Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2020-05-04T10:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:29:42-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis More people are on video calls with the current pandemic. If you want to look your best, then take a look at the best makeup and jewelry tips for video.



The Best Makeup and Jewelry Tips for Video Conferencing

More people are on video calls with the current pandemic. If you want to look your best, then take a look at the best makeup and jewelry tips for video.

Keyword(s): Makeup and jewelry tips


In 2020, we're all dealing with a lot of changes thanks to COVID-19. Whether it is in your home life or work life, things have been completely filled upside down. 

Video conferencing for work has become the new norm to communicate and get things done with your coworkers or clients. The best thing about video conferencing is that you really only need to focus on getting ready from the waist up. 

If you're looking for makeup and jewelry tips that will look great for video conferencing, then you've come to the right place!

Keep reading for our guide to the best makeup and jewelry tips and tricks so you will look professional every time you need to jump on a video conference call. 

Try to Keep It Simple

Getting ready for a video conference call is super important whether it is with a client, your boss, other coworkers, or even if you're a student doing online learning.

When you get ready, even when you're just at home, you feel better and more confident. The person you're chatting with will even have a better opinion about you. 

When you start with your makeup you will want to keep it simple to look professional. Everyone wants dewy and healthy looking skin but when you're on video it can come off as looking shiny. Try to go with a foundation that is mattifying or just stick with concealing your problem areas. 

Under-eye concealer will be the most important part of your video conference look especially if you stayed up late binge-watching Netflix! A hydrating under-eye concealer is perfect for video conferences and a great way to make sure you look awake and ready to take on anything.  

Eyebrows and Eyelashes

Two of the most important steps of your makeup routine should be your eyebrows and eyelashes. When doing your makeup for a video conference you should make sure to focus on those above all else.

Filling in your eyebrows gives you a stronger looking brow. Overall, this will make you look more confident during your video conference. 

Wearing mascara can also help to make your eyes look wider and more expressive. This can help you during your video conference to make a certain point or win over your audience. 

Add Pops of Color

Of course, you will want to keep it professional but a fun makeup trick for your video conference is adding some pops of color to your makeup look.

One classic way to add a bit of color to your look is a holographic highlighter. It will still be a professional look but when the light hits in just the right spot the pop of color will show through. 

You can also add a few fun colors to your eyeshadow look but make sure not to go too over the top with it! You'll want to stick with what you would normally wear to work but have a bit of fun with it. 

A red lip is also a great way to add a bit of color to your video conference makeup look. Neutral face makeup with red lipstick still looks very professional. It is a fun way to spice up your look especially since you're stuck in the house. 

Focus on Your Earrings

When picking out jewelry to wear for your video conference you're going to want to focus on your earrings. There are so many different styles of earrings to go with especially for video conferencing that it is up to you and your personal style to find the right ones. 

The best choice would be dangly earrings because they will be seen better during the video conference. They can also help complement your makeup as well as the top your wearing. 

Hoop earrings are also a great choice when video conferencing because they will show up on video good too! They're fun to wear because they can look great with pretty much any outfit.  

On the other hand, you may like wearing stud earrings more and they're perfect for video conferencing too! When wearing studs you will want to opt for a larger pair so they can be seen better during your video call. 

Once you pick out the perfect earrings you may also want to style your hair in an updo. Wearing an updo is the best way to keep your hair out of your face and show off your earrings during your video conference. An updo will also make you look more put together and classy during your conference call. 

Necklaces Are Great, Too

Besides earrings, your necklace is definitely going to be something that people will notice during your video conference. You're not going to want a necklace that is too long because it may get cut out of the frame during the call. 

One style of jewelry that has become very popular is layering several necklaces together. Getting a few dainty necklaces that are different lengths and wearing them during your video conference will look really stylish and cute. This has become very trendy but it is also a fun way to try out new jewelry. 

Statement necklaces will also look very good during your video conference. When wearing a basic top they can really make you look classy and professional. 

The thing about statement necklaces is that there are tons of different styles and kinds. You just need to figure out what works with your style and personality so you can find pieces that fit with your look.  

Makeup and Jewelry Tips for Video Conferencing

For video conferencing, there are tons of makeup and jewelry tips and tricks that you can use to look your best. The greatest part of video conferencing is that you really only need to make sure you're getting ready from the waist up. 

Don't go overboard when getting ready for your video conferencing so you can make sure that you look put together and professional. 

If you're looking to add some new jewelry to your collection, then make sure to check out some of our breathtaking pieces. We have exclusive collections that you will love! 


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]]> 2020-04-27T10:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:29:46-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis If you have an important video meeting and are unsure of what to wear, check out this guide. It will tell you all about how to look professional on a video call.



5 Ways to Look More Professional on Your Video Call

If you have an important video meeting and are unsure of what to wear, check out this guide. It will tell you all about how to look professional on a video call.

Keyword(s): Video call



Working from home still requires a certain level of professionalism. This is true, in particular, if you have any ambitious aspirations regarding the future of your career. Even experts recognize the value of professional relationships for this reason. 

Still, working from home presents some challenges when it comes to maintaining those interpersonal relationships. Perhaps all of the interaction you have with your supervisors or coworkers is digital. The only chance you might have to impress any of them is through a scheduled video call. 

If that's the case, it's essential that you take advantage of that time on the video call. The good thing is that you've come to the right place to learn how to impress anyone on your business-related video conferences. Keep reading for five key ways to look more professional during a video call. 

1. Don't Underestimate the Importance of Proper Lighting

It's understandable to be tempted to be more casual when working at home. During those video conference calls, though, people have a chance to see how seriously you take your work. If your video quality is low or distracting, your professionalism will be lacking. 

If you have any sense of professional ambition, you need to do whatever it takes to stay ahead of the game. Take advantage of working from home by maintaining that entrepreneurial spirit. After all, studies show that working from home can actually make you more money in the long run. 

If you want your home workspace to be an impressive one, proper lighting is essential. For one thing, avoid using fluorescent lighting as it distorts faces in a non-appealing way.

In addition, make sure your lighting source is behind the camera when you take the video call. Doing so will light up your facial features in a more attractive way. 

2. Wear Business or Business Casual Attire During All Work Hours

One smart practice to remember when working from home is to wear professional attire whenever you're working. That means if there's any chance of a last-minute video conference call, you'll be looking your best. 

Perhaps you're a college professor who has scheduled regular virtual office hours on a weekly basis. Most of the time, no student reaches out to ask questions. When someone does want to have a video chat about a test grade, for instance, are you going to be able to present yourself as a professional with confidence?

3. Use Modern Accessories to Complete Your Professional Wardrobe

It's true that you don't have to dress in your absolute best when working from home. You can still maintain a level of comfort while presenting a professional aesthetic. Do so by investing in neutral-colored clothes and avoiding graphic t-shirts, as an example. 

You might think that your work-at-home professional wardrobe is boring. If so, don't be afraid to spruce it up with some jewelry and other accessories. You can find affordable, yet luxurious, jewelry if you know where to look. 

For instance, consider investing in some new modern necklaces that might stand out in a video call. Then, you can even find some stylish earrings to complement those pieces for a cohesive aesthetic. 

Remember, it's worth the investment to buy high-quality jewelry that will stand the test of time. There's nothing that says you can't wear these same necklaces and bracelets for a night out on the town! If it makes your next business-related video call more sophisticated, that's even better.

4. Keep the Background Neutral and Organized

No matter how you present your professional style, your background environment is a key factor during your video calls, too. It's all too easy for video call participants to get distracted by clutter or other people in the room.

For example, don't allow pets or children in the room during your video call if at all possible. While it's noble that you're juggling parenting and your professional life, see if you can keep their distraction to a minimum. Your professional associates will still be understanding of your priorities if you prove that your work is a priority to you.

If you want more effective workplace collaboration, even from home, you need to keep the area neat and tidy. In addition, choose a wall that doesn't have a ton of decorations on it. The more viewers are encouraged to focus their attention on you and what you have to say, the better. 

5. Be Willing to Invest in the Best Equipment

The final thing to prioritize during a professional business call is that of the equipment you're using. If your camera, microphone, or Internet speed is poor, your coworkers and clients might avoid working virtually with you at all. 

In many cases, it's possible to have the employer provide necessary telecommunication equipment. Work with your boss to see if he or she would be willing to compensate for any technology you invest in with this goal in mind. That way, you have a better chance to present a sophisticated appearance at any given moment. 

Invest in the Right Wardrobe Pieces for a Professional Video Call

By now, you're prepared to dress your best for your next business-related video call. You'll do whatever it takes to impress your supervisors and fellow coworkers every chance you get - even working from home. That's why you'll take the above suggestions to heart. 

In addition, it's worthwhile to only invest in a working-from-home wardrobe that stands the test of time. You want to ensure you have high-quality pieces that don't look cheap or that break easily. When it comes to jewelry you buy for your remote working attire, there's no exception. 

In fact, that's where we can come into play. We prioritize bringing customers like you the most reliable and affordable luxury jewelry on the market. We want to help you dress for success even while working in a remote environment. 

For that reason, we encourage you to browse through our merchandise on our website to see what you might like. If you're looking for affordable options, check out our high-quality jewelry on sale to get started. 


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]]> 2020-04-20T10:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:29:44-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis While you may not be dressing up for work as much, it doesn't mean you can't dress in style. Check out the best work from home fashion tips.



The Best Work From Home Fashion Tips

While you may not be dressing up for work as much, it doesn't mean you can't dress in style. Check out the best work from home fashion tips.

Keyword(s): Work from home fashion tips


It's no secret that more people can work from home than ever before. If you become a remote employee all of a sudden, you need to prepare for the transition. 

One thing to note is that it's still essential to maintain professionalism in your home workspace. This is true, in particular, if you expect video conference calls. Remember, your coworkers will still be able to see you and the surrounding environment. 

If you're interested in work from home fashion tips, you've come to the right place. Detailed below is everything you need to know about how to work from home in style. 

After all, even experts recognize that maintaining a professional appearance is crucial even when working from home. Keep reading to keep your home working habits up to modern standards. 

Don't Slack in Prioritizing Personal Hygiene

One of the first things to consider is that of your health. It's understandable to feel tempted to let your appearance slide while working from home. Still, you don't want to get comfortable and let things get too far. 

After all, maintaining professionalism should be an all-encompassing lifestyle. Even working from home, you're likely to interact with supervisors, coworkers, or even potential clients at some point. These interactions might indeed be through video conferencing and not in-person. 

Still, if your professional connections get a chance to video call you for any reason, they'll be able to notice your hygiene. Not only is bathing consistently essential to maintain professional standards. But, taking proper care of your cleanliness is part of a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle.

Always Be Camera-Ready During "Office Hours"

Think about those potential business-related conference calls. What should you wear when you're presenting your boss with your latest project? Is it okay to just wear a sweatshirt like you would when working from home on a normal basis?

The fact is, you still need to have a business or business casual wardrobe on hand even when working from home. The smartest practice is to continue to wear professional attire during any business or office hours. In other words, if you're working, you should dress the part.

That way, you can maintain your professionalism at any moment. Last-minute edits or emergency meetings might require you to look your best without a second's notice. 

In addition to wearing at least business casual attire, take a look at your home workspace. Is the area organized and efficient for your working habits? If you were to accept a video conference call, would others be distracted by the clutter in the background? 

The Concept of Dressing for Success Still Applies

Remember, you're still competing with others in your industry for employment. If you're ambitious at all, you need to be willing to stand out ahead of potential competitors. 

After all, consider the following fact reported by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. It indicates that in the year 2018, 29% of wage earners could work from home. What's more, that percentage only continues to grow over recent years. 

Be the person who works from home but still presents a high-functioning and sophisticated demeanor. To do so, invest in wardrobe pieces that are going to stand the test of time. It's worthwhile to spend the money on quality if it means your clothes and jewelry will be useful even outside of work. 

One good practice to maintain your professionalism is to wear neutral colors while working at home. This can take the form of turtlenecks or simple blouses. Avoid graphic t-shirts or other distracting clothes that can present an unprofessional image. 

Be Willing to Use Bolder Colors and Styles in Your Accessories

As mentioned above, neutral business casual clothing is indeed ideal for working at home. At the same time, it's still okay - and fun - to dress up your work style a little bit. This is especially true for those looking to stand out with their professional style. 

The great thing about accessories is that they can be flashy without being distracting. Adding elaborate and modern jewelry pieces to your otherwise neutral clothing can present a sophisticated balance. 

Take the time to think about what kind of jewelry pieces would accent your work-at-home wardrobe. For some specific guidance, check out this article on the types of chains in necklaces and bracelets

You Can Still Feel Comfortable While Looking Sophisticated

The last thing to prioritize when working from home is that of your overall comfort. There's no need to sacrifice feeling comfortable in your own home. Since you're not interacting with people in-person, though, you can have more room for comfortable clothes that still look professional. 

For instance, don't be afraid to wear those stretchy materials even if they don't shape your body too well. As long as they look business or business casual from the shoulders up, your video call participants won't be able to tell. To dress up those otherwise plain clothes, adding jewelry and plenty of make-up can spice it up a bit. 

Continue Staying Informed of Work from Home Fashion Tips

You now know all about today's latest and greatest work from home fashion tips. You're prepared to make the most of this remote working lifestyle. Just because you won't be working at the office anymore doesn't mean you can't still dress up!

So, it's understandable to want to do some shopping for your new life working from home. Note that it's worthwhile to invest in quality so that your wardrobe can stand the test of time. When it comes to affordable, yet luxurious, jewelry pieces, we're here to help. 

That's why we encourage you to browse through the rest of our website today. On our blog, you'll find the most reliable guidance regarding the ins and outs of today's vast jewelry industry. 

Make sure you check out our wide and varying collections of high-quality jewelry, too. To start, see if any of our new jewelry arrivals pique your interest. Then, start building your new working from home wardrobe to maintain your aesthetic style.


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