Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2022-05-30T09:00:05-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:39-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

When it comes to wearing gemstone jewelry, there are a few things you should remember. These nine tips will make a big difference.


9 Effective Tips for Wearing Gemstone Jewelry
When it comes to wearing gemstone jewelry, there are a few things you should remember. These nine tips will make a big difference.

Keyword(s): gemstone jewelry



Gemstone jewelry has been a hot topic in the fashion sphere and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere soon. Mixing and matching different types of jewelry and even different types of gemstones are right on trend in 2022.

The vast array of colors and styles of gemstones bring personality to any wardrobe. Wearing gemstones is an excellent way to express your unique, individual taste.

If you haven't dabbled in this trend yet, it's time you gave gemstone jewelry a chance. But if you're nervous about stepping out of your bland, minimalist comfort zone, don't worry. Our experts are here to guide you!

Keep reading to find out nine ways to keep your gemstone jewelry game fresh this season.

1. Stack Your Gemstone and Minimalist Rings

Minimalist stacking rings have been in vogue for seasons on end at this point - but we certainly won’t be getting tired of them any time soon. Who doesn’t relish the opportunity to wear all of their favorite rings at once?

Well, why not change up your standard ring selection by sprinkling some modest gemstone rings into your stack? Gemstones add that personality and pop of color that will set your jewelry game apart from the rest.

2. Layer Long Multi-Gemstone Necklaces

If necklaces are your preferred mode of bejeweled self-expression, trying your hand at layering can take your look to the next level.

You can layer a series of thin gold chains with a gemstone pendant for a subtler look. Or go all out and layer several gemstone-dappled necklaces together.

Aiming for something a little more unexpected? Try layering a gemstone necklace with a body chain for a stunning look that shows off your wild side.

3. Make It Bold With a Gemstone Headpiece

If you really want to turn heads, it's time to get acquainted with jewelry that's out of the ordinary.

More and more celebrities are incorporating glittering headpieces into their red carpet looks. Just last month, actress Tommy Dorfmann was seen wearing a breathtaking 200-year-old tiara to the Met Gala.

But you don't have to be in the public eye to try something bold and eye-catching. Whether pinning a gemstone brooch in your hair or going with a full headpiece is your vibe, this look works for both dress-up and casual.

Just make sure you're not crossing the line into culturally appropriative territory.

4. Showcase Your Birthstone (Or Someone Else’s!)

There’s nothing more sentimental or delightful than birthstone jewelry. Since childhood, we’ve treasured those special stones that signify the unique and special times of our births.

Or, maybe you always wished you were born in a different month (we see you November topazes!) so you could wear diamonds, rubies, or emeralds on the regular.

Make your own birthstone the focal point of your outfit with a statement piece. Or incorporate a smaller version into your everyday look. You can even wear the birthstone of a friend or loved one as a tribute. Who would most appreciate seeing their birthstone around your neck or on your finger?

The other great thing about birthstone jewelry is that it makes the perfect gift for moms, grandmothers, siblings, and close friends.

You can even design your own birthstone jewelry by embellishing the birthstone with other meaningful gemstones. Many moms enjoy collecting the birthstones of their children or other members of their families!

5. Mix and Match Minimal Gemstone Studs

Want to spruce up your daily uniform? There’s nothing more chic or easy than mixing and matching your favorite minimalist studs.

Adding in an eye-catching gemstone stud or two is a gorgeous way to incorporate a pop of color without amping up the drama too much.

6. Give Statement Rings and Earrings a Go

Getting tired of your usual outfit lineup? Forget putting money into a closet full of new clothes. A sure-fire way to give your wardrobe a make-over on a budget is to throw a bold gemstone ring or statement earrings into the mix.

You’ll achieve the wow effect you’re craving without breaking the bank. All you need to do is repurpose what you already have in your jewelry box.

The best thing about statement jewelry is that it can pair beautifully with anything from a t-shirt and jeans to formalwear! Spice up a little black dress or add intrigue to your daily duds.

7. Wear Your Statement Rings Like a Maximalist

So, you're already vibing with statement rings and want to take it to the next level? Stack those gemstone statement rings like the chic maximalist you are in your heart.

Try pairing stones from opposite ends of the color spectrum, or adorn your fingers with a gradation of complementary hues.

These days, there's no such thing as too much. Go big or go home are words to live by when it comes to 2022 jewelry trends.

8. Experiment With Color and Tone

One way to raise the stakes with your gemstone adornments is to experiment with gradations of hue and tone. An array of gemstones with subtle undertones in common is the epitome of everyday elegance.

There are many gemstones to try in a variety of hues - like sapphires, rubies, and diamonds. Many others come in a variety of ombré tones. If that's your bag, try a citrine or tourmaline gemstone in your lineup.

9. Go For Glam With Statement Gemstone Earrings

For the boldest among us, you can't go astray with statement gemstone earrings. For a glamorous night on the town, we can't imagine any look more aspirational than Jessica Chastain's 2022 Oscars look.

That rainbow sequined Gucci gown was an absolute dream paired with dripping diamond statement earrings!

More Gemstone Jewelry Trends To Groove On This Season

Whether you want to add a dramatic element to a formal look or give your everyday wear a fresh take, gemstone jewelry has something perfect in store for you.

Try a statement gemstone ring on its own, paired with a minimalist stack, or a handful of gemstone rings. Layer simple gold chains with a gemstone pendant. Whatever you do, gemstones will ensure your look is uniquely you.

For more great gemstone style trends, tips, and jewelry pieces, check out the rest of our blog!

]]> 2022-03-14T09:00:01-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:58-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Semi-precious gemstones can be just as beautiful as precious stones. Let’s take a look at comparing semi-precious gemstone values.



Comparing Semi-precious Gemstones

Semi-precious gemstones can be just as beautiful as precious stones. Let’s take a look at comparing semi-precious gemstone values.

Keyword(s): Semi-precious gemstones



Gemstones are some of the earth’s most beautiful natural treasures. When incorporated into jewelry, they make for luxurious and timeless pieces that add elegance and class to your wardrobe. 

The wide world of gems can be broken into two groups, precious and semi-precious gemstones. Any astute buyer would wonder: what is the difference between the two? 

In this article, we'll answer that question and several others. We'll also talk about the most popular semi-precious gemstones and compare their values. Read on to learn everything you need to know about these beautiful and rare gems. 

What Are Semi-Precious Gemstones?

So what qualifies as a semi-precious gemstone? The answer is actually pretty simple. 

Diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds are the four precious stones. All other gemstones are classified as semi-precious. This includes aquamarine, alexandrite, rose quartz, pearl, amethyst, and hundreds of others. 

It's a common misconception that semi-precious gemstones are worth less than precious gemstones. 
In truth, many semi-precious stones are significantly more valuable than precious ones. Alexandrite for example generally sells for higher prices than sapphire does. 

The value of a gemstone is actually determined by many different factors. These factors are grouped together under the four C's: carats, clarity, color, and cut. 

Now, let's compare the values of some of the most popular semi-precious gemstones. 


Amethyst is an incredibly popular semi-precious stone. It is known widely for its vibrant shades of purple and violet. Shades of amethyst range from a light pinkish violet color to a deep purple.

Deep, rich purples are rarer than the lighter hues, and thus highly prized among amethyst collectors. However, these darker stones don't sparkle as brightly as lighter ones do. For the most lively, vibrant pieces, look for stones in the medium to medium-dark range.

Amethyst is also the February birthstone. This makes amethyst jewelry a very popular gift for people born during this month. 

Amethyst is a durable and affordable stone. High-quality cut stones cost between $20 and $30 per carat. Extremely fine pieces can retail for as much as $40 per carat. 


Peridot is a brightly colored yellow-green gemstone. It naturally forms from lava flows and has been highly valued since the time of Ancient Egypt. Peridot is popular among jewelry connoisseurs who want to enjoy brighter and more vibrant green stones than those cut from emeralds. 

There are three different types of peridot, all distinguished by the locations from which they were mined. Changbai peridots are mined in the Changbai Mountains in Northeast China. These stones are known for their organic deep green hues and vibrant pops of lime. 

Pakistani peridots are mined in Kashmir. These stones are usually lime or apple green with subtle golden undertones. 

The Hunan peridot originates from the Hunan mining area in southeastern China. These stones are known for their clarity and non-bearing yellow tones. 

Peridot is also the August birthstone. 

The price of these stones ranges from $50 to $80 per carat. Peridots larger than one carat that boast the finest quality and colors can cost as much as $400 to $450. 

Rose Quartz 

Rose quartz is a rare, colored variety of crystalline quartz. These gems have lovely light to medium pink colorations. Amethyst, another quartz stone, can sometimes influence rose quartzes and give them a more purplish hue. 

Most rose quartz has a milky opacity. But a transparent variety was discovered in Madagascar in the 1980s. Many of these transparent stones were cut with fascets and incorporated into fine jewelry such as wedding rings. 

Transparent and translucent rose quartz stones sell for higher prices than lighter opaque ones. These stones start at around $100 per carat. But high-grade specimens can easily exceed $1,000 per carat. 


Amber forms from the crystalized resin of ancient pine trees. This stone is well known for the incredible fossilized inclusions that are sometimes found within. Humans have been making jewelry with amber for over 10,000 years, making it the first gem material ever used. 

Amber jewelry comes in many different colors including black, red, yellow, and white. Which color is most valuable changes from year to year as trends and tastes do. 

White and red amber are the rarest varieties. White amber costs about $11 per carat in the current market, and red costs about $12 per carat. Currently, yellow or gold amber is the most valuable variety, retailing for $14 per carat without inclusions. 

The region that the amber is extracted from also plays a big role in determining price. Baltic and Ukrainian amber typically cost more than Russian, Dominican, and Mexican amber. 


Aquamarine is another incredibly popular semi-precious stone. Coloration ranges from pale blue to a strong dark blue. Some aquamarines have a greenish-blue, almost turquoise hue. 

Recently, Prince Harry gifted his soon-to-be wife Meghan Markle a stunning aquamarine ring estimated to be worth $87,000. She also wore Princess Diana’s famous aquamarine and diamond-encrusted cocktail ring during their wedding reception. This has caused another surge in the stone's popularity and value. 

Aquamarine is also the March birthstone and a popular gift for people born during this month. 

Aquamarine prices are determined by the depth and quality of the stones' color, as well as their clarity. These gems also increase in price as their carats increase. 

For example, a one-carat aquamarine costs about $675 per carat. A two to three carat stone costs between $1,000 and $1,500 per carat. 

Wearing Semi-Precious Gemstones

More and more people are incorporating semi-precious gemstones into their wardrobes. Elegant, timeless jewelry pieces that include these stones are one of the best ways to elevate your outfits. 

Now that you know the different qualities and values of the most popular semi-precious stones, you can make astute decisions about which ones are right for your sense of style. 

If you enjoyed this piece, take a look at our other articles on buying and styling fine jewelry today. 
