Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-09-24T10:00:07-06:00 wehoautodetail 2023-10-16T10:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:22:47-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Are you wondering how to differentiate fake crystals from real ones? Check out our guide and learn what to look for and how to tell if a crystal is real.



How to Tell if a Crystal Is Real | 9 Best Ways & Common Fakes

Keyword(s): how to tell if a crystal is real

With alternative wellness trends going mainstream, it's clear that we've entered a new stone age. America's demand for overseas crystals and gemstones has skyrocketed in the past few years, with more buyers than ever choosing various stones for their mystic properties, wellness benefits, and beauty in jewelry settings.

Sellers can hardly keep up with that high demand, and in some cases, they've turned to shady sources instead. Fake crystals and counterfeit gemstones are common, and it's not always easy to know how to tell if a crystal is real.

Fortunately, there are a few tips that can help you separate genuine gems from their fake counterparts. Here's what you should know.

1. Cost

Adjustable Milano Twist Chain + Brilliant CZ Pendant Set In Gold Overlay

The first way to tell if a crystal is real is by considering the cost. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is!

Real crystals can be expensive. This is a sign of their scarcity and authenticity. The price range can vary between types of crystals, but you should never expect to get any crystal for a few dollars.

If a retailer, especially an online seller, has put a low price tag on their stones, move forward with caution! Use the tests below to judge whether the item is fake.

2. Strange Names and Origins

Adjustable Milano Twist Chain + Brilliant CZ Pendant Set In Sterling Silver

If the details about the crystal you're buying seem off, it should raise a red flag.

Some retailers list their crystals under strange, cutesy, eccentric, or misleading names. They may assume that the buyer doesn't know enough to realize that the strange name should only be for rare stones. The name may even be pulled out of thin air!

You might also notice that the seller has listed a crystal's point of origin as somewhere unusual. Certain types of jasper, for example, only come from Madagascar, so it should be a red flag if the seller mentions that they come from elsewhere.

If the seller seems confused when you ask questions or hesitates to give straight answers about the crystal's name or origins, skip the purchase! This is especially true with expensive gemstone jewelry. If you do buy the stone, continue to the following methods to learn how to test if a crystal is real.

3. Color

Swarovski Crystal Disc Earrings (Gold)

Real crystals are always unique. They'll come in different shades and with different distributions of colors. Some types of crystals may have darker areas or color variations, while others may have little to no color variations.

If you're wondering how to know if crystals are real by sight alone, do a quick online search to find pictures of the type of crystal you have. Take a look at the distribution of color in your crystal and compare it to the photos online.

Natural amethyst, for example, may have different shades of purple and lavender throughout the stone. However, clear quartz should have little to no color variation.

You should also be on the lookout for color shades that are far brighter than what you'd expect from the photos online. The dying process for fake crystals can create unnatural, saturated, or even neon hues. You may also notice signs of streaking from the dye or darker lines where the dye collected in the cracks of the fake crystal.

Sometimes, this dye will fade if you leave the crystal outside in the sun. With a poor dye job, some of the pigment may even come off with a damp cloth. If you notice any pigment coming from the crystal, it's an obvious fake!

4. Patterns

Pave Swarovski Crystal Teardrop Pendant (Silver)

Many crystals have interesting patterns across their surface. Flecks of different colors or sections with different minerals may create a unique look.

This is especially true around the edges. Real crystals have unique ridges, facets, dents, scratches, and indentations.

However, the look of a fake crystal might be a bit too perfect and polished. Total symmetry, a lack of imperfections, and consistent patterns throughout the stone should be red flags.

5. Clarity

Adjustable Milano Twist Chain + Brilliant CZ Pendant Set In Sterling Silver

Natural crystals that come from the earth are also unique on the inside. If your crystal is semi-translucent, you should expect to see small veins and fractures within. Scratches and tiny particles are also common.

These distortions may make the crystal look blurry in some areas. A real crystal should distort the light, making it hard to see images or text on the other side of them. When you shine your phone's flashlight through the crystal, it should look hazy or opaque, not clear.

If the crystal's interior looks a little too perfect, you may be dealing with a fake. If you don't see distortions, the crystal may be synthetic or even made of glass. Clear angles and a polished look with high transparency should always be red flags.

Another common red flag is air bubbles. Natural crystals don't have air bubbles, as they often form under high pressure. These air bubbles may be tiny, so grab a magnifying glass for a closer inspection.

6. Weight

.75 Carat (Each) Brilliant CZ Round Stud Earrings In Gold Overlay

Most crystals form under pressure, and they often have various dense metals and minerals within them. As a result, crystals should feel heavy when you pick them up. If you're wondering how to test if a crystal is real at home, you may only need to hold one in your hand!

Compared with real crystals, fake crystals are often lighter. Instead of minerals, these crystals use resin, plastic, acrylic, or glass. If the crystal doesn't feel as heavy as it should, you may be looking at a fake.

However, this test doesn't work with all types of crystals. Amethyst, hematite, and fluorite, for example, are easy to fake with the same weight as their genuine counterpart.

7. Temperature

.75 Carat (Each) Brilliant CZ Round Stud Earrings In Sterling Silver

For certain crystals, the temperature you feel when touching it may be a red flag.

Real crystals should feel cold to the touch. They'll warm up when they sit against your skin for a while, but they won't retain that heat for long.

Fake crystals often match the ambient room temperature or feel lukewarm. They also warm up with ease, and they'll often retain that heat for a few minutes.

8. Scratch Test

Sterling Silver CZ Small Initial Necklace

If you can't judge your crystal using the tactics above, there's another tried-and-tested method worth using.

Each type of crystal or gemstone has a predetermined level of hardness. This is easy to understand by checking the Mohs scale for your stone. If you don't mind dealing a tiny bit of damage to your crystal, you can use this scale to do a scratch test and find out if the stone is fake.

If you have a diamond, for example, nothing you own should be able to scratch it.

With topaz, on the other hand, you should only be able to scratch it with something as hard as ceramic or concrete. If you have turquoise, softer materials like glass can scratch it. If you have malachite, even a fingernail should scratch the surface.

If you notice that your stone differs from what you should expect from its rating on the Mohs scale, you may have a fake on your hands.

9. Flame Test

Pave Swarovski Crystal Teardrop Earrings (Silver)

Wondering how to tell if a crystal is real with a lighter? The flame test is a popular option for finding out if you've bought a counterfeit stone.

Most natural crystals are hard enough that exposure to fire for a few seconds won't do any damage. They don't contain materials that melt or warp with heat.

Fake crystals, on the other hand, often contain materials that react to heat. Plastic and dyes may burn once the flame gets close.

To perform this test, consider your safety first. Head outside and grab a pair of tongs you can use to pick up the crystal. Use the tongs to hold the crystal over the flame of a candle for 15-20 seconds.

If you notice dripping, bubbling, smoke, strange smells, or warping, your crystal may be fake.

However, this technique won't work on glass. It also isn't safe for certain types of crystals, including amethyst and celestite, as these stones may crack from the heat.

Common Fakes

Pave Swarovski Crystal Curved Ring

Some crystals are more common than others. This is either because they're easier to fake or because demand for those types of crystals is so high. If you're buying any of the types of crystals below, use abundant caution:

  • Quartz
  • Turquoise
  • Jade
  • Moldavite
  • Obsidian
  • Amethyst
  • Lapiz lazuli
  • Citrine
  • Agate
  • Tanzanite
  • Larimar
  • Peridot
  • Malachite
  • Fluorite
  • Opal
  • Ruby

Whenever you buy any of these types of crystals, it's even more important to use the tips above to determine authenticity.

Know How to Tell if a Crystal Is Real

If you love getting your hands on the perfect natural stones, it's crucial to know how to tell if a crystal is real. As you search for genuine items, the tips above can help you separate the real stones from the fakes.

When you need to be sure you're buying a genuine crystal or gemstone, you can also follow one of the easiest tips of all: buy from wehoautodetail! Any gemstones we use in our jewelry are authentic, so you'll never have to worry about testing each piece. Shop our collections today or contact us for more information.

]]> 2022-08-15T09:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:23-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Finding the right store for buying luxury jewelry requires knowing your options. Here is everything you need to know about how to choose a jewelry store.



How to Choose a Jewelry Store: Everything You Need to Know

Finding the right store for buying luxury jewelry requires knowing your options. Here is everything you need to know about how to choose a jewelry store.

Keyword(s): choose a jewelry store



Jewelry has been an important part of culture through the centuries, dating as far back as 120,000 years ago. Ancient civilizations shaped much of the jewelry culture known today. Necklaces and other adornments made from shells, clay beads, carved stones, and even bones have been discovered all over the world.

Today, the average American woman may own over $7,000 in jewelry alone. Some of these jewelry items may have been gifts over the years. But trends show that modern women are becoming more dependent and buying jewelry for themselves.

It is important to choose a jewelry store that offers the types of jewelry you want and provides a good customer service experience. With so many jewelry store options to choose from, picking the right jewelry store is just as significant as the jewelry pieces themselves. 

Keep reading below to discover more about how to choose a jewelry store to meet your needs. 

Define What Types of Jewelry You Want

Since there are so many styles and types of jewelry to choose from, you don't want to go around blindly searching and not being able to find what you're really looking for. For example, don't just type in earrings if you're searching for a specific type of earring. 

You want to narrow your search down as much as possible, especially when searching for a jewelry store website. If you want a pair of 14k gold sterling silver earrings in a hoop design, use these search terms as parameters.

The more specific you are, the easier it will be to find what you want whether you are at an in-person store or online.

Always Read Online Customer Reviews

One of the best ways to choose a jewelry store is by reading online customer reviews of the jewelry stores. A reputable jewelry store will make their reviews known, even on their jewelry store website. 

Customer reviews are a powerful tool that can speak volumes for a business's reputation. 78% of people trust online reviews just as much as they would a referral from a family member or trusted friend. 

A customer review is a firsthand testament to denote a jewelry store of quality and credibility. It will show you a jewelry store that others have already done business with and vetted for you. So, you can rest assured that it is reliable and trustworthy.

Ask Friends and Family for Jewelry Store Referrals

Outside of customer reviews, using the old-fashioned method of asking close friends and family for jewelry store referrals can also help you choose a jewelry store with a great reputation. What better way to find an honest and trustworthy place to do business with than one recommended by someone you know personally?

Word-of-mouth referrals are how a lot of smaller and more independent jewelry stores get the majority of their business. They rely on their excellent customer service experience to get the word out for them about all of the good aspects of their jewelry store business.

Even when shopping on online jewelry store websites, customers who have had a good experience will share this information with others they know.

Comparing Jewelry Prices is a Must

All jewelry stores are not created equal. Some may resort to increasing their prices far beyond the actual value of the jewelry price itself to cover manufacturing, distribution, advertising, and overhead costs.

This means you may be paying more for a piece of jewelry that exceeds its actual worth. You think you're paying for value and quality when in reality you're paying for markups. 

Choose a jewelry store that is upfront with you about its manufacturing process and costs. You want to know that these costs are not being passed down to you in the process. This way you can be assured that you're only paying for the jewelry value and nothing beyond that.

If there's a certain piece you have your eye on, comparing jewelry prices online will let you know if you're really getting the best deal possible.

Avoid Gimmicky Jewelry Store Websites

Just like you need to be cautious about a jewelry store overcharging, you should be wary about jewelry stores that offer items that have their prices too low.

Jewelry stores that have prices too good to be true may look ideal on the surface, but in reality, the item you see online may not be the same one you receive. This could be the result of a bait and switch tactic, showing you a quality product and not delivering on it.

These jewelry store websites may also offer bargain or discounted prices but the quality of their items will be severely lacking as a result.

Ensure the Jewelry Store Has a Wide Variety of Items

Every woman's style is different and unique, so why should you settle for a one-size-fits-all approach? When you choose a jewelry store, you should find one that has a variety of styles and designs to choose from. 

This will give you the freedom to find the best jewelry items to represent your personal brand and style. You'll also be able to find beautiful and distinct coordinating sets and different accessories you can mix and match together to create different looks.

You can find jewelry to fit an array of occasions while still staying within your jewelry budget. Creating everyday styles and special event looks is the key to developing a versatile jewelry and accessories collection.

Choose a Jewelry Store That Stands by Its Products

When you buy jewelry, whether it is in-store or online, you want to know that it will maintain its look and function. Jewelry is an investment in your personal brand and elevates your appearance, as well as your mood. Your jewelry should be sturdy and high-quality to stand up to everyday wear.

When you choose a jewelry store, they should stand by the quality of their products. All of their jewelry should be made to last and withstand the test of time. If there is any issue within a 30-day return period, they should offer a refund or a replacement to make it right.

Establishing a good customer and business relationship should be the first priority for a jewelry store and standing by its products is a close second.

wehoautodetail: Quality and Affordable Jewelry Styles

When you choose a jewelry store, you want a great customer experience with a variety of quality items to choose from. You also want affordability and craftsmanship. It may sound impossible, but it really is possible to find exactly what you want, if you know where to look.

That's why you need wehoautodetail. At Roma, we take pride in offering you the best quality jewelry at the best possible price, with no middleman markups. You can find luxurious-looking jewelry collections without the high price tag to match. 

Find more beautiful designer and artisan jewelry on our website today. 

]]> 2022-08-01T09:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:25-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Buying the right necklace to wear with your outfits involves knowing what not to do. Here are common necklace shopping mistakes and how to avoid them.



7 Common Necklace Shopping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Buying the right necklace to wear with your outfits involves knowing what not to do. Here are common necklace shopping mistakes and how to avoid them.

Keyword(s): common necklace shopping mistakes



Did you know that the most expensive necklace in the world is worth $200 million? It's called "A Heritage in Bloom" and features a 104-carat diamond, 72 jades, and 600 pink diamonds. 

While this may be out of the luxury necklace budget for most, there are still many affordable styles of necklaces you can find when buying necklaces online. However, there are some common necklace shopping mistakes that can also come with buying necklaces online too. 

In this guide, we'll detail 7 common necklace shopping mistakes and what you can do to make sure your online necklace buying experience is the best that it can be. Keep reading for more information below.

1. Not Reading Product and Online Retailer Reviews First

With so many options for necklace retailers online, it's so important to check the product reviews and reviews of the retailers in general. Just because a business has a website doesn't automatically mean it has a great reputation or sells high-quality products.

One of the biggest common necklace shopping mistakes is not reading these reviews or going with a website that may have necklaces that are of questionable quality. You need to do your research first before you commit to buying.

A good retail site that has nothing to hide will proudly display its customer reviews. These are honest and open reviews from real people who have shopped for and bought the same products you're looking for. Their feedback will tell you everything you need to know about necklace features and the product's quality.

2. Not Setting and Staying Within a Luxury Necklace Budget While Shopping

The typical American household spends an average of $615 per year on watches and other jewelry items. Buying necklaces online can be fun, but with so many choices and styles for necklaces, it can also be distracting and intimidating finding what you're looking for.

Setting a realistic budget for buying doesn't sound fun, but it's another one of the most common necklace shopping mistakes. Budgeting will help you better narrow down the options of what you're looking for from potentially thousands of options for online retailers.

Setting a budget and staying with it will also save you from buyer's remorse later on if you give in to your impulses and splurge on something you really shouldn't have bought in the first place. You want something that you can wear every day proudly without being too afraid of losing or damaging something pricey and impractical.

3. Not Specifying What You Are Searching For Online

Again, with so many options out there you want to narrow it down to what you're specifically looking for. Otherwise, you will be clicking through thousands of time-consuming online options for necklace retailers.

Instead of throwing out a generic term like "online necklace stores" find the particular features, looks, and styles for necklaces you want. Do you want a specific metal type or color? Are you looking for a classic design or do you want to see the latest necklace trends?

The more specific you are with your search terms, the more you can avoid another of the most common necklace shopping mistakes of vague search criteria and more easily find what you want.  

4. Not Understanding Your Own Personal Style

Your personal style has a lot to do with buying necklaces online as well. Not knowing or understanding your personal style before you shop is one of the biggest and most common necklace shopping mistakes. Necklaces and other jewelry choices can be based on several factors including your skin tone, your height, and your clothing color preference.

A survey of women between the ages of 25-40 years of age showed that 35% of women who buy jewelry for themselves preferred white gold as their first choice. 17% of this same survey group said silver was their top preference. Platinum came in third place with 15% and rose gold registered a 13% preference. 

Yellow gold came in at an 11% preference rate, while 9% said they had no preference or would go with mixed metal styles for necklaces and other jewelry items. 

Those with cool skin tones will look best with white metals such as silver, platinum, and white gold. Women with warm skin tones will favor yellow and rose gold, as well as brass and copper jewelry. Neutral skin tone types can wear either yellow or white toned metals.

Wearing long chains will make those will have a lengthening effect on shorter, thicker necks. Likewise, a long chain on an individual with a long neck will flatter the natural neckline and collarbone.

5. Relying Too Heavily on Current Jewelry Trends

Jewelry trends can be enjoyable to a certain extent but remember, they can come in and go out of style very quickly. If you focus too much on acquiring pieces that fall in line with the latest necklace trends, pretty soon you'll have a lot of necklaces gathering dust in your jewelry box that you won't wear again for fear of being labeled out of style.

If you find some trend jewelry that looks good on you or aligns with your personal style, it's okay to buy some pieces, But going overboard with trends is another one of the common necklace shopping mistakes.

By focusing too much on trends, you're also doing your personal brand a disservice since you're not going with what looks best on you. Focus on more natural and timeless jewelry pieces that look good on you no matter what the latest necklace trends are. 

6. Not Reading the Product Descriptions Fully

Good online retailers also provide detailed product descriptions for each of their jewelry products. If you're on a site that has vague descriptions or no product descriptions at all, this can be a big red flag. 

Not fully reading these product descriptions is another one of the most common necklace shopping mistakes you can make when shopping online. These descriptions contain valuable information such as:

  • the type of metal used
  • the chain length
  • the chain style
  • the finish
  • the type of closure
  • the pendant or stone size
  • the colors available
  • the origin of the materials 

You can also find high-definition photos of the item you are looking at so you can zoom in and better see the details in the necklace itself before you buy it. You can look at the styles for necklaces on models to get an idea of how they hang around the neck. This ensures you are getting the best quality necklace that has exactly what features and designs you want.

7. High Jewelry Prices Do Not Equal a Higher Quality

You may look at a piece of expensive jewelry and think that its high price must be because of its high quality, but this form of misdirection is also one of the common necklace shopping mistakes. This has nothing to do with its quality.

Traditional jewelry contains a markup of 10-20 times its original cost. This is due to the expense of distribution, middlemen, branding, and advertising costs. So, you may not even be getting a piece of high-quality jewelry for that inflated cost.  

When you buy directly from the manufacturer themselves, you're getting the most for your money. You can be assured it is of the best quality with no price gouging.

Avoid Common Necklace Shopping Mistakes

Don't fall into the pitfalls of common necklace shopping mistakes. wehoautodetail is quality and affordable jewelry with a luxury look. You don't have to break the bank to look amazing. 

From earrings to bracelets, pendants, rings, anklets, and gift sets, wehoautodetail has beautiful jewelry for every budget and taste profile. Find real Italian-crafted jewelry pieces using red coral, Roman glass, pearl, amber, mystic quartz, and brilliant Swarovski crystals.

Check out our website today for over 100 styles of necklaces to choose from and find out what speaks to your personal style.  

]]> 2022-07-11T21:00:03-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:31-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Celebrate the love and memories your mother has provided you through a stunning piece of jewelry. Get inspired with these jewelry gifts for Mom.


Jewelry Gifts for Mom: 7 Magnificent Pieces Your Mother Will Love
Celebrate the love and memories your mother has provided you through a stunning piece of jewelry. Get inspired with these jewelry gifts for Mom.

Keyword(s): jewelry gifts for mom



There are about 85.4 million mothers in the US... and everyone has thousands of reasons why their own mom is the best. It makes sense that each and every one of these Americans want to show their mom that they care and are thinking of them.

Buying jewelry gifts for Mom is a great way to show her that you appreciate all of the steady love and support that she gives you. Read on for a guide about buying jewelry for Mom that's sure to make her smile.

1. Pearls and Paperclips

If your mom is a fan of subtlety and class, a freshwater pearl and paperclip chain necklace is a great choice. This short strand of pearls lays just at the base of the wearer's throat. It's perfect for professional women who want to add a touch of elegance to any outfit.

This all-occasion piece is made from a metal chain of sterling silver paperclips, though they don't look like those you'd find in an office. They're simply tiny long ovals linked together for a complex texture and layered design. Real pearls run across the front of the necklace and stand out as the main part of the design.

2. Classic Pearl Designs

Do you love pearls but want a necklace that features more than just a few? You might consider a freshwater pearl necklace held together by an adjustable white topaz closure.

This piece lays lower than the pearl/paperclip design because of the strings of pearl that it showcases. When you adjust the accent closure, you can lengthen the two strands of pearls while making the main necklace fall at the desired place on your neck. This makes the necklace ideal for your mom regardless of whether she prefers high necklines or V-neck blouses.

Pearls have been used as an adornment since Ancient Greece. At this time, people believed that they had spiritual properties and were teardrops of God. Pearls were popular in the 20th century as a symbol of class and wealth, so getting Mom some classic pearls will make her part of a long and beautiful tradition.

3. Pretty in Pink

According to color psychology, pink is a calming hue associated with kindness and feminine elegance. Pale pink is also often described as relaxing. Because of these associations, many people associate pink with the act of nurturing, making it a great gift for a wonderful mother.

Out antique-look Swarovski Crystal pink diamond necklace is a great choice for moms that love small pieces. The sterling silver chain is extremely thin and comes with a tarnish-preventing overlay. The crystal is also subtle with a 3/4-inch height and a 1/2-inch width.

This necklace is a classic that never goes out of style. The crystal's cut is made up of dozens of facets that refract light beautifully. It's a great way for your mom to round out any of her favorite outfits while bringing out her eyes regardless of their color.

4. A Pop of Rose

Love the idea of expressing nurturing through pink pieces? There are other options available to pair with your Swarovski Crystal pink necklace... or to give as a gift on their own. If your mom's more of a bracelet woman, she'll love our rose-gold overlay lunar bead bracelet.

The fact that this minimalist bracelet is so small means that it requires the finest Italian craftsmanship. Its handcrafted band features extremely detailed diamond-cut beads that are only 1mm- smaller than a grain of rice. These beads are paired with an upgraded clasp as well as a strand of sterling silver with a rose-gold overlay.

If you're looking for something simple that your mother can wear every day regardless of the occasion, this is an excellent choice.

5. Sophisticated Stars

Star-shaped jewelry is a great way to tell your mom that you love her to the moon and back. Since there's no better star piece than our Shining Star earrings, these eight-pointed shimmering pieces make a great gift option.

These earrings are made from durable sterling silver, but their 14k gold finish makes them shine yellow. They also have small pieces of cubic zirconia on four of the points. This makes the earrings light up like real stars regardless of where your mom wears them.

You also may want to pair this earring gift with a matching Shining Star necklace. This will let your mom create a cohesive look and an overall well-curated aesthetic.

6. Spherical Statements

Speaking of pairing jewelry with other matching pieces, wehoautodetail offers collections as well as individual pieces. One of our favorite collections features diamond-cut single balls.

The necklace that comes with these collections features a ball charm made from top-notch sterling silver. It also comes on a matching metal twist chain that adds some interesting texture to the way that it lays on Mom's neck. The subtle accessory also comes with a 2-inch extender so that she can choose the right length for any outfit.

This matches the set of ball earrings that come with the same spherical charm that the chain features. Its complex, bumpy texture creates a motif that Mom can use to balance out any style of blouse or dress.

7. Hearts, Flowers, and Dragonflies

If you don't want to limit your gift to one single charm, you might enjoy getting your mom a Heart, Flower, and Dragonfly charm set. The necklace is just as subtle as single-charm alternatives but comes with three tiny charms in loving, natural shapes. It comes in both silver and gold so that you can choose the metal you think best suits her wardrobe.

Additionally, this dainty necklace features tiny pieces of cubic zirconia on its tiny charms. This adds some shine to the design and shimmers along with the sterling silver chain.

This necklace pairs well with simple bracelets that feature one of the three charms. Getting Mom both of these pieces lets her create a theme across all her jewelry so that she looks well-put-together and fashion-forward.

Find Jewelry Gifts for Mom Today

While choosing jewelry gifts for Mom can be a challenge, there are several options she'll love. Now that you know some ways that you can express your love and appreciation, it's time to start shopping for the perfect accessory to fit her personal style.

wehoautodetail is committed to providing high-quality pieces at an affordable price. We offer hundreds of designs including necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and beyond. Shop our new arrivals to find your mom something classy, elegant, and beautiful.

]]> 2022-05-16T09:00:02-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:44-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

After your friends have showered you in love, it’s time to spoil them back. Here are 7 jewelry bridesmaid's gifts your girls will love.


7 Jewelry Bridesmaid's Gifts Your Girls Will Love
After your friends have showered you in love, it’s time to spoil them back. Here are 7 jewelry bridesmaid's gifts your girls will love.

Keyword(s): bridesmaids gifts



Various psychology research shows that gratitude and appreciation can improve your health and strengthen your relationships. Cultivating gratitude also helps you feel positive emotions and relish in good experiences, especially when it's toward people as important to you as your loving bridesmaids.

This is one reason that getting your bridesmaids gifts is important after your wedding. Jewelry is a great choice because it shows that you're thinking about them, gives them a keepsake of your time together, and promotes self-expression. Read on to learn some of the best pieces that you can buy for the girls who matter most to you!

1. Star & Moon Charms

Want to show that you love someone to the moon and back? A small and subtle star and moon charm necklace is a great way to go. These sterling silver necklaces go beautifully with any outfit and are classy enough to wear on any occasion.

Both gold and rhodium finish options mean that you can choose the metal that will best go with each bridesmaid's wardrobe. Plus, since there are two charms strung around this chain, you can attribute one of them to symbolize each wearer's personality.

2. Swarovski Single-Ball Necklaces

If you love the idea of a subtle necklace but want to add some sophisticated bling to your gift, a small Swarovski crystal single-ball necklace may be the way to go. These small chains feature a round bead pendant encrusted with tiny Swarovski crystals. This charm comes on a diamond-cut sterling silver or gold twist chain depending on your personal tastes.

It also comes with a rhodium overlay to stop the chain or charm from tarnishing over time. The best thing about this necklace is its classy air of elegance. Swarovski crystals glimmer and shine in both natural and artificial light, just as your friendship withstands and retains beauty through every location and condition.

3. Branched Pearl Pendants

Love the idea of a necklace but want something that pops a little more? Statement necklaces are always a good choice for bridesmaids that love some dramatic flair. Our branched freshwater pearl necklace isn't just a classic, but it comes in a sophisticated Y-shape that pops around the wearer's neck.

These authentic pearl necklaces are amazing for those who want to center an outfit around their accessories. If your bridesmaids will love jewelry gifts that pop and stand out, this is a great choice. Plus, since the materials are so high-end and pearls are a neutral gleaming white, this is a statement necklace that can be worn on professional and formal occasions as well as casual ones.

4. Symbolic Twisting Chain Bracelets

Friendship bracelets are a core part of any girl's childhood, and you don't need to sacrifice this relic just because you've grown up. Adjustable Milano twist friendship bracelets are made up of a sparking twisted chain that's both thin and sparkling. They're perfect for any outfit or occasion because of their subtle elegance.

Since these bracelets come in both sterling silver and gold, it's possible to wear one with any other beloved jewelry pieces. These all-occasions bracelets are ideal for those who always want to feel connected with all of the women who enrich their lives.

Buy one for each bridesmaid and get multiple for yourself- one to match each girl's bracelet. It's a great way to feel constantly connected.

5. Cleopatra-Inspired Bangles

Want to splurge on more expensive gifts for bridesmaids? Are you down to get something that makes a huge statement of love and appreciation? A thick Cleopatra-inspired rose gold cuff is one of the best jewelry gifts for those who like fabulous fashion.

These bangles are over 1.25 inches wide and close with a simple box clasp. They feature a diagonal-print pattern with interlocking circles engraved on every other column. Vertical lines also add texture to this beautiful cuff so that you can spoil your bridesmaids with a more intricate design.

6. Pearl Earrings

Pearl earrings are ideal for those who love the idea of our freshwater pearl statement necklace but want something more subtle. A single pearl sits in a hammered sterling silver outline that gives it a sophisticated handcrafted look.

Each of these metal earrings is slightly different from others of its kind due to the way that they're shaped, which is the perfect way to symbolize your unique bond with each individual bridesmaid. Like most of our high-end pieces, these earrings are crafted in Italy with the finest available tools. Their gorgeous white sheen makes them ideal for any occasion and pairs well with all silver jewelry.

7. Detailed Glass Rings

Roman glass is one of the most beautiful jewelry materials out there. It has a unique shining finish and a colorful one-of-a-kind gleam. Each piece of Roman glass has a gorgeous visual texture and patterns unlike any other glass accent.

If you're looking to show this glass off to the highest advantage, a Roman glass ring featuring a large 2000-year-old stone from Israel is a great choice. These blue-green glass features sit in a thick silver band with leaf filigree detail, making them one of the most complex pieces that we offer.

Plus, giving your bridesmaids a ring is a great way to show that your platonic bond is strong in the same way that your romantic bond is unbreakable with your spouse. Rings are for everyone involved in a wedding!

Buy the Best Bridesmaid's Gifts Today

While showing your appreciation for your beloved bridesmaids may sound challenging, jewelry makes for an amazing gift that they're sure to cherish. Now that you know some of the best bridesmaid's gifts that your girls will love, it's time to start shopping for some awesome high-quality pieces.

At wehoautodetail, we're committed to providing you with affordable handmade pieces that every woman is sure to cherish. That's why we offer hundreds of different necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and ring styles in various beautiful colors and metals. Browse our new arrivals to shop for the freshest and classiest pieces on the market!

]]> 2022-02-07T09:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:08-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

If you're looking at buying gold jewelry our guide has everything you need to know. Read about gold purity, colors, quality markings and more today.



Everything You Need to Know About Choosing Gold Jewelry

If you're looking at buying gold jewelry our guide has everything you need to know. Read about gold purity, colors, quality markings and more today.

Keyword(s): gold jewelry



Gold is a timeless, versatile, and coveted fashion accessory. The auspicious roots of gold date all the way back to the ancient Egyptians who valued it so highly they reserved it for royalty.

These days you can get almost any style of jewelry you like in gold. There are countless ways to incorporate gold jewelry into your personal aesthetic and very little chance that it will ever go out of style.

If you are going to buy gold jewelry, you need to understand what makes some types of gold jewelry more valuable than others.

When you know how to tell the difference between quality gold jewelry and sub-par gold, you won't make the mistake of investing in the wrong piece.

Understanding Gold Purity

The purity of gold determines its value. The higher the purity, the higher the value.

The purity of gold is measured in units called karats. When you buy gold jewelry that has 24 karats, it means your jewelry is 100 percent pure gold. But, you don't have to limit yourself to only buying solid gold jewelry.

To begin with, pure gold is very soft. That means it can get easily damaged from use. You might bump it on something, scratch it, or dent it just from going about your day doing regular things.

If you are looking for everyday gold jewelry, it is best to choose gold with fewer karats. Buy gold jewelry that is between 10 and 14 karats if you want to wear it regularly without worrying about inflicting costly damage.

When it comes to necklaces and earrings, you can look for pieces that go up to 14 to 18 karats. This is because these types of jewelry are usually more protected from bumping into things.

It is best to save your high-karat pieces of gold jewelry for special occasions. Gold jewelry that is between 18 and 24 karats is the most delicate. When you wear them only on special occasions they remain pristine for longer.

Gold Jewelry Colors

You hear the term alloy a lot when talking about precious metals like gold. Combining two or more metals creates an alloy. Alloyed metal jewelry is much stronger than solid gold jewelry and more resistant to corrosion.

Alloyed metals can also create a greater variety of colors. That's why metals like white gold and rose gold exist.

White Gold

White gold is one of the most popular gold alloys. White gold accounts for a large portion of affordable gold jewelry on the market.

White gold occurs when jewelers combine gold with nickel. It also comes from combining gold with palladium, zinc, and copper.

Even though it is called white gold, white gold alloys are never entirely white in color. In fact, most white gold jewelry gets plated with rhodium to create its characteristic white color.

White gold jewelry requires slightly more care over time to prevent the rhodium plating from wearing away. If this does happen, don't worry. It's very quick and simple to have your local jeweler re-plate your white gold.

White gold also has a tendency to turn yellow over time. This is because white gold is yellow gold with minerals added to it, such as zinc, to make it appear white. Cleaning white gold can quickly reverse this yellowing effect.

Rose Gold

Rose gold has enjoyed a wealth of popularity for a very long time. It seems like just about everyone loves the warm blush tones of rose gold.

It's the perfect accent for both casual and formal attire. A set of rose gold earrings and a necklace can work just as well for a day look as it does for a special occasion.

Rose gold is an alloy of gold and copper. That's why it has that desirable pink hue. It is most common to find 14-karat rose gold jewelry, which contains 58.5 percent pure gold.

You can find quality rose gold jewelry in a variety of different pink hues. It blends beautifully with gemstones and other metals. You can't go wrong.

Gold-Plated, Gold-Filled, & Gold Vermeil

When it comes to affordable gold jewelry, gold-plated, gold-filled, and gold vermeil are excellent options. These alternatives to solid gold jewelry are made entirely out of karat gold.

They are not as durable nor as valuable, but they can look just as good as solid gold. If you want to expand your gold jewelry collection without breaking the bank, each of these is an excellent option.

Gold-plated jewelry is the most affordable alternative. It is created by painting a thin layer of gold over another base metal like copper or brass. This is done through a process called electroplating.

Gold-filled jewelry comes from bonding a base metal like copper with a thick layer of gold. For gold-filled jewelry to be authentic it must be at least 5 percent gold weight.

Gold vermeil is similar to plated gold. The base metal, however, is usually of higher quality, such as silver. To be true gold vermeil, the plating must be at least 100 millionths of an inch thick and at least ten karats.

The reality is, selecting affordable gold jewelry can be just as taxing as deciding on fine gold jewelry. Here's what you need to know about choosing different qualities of gold chain necklaces.

Quality Markings

When you buy gold jewelry, it is important to look for quality markings. This will ensure that you are purchasing jewelry of true value.

You will find these quality markings stamped or engraved directly on the piece. Gold-plated jewelry often has a GP mark on it.

Solid gold will have a karat mark on it. For example, 10-karat gold will have a 10K karat mark or a 417 European mark. It contains 41.7 percent pure gold.

On the opposite end, 24-karat gold will have a 24K karat mark or a 999 European mark. It contains is 99.99 percent pure gold.

How To Choose Gold Jewelry

Gold is the best investment you can make when it comes to fine jewelry. When you buy gold jewelry, make sure you understand the purity level and check for quality markings to make sure you're getting a valuable piece.

Get your holiday shopping done early at wehoautodetail. We're certain you'll find something for everyone on your list - including yourself! Get started by shopping our best sellers today.  

]]> 2022-01-31T09:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:14-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Are you interested in learning about silver jewelry? Then check out some things you should consider before making your next purchase.



7 Things You Should Know About Silver Jewelry

Are you interested in learning about silver jewelry? Then check out some things you should consider before making your next purchase.

Keyword(s): silver jewelry



Silver has always been a popular choice for jewelry, decor, and more. However, sterling silver jewelry is making a comeback in a big way. More and more people are choosing silver jewelry over gold to stay up to date with the latest beauty trends.

If you're looking to add more jewelry to your jewelry box, here are seven things you should know about silver jewelry before your next purchase.

1. Different Types of Silver

Before you make your purchase, you should be aware that there are three main types of silver on the market. Let's take a close look at each of them.

Sterling Silver

Sterling silver is the most common and found in most silver jewelry. Sterling silver is made up of 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% copper. The addition of copper makes sterling silver hard and also malleable, making it easy to work with and create different kinds of jewelry such as necklaces, rings, bracelets, and earrings.

You'll want to be sure you are purchasing real sterling silver before handing over your credit card. All sterling silver pieces are marked and stamped with a .925 or an abbreviation of "sterling" to let you know it's real.

Fine Silver

Fine silver is the purest form of silver at 99.9%. Fine silver may seem like the best type of silver to use for jewelry, but it is actually a very soft metal. Because of this, it can be easily damaged and can change form over time.

Silver Plate

The metal that makes up a silver-plated product is not actually silver, but another metal that is then covered with a thin silver plate on top. Depending on the type of metal used, such as copper, your jewelry can be pretty durable. However, because it is only a coating, silver-plated jewelry can tarnish easily. 

Silver-plated jewelry is considered a lower-quality silver and is therefore much less expensive than sterling. 

2. How to Maintain Your Jewelry 

Even though sterling silver is the most durable of all silver jewelry, it can tarnish when exposed to heat, air, or moisture. However, there are some precautions you can take to help prolong this. 

The first step in maintaining your jewelry is to keep it dry. Remember to take off your silver jewelry before taking a shower or swimming. The sweat and grease from your hands can also cause corrosion over time. You should also avoid getting lotions or serums on your jewelry.

You can also store your items in closed storage spaces so they aren't overly exposed to air. Purchase anti-tarnish bags to help keep them enclosed.

How to Clean Silver Jewelry

Keeping your jewelry clean is a great way to keep it staying shiny and fresh. Be sure to give your pieces a cleaning once a month or after each use if possible. 

Silver jewelry cleaner or polish are great cleaning methods. There are also many home remedies you can use instead of polish. Try washing with warm water and soap. You can also use toothpaste, baking powder, or vinegar to keep your silver clean. 

3. Are You Allergic to Silver?

One of the reasons why sterling silver is so popular is because most people with allergies can wear it without having an allergic reaction. Nickel-free metals, like silver, are commonly known for being hypoallergenic. 

There is, however, a small exception to this rule. We know that sterling silver is also made with 7.5% of other metals. Most often, the 7.5% is copper, which is also nickel-free. However, if the other 7.5% is made up of non-nickel-free metals, you could potentially have an allergic reaction to the jewelry. 

An allergic reaction can cause your skin to turn red and itchy. To avoid this, your best bet is to go with sterling silver jewelry that has the smallest chance of causing an allergic reaction.

4. How to Style Your Jewelry 

Silver jewelry is beautiful on its own, but there are ways to style your jewelry to keep it looking fresh and new. Jewelry layering, for example, is a big trend in the beauty world. Layer your necklaces with one long and one short to create some definition and a sophisticated look. 

You can also compliment your stand-out silver with more subtle pieces. Try wearing small rings to support a pair of large hoop earrings to help them stand out and complete the look. You can also utilize your silver chains with a variety of different pendants and stones to constantly create new looks.

5. Different Ways to Buy


If you're looking for one piece of silver jewelry, there are many retailers whose quality you can trust. However, it is still important to check their credibility by looking at reviews when purchasing higher-priced items.

If you're looking to purchase wholesale silver jewelry, you may want to shop around to find the right seller. Artists who need silver for jewelry-making businesses or hobbies should buy wholesale to get the most bang for their buck, as bigger quantities often result in bigger discounts. 

Be sure you look for a reputable wholesaler with loads of positive reviews and testimonials. Schedule a consultation with their staff before buying so you can go over the terms of your purchase.

6. Sterling Silver vs. Gold

When purchasing jewelry, consumers tend to buy silver or gold pieces. Both are precious high-quality metals and very durable. In fact, sterling silver and white gold are easy metals to mix up because of their similar color and look.

The biggest difference between sterling silver and gold is the price. Gold, white gold, and rose gold tend to be about 75 times more than the price of sterling silver. Although sterling silver is less expensive, it is still a durable, beautiful metal that makes for some amazing jewelry items. 

7. Value

Sterling silver is an inexpensive option when buying jewelry. However, it also holds a ton of value!

Silver can be worth up to $20 an ounce or more depending on if it's vintage, what type of silver it is, and if it was well taken care of. If you're looking to sell some of your older silver pieces—including tableware, picture frames, and jewelry—rest assured that you can make a decent profit. 

Silver Jewelry

There are many ways in which you can purchase, wear, maintain, and even sell your silver jewelry. Be sure you know the type of silver you're buying and the best way to prolong its life and shine, and don't forget to have fun styling your jewelry with other pieces and clothing. 

For more information about silver jewelry, visit our blog today!

]]> 2022-01-24T09:00:01-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:13-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

We've put together a practical guide about selecting the best high quality jewelry for yourself. Everything from jewelers, to style, read more today.



A Practical Guide to Selecting Quality Jewelry for Yourself

We've put together a practical guide about selecting the best high quality jewelry for yourself. Everything from jewelers, to style, read more today.

Keyword(s): quality jewelry



Did you know that the U.S. jewelry industry is projected to reach nearly $58 billion in revenue in 2021?

Every woman wants to walk into a room and have all eyes on them for all the right reasons. The hair, the clothes, but most importantly, the jewelry.

"I love your necklace, where did you get it?" is the ultimate compliment.

Women should have quality jewelry that embodies their fashion sense and brand. It can often be challenging to find the right pieces, until now.

Keep reading to learn all about how you can accentuate your wardrobe with our practical guide to selecting quality jewelry for yourself.

The Difference Between Fine Jewelry and Fashion Jewelry When it Comes to Quality Jewelry

It is important to understand and discover your style

Are you more modern or more casual? Does your taste veer more classic and simple or do you like to think outside the box?

Most women think there are only two categories when it comes to jewelry, fine jewelry or fashion jewelry.

Often consisting of diamonds and gold, fine jewelry is too expensive to wear every day except for wedding/engagement rings. Fashion jewelry is more cost-effective, but it is made cheaply and goes out of style quickly.

Another category of affordable quality jewelry is known as bridge jewelry.

What is Bridge Jewelry?

Bridge jewelry is a line of fashion jewelry made of sterling silver and comes in gold, platinum, or rose gold finishes. Bridge jewelry also uses semi-precious stones such as garnet, pearl, tanzanite, opal, and turquoise. 

This type of jewelry allows women to have the functionality of beautiful quality jewelry pieces that make them feel like a million bucks without actually paying it. It's called attainable luxury.

From successful businesswomen seeking to upgrade their distinct look or younger women striving to refine their emerging self-brand, women aren't waiting around anymore for men to buy them jewelry, they're making their own money and buying it themselves. 

Bridge jewelry brands offer a wide selection of quality jewelry options that fit both your style and your budget

So, before you waste your money on cheap fast-fashion or spend two months' rent on a flashy diamond necklace, check out these alternatives instead. 

Sterling Silver

A sterling silver chain is timeless, elegant, durable, and inexpensive. There are many ways to style it.

Wear it long. Wear it with a pendant. Wear multiple chains together.

You can choose from different thicknesses and designs, like the paperclip or the popular box chain. 

Sterling silver is also a top choice for high-quality body jewelry due to its hypo-allergenic properties.

Statement Necklaces

If you're looking to go bolder, statement necklaces will help you say "notice me!" and are a surefire way to catch the eye of everyone in the room.

As its name implies, a statement necklace is a larger, chunkier piece of neckwear that is often made out of larger stone segments like Swarovski crystal or mystic quartz.

They should be worn as a standalone piece. 

Colored Chunky Coral Necklaces

Colored coral necklaces are a fun and fashionable way to add a pop of color to your wardrobe.

You can use colored coral to pair with a bright pattern for an added burst of flair. Or you can wear it with a little black dress to give it a little extra dash of daring.

Dress up your denim or coordinate your coral necklace with hats, sunglasses, shoes, scarves, and handbags.  Or mix and match for fun color combinations.

Pendant Necklaces

You can't go wrong with a tasteful pendant. Whether it is a plain initial charm, heart, cross, animal, tree of life, compass, or other meaningful tribute, a pendant is the best way to personalize a necklace that is uniquely you.

You can also choose pendants made from cubic zirconia, Roman glass, amber, abalone shell, Swarovski crystal, and more. 


You don't have to be engaged or married to wear a ring anymore. Rings on their own have become an independent woman's top choice for displaying their individuality.

You're not limited to only wearing one ring on a specific finger either. You can wear rings on every finger if you like, or stack rings on top of each other.

From large cocktail rings to sleek bands, sterling silver and gemstone rings are a dynamic way of drawing attention to your hands as an extension of your personal brand.


Anklets were thought to be a trend that would fizzle out, but the truth is they are more popular than ever.

The former 90's girls are the full-grown women of today and anklets have made a big comeback, but that doesn't mean the younger generations can't get in on it too.

Anklets are a chic and delicate way to dress up a pair of heels or add a bit of fun to cropped capris for a girls' weekend.  


Tried and true. Earrings have been a go-to fashion accessory for centuries.

Hoops, drops, studs, dangles, teardrop, and other styles can be made from sterling silver and accented with pearls, Roman glass, moonstone, and cubic zirconia.

It's important that the size, shape, and length of your earrings flatters your facial features.


Another longstanding fashion trend is bracelets. Dressed-up or dressed down, bracelets are always a standard. 

Depending on your event, stick with a sophisticated thin bracelet for a formal event, large cuffs or multiple bangles stacked up are better suited for a fun night out. 

Be cautious not to overdo large or multiple bracelets at the office or other places where they might snag, fall off, or be too distracting.

Where Quality and Luxury Meet

wehoautodetail is a distinctive luxury brand of designer quality jewelry, seamlessly blending style and affordability.

As Costco's in-house bridge jewelry brand, wehoautodetail has already cemented itself into the industry alongside other brands such as John Hardy and Kendra Scott. 

Roma's online catalog features stunning and classic designs made to last. New arrivals are currently 25% off with free U.S. shipping for orders over $50. New email subscribers can get 20% off their first order.

So, if you're ready to revamp your existing jewelry or you want to step up your personal brand, head over to wehoautodetail now. 

]]> 2022-01-17T09:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:18-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

If you're searching for the best types of jewelry to buy, we've got you covered. Take a look at some of these examples you'll be sure to enjoy.



What Are the Best Types of Jewelry to Buy?

If you're searching for the best types of jewelry to buy, we've got you covered. Take a look at some of these examples you'll be sure to enjoy.

Keyword(s): types of jewelry



If there’s one thing you can count on, it’s the timelessness of the right types of jewelry. It’s safe to say that we can’t stop searching for the perfect pieces to add to our collection, with studies showing that fine jewelry was flying off store shelves even at the height of the pandemic last year!

In other words, if you’re obsessed with finding the perfect jewelry to pair with your favorite styles, you’re in good company—even if the task can be harder than it seems. After all, with so many different styles available, how can you tell which classic pieces are worth splurging on?

Whether you buy just one of the pieces below or you work to collect them all, you can feel confident about investing in these timeless staples you’ll treasure forever. Here are the best pieces to add to your jewelry box.

A Diamond Ring

It’s hard to talk about the types of fine jewelry to buy without discussing this classic piece. Not only can a diamond ring pair with any outfit, but they’re also an easy way to give off an air of elegance and style.

These rings are the classic choice when it comes to engagements, but they’re also a great option to show appreciation for friends and family members. As one of the most durable materials on earth, they symbolize long-lasting love and affection.

Of course, it’s worth noting that you don’t have to wait around for someone else to buy you one of these classic jewelry staples! More and more people are buying their own diamonds, giving them complete control over the look, shape, color, setting, and more. If you’ve been wanting to add one to your collection, don’t hesitate to find the perfect piece yourself!

Pearl Earrings

Pearl earrings have been a jewelry staple for thousands of years—and for good reason. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you’ll have to rely on outdated styles when shopping around for this addition to your collection: these earrings come in a huge variety of modern styles and settings as well as classic looks.

Stunning in their own right, pearl earrings are also simple enough to pair with just about anything. They vary in color, shape, and size, allowing for great personalization, and—like diamonds—they’re durable enough to stay on rotation in your wardrobe for years.

Stud Earrings

Stud earrings are the ultimate fine jewelry accessory. Because they’re so versatile, they’re the perfect way to dress up a casual outfit or dress down fancier attire.

Although diamonds are a popular choice when it comes to gemstone studs, there are plenty of different types of jewelry stones to choose from. Amethyst, ruby, and sapphire studs are popular, as are pure metal studs. In fact, luxurious and versatile gold studs are one of the best types of gold jewelry to buy for a dainty or simple look!

Hoop Earrings

As one of the most fashionable modern earring styles, hoop earrings are a great way to draw attention to your face and define your features. Easy to pair with a huge range of outfits, they’re one of the best jewelry styles to invest in, whether you’re buying for yourself or for someone you love.

What’s more, while classic hoop earrings come in simple metals like silver or gold, today’s modern trends call for hoops with subtle patterning or added gemstones. Note, of course, that fancier gemstone earrings might be too elegant to wear with your daily outfits, while simpler versions will pair well with any style.

A Pendant Necklace

Pendant necklaces are a must-have accessory for any wardrobe. Subtle and simple, these necklaces pair well with everyday wear, adding a touch of wow factor to your attire. The right pendant necklace balances eye-catching flair with a more reserved and laid-back look.

Even better, the options are endless when it comes to pendant necklaces! Whether you want a gemstone necklace, an all-metal design, or something unique, you can find the pendant necklace to match your style.

It’s also worth noting that these necklaces come in a range of different types of jewelry chains and varying lengths. The length, in particular, is important: if you’re hoping to fill out your jewelry box, it’s a good idea to invest in a shorter pendant necklace as well as a long and elegant option. Where shorter pieces pair well with most common necklines, longer pieces are perfect with high necklines and spice up simple outfits with a stunning flair.

Simple Bracelets

While many people gravitate to gemstone earrings or gorgeous necklaces when adding pieces to their jewelry box, you won’t want to overlook bracelets! The perfect bracelets can add style and personality to your look, and it’s easy to find pieces that match your unique wardrobe.

Silver and gold bracelets are timeless additions to any jewelry box, as are gemstone bracelets, charm bracelets, and tennis bracelets. If you’re hoping to get your hands on options you’ll want to wear for years, we recommend finding a few that you feel comfortable stacking together or wearing separately.

Find the Right Types of Jewelry for Your Collection

If you’re hoping to find pieces you’ll love wearing time and time again, you can’t go wrong with the types of jewelry above. Finding versions of the pieces above in your specific style can spice up your wardrobe and complement any look. Of course, keep in mind that the best jewelry pieces are the ones that make you feel confident, so don’t hesitate to experiment with the styles that work for you!

As you work to find the perfect pieces to buy for yourself or for someone you love, we’re here to help! Be sure to browse our other posts for style guides, and check out our offerings and jewelry collections to find pieces you’re sure to love.

]]> 2022-01-03T09:00:01-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:20-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Are Swarovski jewelry pieces worth it? What are Swarovski crystals, anyway? Let's answer these questions and more in this complete guide.



Answering Frequently Asked Questions About Swarovski Jewelry

Are Swarovski jewelry pieces worth it? What are Swarovski crystals, anyway? Let's answer these questions and more in this complete guide.

Keyword(s): swarovski jewelry



It is a great leap from the luxurious stores seen in airports and Dubai shopping malls to the industrial landscape of a factory floor. Yet one brand has managed to craft a reputation for excellence in both fields. So did you know that the Swarovski empire actually makes factory machinery as well?

More well known for sparkle and shine, their excellent imitation diamond for practical uses also makes beautiful jewelry. Read on as we discuss the frequently asked questions on Swarovski jewelry. 

What is Swarovski?

Daniel Swarovski founded his famous jewelry business in 1895. Based in Austria, it has now grown to be a famous luxury brand. Though it is known for its crystals and jewelry accessories it is not the only product it makes. 

The business also deals in creating optical equipment, such as telescope sights, and binoculars. They also have a branch that creates machines for drilling, sawing, and grinding. 

For most people, the Swarovski crystal jewelry is what they see on a day-to-day basis. There are 300 stores around the world, spread out to over 170 countries. The organization still retains its family roots and is run by the fifth generation of the Swarovski family. 

What are Swarovski Crystals?

Swarovski crystals are not made naturally. This does not mean that their quality is any less. In fact, they often have a luster and sparkle that exceeds that of naturally occurring products. 

This is done with a mix of sand, lead, quartz, and minerals. Previously they did have a high lead count which increased their shine. This has now been reduced to an almost imperceptible amount, to make them lead-free and safe to wear. 

Jewelry from Swarovski is often set in classic metal plating. Palladium tone plating, white and gold-tone plating are often used. 

Does Swarovski Jewelry Tarnish?

Swarovski jewelry is known for its durability and hard-wearing nature. Like any jewelry, it does tarnish given the right circumstances. It can be cleaned easily. 

Exposure to harsh chemicals and prolonged direct sunlight can cause fading. You will also find that pieces worn for long periods of time may begin to tarnish due to day-to-day wear. You need to clean them frequently if you can not avoid these circumstances. 

To make it durable these crystals have a chemical coating. Certain substances can make it react, including chlorine from swimming pools, detergents, and even certain perfumes. 

Like any jewelry, the plated metals can flake off over time. It is not a big or expensive task to get these replated when the time comes. 

Zirconia vs Crystal

When buying Swarovski crystal jewelry you will have two options. These will be to buy classic crystals or zirconia. Both have advantages and disadvantages. 

Zirconia is harder than crystal. This means it will be more durable. Crystal may be more likely to scratch. 

Another reason to buy zirconia is that it is one of the closest imitations to diamond available. Swarovski actually applies many diamond standards to their zirconia gemstones. This results in increased sparkle and shine. 

While cheaper than a diamond, zirconia is more expensive than the standard Swarovski crystals. This makes it a great middle-ground between the two. Zirconia is an ideal substitute for a diamond. 

How Do I Know It Is Genuine?

With such a desirable brand comes the inevitable counterfeits. The main way to make sure you are getting the real deal is to shop with a trusted vendor. There are also a few key signs you can look out for. 

Firstly, Swarovski jewelry also has a certificate of authenticity. Tags and stickers on the item should also have the Swarovski seal, along with a 16 digit verification code. You can check this on the brand's website. 

Check the crystals themself. Many items will have a logo laser etched into them. Any products made after 1989 also have the company swan logo engraved into them. 

Swarovski crystals are also flawlessly made. If there are any bubbles or imperfections in the crystal it is likely it is a fake. Genuine Swarovski crystals also have a brilliant sparkle which may not be in the fake versions. 

Is It Good Quality?

Swarovski is extremely popular for two reasons. The first is its high-quality products. The second is its wide catalog, which can cater to a vast scope of budgets and tastes. 

Whatever you decide to buy, if it comes with the Swarovski seal of quality you will find their products even have more sparkle and shine than real crystals. Many people are surprised that lead is included in them, but this provides much of the durability and sparkle. 

Can I Shower While Wearing Swarovski?

Certain chemicals can damage the crystal's coating, it is not advised to shower with the products on. Soaps and cleaning products may take off the protective coating, damaging your jewelry. While odd splashes of water won't impact it immediately, repeat washing could erode the product. 

Is Swarovski Jewelry Good Value?

On a basic level, the quality to price ratio with Swarovski is exceptional. You get quality imitation crystals, made by experts in the field. 

If the jewelry holds its value on the second-hand market is unknown. They do not contain precious metals like gold, silver, or palladium so these market prices do not impact it. Thus, much of its sale value is dictated by current trends and fashions. 

Buying Jewelry

Buying jewelry is a pleasure when you shop for Swarovski. As many other people use their crystals in products, the possibilities are endless. You just need to find something to suit your style and wardrobe. 

wehoautodetail should be your first stop. We have a wide range of products including Swarovski jewelry. Click here to see our excellent range and accessorize your wardrobe today. 

]]> 2021-12-20T09:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:28-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Are you looking to buy fine jewelry from traditional jewelry stores? Then you'll want to read about some basic tips before you get started.


8 Tips for Buying Fine Jewelry
Are you looking to buy fine jewelry from traditional jewelry stores? Then you'll want to read about some basic tips before you get started.

Keyword(s): fine jewelry, jewelry



If you're among the 75% of women who like to buy their own jewelry, finding the right pieces for your style is a priority. It's a fun task, but it can also be a challenge. There are so many options to consider!

Luckily, choosing fine jewelry is easy when you know how to do it. Whether you want professional, casual, or formal pieces, there's something out there perfect for you. Read on to learn some of the top tips for selecting and wearing pieces that you love.

1. Set a Budget

Fine jewelry can get expensive and be a drain on your wallet. Luckily, pieces come with a lot of different price tags, meaning that there's something that everyone can afford. Look at your finances and decide what you can realistically spend on an accessory.

The best online retailers offer fine jewelry at a low price. Affordable luxury means that you can purchase gorgeous pieces that incorporate gold, sterling silver, platinum, and Swarovski crystals with no guilt. It also gives you the chance to buy more pieces to create a cohesive look with matching jewelry.

2. Know What Jewelry Type You Want

The next step in the buying process is to know what kind of accessory you're looking to invest in. Do you wear a lot of V-neck shirts that would look best with a statement necklace? Will a bracelet snazz up your wrist in professional settings and give you an air of tasteful authority?

Determine what you will wear the most often. You want to buy a piece that you'll get a lot of use from. Think logically about the lower-end pieces that you currently wear and get high-quality pieces of the same type.

3. Understand Your Style

Sometimes you'll see a beautiful piece of jewelry that speaks to you. Unfortunately, not every gorgeous piece is going to have your name written on it. This is true no matter how much you love it.

If you wear primarily cool colors but see a rose-gold ruby bangle that you like, you probably shouldn't buy it despite its beauty. Instead, find something made from white gold that's set with an emerald or a sapphire. There are likely options in similar styles that feature different materials, so consider alternatives that you will wear regularly.

4. Consider Common Occasions

Do you spend most days in an office? Or are you someone who works from home but loves to go out in the evenings? Your answers to these questions determine the type of fine jewelry that you should buy.

If you're looking for work jewelry, subtle pieces are essential. They complement your outfit and make you look elegant but professional. Those who are looking to wear pieces on formal occasions, dates, and classy nights out may want similar styles.

However, if you want fine jewelry to stand out in casual settings, you can get away with more. Bigger, brighter crystals and large rose-gold bangles are perfect for these occasions. Make sure that you think about when and where you will wear a piece before investing in it.

5. Find the Right Retailer

There are a lot of different fine jewelry retailers out there, so it can be tricky to choose where to go.

All of these jewelers have their own unique styles. It can be overwhelming to go to a bunch of stores and compare pieces with those at other locations. Additionally, many fine jewelry brands are extremely expensive (and often overpriced for what you're getting).

Consider online retailers with diverse, high-quality options. wehoautodetail offers collections that feature high-end metals and gorgeous real gemstones.

Diamonds, quartz, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and multicolored Swarovski crystals are available online immediately. Italian glass is also an amazing way to spruce up any necklace or pair of earrings. Affordable luxury is all the rage in fine jewelry right now, so take a look.

6. Look at All of Your Options

Informed decision-making is important whenever you make a purchase. Browsing fine jewelry stores is no exception. You want to get the perfect pieces, not simply something that looks 'pretty good.'

Make sure that you browse potential options before making a decision. This will give you the opportunity to compare and contrast styles and colors. You'll feel more confident in your choice when it's finally time to check out.

7. Understand Sizing

No matter what type of jewelry you're getting, you'll need to take some measurements and determine the size you need.

Adjustable chains are perfect for necklaces since you'll want to wear them with multiple necklines. Still, you'll need to measure your neck and make sure that the adjustable chain will fit properly. Adjustable bracelet chains also work wonders and require similar measurements.

Sizing is especially important with rings. Whether they're wedding rings or not, fine rings aren't usually adjustable.

Jewelers can only do so many alterations later. Get a professional ring sizer and see which best fits you before ordering anything.

8. Work Up to More Pieces

Remember that there's no pressure to buy all of your fine jewelry in one sitting. You can get some pieces now and others later.

This is ideal for those who don't know what types of pieces they're going to use the most often. You can see what you wear the most and get other matching pieces later. You also can build on your pieces to form a full collection of matching jewelry.

Working up doesn't just let you invest wisely. It also lets you budget properly. You don't need to put out hundreds of dollars at once on affordable luxury but instead can build a larger collection over time with little stress.

Invest in Gorgeous Fine Jewelry Today

While choosing fine jewelry can be a challenge, it's simple when you consider your specific needs. Now that you have some tips on choosing accessories that fit your personal brand, it's time to get started.

We're committed to bringing you high-quality jewelry that helps you look amazing and feel confident. Shop our collections to find and purchase pieces that look perfect on any occasion.

]]> 2021-11-01T10:55:16-06:00 2024-01-17T20:26:40-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis More


7 Tips for Choosing Sterling Silver Chains

Have you been looking for the perfect sterling silver chain? Read here for seven great tips for choosing the sterling silver chains of your dreams.

Keyword(s): sterling silver chains



The first known pieces of silver jewelry date all the way back to ancient Turkey, around the 4th millennium BC. Since then, there have been times in history when it has been the most prized metal on the planet. So do you know how to make yourself look like a million dollars with silver?

Luckily, if you are choosing necklaces, there are plenty of options. Read on as we discuss our guide to choosing sterling silver chains

1. Quality

When thinking of quality, try to look at silver necklaces on two separate terms. The first should be their fashion appeal, and the second should be their potential to accrue value over time. 

In the first instance, you want high-quality silver for its look. It needs to have that vibrant shine it is famous for. The light should reflect and bounce from its surface as it moves. 

The higher the quality, the more it will appreciate as time goes on. The value will also be dictated by the quality of metals that have been added to it. As silver is soft and malleable, it needs high-grade materials in the alloy to stop it from breaking and damaging. 

Sterling silver jewelry is a great benchmark for this. You can be sure it will stay strong and hold its value over your lifetime. 

2. Measure Your Neck

Measuring your neck can help avoid disappointment, especially if you buy online and are in a position where you can not try a chain on. It may look different on the website pictures because of the angle or shape of the model. 

For a necklace that will have a pendant, then measure your neck and add four inches. This should let it hang at a medium place around the upper chest. For drooping, long chains add more. 

If you are shopping for a choker-style pendant, then add around two inches. You don't want it to literally choke you, and you will need to breathe and swallow while wearing it. When in doubt, go for an adjustable chain for all eventualities. 

3. Think About Your Face Shape

Many people only consider their face shape when buying eyewear, not silver necklaces. However, the chain and pendant are very closely linked to the shape of your face and can help accentuate certain features. 

Anyone with a long, narrow face should wear a necklace of around forty to forty-five centimeters in length. This will soften the appearance. By going for round-shaped pendants, you will also bring closing the combination of shapes and angles. 

Short-length necklaces and chokers should be avoided by anyone with a rounder face. They may exaggerate the face shape, so opt for longer, flowing chains. 

In contrast, heart-shaped faces should do the opposite. Short necklaces and chokers will balance the upper head and narrower chin. Finally, those with oval-shaped faces are the luckiest and can wear whatever they like. 

4. Think of the Occasion

Don't forget the dress or outfit, and the occasion you will wear it for. Even if you see a piece you love and don't have anything in mind for it; you can begin to think of ways to wear it. You may see items and clothing when you are out shopping that would match. 

One tip is to keep a picture of the jewelry piece on your phone. That way, you can match it to outfits when out shopping. If you already have the outfit, keep a picture of that when jewelry shopping. 

When buying jewelry, also decided on if it will be casual or formal wear, some items can be worn for both, but it is good to mix in your box for any eventuality. 

5. Length and Width

Silver necklaces come in all shapes and sizes. You can get long, heavy-set sterling silver jewelry to small, tight chokers. It all depends on the look you are going for. 

Small size chains are obviously more prone to snapping, should you catch them. However, to wear, they will almost feel invisible and not be uncomfortable or hinder your movement. 

Longer, thicker chains will obviously go up in weight. They may get in your way if you are carrying out tasks or snag more easily. All of these factors should be considered when buying. 

Naturally, as the size and width of the chain increase,e so does the price. Make sure you are getting what you pay for with larger chains and not skimping on quality for size. 

6. Choose Great Retailers

There are many vendors of sterling silver jewelry online. However, the quality of products, service, and price can vary drastically. Therefore, it helps to go to a trusted, reputable retailer.

Check the website for customer testimonials. You could also look online to see if others have purchased from them. They may have ratings that tell you how good the customer service is and how many stars they get.

Check the returns policy for the items you buy. Keep in mind that for hygiene reasons, many jewelry items are non-returnable. This is another reason to ensure you are buying the best good you can. 

7. Don’t Be Afraid to Make a Statement

Everyone has seen a beautiful, eye-catching piece of jewelry and wondered if it suits their look. For the unadventurous, it usually means going back to what you know. But jewelry should be an invitation to try something new. 

Dramatic jewelry and statement pieces are currently in vogue. If in doubt, the trick is to match statement pieces with pared-down, understated outfits. For colorful, out-there fashion, work the other way around and use smaller, less intrusive pieces. 

Making the Final Decision on Sterling Silver Chains

The final decision on which sterling silver chains you should buy comes down to you. Pick something you love and cherish. It should be an item you take out of the jewelry box and relish wearing. 

wehoautodetail should be your first choice when shopping online. We present luxury jewelry without luxury markups. Click here to see our whole range of excellent necklaces and find something you love. 

]]> 2021-04-05T00:30:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:55-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

While you're collecting jewelry, each piece forms part of an investment in a larger collection that can hold its value if chosen well.



Collecting Jewelry: Your Guide to Investing in Valuable Pieces

While you're collecting jewelry, each piece forms part of an investment in a larger collection that can hold its value if chosen well.

Keyword(s): collecting jewelry



Collecting jewelry that's worth a decent value is a little more complicated than most people realize. While it may seem simple to pick out a ring or bracelet because it's ''pretty'', how do you know whether you're truly buying an investment piece? 

The truth is -- you can't really tell just by looking at a piece of jewelry. Unless, of course, you have a highly trained eye for it. Before you splash your hard-earned cash on valuable jewelry, you'll need a little verification, first. 

If you're looking to invest in high-quality jewelry, whether it's for you, or someone else, check out this guide for must-know tips on how to collect investment pieces. 

A Guide To Collecting Jewelry That's Worth the Investment 

Perhaps you're at the age where it's time to pass on your costume jewelry and replace it with a few more investment pieces. If you want to build a beautiful and timeless jewelry collection that's worth your money, it's important to find pieces that aren't trend-led. 

While it's not always easy to find those true, unique gems, you want to invest some real time and effort in finding jewelry pieces that suit your style and personality -- not someone else's. 

When it comes to investing in high-end jewelry, make sure to look for assistance with regards to quality, as well as authenticity papers, condition reports, and warranty. Keep on reading to learn more:


1. What Does Your Budget Look Like?

First thing's first, your budget should be a major consideration. As a savvy jewelry buyer, you need to know what your budget is, including the absolute maximum you're willing to spend on a piece. 

This will help to narrow down your overall selection. 

If you've seen a particular piece and know that this is where you want to invest your money, there's no harm in setting aside some money each week/month to save for it. Take your time when investing in high-quality jewelry. Save up the money so that you know you can afford it, and it will feel like the best reward. 

Some of the best pieces to invest in when building a high-quality jewelry collection include a simple gold piece, with a gemstone. A chain necklace, a simple signet ring, and freshwater pearls are also great investment items. 

2. Don't Just Eyeball Quality 

The reality is that most people with an untrained eye cannot tell the difference between high-quality and mass-produced jewelry. Heck, even jewelry experts need specific tools to determine the quality of certain pieces. 

Over time, you might gain some experience in purchasing high-quality jewelry and you'll soon learn a few of the hallmark qualities to look out for. But as a beginner, don't eyeball the quality of your investment pieces or take someone's word for it. 

The best way to determine the quality of what you're buying is to simply ask your jeweler/seller directly. Ask them about where the jewel originated, and how it's been treated. Ask for certification papers, or bring along a seasoned jewelry shopper for advice and a second opinion. 

3. Beware of Outdated Certificates of Authenticity

Along with certification papers, you should also ask about a certificate of authenticity. In some cases, you'll be offered either, or. But before you invest in an expensive piece of jewelry, you need to know if it's legit. 

If you are buying a gem, always ask for a lab certification from a trusted source -- such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). This certification includes the gem's origin, quality of the stone, as well as its gemological identity and any alterations. 

The origin of a gem is especially important. This is because certain regions and countries are well-known for their quality of gems -- also known as conflict-free gems

It's also crucial that papers of authenticity and certification are up-to-date. If they are two-years-old, this will pass. Anything older, and you should be wary. The reason for this is the fact that lab technology has improved drastically over the years, so an outdated certificate could be quite inaccurate. 

4. Ensure Your Jewelry Is Sold With a Warranty

Once you have your mind made up about a certain piece, you need to make sure that you're offered a warranty plan by your seller. This warranty should also include a jewelry service plan. 

This plan should cover the annual cleaning of your jewelry, as well as an in-depth inspection by your jeweler with a gemscope or loupe. This step is important to ensure your piece is still in top condition and doesn't require any repairs. 

A service plan must also cover the cost of these repairs, and tasks such as ring re-sizing, rhodium plating, and re-tipping. You can also take things one step further to protect your investment piece and take out jewelry insurance. There are actually renters and homeowner's insurance policies that cover a certain amount of jewelry protection! 

5. Shop With a Trusted Brand 

Finally, if you're going to invest in high-quality jewelry pieces, you want to buy them from a brand or jeweler you can trust. This is especially important if you're a beginner jewelry buyer. 

Before you settle with a particular jeweler, don't be afraid to ask questions about what they offer and how they source their jewelry. You want to shop from a source that feels right. 

Another important tip to keep in mind is that it's always wise to shop with someone who has experience in buying expensive jewelry. If you don't know to look for or even what you like, they could offer some helpful advice and insight to ensure you're investing a piece that's worthy of your money.

Looking To Invest in Fine Jewelry? 

In closing, you want to ensure the jeweler offers a good return policy in case you take the piece home and feel like it doesn't suit you later on down-the-line. A good rule of thumb to never forget? If a deal seems too good to be true, it generally is! 

If collecting jewelry is on your radar, you don't want to miss out on wehoautodetail's demi-fine collection. We offer a large variety of gorgeous styles to suit jewelry collectors looking for demure, elegant, and high-quality pieces. 

]]> 2021-02-08T10:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:28:14-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

If you are hunting for 6 classically chic jewelry pieces to step up your wardrobe in 2021, then your search is officially over!



6 Classically Chic Jewelry Pieces to Step up Your Wardrobe in 2021

If you are hunting for 6 classically chic jewelry pieces to step up your wardrobe in 2021, then your search is officially over!

Keyword(s): Chic Jewelry



One of the easiest ways to step up your wardrobe is to add jewelry in order to dress up your outfits. Regardless of whether you're a fan of fashion or more comfortable in a well-worn pair of jeans and a classic white t-shirt, jewelry can enhance any outfit as soon as you're able to put earrings, a necklace, or a bracelet on. 

Even better, chic jewelry doesn't necessarily have to be expensive. There are many pieces available that can match your budget but are also quality pieces that can last the test of time. 

With this in mind, read on to learn all about our top chic jewelry ideas in order to boost your wardrobe for the new year! 

1. Adding Color With Quartz


If you're a fan of boho chic jewelry, we recommend taking a look at quartz pieces that can add a touch of whimsy, nature, and whimsicalness to any outfit. Mystic quartz is a new gem type that was first created around 1998. This is white quartz that's been coated through film deposition technology.

The coating creates a rainbow-effect of cool dark blues and greens that glimmer in the light. The coating also has a kaleidoscopic quality that changes color depending on how the gemstone is tilted or worn. If you're a fan of bohemian fabrics that flow in the breeze and bold colors and patterns, mystic quartz can complete an outfit. 

2. Down to Earth Collections

Not everyone is a fan of classic jewelry, and if the thought of tennis bracelets and pearl necklaces has steered you away from accessories, we're here to help you out. Intricate, chic jewelry pieces are available that contain intricate patterns that mimic leaves, vines, and the boughs of trees. They can also come with stunning gems such as turquoise and amethyst in order to complete a timeless look. 

These chic pieces are perfect for nature lovers who want another way to express themselves through jewelry. Even better, sturdy sterling silver makes them perfect for everyday wear no matter the occasion. 

3. The Classic Pearl 

Pearl chic jewelry is possible in a variety of different shapes and sizes. You can also wear pearls in unique ways other than the classic pearl necklace in order to create a chic and modern look that can match a variety of outfits and events. For instance, pendant pearl necklaces create a delicate and elegant line along your neck that can look beautiful paired with a dress or even a blouse. 

Individual pearls also look beautiful with wrap earrings made out of gold or sterling silver. If you're in search of affordable chic jewelry, we also love the look of a single freshwater pearl on a silver box chain. This elegant look is classic and versatile, and it can make a great gift or worn as a statement piece. 

4. Unique Roman Glass

If you're looking for a unique piece of jewelry that can make a chic statement, you can't go wrong with Roman glass. With each piece of Roman glass jewelry, a story is being told. This is because each piece is made out of a fragment of ancient glass that is over 2000 years old. 

After these unearthed, aqua-colored glass fragments are salvaged and cleaned, the glass is shaped and set into sterling silver to create a one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry. This is an especially attractive material because of the history it holds. It's a great piece to give as a gift or to pass done for generations.  

From pendant necklaces with intricate details to modern-looking earrings, you can find Roman glass jewelry in any style that suits you best. 

5. Chunky Necklaces

If you want to make a bold statement with minimalistic outfits, you can't go wrong with a chunky, colorful necklace or bracelet. As soon as you put a chunky necklace on, you'll find that it can bring you confidence and a fresh feeling. You can also create a more cohesive look by matching the color of your jewelry with your shoes, patterns on your dress, or with other accessories.

Many people shy away from chunky jewelry because they're afraid that it might look too off-putting or "cheap." However, chunky jewelry can be made from natural coral beads with a bold and brilliant color. This natural material creates a high-quality sheen.

6. Swarovski Crystals

Last but not least, you can't go wrong with jewelry encrusted with Swarovski crystals. If you're on a budget, you can find budget-friendly necklaces with birthday necklaces that come in the color of your birthstone. It's also important to remember that you don't just have to wear Swarovski crystal jewelry during special events.

A simple and elegant pendant necklace with a single solitaire pairs well even with a t-shirt and jeans. Even better, it helps emphasize your outfit and fashion sense by adding a touch of allure.

Chic Jewelry to Enhance Your Outfits

When it comes to chic jewelry, there are a number of options you can choose from, starting from crystals to natural gemstones. It's important to remember that you can treat yourself with inexpensive jewelry that's still beautiful and created with quality, even if you're on a budget.

Regardless of whether you're a fashion guru or not, jewelry is easy to purchase and slip-on, even if you're in a hurry in the morning. We recommend starting with a simple pendant necklace if you're just starting to build your jewelry collection and seeing how you feel after a few days of wearing one! 

Ready to begin shopping for yourself or a loved one? Shop our gift guide today! 

]]> 2020-11-16T10:00:01-07:00 2024-01-17T20:28:42-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Your personal style is accentuated with unique accessories that not only compliment your wardrobe they announce your arrival.


Secrets to Finding Unique Accessories That Make a Statement
Your personal style is accentuated with unique accessories that not only compliment your wardrobe they announce your arrival.

Keyword(s): unique accessories

How you dress is an integral component of how to put yourself out in the world. Your clothes, hair, and overall style create a visual impression that can express your personality, values, and interests. 

Even the most generic outfit like a T-shirt and jeans or a professional business suit can be made into a clear expression of your individual style with the right accessories. From an Indonesian bangle to a jaunty beret, the smallest details will enhance your look and give everyone who sees you a sneak preview of what is in your heart.

Here are five tips on choosing unique accessories to bring out the qualities that make you different from everyone else.

1.  Express Your Passions 

Your clothes, jewelry and hairstyle make a statement, whether you like it or not. By putting careful consideration into how you adorn your outside, you give people a true sense of what they may find on the inside.

A vegan leather jacket expresses without words your commitment to the animal kingdom. A dramatic necklace made of abalone demonstrates your reverence for the natural world, especially the sea.

Some choose a literal expression of their love, such as name necklaces (with their children's names) or an impressive engagement ring. Others may opt for more subtle expressions, ranging from a peace symbol to an animal replica or an allusion to a beloved TV show or book (you can find many distributors which sell rings, cloaks and pendants embossed with "Lord of the Rings" or "Game of Thrones" references). 

By choosing accessories that do not fit into clearly defined categories, you show others that you embrace a way of thinking that is nontraditional or slightly "out of the box." This mode of telegraphing your attitude will draw like-minded people to you as they are attracted to your individual style of self-expression.

2. Showcase Your Priorities 

Accessories are also a way to show where you choose to place importance. You may have a special fondness for your own family history, and wear your grandmother's timeless jewelry as a homage to the past and your ancestors. You may choose Celtic or African styles to honor your roots.

You may choose conflict-free diamonds if you are opposed to supporting companies that do harm to populations or the environment. 

If you are committed to supporting local artisans, you may choose scarves made by hand by your favorite neighborhood weaver. 

If you are in tune with your spirituality and believe in the powers of crystals and other new age practices, you may wear this belief on your sleeve (as it were) by choosing jewelry made with stones imbued with special powers.

For example, many believe that jewelry made from amber can cleanse the aura, align body and mind, and enhance creativity. Emeralds connote romantic love, but also memory, faith and clairvoyance.

Of course, your accessories do not always have to have a specific message. If you look at a bracelet or a hat and think, "This is me!", you have found a perfect item to express yourself. The reason why you are drawn to it may be subconscious, or it may not even matter! 

3. Keep It Simple 

It can be easy to pile on the accessories. If you love a certain chapeau, you may wish to wear it every day! You may decide that your personality prefers to mix and match a wide variety of different styles and pieces all in one outfit. 

Generally,  you can make a more dramatic statement the more simple you keep your choices. As that famous fashion icon Coco Chanel would say, before you leave the house, take one accessory off. And this was a woman who adored her accessories! 

If that top hat is your signature piece, go ahead and wear it every day, but there is no need to pair it with bracelets on each wrist and rings on each finger. Keep the focus on one anchor piece that brings together the whole outfit.

Decide where you want to draw people's attention. Your new boots? Opt for a dark silhouette with black pants or a skirt so you won't distract from your footwear. 

If you want to draw attention to your newly enhanced neck or chest area, select an eye-catching chain or choker around your neck to draw eyes to your flawless skin and curves. 

4. One Is Better Than Many

While some may like to heap on different items, usually an outfit benefits from one unique addition or attribute as opposed to many. If you are on a budget, this adage is even more helpful. Better to invest in one signature piece that means a great deal to you than to drench yourself in costume jewelry without any clear statement or quality. 

One glittering broach will get more attention if it stands out against a plain background. A fabulous ring deserves to be the only adornment on your hand: don't dilute its impact by wearing a multitude of other rings and bracelets with it. 

5. Don't Be Afraid of Change 

Maybe you wore that set of pearls for ten years. Maybe it seemed appropriate for your job, your friends, and your lifestyle.

However, as our lives evolve, so do our tastes. Don't let yourself get boxed into one way of looking.

If you fall in love with a dramatic piece of jewelry that you never would have considered before, go with it! Your style may be changing. As we said above, even if you do not know why you are attracted to a certain piece of clothing, the fact that you are gives it significance.

Go for it! 

We are all many-faceted people. We cannot be defined by one outfit, one mood, or a single life event. Your fashion can reflect all the many aspects of who you are. 

Unique Accessories: Show the World Your Special Qualities 

Unique accessories can showcase all that makes each one of us different from everyone else. Whether you choose one special piece of jewelry or gravitate to a variety of styles and selections, the little touches you add to your clothes make you memorable, different, and special. They also make you feel terrific.

For some more ideas on choosing special added touches that will enhance your look, check out our blog


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]]> 2020-03-30T12:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:29:53-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Are you looking for new tips on how to get amazing jewelry? Click here to learn some of the most important jewelry buying secrets you'll need to know in 2020.


5 Jewelry Buying Secrets You Need to Know
Are you looking for new tips on how to get amazing jewelry? Click here to learn some of the most important jewelry buying secrets you'll need to know in 2020.

Keyword(s): jewelry buying secrets


When it comes to buying jewelry for yourself, there really is no set of hard-and-fast rules. Ultimately, it comes down to your own personal style and preference. 

But what's important to keep in mind is that the jewelry you wear is a direct expression of who you are. Some jewelry pieces go beyond personal style. They are personal treasures that represent your heritage, personality, and more.

While jewelry trends come and go, there are a few staple items that will never go out of fashion. Here are the jewelry buying secrets you need to know when investing in new key pieces... 

The Top Jewelry Buying Secrets For a Lifelong Investment 

Before you make the investment in new fine jewelry pieces, it's wise to do a little research beforehand. This should be based on your own personal style and the specifics behind different types of jewelry.

In other words, you should get a feel for what you like and understand exactly what you're buying! Here's where to start... 

1. Explore Your Own Personal Style 

Everyone goes through a number of transformative stages when it comes to personal style and preference. The same goes for the jewelry you choose to wear throughout different stages of your life. 

When updating your jewelry collection, it's crucial that you discover what kind of personal style you prefer. Not-to-mention what is considered timeless -- you want to invest in jewelry pieces with longevity. 

Some things to consider about your personal style: 

  • What does the majority of your wardrobe look like? Are you more conservative, or free-spirited, do you prefer plain or patterned clothing?
  • What is your lifestyle like -- do you have the occasion to wear more flashy jewelry, or would a more toned-down, simple style suit you better?  
  • How much jewelry do you prefer to wear at one time -- would fiddly, fine jewelry get in your way or is chunky jewelry more your style?

The jewelry pieces you choose should fit in with your current lifestyle and wardrobe so that you know you'll get the most wear out of them.  

2. Determine Your Buying Budget 

It's no secret that buying high-quality, fine jewelry can cost a pretty penny. But as with most things in life, you get what you pay for. If you make a decent investment in a piece of jewelry it should offer you long-wear longevity. 

Before you commit to buying fine jewelry, make sure it's within your budget. If you have your eye on something particular, consider putting something into your savings each month until you can afford it. Choose your jewelry carefully, especially if it's on the pricier side - consider how often you'll wear it. 

If you're working with a budget, that's okay too. You can still purchase decent-quality pieces, but you may have to go the plain and simple route, first. Consider buying plain gold, silver, platinum, vermeil or gold-filled finish jewelry, without gemstones.  

3. Get to Know Jewelry Metals 

Whether you prefer silver, gold, rose gold, or platinum jewelry, do you know what you're spending your money on? Here's what you should know about each of these precious metals: 


All sterling silver jewelry pieces should have a bright, white luster. If it looks dull after some time, it can be buffed and that bright shine should reappear. Sterling silver may have a tendency to tarnish over time as it's exposed to oxygen. It's a simple chemical reaction that can be rectified

You can also choose silver jewelry with a rhodium finish -- which is a similar metal to platinum. Rhodium should not tarnish either and has a bright white appearance that's slightly different from sterling silver. 


Always and forever a classic, gold jewelry is a solid, lifetime investment. Pure gold is 24-carats. Anything less is usually a combination of part-gold and part-alloy. All gold is yellow in color when dug from the earth, but it's strengthened by alloy, which can change its color. 

Traditional yellow gold, alloyed with copper or zinc is the easiest to maintain. It can be easily polished and should never tarnish. Rose gold is also a good long-term investment option -- alloyed with copper. 


Platinum is a dense white metal, and when used for jewelry manufacturing, it's the purest of all precious metals. Due to its weight, platinum is actually more expensive than gold. Platinum should never tarnish but can become dull over time. But it can be easily revived with a quick polish.  

Vermeil and Gold-Filled 

Vermeil is a great, budget-friendly version of gold. Essentially, it is sterling silver, plated with gold. You can choose between rose or yellow gold, too. Gold-filled jewelry is much the same, starting out as a base metal, such as brass. It is then coated with a sheet of gold. These two options offer the look of gold, without the expensive price tag. 

4. Do Your Homework on Gemstone Treatment 

It's worth noting that all gemstones are treated before they're added to jewelry settings. It's crucial to know how they've been treated so you can care for your fine jewelry the right way. 

One of the most common gem treatments is with heat. In short, it's used to improve the color saturation of a gemstone. This means that a gemstone with vibrant color and clarity has been heat-treated. Unheated gemstones are not as bright or clear.    

Emeralds are often treated with oil to fill small cracks. While rubies are either heated or glass-filled to improve their vibrancy. Most rubies are heat-treated, which means that non-heat-treated rubies are far more rare and expensive.

Either way, significant gemstones should always be sold with a report from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Remember that all gemstone treatment should be disclosed to buyers. Any reputable jewelry dealer will know this, too. 

Of course, there are also synthetic types of gemstones on the market today which extremely similar to the real thing. They also cost a fraction of the price. Some of these include cubic zirconia, zircon, moissanite, white sapphire, rutile, spinel and more.

5. Carefully Consider Jewelry Setting

The setting of a piece of jewelry adds to its unique style and flare. So this is an important consideration too when choosing new jewelry pieces. Not only should the setting suit your style, but should also be 100% functional too. 

Look at the workmanship closely. The metal setting should be smooth, with no sharp edges. All metal prongs should face downward, clutching the gem securely. Look for symmetrical width in all bezel and other frame settings, too.  

If you're buying a very detailed piece, such as a ring with a row of small gems, make sure the channel of metal is even and smooth. The gems inside the channel should not be overlapping. Don't forget to closely examine the clasp of necklaces and bracelets, too. 

Add to Your Collection with wehoautodetail 

We hope these jewelry buying secrets have given you a better idea of how to shop for your next signature pieces, or simply add to your collection.

Take a look at our new range of affordable luxury jewelry and update your jewelry collection today... 
