Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2022-08-29T14:30:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:09-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis More


A Complete Guide to Trendy Jewelry in 2022

The global jewelry market was worth 330 billion US dollars in 2019 and is only continuing to grow. Jewelry has become so popular because of how fun and easy it is to express yourself and your style through necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets. 

Keeping up with the yearly trends can help you find your style and participate in a world of fun fashion. Trendy jewelry is a great way to spice up your wardrobe and can make you look clean and expensive.

What's more, you'll elevate your daily outfits to something glamorous. 

Keep reading to find out what jewelry styles are trending this year and how to style them. 

Trendy Jewelry 2022

Gold Paperclip + Sun and Moon Pendant

While fashion trends come and go, many of this year's types of jewelry are timeless and can be incorporated into your daily wardrobe to create a fashion statement. 

What are some of the jewelry fashion trends of 2022? There are plenty of fun trends for you to partake in this year. Many runways are showing off big, chunky jewelry. This includes chunky bracelets, cuffs, earrings, and statement necklaces. Layering chunky bracelets and cuffs is another trend that's been popular this year.

Pearls and crystals are popular this year—a reminder that classic jewelry will always be in style.

It's easy to incorporate these gemstones into your jewelry and wardrobe. Pearl earrings and necklaces are taking center stage. No matter their size or color, they've been seen on the runway this year by some of the most famous fashion designers. 

Crystals are a big statement, and they're a timeless statement to make.

Following the bold and big style of this year, crystal or gemstone pieces that stand out are extremely trendy right now. Chandelier-style earrings and bold crystal necklaces are the perfect pieces to wear to partake in this jewelry trend.

Following the chandelier-style earrings, fringe is also making a comeback on the runways. Any earrings or necklaces that mimic the movement and style of fringe have made an appearance this year as a popular trend. Having jewelry pieces that move with you can make you look and feel your best. 

Floral has been a popular jewelry trend this year. It's made a big statement in fall fashion. Floral earrings, necklaces, and brooch pins are all ways to incorporate floral into your wardrobe. Just because summer is over doesn't mean that floral has to disappear. 

Here are more 2022 jewelry trends we're seeing on the runway this year. 

If you're looking to partake in some 2022 jewelry trends, be sure to spend your hard-earned money on quality jewelry. Below, we'll go over why quality matters. 

Why Quality Jewelry Matters

Horseshoe Huggies

Taking part in jewelry trends is fun, but it's harder to enjoy it if you're worried about your jewelry breaking or not being able to withstand certain conditions when wearing it. Not to mention the pesky green tint on your skin that cheap jewelry often produces. 

When considering buying jewelry, it's important to be on the lookout for good quality jewelry. 

Quality jewelry is more durable. When your jewelry is made of durable metals and gemstones, you won't have to worry about your jewelry breaking. Quality jewelry is made with more care and with stronger materials. 

The best part is—you don't have to break the bank to purchase quality jewelry. When you're shopping for good quality jewelry, it's important to understand what to avoid and what to look for.

For example, stray away from metals like nickel or brass. These are usually cheaper metals, can cause allergic reactions, and don't hold together as well as other metals. You want to find jewelry that's sterling silver or titanium, and if you'd like gold jewelry, look for pieces that have gold in them, not just brushed or plated. 

Good quality jewelry can better withstand outside elements like weather.  You want to spend your hard-earned money on jewelry pieces that are going to compliment your style, without the hassle of having pieces break and fall apart while wearing them.

It's possible to find jewelry pieces that fit the fashion trends you love without breaking the bank. Always choose good quality jewelry to ensure your pieces will last. 

Styling Tips 

Raidiance 20-Strand Necklace

Understandably, you want to show your beautiful jewelry off. Here are some styling tips to help you look and feel your best while having your jewelry compliment your outfit. 

Since this year's jewelry is all about being bold, don't be afraid to make a statement. Choose a large or chunky necklace to wear with a plain dress or blouse. 

An important tip to remember is to create balance with your outfit. If you're going to wear a statement necklace, keep your other jewelry simple and small. Opt for smaller earrings and necklaces to keep your outfit balanced and to bring attention to your statement piece.

Don't be afraid to mix metals—it's becoming increasingly popular to wear gold and silver together. What once was a taboo jewelry rule is now a common trend. 

Since chunky bracelets are back, stack a few chunky bracelets over a long-sleeved top to really show off your gorgeous bracelets. Be sure to create balance within the rest of your jewelry so the outfit doesn't look or feel too heavy. 

Of course, everyone's style is different. The most important thing is that you should feel beautiful and confident in the jewelry that you buy. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try one of these trends! You may be surprised by what you create. 

If you want to learn more about jewelry trends and how to style your pieces, check out our blog

Finding Your Favorite Trends 

Radiance 3-Strand Anklet

Fashion trends come and go, but quality jewelry will last you for years. The best part is that you can still find trendy jewelry at a good price, without ever having to settle for cheap pieces. 

Check out our best-selling jewelry to find a beautiful piece to add to your wardrobe. 

]]> 2022-05-23T09:00:04-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:41-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Having the right rings can really complete your look. This guide has some of our best tips on how to wear multiple rings at once.



How to Wear Multiple Rings at Once: A Style Guide

Having the right rings can really complete your look. This guide has some of our best tips on how to wear multiple rings at once.

Keyword(s): how to wear multiple rings



Did you know that the luxury jewelry industry is worth over $21 billion?

It isn't hard to understand why. If you've got a bit of disposable income, there's no reason you shouldn't start wearing jewelry to match your lifestyle. Wearing rings, in particular, is a great way to show off your style.

But what about styling rings when you want to wear more than one at a time? There's a way to do it, and we're going to show you right here.

Keep reading to learn how to wear multiple rings.

Wear Two or Three Rings

Who says styling rings have to happen one finger at a time? Shake things up by wearing a few types of rings on the same finger.

Styling rings on the same finger looks best when they're made of the same metal. If you have a quirky style, though, feel free to mix and match metals like gold and silver.

The key to mixing metals is to make sure they balance each other out. It should make sense in the grand scheme of your outfit, including other jewelry.

If you really want to wear that rose gold ring with the rest of your gold jewelry, for example, throw on some rose gold earrings to tie the outfit together. It'll make more sense and will look more intentional.

Other than figuring out which color rings you want to style together, figure out the type of rings you want to wear. In other words, pair some chunky rings with delicate rings. Or, pair smooth rings with rings that have curves or textures.

Lastly, consider buying a few midi rings. These types of rings are worn above the higher joint of your finger.

Before you do that, you need to figure out your ring size. Your midi ring should be at least three sizes smaller than your regular ring size.

You may not want to wear multiple rings on your pinky finger, though. We suggest this because you won't have as much freedom to move, and your fingers might look too stubby. 

Wear Multiple Rings on One Hand

Not a fan of wearing jewelry on the same finger? There are ways for styling rings that match your fashion sense.

Another way is wearing rings across all five fingers. Now that you've already played around with a few cute ring combinations, you'll need to select which fingers will wear the rings.

Here are a few finger and ring combinations that we recommend:

  • Pointer and ring finger
  • Thumb, pointer, and ring finger
  • Thumb and middle finger
  • Thumb and ring finger
  • Thumb, pointer finger, and middle finger
  • Middle finger and pinky
  • Thumb, pointer finger, and pinky

Notice that we don't include any combination of rings worn on adjacent fingers.

While you are certainly free to do so, the rings will likely chafe together and wear down over time. You may also find their proximity distracting as you go about your daily activities.

This is a bigger issue for thicker or chunkier rings. You may feel comfortable wearing rings next to each other if they are thin and dainty enough.

As for colors, we still recommend matching metals. Again, you can get a little wild or creative with it, but you don't want rings to subtract from your whole outfit.

Wear Multiple Rings on Both Hands

Now that you know how to wear multiple rings on one hand, let's talk about wearing rings on both hands. Generally speaking, the same rules apply. 

However, our best tip is to not overdo it. Sometimes, less is more. Wearing six or ten rings across both hands may be fun, but it may undo what you're trying to accomplish with your whole look.

It may be okay for a casual, boho look, but if your aim is class and elegance, keep it simple. "Less is more" when it comes to wearing jewelry that emulates effortless beauty.

This is why it's also important to avoid cheap jewelry. A lot of cheap rings contain copper, which is the material that turns your fingers green.

This happens because the copper is coming into contact with either your skin, or traces of products on your skin. These may be soap, lotion, and other cosmetic products.

While there are methods of preventing this reaction, it's easier to shop for types of rings that contain higher quality materials. These include pure gold, pure silver, stainless steel, and platinum.

Unlike rings made of copper, they won't get discolored or wear out as easily.

Add Meaning

We've given you a few ideas on how to wear multiple rings, but there's more to it than simply layering the best rings from your collection. It goes even deeper than your style and personal preference.

Styling rings should tell a story about who you are. For example, you probably won't wear a ring on the fourth finger of your left hand if you're not married (although, you can if you want!).

Think too of birthstones. There's no rulebook that says you can only wear the birthstone from your birth month, but doing so will add extra meaning. There are also certain characteristics that correlate to each birthstone. 

If you aren't sure about your birthstone or the qualities it represents, it's definitely worth looking into. It will also be a conversation starter for anyone who notices your ring!

How to Wear Multiple Rings

It's never too late to up your fashion game by investing in the best rings for your style. It's easy to get bored by wearing rings that you've had for a long time, or that don't match your aesthetic anymore.

Luckily, styling is simple when you have several types of rings to choose from. We hope this guide has been helpful in teaching you how to wear multiple rings at once.

Ready to see the best rings online? Click here to shop our selection. 
