Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-09-24T10:00:07-06:00 wehoautodetail 2023-10-16T10:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:22:47-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Are you wondering how to differentiate fake crystals from real ones? Check out our guide and learn what to look for and how to tell if a crystal is real.



How to Tell if a Crystal Is Real | 9 Best Ways & Common Fakes

Keyword(s): how to tell if a crystal is real

With alternative wellness trends going mainstream, it's clear that we've entered a new stone age. America's demand for overseas crystals and gemstones has skyrocketed in the past few years, with more buyers than ever choosing various stones for their mystic properties, wellness benefits, and beauty in jewelry settings.

Sellers can hardly keep up with that high demand, and in some cases, they've turned to shady sources instead. Fake crystals and counterfeit gemstones are common, and it's not always easy to know how to tell if a crystal is real.

Fortunately, there are a few tips that can help you separate genuine gems from their fake counterparts. Here's what you should know.

1. Cost

Adjustable Milano Twist Chain + Brilliant CZ Pendant Set In Gold Overlay

The first way to tell if a crystal is real is by considering the cost. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is!

Real crystals can be expensive. This is a sign of their scarcity and authenticity. The price range can vary between types of crystals, but you should never expect to get any crystal for a few dollars.

If a retailer, especially an online seller, has put a low price tag on their stones, move forward with caution! Use the tests below to judge whether the item is fake.

2. Strange Names and Origins

Adjustable Milano Twist Chain + Brilliant CZ Pendant Set In Sterling Silver

If the details about the crystal you're buying seem off, it should raise a red flag.

Some retailers list their crystals under strange, cutesy, eccentric, or misleading names. They may assume that the buyer doesn't know enough to realize that the strange name should only be for rare stones. The name may even be pulled out of thin air!

You might also notice that the seller has listed a crystal's point of origin as somewhere unusual. Certain types of jasper, for example, only come from Madagascar, so it should be a red flag if the seller mentions that they come from elsewhere.

If the seller seems confused when you ask questions or hesitates to give straight answers about the crystal's name or origins, skip the purchase! This is especially true with expensive gemstone jewelry. If you do buy the stone, continue to the following methods to learn how to test if a crystal is real.

3. Color

Swarovski Crystal Disc Earrings (Gold)

Real crystals are always unique. They'll come in different shades and with different distributions of colors. Some types of crystals may have darker areas or color variations, while others may have little to no color variations.

If you're wondering how to know if crystals are real by sight alone, do a quick online search to find pictures of the type of crystal you have. Take a look at the distribution of color in your crystal and compare it to the photos online.

Natural amethyst, for example, may have different shades of purple and lavender throughout the stone. However, clear quartz should have little to no color variation.

You should also be on the lookout for color shades that are far brighter than what you'd expect from the photos online. The dying process for fake crystals can create unnatural, saturated, or even neon hues. You may also notice signs of streaking from the dye or darker lines where the dye collected in the cracks of the fake crystal.

Sometimes, this dye will fade if you leave the crystal outside in the sun. With a poor dye job, some of the pigment may even come off with a damp cloth. If you notice any pigment coming from the crystal, it's an obvious fake!

4. Patterns

Pave Swarovski Crystal Teardrop Pendant (Silver)

Many crystals have interesting patterns across their surface. Flecks of different colors or sections with different minerals may create a unique look.

This is especially true around the edges. Real crystals have unique ridges, facets, dents, scratches, and indentations.

However, the look of a fake crystal might be a bit too perfect and polished. Total symmetry, a lack of imperfections, and consistent patterns throughout the stone should be red flags.

5. Clarity

Adjustable Milano Twist Chain + Brilliant CZ Pendant Set In Sterling Silver

Natural crystals that come from the earth are also unique on the inside. If your crystal is semi-translucent, you should expect to see small veins and fractures within. Scratches and tiny particles are also common.

These distortions may make the crystal look blurry in some areas. A real crystal should distort the light, making it hard to see images or text on the other side of them. When you shine your phone's flashlight through the crystal, it should look hazy or opaque, not clear.

If the crystal's interior looks a little too perfect, you may be dealing with a fake. If you don't see distortions, the crystal may be synthetic or even made of glass. Clear angles and a polished look with high transparency should always be red flags.

Another common red flag is air bubbles. Natural crystals don't have air bubbles, as they often form under high pressure. These air bubbles may be tiny, so grab a magnifying glass for a closer inspection.

6. Weight

.75 Carat (Each) Brilliant CZ Round Stud Earrings In Gold Overlay

Most crystals form under pressure, and they often have various dense metals and minerals within them. As a result, crystals should feel heavy when you pick them up. If you're wondering how to test if a crystal is real at home, you may only need to hold one in your hand!

Compared with real crystals, fake crystals are often lighter. Instead of minerals, these crystals use resin, plastic, acrylic, or glass. If the crystal doesn't feel as heavy as it should, you may be looking at a fake.

However, this test doesn't work with all types of crystals. Amethyst, hematite, and fluorite, for example, are easy to fake with the same weight as their genuine counterpart.

7. Temperature

.75 Carat (Each) Brilliant CZ Round Stud Earrings In Sterling Silver

For certain crystals, the temperature you feel when touching it may be a red flag.

Real crystals should feel cold to the touch. They'll warm up when they sit against your skin for a while, but they won't retain that heat for long.

Fake crystals often match the ambient room temperature or feel lukewarm. They also warm up with ease, and they'll often retain that heat for a few minutes.

8. Scratch Test

Sterling Silver CZ Small Initial Necklace

If you can't judge your crystal using the tactics above, there's another tried-and-tested method worth using.

Each type of crystal or gemstone has a predetermined level of hardness. This is easy to understand by checking the Mohs scale for your stone. If you don't mind dealing a tiny bit of damage to your crystal, you can use this scale to do a scratch test and find out if the stone is fake.

If you have a diamond, for example, nothing you own should be able to scratch it.

With topaz, on the other hand, you should only be able to scratch it with something as hard as ceramic or concrete. If you have turquoise, softer materials like glass can scratch it. If you have malachite, even a fingernail should scratch the surface.

If you notice that your stone differs from what you should expect from its rating on the Mohs scale, you may have a fake on your hands.

9. Flame Test

Pave Swarovski Crystal Teardrop Earrings (Silver)

Wondering how to tell if a crystal is real with a lighter? The flame test is a popular option for finding out if you've bought a counterfeit stone.

Most natural crystals are hard enough that exposure to fire for a few seconds won't do any damage. They don't contain materials that melt or warp with heat.

Fake crystals, on the other hand, often contain materials that react to heat. Plastic and dyes may burn once the flame gets close.

To perform this test, consider your safety first. Head outside and grab a pair of tongs you can use to pick up the crystal. Use the tongs to hold the crystal over the flame of a candle for 15-20 seconds.

If you notice dripping, bubbling, smoke, strange smells, or warping, your crystal may be fake.

However, this technique won't work on glass. It also isn't safe for certain types of crystals, including amethyst and celestite, as these stones may crack from the heat.

Common Fakes

Pave Swarovski Crystal Curved Ring

Some crystals are more common than others. This is either because they're easier to fake or because demand for those types of crystals is so high. If you're buying any of the types of crystals below, use abundant caution:

  • Quartz
  • Turquoise
  • Jade
  • Moldavite
  • Obsidian
  • Amethyst
  • Lapiz lazuli
  • Citrine
  • Agate
  • Tanzanite
  • Larimar
  • Peridot
  • Malachite
  • Fluorite
  • Opal
  • Ruby

Whenever you buy any of these types of crystals, it's even more important to use the tips above to determine authenticity.

Know How to Tell if a Crystal Is Real

If you love getting your hands on the perfect natural stones, it's crucial to know how to tell if a crystal is real. As you search for genuine items, the tips above can help you separate the real stones from the fakes.

When you need to be sure you're buying a genuine crystal or gemstone, you can also follow one of the easiest tips of all: buy from wehoautodetail! Any gemstones we use in our jewelry are authentic, so you'll never have to worry about testing each piece. Shop our collections today or contact us for more information.

]]> 2022-05-30T09:00:05-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:39-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

When it comes to wearing gemstone jewelry, there are a few things you should remember. These nine tips will make a big difference.


9 Effective Tips for Wearing Gemstone Jewelry
When it comes to wearing gemstone jewelry, there are a few things you should remember. These nine tips will make a big difference.

Keyword(s): gemstone jewelry



Gemstone jewelry has been a hot topic in the fashion sphere and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere soon. Mixing and matching different types of jewelry and even different types of gemstones are right on trend in 2022.

The vast array of colors and styles of gemstones bring personality to any wardrobe. Wearing gemstones is an excellent way to express your unique, individual taste.

If you haven't dabbled in this trend yet, it's time you gave gemstone jewelry a chance. But if you're nervous about stepping out of your bland, minimalist comfort zone, don't worry. Our experts are here to guide you!

Keep reading to find out nine ways to keep your gemstone jewelry game fresh this season.

1. Stack Your Gemstone and Minimalist Rings

Minimalist stacking rings have been in vogue for seasons on end at this point - but we certainly won’t be getting tired of them any time soon. Who doesn’t relish the opportunity to wear all of their favorite rings at once?

Well, why not change up your standard ring selection by sprinkling some modest gemstone rings into your stack? Gemstones add that personality and pop of color that will set your jewelry game apart from the rest.

2. Layer Long Multi-Gemstone Necklaces

If necklaces are your preferred mode of bejeweled self-expression, trying your hand at layering can take your look to the next level.

You can layer a series of thin gold chains with a gemstone pendant for a subtler look. Or go all out and layer several gemstone-dappled necklaces together.

Aiming for something a little more unexpected? Try layering a gemstone necklace with a body chain for a stunning look that shows off your wild side.

3. Make It Bold With a Gemstone Headpiece

If you really want to turn heads, it's time to get acquainted with jewelry that's out of the ordinary.

More and more celebrities are incorporating glittering headpieces into their red carpet looks. Just last month, actress Tommy Dorfmann was seen wearing a breathtaking 200-year-old tiara to the Met Gala.

But you don't have to be in the public eye to try something bold and eye-catching. Whether pinning a gemstone brooch in your hair or going with a full headpiece is your vibe, this look works for both dress-up and casual.

Just make sure you're not crossing the line into culturally appropriative territory.

4. Showcase Your Birthstone (Or Someone Else’s!)

There’s nothing more sentimental or delightful than birthstone jewelry. Since childhood, we’ve treasured those special stones that signify the unique and special times of our births.

Or, maybe you always wished you were born in a different month (we see you November topazes!) so you could wear diamonds, rubies, or emeralds on the regular.

Make your own birthstone the focal point of your outfit with a statement piece. Or incorporate a smaller version into your everyday look. You can even wear the birthstone of a friend or loved one as a tribute. Who would most appreciate seeing their birthstone around your neck or on your finger?

The other great thing about birthstone jewelry is that it makes the perfect gift for moms, grandmothers, siblings, and close friends.

You can even design your own birthstone jewelry by embellishing the birthstone with other meaningful gemstones. Many moms enjoy collecting the birthstones of their children or other members of their families!

5. Mix and Match Minimal Gemstone Studs

Want to spruce up your daily uniform? There’s nothing more chic or easy than mixing and matching your favorite minimalist studs.

Adding in an eye-catching gemstone stud or two is a gorgeous way to incorporate a pop of color without amping up the drama too much.

6. Give Statement Rings and Earrings a Go

Getting tired of your usual outfit lineup? Forget putting money into a closet full of new clothes. A sure-fire way to give your wardrobe a make-over on a budget is to throw a bold gemstone ring or statement earrings into the mix.

You’ll achieve the wow effect you’re craving without breaking the bank. All you need to do is repurpose what you already have in your jewelry box.

The best thing about statement jewelry is that it can pair beautifully with anything from a t-shirt and jeans to formalwear! Spice up a little black dress or add intrigue to your daily duds.

7. Wear Your Statement Rings Like a Maximalist

So, you're already vibing with statement rings and want to take it to the next level? Stack those gemstone statement rings like the chic maximalist you are in your heart.

Try pairing stones from opposite ends of the color spectrum, or adorn your fingers with a gradation of complementary hues.

These days, there's no such thing as too much. Go big or go home are words to live by when it comes to 2022 jewelry trends.

8. Experiment With Color and Tone

One way to raise the stakes with your gemstone adornments is to experiment with gradations of hue and tone. An array of gemstones with subtle undertones in common is the epitome of everyday elegance.

There are many gemstones to try in a variety of hues - like sapphires, rubies, and diamonds. Many others come in a variety of ombré tones. If that's your bag, try a citrine or tourmaline gemstone in your lineup.

9. Go For Glam With Statement Gemstone Earrings

For the boldest among us, you can't go astray with statement gemstone earrings. For a glamorous night on the town, we can't imagine any look more aspirational than Jessica Chastain's 2022 Oscars look.

That rainbow sequined Gucci gown was an absolute dream paired with dripping diamond statement earrings!

More Gemstone Jewelry Trends To Groove On This Season

Whether you want to add a dramatic element to a formal look or give your everyday wear a fresh take, gemstone jewelry has something perfect in store for you.

Try a statement gemstone ring on its own, paired with a minimalist stack, or a handful of gemstone rings. Layer simple gold chains with a gemstone pendant. Whatever you do, gemstones will ensure your look is uniquely you.

For more great gemstone style trends, tips, and jewelry pieces, check out the rest of our blog!

]]> 2022-03-28T09:00:01-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:56-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

There are advantages to owning both lab created and natural gemstones. Read further and see if you can tell the difference between them.



Can You Tell the Difference Between Lab Created or Natural Gemstones?

There are advantages to owning both lab created and natural gemstones. Read further and see if you can tell the difference between them.

Keyword(s): Natural gemstones



In the United States, there has been almost $22 billion worth of gemstones sold. And more than 85% of those gemstones are synthetic or lab-created. The demand for gemstones has led to increased demand in the jewelry industry.

From engagement rings to fine jewelry, gemstones are an investment. That's one reason why choosing the best quality pieces with superior brilliance, and a near-flawless appearance is key.

So, when it comes to lab-grown versus natural gemstones, which one will give you the best quality? Can the average person tell the difference between a natural gemstone and a human-made one?

Here's everything you need to know before buying your next gemstone piece.

What Are Natural Gemstones?

In the most basic definition, a natural gemstone is one that has formed in nature and has little to no interference from humans in its creation. 

These gemstones may still be mined, cut, and polished and still have the "natural" labeling.

Natural gemstones can be faceted and still have the "natural" label. However, there has been a greater demand for the unique look of rough stones. There is no enhancement or alteration to improve color, durability, or value.

Treatment and enhancement aim to fix flaws like inclusions, cracks, and discoloration. For many, this makes the gemstone more stunning in appearance, but the tradeoff is no longer considered a "natural" gemstone.

In some cases, gemstones that are natural and untreated are rarer and more valuable than their treated counterpart. This is the case with sapphires.

You may often see natural gemstones classified as "real" as there is not a dispute with their origins or mineral makeup. Of course, they can vary in size, shape, and color.

These three characteristics are often what determine to quality and price of the gemstone. 

What Are Lab-Created Gemstones?

As the name suggests, these gemstones are created by scientists in laboratories rather than mined after forming in the earth.

This process of creating lab-grown gemstones can vary from 6-10 weeks as opposed to the millions of years for natural gemstones.

You'll often hear terms like synthetic, lab-grown, human-made, and artificial to refer to these gemstones. However, the terms artificial and synthetic can be misleading.

Lab-grown gemstones can have the same chemical composition as those grown in nature. So while they may not have formed in the same environment, lab-grown gemstones are still very much gemstones.

If the mineral makeup is identical to those found in nature, lab-created gemstones can be classified as "real".

Lab-created gemstones are often preferred for their low impact on the environment and use of fewer resources because they don't need to be mined from the ground. 

Natural Versus Lab: Quality

As previously stated, a lab-created gemstone and a natural gemstone have little difference when it comes to mineral makeup. However, quality can still vary across the spectrum with both natural and lab-grown gemstones.

Comparatively, natural gemstones tend to have more imperfections than those grown in a lab. That's not to say that you can't find a near flawless gemstone mined from the earth; it might be a little rarer than a lab-grown gem. 

However, when gemstones are made in a lab, they tend to have fewer imperfections like inclusions, and color variations. This is due to the control the lab has over them during the growing process.

When it comes to durability, because of the identical mineral makeup, lab-grown gemstones will have similar durability to their natural counterpart.

Natural Versus Lab: Price

In general, lab-grown gemstones are less expensive than natural gemstones. Though, that may also depend on what gemstone. For example, rubies and gemstones are easy and inexpensive lab creations, and the price reflects that.

You may see a significant difference in price for gems like lab-grown rubies and sapphires versus natural gems. But that's not the case with every gemstone, namely diamonds.

Because there are many different factors that go into determining a diamond's price, there can be little difference between natural and lab-grown diamonds. In some cases, you may see a 30% reduction from natural to lab-grown.

In conclusion, the price can be difficult to determine because of the factors that affect it.

Natural Versus Lab: Appearance

Though lab-grown and natural gemstones may be identical in their mineral makeup, there can be large differences in appearance. In a lab, appearance can be closely monitored and controlled, leading to more perfect gems.

Lab-grown gemstones tend to have fewer inclusions which directly affects the clarity and color. Scientists are able to create brilliant sparkle and more vivid colors in the lab, growing the desired gemstone on demand.

Natural gemstones tend to have more flaws like inclusions that affect appearance. Finding a natural gem that's flawless may be more rare and pricey, but not impossible.

This doesn't mean that a natural gemstone couldn't have a comparable appearance. A natural gemstone would most likely need treatments to bring out a similar color and sparkle.

So, Can You See the Difference?

Unless one has prior experience or training with gemstones, the average person wouldn't be able to tell the difference with their naked eye.

After all, a natural gemstone and the lab-grown counterpart have the same mineral makeup. That means the two are similar in durability and general appearance.

The difference can come in the flaws like inclusions and vividness of color. But it takes a trained eye and special instruments to be able to spot these differences.

So, you should feel comfortable in your choice to buy both lab-grown and natural gemstones and jewelry.

Sparkle No Matter the Gemstone

Gemstone jewelry pieces are timeless additions to your collection. From ruby rings to diamond necklaces, these pieces will be classic and in style for years to come. That's why it's important to seek out quality gemstones.

Whether you choose human-made or natural gemstones, quality and appearance are essential to a stunning piece of jewelry. The brilliance creates a sparkle that will make you stand out from the crowd.

Ready to find your next luxury piece? Shop our collection of crystal earrings, bracelets, and pendant necklaces. 

]]> 2022-01-03T09:00:01-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:20-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Are Swarovski jewelry pieces worth it? What are Swarovski crystals, anyway? Let's answer these questions and more in this complete guide.



Answering Frequently Asked Questions About Swarovski Jewelry

Are Swarovski jewelry pieces worth it? What are Swarovski crystals, anyway? Let's answer these questions and more in this complete guide.

Keyword(s): swarovski jewelry



It is a great leap from the luxurious stores seen in airports and Dubai shopping malls to the industrial landscape of a factory floor. Yet one brand has managed to craft a reputation for excellence in both fields. So did you know that the Swarovski empire actually makes factory machinery as well?

More well known for sparkle and shine, their excellent imitation diamond for practical uses also makes beautiful jewelry. Read on as we discuss the frequently asked questions on Swarovski jewelry. 

What is Swarovski?

Daniel Swarovski founded his famous jewelry business in 1895. Based in Austria, it has now grown to be a famous luxury brand. Though it is known for its crystals and jewelry accessories it is not the only product it makes. 

The business also deals in creating optical equipment, such as telescope sights, and binoculars. They also have a branch that creates machines for drilling, sawing, and grinding. 

For most people, the Swarovski crystal jewelry is what they see on a day-to-day basis. There are 300 stores around the world, spread out to over 170 countries. The organization still retains its family roots and is run by the fifth generation of the Swarovski family. 

What are Swarovski Crystals?

Swarovski crystals are not made naturally. This does not mean that their quality is any less. In fact, they often have a luster and sparkle that exceeds that of naturally occurring products. 

This is done with a mix of sand, lead, quartz, and minerals. Previously they did have a high lead count which increased their shine. This has now been reduced to an almost imperceptible amount, to make them lead-free and safe to wear. 

Jewelry from Swarovski is often set in classic metal plating. Palladium tone plating, white and gold-tone plating are often used. 

Does Swarovski Jewelry Tarnish?

Swarovski jewelry is known for its durability and hard-wearing nature. Like any jewelry, it does tarnish given the right circumstances. It can be cleaned easily. 

Exposure to harsh chemicals and prolonged direct sunlight can cause fading. You will also find that pieces worn for long periods of time may begin to tarnish due to day-to-day wear. You need to clean them frequently if you can not avoid these circumstances. 

To make it durable these crystals have a chemical coating. Certain substances can make it react, including chlorine from swimming pools, detergents, and even certain perfumes. 

Like any jewelry, the plated metals can flake off over time. It is not a big or expensive task to get these replated when the time comes. 

Zirconia vs Crystal

When buying Swarovski crystal jewelry you will have two options. These will be to buy classic crystals or zirconia. Both have advantages and disadvantages. 

Zirconia is harder than crystal. This means it will be more durable. Crystal may be more likely to scratch. 

Another reason to buy zirconia is that it is one of the closest imitations to diamond available. Swarovski actually applies many diamond standards to their zirconia gemstones. This results in increased sparkle and shine. 

While cheaper than a diamond, zirconia is more expensive than the standard Swarovski crystals. This makes it a great middle-ground between the two. Zirconia is an ideal substitute for a diamond. 

How Do I Know It Is Genuine?

With such a desirable brand comes the inevitable counterfeits. The main way to make sure you are getting the real deal is to shop with a trusted vendor. There are also a few key signs you can look out for. 

Firstly, Swarovski jewelry also has a certificate of authenticity. Tags and stickers on the item should also have the Swarovski seal, along with a 16 digit verification code. You can check this on the brand's website. 

Check the crystals themself. Many items will have a logo laser etched into them. Any products made after 1989 also have the company swan logo engraved into them. 

Swarovski crystals are also flawlessly made. If there are any bubbles or imperfections in the crystal it is likely it is a fake. Genuine Swarovski crystals also have a brilliant sparkle which may not be in the fake versions. 

Is It Good Quality?

Swarovski is extremely popular for two reasons. The first is its high-quality products. The second is its wide catalog, which can cater to a vast scope of budgets and tastes. 

Whatever you decide to buy, if it comes with the Swarovski seal of quality you will find their products even have more sparkle and shine than real crystals. Many people are surprised that lead is included in them, but this provides much of the durability and sparkle. 

Can I Shower While Wearing Swarovski?

Certain chemicals can damage the crystal's coating, it is not advised to shower with the products on. Soaps and cleaning products may take off the protective coating, damaging your jewelry. While odd splashes of water won't impact it immediately, repeat washing could erode the product. 

Is Swarovski Jewelry Good Value?

On a basic level, the quality to price ratio with Swarovski is exceptional. You get quality imitation crystals, made by experts in the field. 

If the jewelry holds its value on the second-hand market is unknown. They do not contain precious metals like gold, silver, or palladium so these market prices do not impact it. Thus, much of its sale value is dictated by current trends and fashions. 

Buying Jewelry

Buying jewelry is a pleasure when you shop for Swarovski. As many other people use their crystals in products, the possibilities are endless. You just need to find something to suit your style and wardrobe. 

wehoautodetail should be your first stop. We have a wide range of products including Swarovski jewelry. Click here to see our excellent range and accessorize your wardrobe today. 

]]> 2021-12-20T09:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:28-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Are you looking to buy fine jewelry from traditional jewelry stores? Then you'll want to read about some basic tips before you get started.


8 Tips for Buying Fine Jewelry
Are you looking to buy fine jewelry from traditional jewelry stores? Then you'll want to read about some basic tips before you get started.

Keyword(s): fine jewelry, jewelry



If you're among the 75% of women who like to buy their own jewelry, finding the right pieces for your style is a priority. It's a fun task, but it can also be a challenge. There are so many options to consider!

Luckily, choosing fine jewelry is easy when you know how to do it. Whether you want professional, casual, or formal pieces, there's something out there perfect for you. Read on to learn some of the top tips for selecting and wearing pieces that you love.

1. Set a Budget

Fine jewelry can get expensive and be a drain on your wallet. Luckily, pieces come with a lot of different price tags, meaning that there's something that everyone can afford. Look at your finances and decide what you can realistically spend on an accessory.

The best online retailers offer fine jewelry at a low price. Affordable luxury means that you can purchase gorgeous pieces that incorporate gold, sterling silver, platinum, and Swarovski crystals with no guilt. It also gives you the chance to buy more pieces to create a cohesive look with matching jewelry.

2. Know What Jewelry Type You Want

The next step in the buying process is to know what kind of accessory you're looking to invest in. Do you wear a lot of V-neck shirts that would look best with a statement necklace? Will a bracelet snazz up your wrist in professional settings and give you an air of tasteful authority?

Determine what you will wear the most often. You want to buy a piece that you'll get a lot of use from. Think logically about the lower-end pieces that you currently wear and get high-quality pieces of the same type.

3. Understand Your Style

Sometimes you'll see a beautiful piece of jewelry that speaks to you. Unfortunately, not every gorgeous piece is going to have your name written on it. This is true no matter how much you love it.

If you wear primarily cool colors but see a rose-gold ruby bangle that you like, you probably shouldn't buy it despite its beauty. Instead, find something made from white gold that's set with an emerald or a sapphire. There are likely options in similar styles that feature different materials, so consider alternatives that you will wear regularly.

4. Consider Common Occasions

Do you spend most days in an office? Or are you someone who works from home but loves to go out in the evenings? Your answers to these questions determine the type of fine jewelry that you should buy.

If you're looking for work jewelry, subtle pieces are essential. They complement your outfit and make you look elegant but professional. Those who are looking to wear pieces on formal occasions, dates, and classy nights out may want similar styles.

However, if you want fine jewelry to stand out in casual settings, you can get away with more. Bigger, brighter crystals and large rose-gold bangles are perfect for these occasions. Make sure that you think about when and where you will wear a piece before investing in it.

5. Find the Right Retailer

There are a lot of different fine jewelry retailers out there, so it can be tricky to choose where to go.

All of these jewelers have their own unique styles. It can be overwhelming to go to a bunch of stores and compare pieces with those at other locations. Additionally, many fine jewelry brands are extremely expensive (and often overpriced for what you're getting).

Consider online retailers with diverse, high-quality options. wehoautodetail offers collections that feature high-end metals and gorgeous real gemstones.

Diamonds, quartz, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and multicolored Swarovski crystals are available online immediately. Italian glass is also an amazing way to spruce up any necklace or pair of earrings. Affordable luxury is all the rage in fine jewelry right now, so take a look.

6. Look at All of Your Options

Informed decision-making is important whenever you make a purchase. Browsing fine jewelry stores is no exception. You want to get the perfect pieces, not simply something that looks 'pretty good.'

Make sure that you browse potential options before making a decision. This will give you the opportunity to compare and contrast styles and colors. You'll feel more confident in your choice when it's finally time to check out.

7. Understand Sizing

No matter what type of jewelry you're getting, you'll need to take some measurements and determine the size you need.

Adjustable chains are perfect for necklaces since you'll want to wear them with multiple necklines. Still, you'll need to measure your neck and make sure that the adjustable chain will fit properly. Adjustable bracelet chains also work wonders and require similar measurements.

Sizing is especially important with rings. Whether they're wedding rings or not, fine rings aren't usually adjustable.

Jewelers can only do so many alterations later. Get a professional ring sizer and see which best fits you before ordering anything.

8. Work Up to More Pieces

Remember that there's no pressure to buy all of your fine jewelry in one sitting. You can get some pieces now and others later.

This is ideal for those who don't know what types of pieces they're going to use the most often. You can see what you wear the most and get other matching pieces later. You also can build on your pieces to form a full collection of matching jewelry.

Working up doesn't just let you invest wisely. It also lets you budget properly. You don't need to put out hundreds of dollars at once on affordable luxury but instead can build a larger collection over time with little stress.

Invest in Gorgeous Fine Jewelry Today

While choosing fine jewelry can be a challenge, it's simple when you consider your specific needs. Now that you have some tips on choosing accessories that fit your personal brand, it's time to get started.

We're committed to bringing you high-quality jewelry that helps you look amazing and feel confident. Shop our collections to find and purchase pieces that look perfect on any occasion.

]]> 2021-05-24T00:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:35-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Demi-fine jewelry is a wonderful combination of luxury and fashion without breaking the bank. Learn all the benefits of wearing it here.



6 Benefits of Wearing Demi-Fine Jewelry

Demi-fine jewelry is a wonderful combination of luxury and fashion without breaking the bank. Learn all the benefits of wearing it here.

Keyword(s): demi fine jewelry


Do you ever see a huge diamond ring and wish it was in your budget?

If you find yourself dreaming of ways to afford the gorgeous pieces you see, there may be a perfect solution.

Demi fine jewelry is the answer to many issues, including financial burden, ethical sourcing, and low-quality costume jewelry alternatives. Take a look below at all the benefits of choosing demi fine jewelry.

1. What Is Demi Fine Jewelry? Affordable Luxury

Fashion jewelry is often cheap and breaks easily. While it's stylish, this type of jewelry isn't something you want to invest a lot into because it's not made of quality materials.

At the same time, fine jewelry is beautiful and lasts much longer, but the price tag that comes along with it isn't something everyone can afford. Fortunately, finding the exclusivity and class that fine jewelry suggests is possible without breaking the bank.

Demi fine jewelry is affordable jewelry with the quality you demand. It's crafted with precious metals, using gold plating over sterling silver. These pieces use precious and semi-precious stones, too.

If you're ready to upgrade all aspects of your life, switching to demi fine jewelry can help you get started. It's the perfect way to marry quality luxury with style and fashion, without relying on the base metals and cheap materials in costume jewelry.

2. Demi Fine Jewelry Is Easy to Care For

You'll love your demi fine jewelry because it's easy to take care of. Treat it well, like you would any fine jewelry in your possession, and it will last for years.

Any metal can show wear when it's exposed to air and light. To help prevent your jewelry from oxidization, store it in airtight containers when you're not wearing it. Store each piece in its own container.

There are special jewelry containers for this, but you can also use a zipper seal baggie. Putting a polishing cloth in the bag with the jewelry can also help prevent tarnishing, but eventually it will need to be cleaned. Rub gently, first with a cleaning cloth then with the polishing cloth.

Keep your jewelry away from chemicals. Don't wear it while you're in pools, hot tubs, or shower. Take it off while you're applying lotion, perfume, and makeup, too.

Here are more tips about taking care of demi fine jewelry. If you're wondering where to get affordable jewelry, it starts with the demi fine section at the jewelry store.

3. Superior Quality Pieces

One of the best benefits of wearing demi fine jewelry is that you get a high quality piece without breaking the bank. It's affordable luxury jewelry that still holds up over time and has the exceptional quality you expect from fine jewelry.

Most demi fine jewelry is plated, meaning the fine metal on the outside is covering a different metal. Yet the metal inside is also a premium material, usually fine sterling silver. These pieces are made from precious and semi-precious stones, not fakes.

That means you get a quality piece of jewelry, crafted with the high standards you'd expect from fine jewelry, at a much more wallet-friendly price.

4. Great for Personal Image

One of the best benefits of affordable designer jewelry is that if you're trying to build your personal brand, these pieces can be the backbone of that brand. They're timeless and they can help show off the image you work so hard to protect.

Choose pieces that are reflective of the way you view yourself. They'll help you present yourself in a positive light and demonstrate that you're someone of character.

Craig Barkacs, trial lawyer and professor at University of San Diego, discusses the influence you can have when you frame things the right way. From deciding crucial processes to effectively fitting a conventional image, demi jewelry can help you achieve the look you're going for. Impact how you hope to be viewed by your peers with affordable luxury jewelry pieces to complete your ensemble.

5. Versatility

If you need jewelry pieces that can serve many purposes, demi fine jewelry is the best option.

Made with quality materials and precious and semi precious stones, they make great gifts. Choose a gift that will fit your budget, yet one with affordable luxury that you'll be proud to give your loved ones.

Demi fine jewelry works great for every occasion. You have the versatility to wear it to an outdoor barbeque or a classy wedding in the city. It can dress up from an everyday workwear piece to something with more panache that gives a glittering first impression at an evening charity event.

6. More Ethical

As someone who cares about what those around you think, having jewelry that's ethically sourced is important. From blood diamonds and unethical mining practices to other questionable luxury trade industries, there are so many unethical sources for jewelry materials. Yet when you buy demi fine jewelry, you're making a more ethical choice.

Demi fine jewelry uses semi precious stones like topaz, aquamarine, opals, etc. in the pieces. They aren't in as high demand as some precious stones like diamonds, so the sources aren't as compromised. This way you get genuine stones and similar visual properties of popular precious stones.

Many precious stones are included as well, but they are often lab created or a different color than the in-demand ones. For example, using a white sapphire or morganite gives the appearance of a diamond with a much smaller price tag. 

The Perfect Image

Wearing demi fine jewelry is affordable, but it also opens a whole world of quality luxury items. You've found a way to boost your personal image with pieces that are crafted from premium materials just like fine jewelry is.

Demi fine jewelry is also easy to care for. With all the benefits above, you can't go wrong when you shop the demi fine jewelry collection at Roma.

]]> 2021-04-26T17:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:37-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis As young people increasingly move away from natural diamonds, could lab grown diamonds be the future? Read more to find out.


Lab Grown Diamonds: The Future?
As young people increasingly move away from natural diamonds, could lab grown diamonds be the future? Read more to find out.

Keyword(s): lab grown diamonds



Do you love jewelry? Are you one of the 73% of millennials who want to shop sustainably? 

More and more shoppers are willing to pay a little more to ensure their high-quality pieces follow ethical practices. 

Many jewels historically have a somewhat shady past. Conflict diamonds, stones that are mined using unethical practices; the industry has seen it all. Fortunately, times are changing. To both protect our planet and its people. 

Astounding new technologies enable us to create stones in the laboratory. One of these miracle inventions is lab grown diamonds.

You may think this sounds like a strange concept; how can a naturally occurring stone be grown in a lab? However, these fascinating engineered stones are here to stay and have an array of remarkable properties. 

Read on to find out why lab created diamonds are the future.

How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Made?

Diamonds formed deep in the earth billions of years ago and were brought to the earth's surface with the heat and pressure caused by volcanic explosions. 

Lab created diamonds undergo a similar process. High pressure and high temperatures are used to replicate the same chemical processes natural diamonds go through. It just happens in a machine rather than on the earth.

For this reason, diamonds that are grown in a lab are chemically and physically identical to mined diamonds. You can't tell the difference to look at them either. 

Lab diamonds start life as a seed. It then undergoes the process of making it into the beautiful stone we know and love. Due to the artificial process, the seed goes through, diamonds made in a lab are often referred to as synthetic diamonds.

How Are Lab Diamonds Graded?

Artificial diamonds are also graded in precisely the same way as mined diamonds. They are cut by experts and graded using the same quality criteria as mined diamonds. 

They are rated using the 4 C's: 

  • Carat
  • Cut 
  • Color 
  • Clarity 

You would not be able to tell the difference between a mined diamond and a man-made one if you just looked at them. 

Why Are Synthetic Diamonds the Future?

Diamond mining is notorious for being unsustainable, unethical, linked to child labor, as well as war and conflicts. Although the diamond industry has been cleaned up since the Kimberly Process Certification was introduced in 2003, it is sometimes difficult to trace a diamond's origin.  

Many diamond dealers still can't tell you which mine their diamonds originate from. The Kimberly Process is hard to monitor, and many clean diamonds end up in the same shipments as those from less ethical origins. 

If a diamond is grown in a lab, it is easy to trace and harms nobody. Let's take a more in-depth look at why consumers are starting to choose man-made diamonds. 

They Are More Ethical

Even if a diamond claims to be conflict-free and not used to fund corrupt governments and warfare, we can never be entirely sure.

You also don't know if the workers who mine your natural diamond are paid fairly or treated humanely. Many countries where diamonds naturally occur don't have laws to ban child labor or enforce strict minimum wage or labor safety requirements. 

Ethical diamonds are having a moment, and we won't ever go back to the dark days of unethical diamond extraction. 

They Are More Environmentally Friendly 

Mining diamonds also have a significant impact on the natural environment. Digging up the earth to extract a stone is not the most sustainable of practices after all. Hundreds of tonnes of earth need to move to find just one diamond. 

This messes with local ecosystems and can end up displacing wildlife and communities. Local water sources can also end up polluted as a result of diamond mining. Minerals unearthed when the rocks are moved can run off into the water, causing it to become toxic. 

The air miles that a mined diamond costs are also huge. They fly from origin to middle man, to cuter, to trader. 

A lab grown diamond can be made in a few days and sold in the same city it is created. Further to this, a lot less energy is needed to create an artificial diamond. Thus, lab grown diamonds have a significantly lower carbon footprint. 

Artificial Diamonds Are Less Expensive

Lab grown diamonds have the same properties and high quality as mined diamonds but a lower price tag. 

Mined diamonds pass through many hands on their way to the store; each person involved takes a cut of the final price.

There are fewer people involved in creating a lab grown diamond which means fewer people who need paying. This, in turn, lowers the price for the end consumer. 

Diamond Jewelry Is Always In Fashion 

Ever since the 1940s, when diamonds became the height of fashion, they have been a staple in our jewelry boxes. We will continue to collect precious jewels for decades to come. They will be different from the jewels of the past. 

Want to make a statement with your outfit? Say it with diamonds. Want to give a gift that lasts an eternity? Diamonds are perfect. They last indefinitely and are a symbol of class.

Diamonds are also the most popular gemstone used for engagement rings. This stunning stone has represented love for centuries. 

Conscious Consumers Prefer Lab Diamonds 

You don't want your beautiful diamond to have a shady past, do you? Unethical practices and dubious origins are not what this stone should represent. For this reason, lab grown diamonds are the future. 

As consumer demands shift towards more transparent supply chains and the accountability of manufacturers, we need a change in the way goods are produced.

Innovative technologies that create lab-made diamonds can help us take much-needed steps towards a more sustainable and green future. 

Feel inspired to browse some ethically sourced diamonds? Check out our collection of diamond rings. 

If you are not into natural or lab grow diamonds there are options for you! Swarovski Crystals are beauiful, affordable and are sure to draw admiring eyes! 

]]> 2020-08-31T10:00:01-06:00 2024-01-17T20:28:55-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Want to show someone you care? Click here for some tips on how to choose Swarovski birthstone jewelry for your loved one and why it makes the perfect gift.



How to Choose Swarovski Birthstone Jewelry for Your Special Someone

Want to show someone you care? Click here for some tips on how to choose Swarovski birthstone jewelry for your loved one and why it makes the perfect gift.

Keyword(s): swarovski birthstone jewelry 

When people think, special gift, they think Swarovski. The 3 billion dollar Swarovski empire proves its value, adoration, and demand. 

The Swarovski business was named after its founder, Daniel Swarovski in 1895. The name's worn well to this day, as its jewels provide forever friends. 

The Swarovski name makes shopping easy. Buying jewelry for loved ones can feel like finding a needle in a haystack without a quality name brand.

Once you know your designer, you can peruse their collection anywhere. Swarovski's not limited to elite, unaffordable items. Things like Swarovski birthstone jewelry make it accessible for anyone to have the best of the best.

Here's how to choose the right jewelry for your loved one.

Swarovski Birthstone Jewelry

You may have heard of Swarovski crystals, though Swarovski's not actually crystal at all. Their precise painting and polishing process makes their glass unmatched. Their jewels appeared in the 1932 film Blonde Venus and carry iconic significance to this day.

Gifting your loved ones with Swarovski birthstone jewelry's a way to communicate your feelings. Swarovski jewelry represents:

  • Elegance and class
  • Glitz and glam
  • Something special and unique 
  • Feelings of luxe and indulgence

Swarovski birthstone gifts can be as simple as you wish, or statement pieces for bigger sentiments. Birthstones are personal and, as a birthstone gift-giver, you create two special dynamics:

  • A deepened relationship between you and your loved one
  • A deepened relationship between your loved one and themselves

Birthstones are timeless since they're unchanging. Beyond the sentiment of a beautiful gift, each birthstone holds its own significance. 

Once you know your loved one's birthstone, you can make an intentional choice based on its meaning. How might the meaning of the stone impact the way you give it? How can you infuse the stone's love, protection, hope, purity, or beauty into the giving of it?

The giving informs the receiving. Stones are beautiful alone, but your loved one will remember when and why they received this gift from you.

Here's how to pick the best Swarovski birthstone jewelry.

How to Choose Swarovski Birthstone Jewelry

After learning your loved one's birthstone, you have a few options. Before choosing among bracelets, rings, and necklaces, ask yourself:

  • What's the occasion?
  • What message am I communicating?
  • How long have we been together?
  • What does this represent about our relationship?
  • How do I want them to react when receiving this?
  • Would I like receiving this if I were in their shoes?

wehoautodetail makes upscale brands like Swarovski affordable while maintaining its sentiment. Be sure you're gifting Swarovski on a special occasion, otherwise, it could send the wrong message.

It's hard to receive a Swarovski and not feel as though the relationship's progressing. Be sure you're ready for that. The jewels tell all!

Swarovski Birthstone Rings

Rings are the real deal of jewelry. If you're not proposing, be sure to get a ring designated for a different finger, or else there may be some confusion. 

You might think Swarovski birthstone rings are different than engagement rings, but plenty of women would love a birthstone ring as their engagement ring!

For that reason, consider the symbolism of rings as gifts. Are you signifying your binding as a couple? Is it a promise ring?

Wearing rings on different fingers carry diverse meanings. If you decide on a ring for a specific finger, it can help you clarify the meaning of your gift.

Even if you're not proposing with a Swarovski birthstone ring, there's no doubt your partner will love that you're starting to shop for rings! That's a step in the right direction.

Swarovski Birthstone Necklaces

Wearing Swarovski around the neck's a strong statement piece. Decide what shape, symbol, and chain you envision on your loved one. If you're influenced by Swarovski birthstone jewelry, you can get a necklace with their birthstone or birthstone color.

Wearing necklaces is profound symbolism. The energy of a jewel resting over the heart infuses a specific energy into one's being. Wearing their birthstone over their chest can symbolize:

  • Self-empowerment
  • Strong sense of self
  • Groundedness
  • Alignment with the true self
  • Love and connection to self and others
  • Union in partnership
  • Symbol of a sacred bond

When it comes to choosing a specific piece, think about what makes you think, yes, that one. Perusing options can help you sharpen your intuition around what your partner might like.

It can also help to consider their current jewelry selection. What don't they have? Do you want to gift them something unique, or something that will complement another piece they have?

If your partner has an everyday sacred locket, it may be a tough sell to get them to wear another piece. Consider how rings or bracelets can complement their favorites.

Swarovski Birthstone Bracelets

Is your partner a bracelet person instead? Some people prefer earrings to necklaces, or rings to earrings. If your partner's a bracelet person, they'll appreciate a Swarovski birthstone bracelet.

Swarovski jewelry pieces are usually stand-alone, meaning, they're not meant to join an arms collection of bracelets. To make your gift stand out, consider your partner's relationship to their birthstone.

Do they know it? Do they love it? Do they have to learn about it?

Identifying where they stand with their birthstone can inform your decision. Getting your partner their first tanzanite bracelet will differ from finding something for someone who collects birthstone jewelry. 

Great gifts come from two opposite experiences.

  1. Not needing to say a word about it
  2. Having to orient your loved one to it

Depending on your relationship and your loved one, decide if you'll invest in a breathtaking piece or one that needs an introduction. Either way, Swarovski's the way.

Swarovski Birthstone Beauties

Swarovski birthstone jewelry never makes for a bad gift. It just requires you, the gift-finder, to be discerning about your loved one's preferences.

You'll learn that buying a gift for your loved one can be an introspective, informative, and intentional experience. The result is a lasting, luxurious gift and an even longer-lasting love.

Shop our Swarovski collection today to find which jewels are right for your love!

]]> 2019-02-25T06:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:32:02-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Swarovski crystals are unlike any other type of crystal. But what are Swarovski crystals and why are they so luxurious? Click here and learn all of the secrets!



What Are Swarovski Crystals? Uncovering the Secrets

Swarovski crystals are unlike any other type of crystal. But what are Swarovski crystals and why are they so luxurious? Click here and learn all of the secrets!

Keyword(s): what are Swarovski crystals


If you've never wondered just what are Swarovski crystals, then you probably don't know the big secret.

Swarovski crystals, while absolutely stunning, aren't technically crystals at all.

And yet the company has managed to brand itself as a world-famous purveyor of luxury crystals. This is something that no other manufacturer of non-gems has ever done.

In fact, no other manufacturers have even tried. Probably because no other non-gem manufacturer can even touch the quality of Swarovski. 

Still, this begs this question: what are Swarovski crystals? 

Then What are Swarovski Crystals?

The short answer: lead glass.

But it's lead glass that goes through a specialized manufacturing process performed only at Swarovski. 

And the result is a brilliant crystal. 

Yet even though they've been manufacturing these gorgeous crystals for over a century, the exact process remains a company secret. 

This is intentional. Swarovski doesn’t talk about their process.

They refuse to disclose exactly what they do to the lead glass. But whatever the case, it's widely agreed that Swarovski’s "crystals" are unparalleled in quality.

How Swarovski Began

Swarovski crystals are the brain-child of Daniel Swarovski, the son of a glass cutter in Bohemia. 

Bohemia is an area that is presently part of the Czech Republic bordering on Austria. It has a long and staunch history of the finest glass-making in the world.

Bohemians are credited with innovative techniques and processes for making glass. They discovered that when potash is combined with chalk, it creates an amazingly clear glass. It's an innovation that's used to this day.

It makes sense that Daniel Swarovski was obsessed with glass. Along with being raised in Bohemia, his father owned a glass-making factory.

A Machine is Born 

This obsession enabled him to patent a new electric cutting machine in 1892. Powered by hydroelectricity from the alpine waterfalls in the Austrian Alps, the machine was truly ahead of its time.

The machine employed a highly specialized cutting process that used unspecified amounts of quartz, sand, and minerals to produce brilliant lead glass crystals that sparkled like no other.

This process allowed crystals to be cut very precisely. And certainly far more so they could ever be cut by hand. 

In 1895, Swarovski founded the Swarovski company in Wattens, Austria. It was originally called A. Kosman, Daniel Swartz & Company. But due to rising anti-Semitism in Austria, Daniel Swartz changed his name to Daniel Swarovski. 

Five generations later, the Swarovski factory is considered both an innovative design studio as well as an incredible chemical laboratory.

Of course, phenomenal marketing has certainly had a role in the worldwide clamoring for these non-gems as well.

So then if Swarovski is technically glass, why does it cost more than glass?

The Price is in the Innovation

Finished crystals start as merely raw resources. The method by which they are produced and processed factors heavily into the quality of the finished product.  

In the case of Swarovski, only the finest materials are used to fashion finished crystals with stunning brilliance.

Brilliance refers to the path light takes through an object. It relates to how much light is refracted or bent when it passes through an object. But it also looks at how much light of different colors is bent when compared to each other. And this impacts how much sparkle and color is perceived. 

The highest quality materials along with superior cutting and polishing are what set the Swarovski standard. They cut the glass in such a way that they're able to create a hundred identical facets in several directions. This is no easy feat.

Each direction of the reflected light has to be calculated by a computer so that it can be simulated in 3D form. Once those calculations are complete, they must be optimized and then converted into control programs for complex machinery.

Multiple Uses 

Clearly, Swarovski is unmatched in its engineering prowess. Because of this, their crystals are used across a number of industries. You can find Swarovski crystals in optics, abrasive tools, and even LED-based road lighting systems. 

Of course, most people associate Swarovski with jewelry and fashion. And with good reason.

In the mid-1950s, Swarovski began working with recognized jewelers to design custom-made Swarovski crystals for their jewelry. And soon, other jewelers wanted in on the game.

Because of their ability to create almost anything a designer needed, they were soon in demand in the world of fashion as well. There was no other company that could make a neon blue sphere, a perfect cube of ruby, or even a jacket made of a thousand emeralds.

But Swarovski could. And they still can.

How to Tell If a Swarovski Is Real 

Due to the company's success, there have been more than a handful of companies trying to imitate them.

These imitations don't have the quality, sheen, or brilliance of a Swarovski. But some imitation crystals are better than others. 

Of course, the packaging should be labeled "Swarovski." But an unscrupulous retailer could just as easily put a false crystal in a Swarovski box. That's why it's best to stick with a reputable jeweler.

There are a few surefire ways to tell if you've got a fake. If there are any bubbles inside the crystal or if you see scratches or an oily sheen on the surface of it, that is NOT a Swarovski.

Another way to tell is to look at a group of crystals in question. If they are Swarovski crystals, there will be no difference in the color of crystals if they come from the same color family.

And since they're machine-made, Swarovski crystals will be exactly identical in size and cut. 

Finally, if the crystals you're considering are sold on a string, then they're not the real deal. With the exception of Swarovski pearls, Swarovski crystals are sold as loose stones only.

Are You Ready to Sparkle?

Who couldn't use a little more sparkle and shine in their lives? 

Even if you don't have an EXACT answer for the question of what are Swarovski crystals, now you know everything that's involved in making them so beautiful.

So why not make your day just a little more brilliant? Shop our wide selection of Swarovski crystals today. And prepare to sparkle.

]]> 2018-09-28T15:30:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:32:55-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis If you need a cheaper alternative to diamonds, Swarovski crystal is a great option. But what are these gems made of? Click here to find out.


What Are Swarovski Crystals Made Of?
If you need a cheaper alternative to diamonds, Swarovski crystal is a great option. But what are these gems made of? Click here to find out.

Keyword(s): Swarovski crystal


Of all the Swarovski Group's business units, the company's crystal division is the most profitable, raking in 2.6 billion euros each year. Swarovski crystals are beautiful, sparkly, and durable, so this isn't surprising. Yet they are also affordable, especially when compared to diamonds.

Just how well do Swarovski crystals mimic diamonds? Remember when Marilyn Monroe crooned the sparkly rocks were a girl's best friend in the movie "Gentleman Prefer Blondes"? Well, she wasn't dripping with actual diamonds in that scene, but Swarovski crystals instead!

If you've ever wondered what gives Swarovski crystals their special luster, read on. Here's everything you need to know about the Austrian gems and why they're a cost-effective alternative to precious stones.

A Diamond for Everyone

The Swarovski brand all began with the vision of one man, Daniel Swarovski. He was born in what was then called Bohemia (now the Czech Republic). The son of a glass cutter, Swarovski inherited his father's skill.

He invented and patented an electric cutting machine that could cut pieces of glass with remarkable accuracy. These man-made gemstones also shone like crazy. Swarovski's dream was to create "a diamond for everyone" -- an innovative product that would have an accessible price yet still be beautiful.

Swarovski set up his crystal factory in Wattens, Austria in 1892. The company remains there to this day. He chose the area for the nearby alpine rivers which provided the hydro-electric power his new crystal cutting machine relied on.

How Swarovski Crystals Are Made

The truth is no one knows exactly how Swarovski crystals are made. It's a protected company secret, staying with 5 generations of Swarovski family members. These family members operate the business to this day.

What we do know is Swarovski makes glass using a mixture of quartz sand, red lead, and sodium carbonate. These ingredients get heated to a very high temperature so they melt together. But the company's most important component may be the potash it adds to the mix.

Potash is organic plant ashes which are rich in potassium. Daniel Swarovski's native country of Bohemia revolutionized the glass industry by adding potash to chalk. The result is a malleable clear glass which can be easily shaped.

Just as important as how the glass is made is the Swarovski manufacturing process. Their factory's patented machines give the crystals their trademark brilliance.

Today the company designs gemstones using computer-aided technology. This calculates the number of angles which will reflect the most light.

Special Coatings

Besides its coveted cutting techniques, Swarovski has developed metallic chemical coatings that add special features to its crystals. The most notable of these was introduced in 1955. That year, the company collaborated with famed design house Christian Dior to create an even more spectacular crystal.

It was dubbed the Aurora Borealis effect after the changing hues of the Northern Lights. The result was jewelry with a multicolored shine that shimmers from any angle in every color of the rainbow. It's still a popular crystal the company manufacturers to this day.

Swarovski Jewelry for Everyone

Today, the company manufactures a wide selection of jewelry pieces. You'll find earrings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, rings, and more. A men's collection includes watches, cufflinks, bracelets, and pendants.

Swarovski's product line has expanded over the decades. They sell holiday ornaments, figurines, sunglasses, phone cases, and even hair accessories adorned with the crystals.

Swarovski has partnered with many fashion designers including Alexander McQueen, Elsa Schiaparelli, Chanel, and more. Swarovski is the only go-to crystal company that can create dresses and custom jewelry pieces bedecked in its gemstones.

The company even opened a museum called Swarovski Kristallwelten (Crystal Worlds) in Wattens, Austria. It's a magical world featuring a garden and a building of exhibits that incorporate Swarovski crystals in different ways.

This is a brand that has stood the test of time and is instantly recognizable all over the world. The company is sure to keep evolving, offering new products featuring their glimmering crystals.

Affordable Bling

Swarovski jewelry has a wide price range with most of its line on the affordable side. Their sheer brilliance and ability to catch the light makes it pretty tough to distinguish them from diamonds.

Swarovski crystals can also imitate precious gems such as emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. Their jewelry always looks great whether it's a delicate necklace paired with a white t-shirt and jeans or a chunky showstopper worn with a little black dress.

If you're looking to save money but still want jewelry that grabs attention, you can't go wrong with Swarovski crystal jewelry. The company also stays abreast of the latest fashion trends by constantly releasing new designs.

Caring for Your Swarovski Crystal Jewelry

Swarovski jewelry may be less expensive than fine jewelry, but it still requires care. Following these tips will keep your jewelry in wearable condition for years to come.

Always remove your Swarovski jewelry before showering and washing. Soaps and cleansers containing harsh chemicals can damage the finish and settings. Avoid allowing skin moisturizers, oils, and makeup to come into contact with it.

You can also clean Swarovski crystal jewelry with mild detergent, a soft-bristled toothbrush, and warm water. Rinse with clean water and dry using a soft towel or cloth.

When you're not wearing your Swarovski jewelry, keep it in a box or compartment designed for jewelry. Or if you've saved the original packaging, place it back in the wrapping it came in.

Shop Our Swarovski Crystal Jewelry

Now you know more about Swarovski crystal jewelry, the company, and what their crystals are made of. It's time to shop for a piece of your own.

We carry a fine selection of Swarovski crystal necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pendants, and rings. Shop our Swarovski selection to find the perfect piece for you!

]]> 2018-08-20T11:13:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:33:16-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis They say that diamonds are a girl's best friend. But, diamonds are expensive and there are other options available to you. Click here for some of the best alternatives to diamonds that you can wear to dress up any outfit.


What are the Best Alternatives to Diamonds?
They say that diamonds are a girl's best friend. But, diamonds are expensive and there are other options available to you. Click here for some of the best alternatives to diamonds that you can wear to dress up any outfit.

Keyword(s): alternatives to diamonds


You know that everyone loves the beauty of a sparkling, shiny diamond.

But what you don't love as much?

What these precious gems do to your bank account! With what you spend on a piece of jewelry, you could go on vacation, redo a room in your home, or in some cases, even pay off your credit card debt or take care of your car loan.

Plus, you're fully aware of the ugly history (and present atrocities) of the diamond trade -- and you're interested in making a more ethical choice.

So, what are the alternatives to diamonds available to you?

That's what this post is all about.

While outlining some of the best diamond alternatives out there -- there are options that don't look any less beautiful than the real thing.

No matter your style or your budget, you'll likely be surprised by just how much beauty is out there.

1. Cubic Zirconia

Are you a woman on a budget -- or just someone who wants beautiful jewelry without having to fork over half her paycheck to get it?

If so, then we're certain that you'll love the look of one of the most popular alternatives to diamonds: cubic zirconia.

In fact, this diamond alternative has become so popular for its ability to imitate the look of real diamonds, that many people choose to buy cubic zirconia engagement rings.

This doesn't just give you both much more money to spend on your honeymoon.

Cubic zirconia also looks much more flawless than a diamond does, as they've actually been made within a lab. This means that sometimes, you can end up getting more sparkle from a cubic zirconia ring (CZ for short) than you would with the real thing.

Plus, it's able to be made to be colorless, which also makes it harder to differentiate between CZ and diamonds.

If you're concerned about overall durability, you might be surprised (and relieved) to find out that CZ, while not as hard as a diamond, can still take a serious amount of wear and tear.

If you're looking for a classic pair of cubic zirconium studs, you might as well get a necklace to match!

We love the classic look of this set, which we're certain will go with pretty much anything in your wardrobe.

2. Swarovski Crystals

Another one of the most popular diamond alternatives?

The Swarovski Crystal, which has certainly stood the test of both time and ever-changing fashion trends when it comes to both look and quality.

These crystals were first invented in Austria in 1892, so it's safe to say that the brand has established itself as a classic. Swarovski has even worked with high fashion brands like Dior, Christian Louboutin, and Chanel -- so you're in excellent hands.

Believe it or not, it's the lead within Swarovski Crystals (don't worry, it's completely safe) that creates their beautiful shimmer and shine. In some cases, the polishing process and extra coatings will allow your pieces to sparkle even more brightly!

Plus, these crystals are especially perfect for those who are interesting in finding pieces that can imitate the look of colored diamonds, like yellows or even pinks.

And because crystals are so much more affordable than their diamond counterparts?

Why not just get a piece of jewelry for every color of the rainbow?

We can't get enough of the elegant look of these purple teardrop earrings, certain to up the "wow" factor of a Little Black Dress more than you ever thought possible.

3. Roman Glass

Perhaps you're much more interested in a diamond alternative that looks markedly different from a diamond.

After all, you're an individual -- and you're looking for jewelry that helps to reflect that.

Enter Roman Glass, which is perfect for those who march to the beat of a different drum.

It's made from hundreds of tiny pieces of glass, which are also pieces of history!

In most cases, this glass is thousands of years old, and comes from Israel. In a past life, it could have been a piece of pottery, a jar, or another glass container. Since these shards can't be displayed in museums, and have been weathered by sand, dirt, and the elements?

Jewelers invest in the glass and give what was once nothing more than a smashed piece of glass pottery a new lease on life!

Now, you can find Roman Glass rings, necklaces, brooches, and earrings -- any sort of piece you want.

Especially if you're into more unique pieces, we're certain that you'll love the kind of statement that a Roman Glass ring like this one makes.

Plus, we can't get enough of the beautiful flower detailing on the sides of the ring. The metal work only helps the shards of glass to stand out even more. Be warned, though -- everyone around you will want to try it on!

Which of These Alternatives to Diamonds Will You Wear?

We hope that this post has seriously inspired you to put down the diamonds and pick up one of these stunning alternatives to diamonds instead!

It's not just about saving money. It's also about having more diverse pieces of jewelry in your wardrobe.

Of course, when you're in the market for any sort of new jewelry, the quality of the pieces matter more than anything else.

Why settle for anything less than the best when you can choose to wear one of our show-stopping pieces?

Keep checking out our website for access to our newest products. Then, bookmark our blog to get more advice on the best ways to style your jewelry.


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]]> 2017-11-15T17:49:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:36:59-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Aurora Borealis Swarovski crystal jewelry is simply memorizing. Click here to learn about the history, significance, and modern pieces you can get right now.


Dress to Impress with Aurora Borealis Swarovski Crystal Jewelry

Dress to Impress with Aurora Borealis Swarovski Crystal

Aurora Borealis Swarovski crystal jewelry is simply memorizing. Click here to learn about the history, significance, and modern pieces you can get right now.

Keyword(s): Aurora Borealis Swarovski Crystal

Ready to catch the eye of anyone you want from across the room?

Looking for a subtle, elegant way to add a little extra sparkle to your work wardrobe?

Want to make heads turn wherever you go thanks to your statement-making jewelry?

If so, then you sound like the perfect person to wear Aurora Borealis Swarovski Crystal jewelry. This means you're in great company. These special crystals have been worn by everyone from burlesque superstar Dita von Teese to Queen Bey herself.

Want to see the dazzling effect of Swarovski crystals? Then look no further than the stunning jewelry and gown of the Swarovski heiress herself, Victoria Swarovski, on her wedding day.

In this post, we'll tell you everything you need to know about the power of Aurora Borealis Swarovski Crystal jewelry.

The History Of Aurora Borealis Swarovski Crystal

This stunning jewelry is timeless and elegant for good reason. It came out of a partnership between Mr. Manfred Swarovski and one of the greatest clothing designers of all time, Mr. Christian Dior.

In the spring of 1947, Dior became famous for his "New Look" collection, which revolutionized the fit and silhouette of women's clothing. The Look focused on a cinched waist with a full skirt and instantly became a favorite of women everywhere.

However, Dior felt he didn't yet have the right jewelry to go with it. So, he turned to Swarovski to help.

Swarovski worked with Dior to create the look of Aurora Borealis Swarovski Crystal. They wanted something that would shimmer and sparkle, but would also go with a variety of skin tones and styles.

So, Swarovski worked with a special blue coating that was applied to his stones. The rest, as they say, is history.

The stones give off an iridescent glow that's a bit like a rainbow, and they soon became just as popular as the clothing designed by Dior.

Today, the pieces remain a must-have item in any women's jewelry collection.

How To Wear It

Now that you know a little bit more about the history of Aurora Borealis Swarovski Crystal jewelry, let's move on to the many ways you can make it work with your wardrobe!

Because the delicate crystals contain so many colors, you can wear them with just about anything. Lots of people think that the pieces will only work with more formal outfits.

Tthis really isn't the case.

The Everyday Outfit

For example, we love the idea of pairing these Arched earrings with your favorite pair of jeans and a classic white button down.

If you have longer hair, sweep it up into a French twist for an elegant updo that will help you to show off the earrings.

The earrings will also work well on those who have a little bit of a funkier style.

If you're not afraid to go bold, we love the idea of calling even more attention to yourself by pairing them with thigh-high boots, a leather skirt, and a top in a fun neon color.

The Formal Event

Of course, if you're looking for a piece that will allow you to make a statement at a more formal event, wearing this show-stopper, an Aurora Borealis Swarovski Crystal necklace, is the perfect way to do it.

We think it would look absolutely amazing paired with a floor-length silk gown with a low neckline.

It's also a great way to jazz up an otherwise-boring bridesmaids dress, or make a statement at a formal corporate event.

You can always switch it up and surprise people by wearing the necklace as a headband! Just use a few bobby pins to tuck into braids or drape it across the crown of your head.

You'll look like a princess, and everyone will be talking about your hair jewelry.

Remember, your jewelry isn't just an accessory that helps you to feel more confident. It's also a great conversation-starter.

With these pieces, you'll be the life of the party in no time.

The Wild Card

Looking for a piece you can wear while running errands at the grocery store, meeting his parents, or going out with the girls?

These gorgeous teardrop crystal earrings are the perfect fit for any occasion and outfit! They'll help you to feel glamorous no matter where you're going.

Remember, the best part about Aurora Borealis Swarovski Crystal jewelry is its versatility. The pieces can match a style that's classic, bombshell, relaxed, edgier, and more.

Where Can You Find The Perfect Jewelry For Any Outfit?

Now that you're an expert on both the history of Aurora Borealis Swarovski Crystal jewelry and how to wear it, what's next?

We're sure that you're more than ready to update the look of some of your favorite outfits with the right pieces of jewelry.

If you're looking for pieces of jewelry that connect with history while keeping the fashions of today looking better than ever, check out our Amber Collection. We choose only the highest quality Amber from Poland, so you know you're getting the best.

It's just as beloved today for its healing properties as it was by the Italian noble families of the past.

Looking for the perfect gift for someone special? If so, look no further than our Silver collection, which is hypo-allergenic and able to be sculpted into breathtaking, intricate designs.

No matter what look you're going for or your personal style, we have the perfect piece for you. Spend some time on our website to explore all of our options, and send us pictures of you in our pieces!
