Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2022-08-29T14:30:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:09-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis More


A Complete Guide to Trendy Jewelry in 2022

The global jewelry market was worth 330 billion US dollars in 2019 and is only continuing to grow. Jewelry has become so popular because of how fun and easy it is to express yourself and your style through necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets. 

Keeping up with the yearly trends can help you find your style and participate in a world of fun fashion. Trendy jewelry is a great way to spice up your wardrobe and can make you look clean and expensive.

What's more, you'll elevate your daily outfits to something glamorous. 

Keep reading to find out what jewelry styles are trending this year and how to style them. 

Trendy Jewelry 2022

Gold Paperclip + Sun and Moon Pendant

While fashion trends come and go, many of this year's types of jewelry are timeless and can be incorporated into your daily wardrobe to create a fashion statement. 

What are some of the jewelry fashion trends of 2022? There are plenty of fun trends for you to partake in this year. Many runways are showing off big, chunky jewelry. This includes chunky bracelets, cuffs, earrings, and statement necklaces. Layering chunky bracelets and cuffs is another trend that's been popular this year.

Pearls and crystals are popular this year—a reminder that classic jewelry will always be in style.

It's easy to incorporate these gemstones into your jewelry and wardrobe. Pearl earrings and necklaces are taking center stage. No matter their size or color, they've been seen on the runway this year by some of the most famous fashion designers. 

Crystals are a big statement, and they're a timeless statement to make.

Following the bold and big style of this year, crystal or gemstone pieces that stand out are extremely trendy right now. Chandelier-style earrings and bold crystal necklaces are the perfect pieces to wear to partake in this jewelry trend.

Following the chandelier-style earrings, fringe is also making a comeback on the runways. Any earrings or necklaces that mimic the movement and style of fringe have made an appearance this year as a popular trend. Having jewelry pieces that move with you can make you look and feel your best. 

Floral has been a popular jewelry trend this year. It's made a big statement in fall fashion. Floral earrings, necklaces, and brooch pins are all ways to incorporate floral into your wardrobe. Just because summer is over doesn't mean that floral has to disappear. 

Here are more 2022 jewelry trends we're seeing on the runway this year. 

If you're looking to partake in some 2022 jewelry trends, be sure to spend your hard-earned money on quality jewelry. Below, we'll go over why quality matters. 

Why Quality Jewelry Matters

Horseshoe Huggies

Taking part in jewelry trends is fun, but it's harder to enjoy it if you're worried about your jewelry breaking or not being able to withstand certain conditions when wearing it. Not to mention the pesky green tint on your skin that cheap jewelry often produces. 

When considering buying jewelry, it's important to be on the lookout for good quality jewelry. 

Quality jewelry is more durable. When your jewelry is made of durable metals and gemstones, you won't have to worry about your jewelry breaking. Quality jewelry is made with more care and with stronger materials. 

The best part is—you don't have to break the bank to purchase quality jewelry. When you're shopping for good quality jewelry, it's important to understand what to avoid and what to look for.

For example, stray away from metals like nickel or brass. These are usually cheaper metals, can cause allergic reactions, and don't hold together as well as other metals. You want to find jewelry that's sterling silver or titanium, and if you'd like gold jewelry, look for pieces that have gold in them, not just brushed or plated. 

Good quality jewelry can better withstand outside elements like weather.  You want to spend your hard-earned money on jewelry pieces that are going to compliment your style, without the hassle of having pieces break and fall apart while wearing them.

It's possible to find jewelry pieces that fit the fashion trends you love without breaking the bank. Always choose good quality jewelry to ensure your pieces will last. 

Styling Tips 

Raidiance 20-Strand Necklace

Understandably, you want to show your beautiful jewelry off. Here are some styling tips to help you look and feel your best while having your jewelry compliment your outfit. 

Since this year's jewelry is all about being bold, don't be afraid to make a statement. Choose a large or chunky necklace to wear with a plain dress or blouse. 

An important tip to remember is to create balance with your outfit. If you're going to wear a statement necklace, keep your other jewelry simple and small. Opt for smaller earrings and necklaces to keep your outfit balanced and to bring attention to your statement piece.

Don't be afraid to mix metals—it's becoming increasingly popular to wear gold and silver together. What once was a taboo jewelry rule is now a common trend. 

Since chunky bracelets are back, stack a few chunky bracelets over a long-sleeved top to really show off your gorgeous bracelets. Be sure to create balance within the rest of your jewelry so the outfit doesn't look or feel too heavy. 

Of course, everyone's style is different. The most important thing is that you should feel beautiful and confident in the jewelry that you buy. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try one of these trends! You may be surprised by what you create. 

If you want to learn more about jewelry trends and how to style your pieces, check out our blog

Finding Your Favorite Trends 

Radiance 3-Strand Anklet

Fashion trends come and go, but quality jewelry will last you for years. The best part is that you can still find trendy jewelry at a good price, without ever having to settle for cheap pieces. 

Check out our best-selling jewelry to find a beautiful piece to add to your wardrobe. 

]]> 2021-04-26T17:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:37-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis As young people increasingly move away from natural diamonds, could lab grown diamonds be the future? Read more to find out.


Lab Grown Diamonds: The Future?
As young people increasingly move away from natural diamonds, could lab grown diamonds be the future? Read more to find out.

Keyword(s): lab grown diamonds



Do you love jewelry? Are you one of the 73% of millennials who want to shop sustainably? 

More and more shoppers are willing to pay a little more to ensure their high-quality pieces follow ethical practices. 

Many jewels historically have a somewhat shady past. Conflict diamonds, stones that are mined using unethical practices; the industry has seen it all. Fortunately, times are changing. To both protect our planet and its people. 

Astounding new technologies enable us to create stones in the laboratory. One of these miracle inventions is lab grown diamonds.

You may think this sounds like a strange concept; how can a naturally occurring stone be grown in a lab? However, these fascinating engineered stones are here to stay and have an array of remarkable properties. 

Read on to find out why lab created diamonds are the future.

How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Made?

Diamonds formed deep in the earth billions of years ago and were brought to the earth's surface with the heat and pressure caused by volcanic explosions. 

Lab created diamonds undergo a similar process. High pressure and high temperatures are used to replicate the same chemical processes natural diamonds go through. It just happens in a machine rather than on the earth.

For this reason, diamonds that are grown in a lab are chemically and physically identical to mined diamonds. You can't tell the difference to look at them either. 

Lab diamonds start life as a seed. It then undergoes the process of making it into the beautiful stone we know and love. Due to the artificial process, the seed goes through, diamonds made in a lab are often referred to as synthetic diamonds.

How Are Lab Diamonds Graded?

Artificial diamonds are also graded in precisely the same way as mined diamonds. They are cut by experts and graded using the same quality criteria as mined diamonds. 

They are rated using the 4 C's: 

  • Carat
  • Cut 
  • Color 
  • Clarity 

You would not be able to tell the difference between a mined diamond and a man-made one if you just looked at them. 

Why Are Synthetic Diamonds the Future?

Diamond mining is notorious for being unsustainable, unethical, linked to child labor, as well as war and conflicts. Although the diamond industry has been cleaned up since the Kimberly Process Certification was introduced in 2003, it is sometimes difficult to trace a diamond's origin.  

Many diamond dealers still can't tell you which mine their diamonds originate from. The Kimberly Process is hard to monitor, and many clean diamonds end up in the same shipments as those from less ethical origins. 

If a diamond is grown in a lab, it is easy to trace and harms nobody. Let's take a more in-depth look at why consumers are starting to choose man-made diamonds. 

They Are More Ethical

Even if a diamond claims to be conflict-free and not used to fund corrupt governments and warfare, we can never be entirely sure.

You also don't know if the workers who mine your natural diamond are paid fairly or treated humanely. Many countries where diamonds naturally occur don't have laws to ban child labor or enforce strict minimum wage or labor safety requirements. 

Ethical diamonds are having a moment, and we won't ever go back to the dark days of unethical diamond extraction. 

They Are More Environmentally Friendly 

Mining diamonds also have a significant impact on the natural environment. Digging up the earth to extract a stone is not the most sustainable of practices after all. Hundreds of tonnes of earth need to move to find just one diamond. 

This messes with local ecosystems and can end up displacing wildlife and communities. Local water sources can also end up polluted as a result of diamond mining. Minerals unearthed when the rocks are moved can run off into the water, causing it to become toxic. 

The air miles that a mined diamond costs are also huge. They fly from origin to middle man, to cuter, to trader. 

A lab grown diamond can be made in a few days and sold in the same city it is created. Further to this, a lot less energy is needed to create an artificial diamond. Thus, lab grown diamonds have a significantly lower carbon footprint. 

Artificial Diamonds Are Less Expensive

Lab grown diamonds have the same properties and high quality as mined diamonds but a lower price tag. 

Mined diamonds pass through many hands on their way to the store; each person involved takes a cut of the final price.

There are fewer people involved in creating a lab grown diamond which means fewer people who need paying. This, in turn, lowers the price for the end consumer. 

Diamond Jewelry Is Always In Fashion 

Ever since the 1940s, when diamonds became the height of fashion, they have been a staple in our jewelry boxes. We will continue to collect precious jewels for decades to come. They will be different from the jewels of the past. 

Want to make a statement with your outfit? Say it with diamonds. Want to give a gift that lasts an eternity? Diamonds are perfect. They last indefinitely and are a symbol of class.

Diamonds are also the most popular gemstone used for engagement rings. This stunning stone has represented love for centuries. 

Conscious Consumers Prefer Lab Diamonds 

You don't want your beautiful diamond to have a shady past, do you? Unethical practices and dubious origins are not what this stone should represent. For this reason, lab grown diamonds are the future. 

As consumer demands shift towards more transparent supply chains and the accountability of manufacturers, we need a change in the way goods are produced.

Innovative technologies that create lab-made diamonds can help us take much-needed steps towards a more sustainable and green future. 

Feel inspired to browse some ethically sourced diamonds? Check out our collection of diamond rings. 

If you are not into natural or lab grow diamonds there are options for you! Swarovski Crystals are beauiful, affordable and are sure to draw admiring eyes! 

]]> 2019-12-16T10:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:30:23-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Your earrings might be small, but they're an important accessory. Click here to learn how to pick wedding earrings that'll complement your dress below!


How to Pick Wedding Earrings That'll Complement Your Dress
Your earrings might be small, but they're an important accessory. Click here to learn how to pick wedding earrings that'll complement your dress below!

Keyword(s): wedding earrings


It's your big day, and every last detail from your wedding dress to your wedding earrings to your shoes to your hair is chosen to make you feel beautiful and empowered. Together your dress and accessories bring you joy as you put them on, an expression of your personality and the love you are sharing. 

You've chosen your dress and now you're looking to accessorize and build your whole look.

Everything centers around your dress, including your earrings. And if you have different dresses for nuptials and reception — or have a variety of fabulous dresses for multiple wedding ceremonies like Priyanka Chopra when she married Nick Jonas — you may need to decide on multiple wedding day earrings. 

So let's take a look at how to pick earrings to complement your gorgeous gown and your style. Keep reading to learn about what bridal earrings go best with what necklines, what dresses and your face shape and which earrings will make you shine. 

Then, you'll be ready to find your perfect wedding earrings so you feel gorgeous, joyful and all about you on your magnificent day.


Typically, you want to buy your dress at least a year out from your wedding day. This allows it to be sewn if it's bespoke or altered as needed. It gives you time for fittings, which is when you bring in the accessories.

Once you have your dress, you know the style and neckline and can start thinking about how you want your hair and your jewelry. The neckline, your hair, and your other jewelry will be key in choosing your earrings.

You'll start thinking about shoes and purse at this stage too but they're not key in picking your earrings.

By six months out, you should know what you want so that you can try your hair and accessories on at your first dress fitting, which is typically at three months.

Use this first fitting to try the earrings and the whole look. If something isn't working, you'll have time to try another version of your earrings at the next fitting, which is typically at about two months to six weeks out. 


Aim to nail it down here. But honestly, you can always swap out your earrings last minute, so don't worry too much if you're not exactly sure.

Dress Necklines and Style

You want your wedding earrings to match the style of your dress and complement the cut of the neckline. 

The style of the dress — whether classic, contemporary, romantic, art deco, floral, or whatever you love — is a statement of your personality. It also gives you that "wow" feeling when you put it on because it complements your body type with just the right cut.

You want your wedding earrings to match the specific style of your dress too. So if you have a vintage dress, go with vintage earrings from the same era. If you have a modern dress, pick earrings with a contemporary but still elegant style, like crystal hoops.

Earrings for a V-Neck Dress

A V-neck wedding dress, by design, frames your neck and décolletage, so you want the focus of your jewelry to be right there in the form of a necklace. 

Pendants and chokers look fabulous with V-necks and so your earrings will be more understated.

The ideal wedding earrings for a V-neck gown are a simple diamond or cubic zirconia studs or more understated-yet-elegant dangling earrings. Try a few shapes and styles based on the necklace you choose, your hairstyle and the style of your dress.

Earrings for a Strapless Dress or Sweetheart Neckline

With your beautiful shoulders and décolletage being highlighted, you don't want to overdo it with a necklace here. But you have room with the strapless or off-the-shoulder gown to go with gorgeous statement earrings. It's a nice balance to complement your dress and shoulders.

Structured earrings are nice with a contemporary style. Chandelier earrings are fabulous with a more classical style. And with florals, you can match your dress with floral or pearl earrings or even intricate or delicately designed hoops or swirls. 

Also, consider wearing your hair up to balance the dress and complement the earrings. Leave your neck and shoulders bare but have fun with hair accessories and earrings that pop and shine like your smile.

Earrings for a Halter Dress

For the halter-style wedding dress, you want to keep your jewelry to a minimum — elegantly understated. Wear your hair up and off your neck and go with studs or small dangling earrings. If your halter is contemporary, you can also go with long but thin diamonds or delicate and long hoops.

The key here is length. You don't want anything big to compete with the fabric at your neck. You want to elongate.

Fabric Color

Certain colors of gown fabrics tend to look better with different types of precious metals in your jewelry.

If your gown is a creamy off-white — with its more traditional and classic look —  or champagne or beige, classic gold is your best bet when it comes to your bridal earrings and other jewelry. 

If you have a pure white wedding dress that pops, silver and platinum are the metals to go with.

If you have a dress with a tinge of pink or rose, the ever-beloved rose gold will complement the blush in the fabric. 

If you have a fabulously unique dress with a color that's all you or that follows a special custom, the sky's the limit. Try a variety of metals and earrings. White pearls are usually a good bet!

Also, something fun to think about if you're a traditional girl going for something blue, you can try a pair of sapphire earrings with your gown and tick that one off your list.

Your Style

The most important thing to remember when picking your wedding day earrings is your personal style and taste. You have to love these earrings and feel fabulous in them.

We've given you some guidelines to start with but remember, with each recommendation, there are many styles to choose from. 

Start by perusing earrings that seem to be a fit for your dress. Try on the ones that pop out at you and get you excited with the thought of wearing them.

Once they're on your ear and framing your face, you'll know if they make you feel fabulous. If so, bring them to your fitting. At the fitting, try your options with your dress and if the whole look makes you feel fabulous, then go for it.

Also, bring a trusted friend along to the fitting. Someone that will be honest while at the same time, listening to what you love.

Your earrings and dress will be perfect if you feel great wearing them, and that's the bottom line.

The Best Wedding Earrings for You and Your Dress

Now that you know some of our secrets on how to choose the wedding earrings to best compliment your dress, you're ready to find the earrings and style that are oh so you!

To start, you can take a look at our earrings. We have a variety of collections, styles and price points. Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions, and we can help point you in the right direction and guide you through to the best earrings for your special day. 


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