a Casual Detail

If your go-to look is the classic jeans and a t-shirt style, or you're just throwing on a simple dress for a daytime outing, slide on a marcasite ring or two. This is a small touch that makes a big difference.

There's a certain timeless, effortless feel with casual fashion. You can never go wrong with your favorite pair of jeans, or that top of yours that always fits well. But, if you already know these items look great, why not make them look even better?

That's what marcasite jewelry can do.

It doesn't matter if you're sporting a simple design or something more delicate - like a rose or ribbon style sleeve. Either way, this simple touch is sure to make your whole outfit stand out. Try a marcasite finger sleeve ring (like the one pictured above).

As an Elegant Statement Piece

Speaking of standing out, don't leave your marcasite ring at home if you really want to make an appearance.

The next time you have a special event to attend, wear your new piece of marcasite. Everyone will be lushing over this accessory and asking you all about where you found it.

Whether you're the type to give away all your style secrets or not, this is still a great compliment to receive. Marcasite jewelry shows you know a thing or two about beautiful fashion, and how to dress for any occasion.

Anywhere and Everywhere

From dropping the kids off and heading to work to going out on date night, there's never a bad time to wear your marcasite jewelry. This beautiful stone goes with all kinds of colors and patterns that you love to sport on your clothing, shoes, and handbags.

You can dress it up or down, depending on how much of a statement you want to make that day. Don't forget it when you travel, and make it a point to combine marcasite with a few other types of jewelry, just to see what you can come up with.

There are many variations of styles and finishes available in this stone. You can't go wrong with a classic, but all you have to do is find the right look that suits your style, and start finding different ways to wear your ring!

Expand Your Jewelry Collection with wehoautodetail

Can't wait to get your hands on a new marcasite ring? Interested in getting a full collection of marcasite earrings, a necklace, and a ring to match?

You've come to the right place. Not only do we have a beautiful selection of these rings available, but plenty of other jewelry items to make these pieces pop.

You may even find something you love that isn't even marcasite at all, but just a stunning design you have to have. Either way, you can't go wrong when shopping with us.

To browse our current selection of all kinds of rings, click here.

]]> 2018-02-09T06:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:35:51-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Crystal jewelry never goes out of fashion. Find out more about these interesting baubles, where they come from and how you can get your hands on some.



Everything You Want to Know About Crystal Jewelry

Crystal jewelry never goes out of fashion. Find out more about these interesting baubles, where they come from and how you can get your hands on some.

Keyword(s): crystal jewelry


If you love gemstones as much as we do, you'd probably find it interesting that the oldest gem ever found is 4.4 billion years old!

With gems having been around since the dawn of man, it's no surprise that we are drawn to the beauty of these tiny little things. 

So with that in mind, we thought it would be fun to talk about some of the details you may not know about these beautiful "rocks" we all love so much. 

Let's dive on in.

Is There a History Behind Our Love of Crystal Jewelry?

In short, yes.

Interestingly, the word 'crystal' comes from the Greek 'Krystallos.'

It refers to a mythical ice palace where the Olympian gods resided. Not even the sun could melt this wonderous creation. This is probably why we associate crystals with being so precious - fun fact!

Plus, for as long as humans have lived we've sought to wear and use crystal jewelry.

For example, architects found beads carved out of mammoth's ivory. There were over 60,000 years old in graves located in Sungir, Russia.

Clearly, our love of crystal jewelry spans across the globe as well as the millenniums.

Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Your Favorite Crystals

Virtually all crystals and gemstones have interesting backstories. This isn't surprising when you consider how old most of them are!

Check out the below examples, and you'll get the gist of what we mean:


Did you know Swarovski crystals aren't natural gems? Instead, they're carefully crafted by humans in Austria.

In the late 1800's Daniel Swarovski created the first Swarovski diamond (lead glass crystal).
He invented the machine that creates these sparkly, precision-cut, premium-quality lead glass crystals and the Swarovski Crystal company has been producing them as the industry standard ever since.

The composition of these gems is as follows: sand, quartz, and other minerals. Yet, no one knows what these exact proportions are. This has remained a company secret for centuries!

Over the last five generations, the Swarovski family continues to craft these crystals. (With the help of their factories and employees).


For those of you who don't know, here are a few fun facts about Garnet.

  • Garnet is the birthstone for babies born in January.
  • It's also the stone used to represent the 2nd year anniversary of a married couple.
  • The word 'garnet' stems from the Latin word 'Garanatus.' This means 'seedlike' in reference to pomegranate seeds!

Just like many of the other gems listed in this article, the garnet's been around for centuries. Its uses date back as far as 3000 B.C!

Architects found beads made of garnet in the tomb of a young man. Not only is this a fascinating find (historically) but it also proves the durability of this precious stone.


Marcasite has been used for centuries, and dates as far back as the ancient Incas!
Historians state they've found items of marcasite in several Incan tombs, including jewelry.

Apparently, the Incas created reflective plate-shaped surfaces out of this gem. They used these pieces as part of a worship ritual to the Sun Gods.

Additionally, Native American shamen also used marcasite. They believed the gem to possess healing powers. They utilized this crystal to dig deeper into the patient's soul.


Hindu mythology states that moonstone's crafted from solidified moonbeams.
In addition to Hinduism, many other cultures associate this gemstone with moonlight.

Let's face it; it's plain to see why.

The internal structure of this stone shatters any light that hits it. This creates a phenomenon called 'adularescence.'

Consequently, an interesting visual effect occurs. This mimics the texture of a shining moon through scattered clouds- how awesome is that?!

Mystic Quartz

This is one of the more modern gemstones; it first appeared in the late 90's.
However, we're quick to point out that this gem is technically coated white quartz.

Therefore, it's not an official gem type. Rather, this stone is an enhanced clear quartz.

This quartz has attracted its jazzy name because of its changing colors. These look both mystical and unusual.

Typically, mystic quartz displays rainbow-themed aesthetics. However, greens, blues, and purples tend to be the most prominent.


Here are a few little trivia points about the fabulous gemstone called Amethyst.

  • It's the birthstone for babies born during February.
  • This gemstone marks the celebration of a sixth year wedding anniversary.
  • This stone has royal overtones. It's part of royal jewelry collections that span both the globe and through time.

By this we mean, the amethyst features in royal jewelry as early as ancient Egypt!

It's clearly still popular because it also forms part the British crown jewels!

In addition to this, the Amethyst holds plenty of religious significance. For example, this stone is typically worn by bishops. This is because the purple symbolizes Jesus.

How to Care for Raw Stone Jewelry

It's no surprise that raw stones need cleaning. However, if you store your jewelry away correctly, it'll reduce the amount of dust that'll build upon your precious gems.

Despite this, you'll eventually need to give your crystals a proper clean. Needless to say the rougher the surface, the more difficult it'll be to wash.

This is our advice to you if you're thinking about cleaning your jewelry:

  • First, place your precious gems under a weak stream of compressed air.
  • Then, if your crystal isn't water-soluble or porous, allow your jewelry to soak in warm water. You should add a dash of mild detergent.
  • Then, you can use a soft brush to remove any remaining dirt.

Then voila, your sparkling crystal jewelry should be shinier and brighter than ever!

Did You Enjoy This Blog Post on Crystal Jewelry?

If you enjoyed this blog post on crystal jewelry, then we're sure you'll love our other articles on our blog.

Over there we cover everything from traveling jewelry, to jewelry pieces that'll never go out of style. Enjoy!

]]> 2017-11-06T07:36:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:37:36-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Do you enjoy wearing unique and stunning pieces? Marcasite jewelry is a great choice for both vintage and dramatic appeal. Read on to learn more.



How to Make a Statement with Marcasite Jewelry

Do you enjoy wearing unique and stunning pieces? Marcasite jewelry is a great choice for both vintage and dramatic appeal. Read on to learn more.

Keyword(s): marcasite jewelry

The Victorians favored marcasite as a jewelry material. Queen Victoria's court chose marcasite as their jewelry of choice during the Queen's period of mourning.

Despite the name, marcasite jewelry is made of pyrite (fool's gold), not marcasite. Pyrite is stronger and less brittle.

Its dark shimmering surface provided the perfect touch for grief-stricken widows. It also worked well with the later swirls of Art Nouveau designs.

Nowadays, marcasite jewelry adds a touch of vintage glamor to any outfit. Or dress it up for a more dramatic impact.

Intrigued by marcasite? Read on to discover how to wear marcasite to make a statement.

Remember the Old Maxim: Less Is More

Marcasite jewelry comes in a range of styles, sizes, and designs. As beautiful as it is, wearing all of them at once overwhelms the impact.

If you're looking to make a statement, then minimize the number of pieces you wear.

Don't clutter your look with lots of bold pieces side-by-side. Statement earrings and bracelets are fine.

But avoid a statement necklace alongside earrings. You'll confuse your look and lose the impact of your chosen pieces.

Let the beauty of the piece make a statement, not the number you wear.

Still want to wear more than one piece? Color coordinate the pieces. Use the same metal to keep a consistent feel to your look.

A marcasite necklace looks stunning with a marcasite ring or bracelet.

Coordinate Marcasite Jewelry With Your Outfit

A similar principle applies if you coordinate your jewelry with your outfit. Show off your statement jewelry against simple fabrics and clean lines. Block colors or elegant tailoring won't draw the attention from your jewelry.

Here are some more ideas for statement necklaces.

  • Pair a chambray shirt with your marcasite necklace and red lipstick.
  • Layer a marcasite pendant over a little black dress for instant glamor.
  • Wear a statement necklace over a plain T-shirt with casual boyfriend jeans.
  • Combine a stunning marcasite necklace with a leather jacket for a Goth vibe.
  • Take advantage of the dark nature of marcasite by wearing it with white.
  • Pop a necklace under the collar of a button-down shirt. Stick to a dark or plain color to show off your jewelry.
  • Add a statement necklace to a maxi dress to achieve maximum boho chic. This is a perfect way to transition a daytime look to evening glamor on vacation.

Coordinating your jewelry with your outfit lets you show off your personality. And your style!

Choose the Right Neckline For Your Necklace

There's nothing worse than seeing a necklace fighting with a neckline. You don't want your jewelry hidden by fabric.

The low-cut shape of scoop necks or v-necks make obvious choices. They won't clash with a marcasite necklace.

Don't forget strapless dresses or tops. Wearing a statement necklace against one of these necklines draws attention away from your clothes and onto the jewelry.

You're not restricted to just wearing these necklaces in summer. Want to wear a turtle-neck in fall or winter?

Pick a sweater that fits your form. If it's one color, a necklace can stand out against its background.

Don't think you only have to wear black with marcasite. Deep purple, navy blue or even dark green all make a magnificent backdrop. These darker colors really make the Victorian aesthetic pop.

If you're a spiritual person, you'll be interested to know that pyrite links with the third chakra. Wearing a marcasite jewelry over the solar plexus helps rebalance your need to please others.

Statement Rings Need Statement Hands

Marcasite jewelry lends an air of elegance to your outfit. But oversized rings throw focus onto your hands.

Treat yourself to a manicure. You don't want to ruin a beautiful ring with ragged nails and chipped polish.

Choose muted nail colors to complement your ring. Nail art or multi-colored polish undermines the overall look.

Pick one beautiful ring instead of several to enjoy the benefits of statement jewelry.

Want to wear more than one ring? Wear your statement ring on one hand. Choose simple bands or midi rings for the other hand.

Make sure the other bands are in the same color range as your marcasite ring. Sterling silver is an excellent choice for a complementary material.

Mix and Match Bracelets For Maximum Impact

Marcasite lends itself well to statement bracelets. We've got three ways for you to wear them to make an impact.

  1. Pop your marcasite bracelet onto bare wrists.
  2. Wear a close-fitting long sleeved top and add your bracelet over the top.
  3. Add one or two thin bangles (preferably silver) or delicate chain bracelets to your marcasite piece.

Any of these options will draw attention to your jewelry. Just don't try to wear too many at once and dilute the effect.

Adding extra thin bracelets can work well if you match colors. This sterling and marcasite bracelet with amethyst accents would look amazing with other amethyst jewelry.

Show Off Statement Earrings

We've already suggested you avoid pairing statement necklaces with similar earrings. But what other tips do you need for these stunning earrings?

They work best with short hair or hair styled away from the face. You don't want to hide chandelier earrings behind a curtain of curls.

Putting in a severe side parting and pulling back your hair gives you that instant 'governess' vibe. Or wear your hair on one side to show off your earrings on that side for a cool look.

Or why not pull your hair up into a bun? All of the focus will fall on your earrings.

Match your earrings with a simple chain necklace. Or choose a high neckline in a plain fabric to draw attention to your jewelry.

Marcasite jewelry works well if you pair a statement ring with matching earrings.

There's a Design for Everyone

Marcasite jewelry adds a touch of sparkle and intrigue to your look. From Goth to boho, elegant to vintage, you'll find a piece that suits your style.

Want to find your first statement piece using this beautiful material? Take a look at our marcasite collection and fall in love!

]]> 2017-08-07T13:07:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:38:21-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Marcasite has a rich history as a luxury gem. Learn more about this timeless wardrobe staple and how it fits in your jewelry collection.


Marcasite Jewelry: A History of the Modern Classic
Marcasite has a rich history as a luxury gem. Learn more about this timeless wardrobe staple.

Keyword(s): marcasite

For centuries, marcasite jewelry has been a symbol of regal high fashion for all social classes. 

Marcasite jewelry as we know it today is actually made from a closely related cousin, iron pyrite - commonly known as fool's gold. Pyrite looks very similar to Marcasite. However, it is much sturdier and it's also easier to make into jewelry pieces. 

Pure marcasite is actually very fragile. It can quickly turn to dust if not handled carefully. 

Although they were originally conceived as a less expensive alternative to diamonds, marcasite (pyrite) jewelry pieces have since taken on their own character and purpose. They've withstood many changes in fashion trends to gain the reliable reputation they have today. 

In Ancient Times

The earliest known use of pyrite as jewelry was during Incan rule in South America from about 1100-1500. Pyrite jewelry has been found in burial sites across Peru. 

The Incas may have also used large surfaces made of marcasite for various rituals and customs. 

Pyrite was also believed to be a favorite of the ancient Greeks.

In fact, the name of the mineral, "pyrite", comes from the Greek language. The "Pyr-" prefix indicates a relationship to fire. This is because ancient people would actually use the mineral to start fires. 

These fires would become the sustaining force for many ancient communities. This is why pyrite was so important in early antiquity. 

There is even evidence that indigenous cultures in North America used pyrite to cure sickness and promote health. They believed that pyrite could help purify the air one was breathing. This resulted in a variety of health benefits.

Pyrite also reportedly helps stabilize your mood and promote positive thinking. Some say it can even improve focus and clear your mind. This makes marcasite charms a popular choice for students and professionals all over the world. 

Although there is varied scientific evidence on these claims, it is widely believed that wearing pyrite jewelry is good for your physical and mental health. 

Later Years

Pyrite jewelry gained popularity due to the laws surrounding diamond distribution.

Diamonds were used as an instrument of separation by European nobility. If you were wearing diamonds, you were seen as a high-class person. Diamonds and other similar jewelry were not readily available to the common folk. 

Even if they could afford diamonds, commoners were sometimes restricted by law to live their lives without these precious gems in their jewelry. 

This is when the production of pyrite based jewelry started to grow. Common people wanted to purchase and wear jewelry. This was true even though the rich class tried to create a deeper class divide between them. 

Many people begin to seek out alternatives to diamonds. So, this stone was a low-cost, available option. The means through which this jewelry was sold was not always legal. However, this meant that supply and demand were great while costs were kept down. 

Some people even published reading material that taught people how to make their own pyrite jewelry. Soon, jewelry became more and more popular.

This was true no matter what class you belonged to. 

The Rise of Jewelry 

If they were able to afford jewelry, common people wanted to be able to wear it. Wearing jewelry, no matter what it was made from, became an extremely popular fashion statement. 

It was a way to flaunt wealth and display high-class sensibilities, regardless of class or social hierarchy. 

It wasn't until the Victorian era that the noble class began to desire pyrite jewelry for themselves, although it was for a solemn purpose. 

When Queen Victoria's consort passed away, she no longer felt that it was appropriate to wear lavish jewelry and flaunt her wealth. Instead, she turned to marcasite to help her through the mourning process.

As pyrite has a dark, silver-black hue, it was a suitable choice for funerals and other solemn occasions. Many people in her court and throughout Europe followed her lead. So, marcasite or pyrite jewelry became even more popular. 

During the North American Gold Rush, many people rushed to the western United States and Canada to harvest and sell gold. These prospectors were often used as fakes. This was because they resembled gold, but were worth much less. 

This is why pyrite is sometimes known as "Fool's Gold," although it is very useful and valuable in its own right. 

Marcasite Today

In modern times, this stone enjoys immense popularity, rivaling that of diamonds and other forms of jewelry. 

Many people choose pyrite jewelry for its old-world charm and historic appeal.

Some even use marcasite as a part of costumes for  Victorian-era characters at performances. 

It is typically set in silver to give it the gems a brilliant color contrast. These gems can be accompanied by amazing design settings. Some of these settings attempt to imitate the design styles of the past. Others attempt to create something new and fresh. 

Taking care of these silver settings requires some work. However, they do not require any more maintenance than what is necessary for jewelry pieces. 

How To Wear Your Jewelry

Pyrite jewelry is available for purchase in the form of rings, necklaces, brooches, earrings, and more. The beauty of pyrite is that it is applicable for virtually any setting that requires elegance. 

But despite its popularity, marcasite jewelry can still be an extremely unique fashion statement. Its sophistication makes it a fresh addition to any ensemble.

Marcasite is a great choice for people who want to stand out with their jewelry, without having to pay for expensive pieces.

Whether you decide to wear the gems as a part of a larger set or individually, your jewelry is sure to be the talk of your social group. 

Don't be afraid to treat yourself to a timeless jewelry set.

These gems have been around for the rise and fall of grand civilizations. This means that they've been popular for thousands of years!

Yet, they are held in the same high esteem they were held in centuries ago. Maybe our ancestors were on to something! 



Have any questions about marcasite jewelry or want to purchase some of your own? Please contact us! 

