Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2022-05-30T09:00:05-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:39-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

When it comes to wearing gemstone jewelry, there are a few things you should remember. These nine tips will make a big difference.


9 Effective Tips for Wearing Gemstone Jewelry
When it comes to wearing gemstone jewelry, there are a few things you should remember. These nine tips will make a big difference.

Keyword(s): gemstone jewelry



Gemstone jewelry has been a hot topic in the fashion sphere and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere soon. Mixing and matching different types of jewelry and even different types of gemstones are right on trend in 2022.

The vast array of colors and styles of gemstones bring personality to any wardrobe. Wearing gemstones is an excellent way to express your unique, individual taste.

If you haven't dabbled in this trend yet, it's time you gave gemstone jewelry a chance. But if you're nervous about stepping out of your bland, minimalist comfort zone, don't worry. Our experts are here to guide you!

Keep reading to find out nine ways to keep your gemstone jewelry game fresh this season.

1. Stack Your Gemstone and Minimalist Rings

Minimalist stacking rings have been in vogue for seasons on end at this point - but we certainly won’t be getting tired of them any time soon. Who doesn’t relish the opportunity to wear all of their favorite rings at once?

Well, why not change up your standard ring selection by sprinkling some modest gemstone rings into your stack? Gemstones add that personality and pop of color that will set your jewelry game apart from the rest.

2. Layer Long Multi-Gemstone Necklaces

If necklaces are your preferred mode of bejeweled self-expression, trying your hand at layering can take your look to the next level.

You can layer a series of thin gold chains with a gemstone pendant for a subtler look. Or go all out and layer several gemstone-dappled necklaces together.

Aiming for something a little more unexpected? Try layering a gemstone necklace with a body chain for a stunning look that shows off your wild side.

3. Make It Bold With a Gemstone Headpiece

If you really want to turn heads, it's time to get acquainted with jewelry that's out of the ordinary.

More and more celebrities are incorporating glittering headpieces into their red carpet looks. Just last month, actress Tommy Dorfmann was seen wearing a breathtaking 200-year-old tiara to the Met Gala.

But you don't have to be in the public eye to try something bold and eye-catching. Whether pinning a gemstone brooch in your hair or going with a full headpiece is your vibe, this look works for both dress-up and casual.

Just make sure you're not crossing the line into culturally appropriative territory.

4. Showcase Your Birthstone (Or Someone Else’s!)

There’s nothing more sentimental or delightful than birthstone jewelry. Since childhood, we’ve treasured those special stones that signify the unique and special times of our births.

Or, maybe you always wished you were born in a different month (we see you November topazes!) so you could wear diamonds, rubies, or emeralds on the regular.

Make your own birthstone the focal point of your outfit with a statement piece. Or incorporate a smaller version into your everyday look. You can even wear the birthstone of a friend or loved one as a tribute. Who would most appreciate seeing their birthstone around your neck or on your finger?

The other great thing about birthstone jewelry is that it makes the perfect gift for moms, grandmothers, siblings, and close friends.

You can even design your own birthstone jewelry by embellishing the birthstone with other meaningful gemstones. Many moms enjoy collecting the birthstones of their children or other members of their families!

5. Mix and Match Minimal Gemstone Studs

Want to spruce up your daily uniform? There’s nothing more chic or easy than mixing and matching your favorite minimalist studs.

Adding in an eye-catching gemstone stud or two is a gorgeous way to incorporate a pop of color without amping up the drama too much.

6. Give Statement Rings and Earrings a Go

Getting tired of your usual outfit lineup? Forget putting money into a closet full of new clothes. A sure-fire way to give your wardrobe a make-over on a budget is to throw a bold gemstone ring or statement earrings into the mix.

You’ll achieve the wow effect you’re craving without breaking the bank. All you need to do is repurpose what you already have in your jewelry box.

The best thing about statement jewelry is that it can pair beautifully with anything from a t-shirt and jeans to formalwear! Spice up a little black dress or add intrigue to your daily duds.

7. Wear Your Statement Rings Like a Maximalist

So, you're already vibing with statement rings and want to take it to the next level? Stack those gemstone statement rings like the chic maximalist you are in your heart.

Try pairing stones from opposite ends of the color spectrum, or adorn your fingers with a gradation of complementary hues.

These days, there's no such thing as too much. Go big or go home are words to live by when it comes to 2022 jewelry trends.

8. Experiment With Color and Tone

One way to raise the stakes with your gemstone adornments is to experiment with gradations of hue and tone. An array of gemstones with subtle undertones in common is the epitome of everyday elegance.

There are many gemstones to try in a variety of hues - like sapphires, rubies, and diamonds. Many others come in a variety of ombré tones. If that's your bag, try a citrine or tourmaline gemstone in your lineup.

9. Go For Glam With Statement Gemstone Earrings

For the boldest among us, you can't go astray with statement gemstone earrings. For a glamorous night on the town, we can't imagine any look more aspirational than Jessica Chastain's 2022 Oscars look.

That rainbow sequined Gucci gown was an absolute dream paired with dripping diamond statement earrings!

More Gemstone Jewelry Trends To Groove On This Season

Whether you want to add a dramatic element to a formal look or give your everyday wear a fresh take, gemstone jewelry has something perfect in store for you.

Try a statement gemstone ring on its own, paired with a minimalist stack, or a handful of gemstone rings. Layer simple gold chains with a gemstone pendant. Whatever you do, gemstones will ensure your look is uniquely you.

For more great gemstone style trends, tips, and jewelry pieces, check out the rest of our blog!

]]> 2021-12-13T09:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:30-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Have you recently bought the red coral necklace of your dreams? Read here for seven amazing ways to wear and style red coral necklaces.



7 Ways to Wear Red Coral Necklaces

Have you recently bought the red coral necklace of your dreams? Read here for seven amazing ways to wear and style red coral necklaces.

Keyword(s): red coral necklaces




Coral has long been revered for its beauty and supernatural powers. In ancient times, coral made its way from regal Egyptian tombs to the thrones of Greek empires. Historians estimate that coral jewelry dates back more than 25,000 years.

And it hasn't gone out of style. Today, coral is still a vibrant, luxurious, and gorgeous material for accessories. If you are looking to add some ancient flair with a modern look, red coral necklaces can deliver.

But, with an accessory so bold and eye-catching, how can you pull together the rest of your look? What are the best ways to style these types of jewelry?

Read on to discover seven incredible ways to wear coral necklaces. These tips will take you from the office to your next special event with ease. That makes coral the ultimate investment you'll wear for years to come. 

1. Dress Up Denim 

Do you feel comfortable in jeans but worry your look is too casual? A red coral necklace is an effortless way to dial up this relaxed look. And, the color red pops against all denim shades.

Try pairing your necklace with a denim dress for an elegant summer look. Or layer coral necklaces on top of a denim jacket. 

2. Add Color to Professional Wear 

A professional wardrobe is attractive and sleek. But, sometimes a black suit or navy shift dress can feel repetitive and uninspired.

And while your favorite silver necklaces pair nicely with these looks, get creative and switch things up. For example, this wehoautodetail coral single-strand necklace delivers just the right amount of drama. A long necklace is perfect for layering with your favorite workwear button-downs, suit jackets, or dresses. 

3. Dazzle at the Beach 

Do you have a luxurious beach holiday planned? Do you need elegant looks that take you from the sand to a lunch reservation in a flash? A red coral necklace is an ideal accessory to elevate your look.

Pair a shorter style necklace with your favorite bathing suit top. Or, for an elegant beachside cocktail, style a long red coral necklace with a caftan or maxi-style cover-up dress.

Finish off the look with stylish sandals, a straw beach tote, a hat, and your favorite sunglasses. A necklace is a perfect way to add glamour to a beachside look

4. Special Events 

Special events are all about making a statement. While the dress and shoes are important, consider your accessories first. Design your look around a necklace.

For example, a black evening gown pairs perfectly with this coral five-strand chunky necklace. But, what is some other special event or evening looks to style with a red coral necklace? Here are some ideas to inspire your next event outfit: 

  • Pattern cocktail party dress with a strapless or tank style neckline 
  • Red dress for a monochromatic chic look 
  • Emerald evening gown 
  • Turquoise evening gown 
  • Navy dress or pantsuit 
  • Grey dress or pantsuit 
  • Black jumpsuit 
  • Black cocktail dress 
  • Black two-piece suit with pants or a skirt 

While the variety of special events wear is endless, these are some ideas to get you started. Don't be afraid to dress colorfully and boldly when styling your red coral necklace! Choosing the right color for your taste and style has proven effects to lift your mood.  

5. Color Pop With White

The color white is often associated with blank canvases. While white may seem like a neutral or fresh color choice, it packs a punch when paired with red. When you pair a brilliant white t-shirt or dress with your red coral necklace, the color pops and transforms.

White as your clothing background helps the necklace to stand out and appear more brilliantly colored. If you prefer to dress in neutrals or embrace a more simple style, white is already a cornerstone of your wardrobe. For summer, pair your favorite white linen blouses, dresses, and cotton t-shirts with a red coral necklace for a wow effect.

No Seasonal Limitations 

But, when the weather cools down, don't pack away your coral necklaces just yet. You can still style these pieces with white clothing in the fall, winter, and spring.

Simply change the texture of your clothing choices. For example, a cozy white cashmere sweater and jeans paired with a red coral necklace looks dynamite. While a white blazer in spring is practical and chic.  

6. Mix With Your Favorite Pieces 

Do you have silver jewelry pieces you love? Or are you a gold or rose gold fiend? You can still wear these jewelry pieces by mixing and matching them with a coral necklace.

For example, pair your favorite diamond stud or silver earrings with this red coral drop Bali-style necklace. Or, embrace the jewelry guides layered necklace trend. Simply pair a coral short pendant with your favorite long necklace. 

Mixing and matching your existing jewelry pieces with a new coral necklace is a great way to make a statement. Coral helps to add color to your style and interest to your next look. 

7. Make a Statement 

Statement necklaces have been a style trend for years. For example, oversized pendants, chunky collar necklaces, and long beaded lariats are just some jewelry pieces that make an impact.

So, instead of choosing your accessories last, use your red necklace to make a statement and define your outfit. When your outfit focus is on red coral, the rest of your look can be simple and neutral. This places focus on your beautiful jewelry piece and draws attention to your neck.

For your next cocktail party or dinner out, throw on your favorite black dress. Pair the outfit with an eye-catching chunky red coral necklace. Finish off the look with black simple accessories like high-heels, a clutch bag, and a shawl. 

Red Coral Necklaces Can Transform Your Style 

Red coral necklaces may seem intimidating or challenging to style. But, these beautiful jewelry pieces can fit seamlessly into any wardrobe and have the power to transform your style.

Next time you struggle to choose your perfect outfit, refer to these top style tips for inspiration. Whether you have a special event or are hosting a cocktail party, a red coral necklace is an eye-catching and beautiful accessory to top off your look.

Are you looking for the perfect necklace or other accessories? Visit the wehoautodetail Collection to find your ideal piece. 

]]> 2018-11-02T14:04:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:32:37-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Red coral is thought to be a symbol of energy and ambition. But what are the other benefits of wearing this illustrious stone? Click here to find out. 


What are the Benefits of Wearing Red Coral?
Red coral is thought to be a symbol of energy and ambition. But what are the other benefits of wearing this illustrious stone? Click here to find out.

Keyword(s): red coral

When you wear red coral, you wear vitality, energy, and ambition.

This stunning stone made from the remains of coral polyps, symbolizes the god of war, Mars. With its vibrant color and strength, it creates an air of action on the part of the wearer.

But what else does wearing red coral do for the woman who wears it?

8 Benefits of Wearing Red Coral Gemstones

Many believe there are tangible benefits to donning this beautiful coral stone. If you're looking to present an image of strength, to feel more vigorous, or simply more confident, here are 8 reasons red coral is the stone for you.

1. Increased Confidence and Courage

The red coral gemstone is the symbol of the royal god of war, Mars. It's only natural that such a gem would inherently equate confidence and courage.

Sporting a gem such as this is thought by some to literally enhance the confidence of the wearer. It is also associated with increased physical strength and sexual desire.

Astrologers will often recommend an inactive marriage partner to wear red coral as a way to increase their desire for love and their strength in the relationship.

So, if you're looking to give off a Wonder Woman kind of air, red coral is a perfect option.

2. Overcome Obstacles

With all that increased confidence, it's only natural that your ability to overcome obstacles or challenges will be enhanced also.

Wearing red coral is considered a method for the wearer to successfully overcome "enemies" or obstacles. So... got a major board meeting coming up and need to impress the CEO?

Wear red coral. Your presentation may just be more likely to come off successfully...

3. Improve Mental and Physical Health

Among it's many believed positive effects, red coral is said to have healing qualities. Some believe red coral can aid in the healing of everything from bad skin, to weak blood, to cuts or scrapes.

The red coral gemstone is said to help regulate high blood pressure and is believed to be good for the heart.

Many ancient cultures wore red coral beads in an attempt to heal their sick by improving circulation. They are even associated with the curing of sterility or bone maladies.

If that's not enough healing for you, red coral is also considered by astrologers as a positive mental health stone. What this basically means is that astrologers may sometimes recommend those suffering from anxiety or other mental health issues to wear the red coral.

Red coral jewelry was often the jewelry of choice for ancient cultures seeking to become more in tune with intuition and positive mentalities.

After all, if it does, in fact, boost energy and confidence, wearing red coral couldn't hurt your mental state!

4. Lick Lethargy

Are you one that tends to procrastinate? Do you have a project or goal you just haven't finished?

Put on that red coral! With the high energy qualities of this gem, any hesitation you may be struggling with can be overcome.

Been nervous to give your number to that cute guy at work? Pair the right necklace of red coral beads with your outfit, and feel more motivated to smartly walk yourself over to his desk.

The ancient god Mars is believed to have been more pragmatic than some of his other immortal counterparts. Hence, the red coral can bring with it an ability to logically approach unfinished tasks.

It can help catalyze needed action on the part of the wearer.

5. Better Relationships

Indian astrologists say the red coral represents the "Mangalya Balam." In other words, marriage compatibility.

Red coral is believed to increase the longevity of marriages and even ward off widowhood from the wife. This belief coincides well with the idea that red coral provides new zest and verve to the wearer.

So, if your marriage or romantic relationship could use a spark of fresh life, try fitting some more red coral pieces into your wardrobe.

6. Protects Against "Black Magic"

If you're on the superstitious side, this believed quality of red coral may be legitimately interesting to you.

Perhaps it is the courage and power associated with the red coral gemstones, but either way, they are said to ward off black magic, bewitching, or other malicious influences Indian astrologers sometimes refer to as "evil eye" or buri Nazar.

Some even say that because red coral is made from a living organism from the ocean, the stone helps promote peace and protect the wearer from more general negative influences.

Next time you have a family get together with nerve-grinding in-laws, perhaps wearing your red coral could ward off some of the gloom.

7. Overcome Character Flaws

Are you short-tempered, impatient, or easily offended? Well, if your horoscope shows that you are in an adverse position with Mars, (again, the god associated with red coral), these negative traits may worsen.

Never fear! The wearing of red coral during these times is supposed to help temper such negative feelings and behaviors.

Whether the red coral stones themselves really provide such power or their beautiful hues simply imbue the wearer with a greater sense of zen, either way, wearing these stunning stones can only do a person good.

8. Relief from Debt

You read that right. Many astrologists attest that those who wear red coral jewelry are more easily able to get out of debt.

Perhaps it is because red coral is also associated with business or career success, but these jewels are said to be more than good luck when it comes to financial blessings.

Selecting the Right Stone for You

Regardless of your current horoscope, or if you believe in the effects of certain gems on their wearer or not, red coral jewelry is a timeless addition to any classy wardrobe.

Unlike other colorful gems, red coral is easy to match with a variety of outfits. It is also easy to dress up or dress down depending on the occasion you feel to sport it.

For more interesting reads on other beautiful gemstones, check out our blog post on the amazing properties and symbolism of amber.


]]> 2018-05-28T15:28:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:34:18-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Red coral jewelry may catch your eye because of its unusual beauty. But did you know there is a right way to wear it?


Make a Statement with Mystical Red Coral Jewelry
Red coral jewelry may catch your eye because of its unusual beauty. But did you know there is a right way to wear it? According to tradition, there is. Learn the proper way to make a fashion statement and benefit from the mystical properties of red coral jewelry.

Keyword(s): PKW: red coral SKW: red coral stone, which shape of red coral is best, red coral ring, how to wear red coral, who should not wear red coral

Red coral develops from the skeletons of coral polyps, animals that are no larger than one millimeter. Their skeletons, made of calcium carbonate, stack to form coral. This ancient process is accompanied by ancient traditions.

When you elect to make a statement with this gemstone, you're not only choosing a vibrant color for your jewelry, but you're carrying on those traditions.

Keep reading to learn more about how coral fits into traditions in both Eastern and Western cultures and how to wear red coral.

Red Coral In The East And The West

Red Coral Jewelry

Coral takes over 100,000 years to grow into something the size of a reef. This soft gemstone grew in popularity because it's easy to shape and carve. The inclusion of coral into myths and traditions logically follows its popularity.

In this section of the guide, we'll talk about those traditions in the East and the West. We'll show you how coral found its way into the heart of these cultures and religions:

  • Hinduism
  • Ancient Greeks
  • Ancient Gauls
  • Ancient Romans
  • Ancient Egyptians

We'll also show you how the traditional use of coral extended over a thousand years. Before we get to these cultural uses, it's important to understand the benefits of this gemstone.


In all of these traditions, this coral is associated with the planet Mars, which is called Mangal in Hindi. Most of the stone's benefits derive from this connection, even where the mythology (as with the Ancient Greeks) diverts from it.

The physical benefits of wearing this gemstone include:

  • Increased sexual appetite and appeal
  • Healing and reducing the risk of diseases and blood issues or disorders
  • Enhanced bone strength
  • Increased physical strength
  • Preventing miscarriage

The physical benefits of coral are enough to convince anyone to wear it, especially in ancient cultures without the science of medicine. Some of the diseases this coral was reputed to prevent or cure include:

  • Piles, or hemorrhoids
  • Ulcers
  • Fever
  • Smallpox
  • Typhus
  • Rickets
  • Stomach aches
  • Bruises and cuts

In addition to treating or preventing the above conditions, this coral gem could also warn the wearer of any impending health risks. Supposedly, when the coral varies its color, there is a risk or premonition of impending illness.

Also, this gemstone was thought to help one prevent or recover from snake bites or scorpion stings.

Just as there are physiological benefits, there are also many psychological benefits associated with this gemstone. Many of them deal with helping the wearer to get ahead in life; some offer protection.

  • Inspires courage and fortitude
  • Makes one vigorous or zealous
  • Increases both determination and self-confidence
  • Promotes beneficial land and property purchases and sales
  • Protects from nightmares
  • Protects the wearer from enemies, the evil eye, hexes and curses

Is it any wonder people were clamoring to wear this gemstone with so many benefits? Now that you know about the powers this coral was reputed to have, let's take a look at how its popularity manifested in the cultures, religions, and traditions we mentioned earlier.

Hinduism And The Red Coral Ring

In Hindi, this enchanting gemstone is known as moonga. Coral, especially the red variety, is associated with a great many benefits of the mental and physical nature like those we described above. However, these benefits could only be maximized by completing certain rituals or following certain rules.

For one thing, a ring is more effective than other styles of jewelry in the Hindu tradition, though people do still wear red coral beaded necklaces.

The ring should be worn on the ring finger of the dominant hand. The best results occur when the gemstone is a triangle.

The ring should be worn on Tuesday mornings--unless one's astrologer advises differently. However, wearing coral rings isn't just about sliding it onto your finger before you leave for work. There's a ritual involved.

Wearers should bathe first, facing the east. While bathing, the mantra, "om mangalay namah" is said from 11 to 108 times. Before the ring is worn, it should be dipped or bathed in cow's milk to remove any negativity latent in the gemstone.

The last part of this tradition calls to mind the sacred nature of the cow in Hinduism, combining the religion with astrological traditions.

Perseus And The Ancient Greeks

Perseus, the Ancient Greek demigod and hero who killed Medusa, is responsible--according to this tradition--for the gift of red coral.

Medusa and her sisters were turned into gorgons for her denial of Poseidon, the god of the sea. Gorgons were monsters with snakes for hair whose stare could turn men to stone.

Perseus uses his reflective shield to defeat Medusa without having to look at her or meet her gaze. He beheads her. In most retellings of this myth, Pegasus, the winged horse, flies out of her mortal wound and goes on to enjoy a career of flying magic thunderbolts up to the top of Mount Olympos for Zeus.

But other tellings of the myth continue to say that when Perseus discarded Medusa's head into the sea, her blood turned into red seaweed which became coral. Perhaps this was the basis for the idea that this gemstone could heal snake bites.

While We're Talking Shields...

Perseus isn't the only one whose shield is connected to this crimson gemstone. The ancient Gauls were known to use this coral in their own shields, helmets, and weapons. Supposedly, this was to grant them courage on the battle field.

But there's probably a fiscal reason too. By attaching their precious gemstones and jewels to their weapons and shields, they carried them with them.

Ancient Romans And Egyptians

In Ancient Rome and Egypt, parents were known for hanging beads of this coral around their children's necks. The main purpose was for protection. Pliny the Elder, a famous Ancient Roman scholar, recommended people wear this coral to fend off those who would tempt them.

Of course, if people also wore this jewelry to show of their wealth, we're not really certain how effective it would be in warding off anyone intent on tempting the wearer.

Victorians And Superstition

The Victorian age is known for many things, including steam engines, smog, high collars, euphemism, and superstition. It's the latter that had them reviving or continuing ancient traditions of using a red coral stone to keep danger at bay.

From necklaces to coral earrings, they believed in the protective powers of this gemstone. They believed in those powers so much that like the Ancient Romans and Ancient Egyptians, they insisted on their children wearing this beautiful coral.

Now that you know about the benefits of this coral, as well as the history and mythology of the traditions concerning its wear and use, we'll move on to who should wear it and what you should look for in your red coral.

Who Should And Who Should Not Wear Red Coral

So you're ready to buy and wear some coral. Not so fast! - there are people who coral helps, and others who are hindered by this crimson gem. There are two sets of guidelines you can follow, one based on your zodiac sign and one based on your profession.

Professionals Helped By Red Coral

To determine which types of professions are aided by this gem, one needs to think about the benefits it offers.

Jobs that require physical strength and stamina can benefit from the use of this gemstone. Some examples include:

  • Athletes
  • Police officers
  • Soldiers

Another group includes those who are required to do precise work, like:

  • Surgeons
  • Manufacturers
  • Electricians

Finally, professionals who are required to rely on self-confidence, leadership, or navigational skills can benefit from Mars' influence:

  • Politicians
  • Pilots and sailors
  • Entertainers

These three groups are not the be-all, end-all. There are other professions that can be helped by wearing this gemstone, but these nine are the most common. Wearers can check with their personal astrologers for more personalized advice.

Using The Zodiac As A Guide

Because the zodiac relies on the positions of stars and celestial bodies, your zodiac sign can help you determine if you should or should not wear red coral. In layman's terms, this basically comes down to how Mars influences--or is influenced by--your zodiac sign.

Some signs can always wear this gemstone for beneficial results:

  • Aries
  • Pisces
  • Scorpio
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Sagittarius

Those born under these signs share an auspicious connection to Mars which is, according to tradition, amplified by wearing red coral. For those born under some other zodiac signs, wearing this gemstone can not only prevent good fortune, but it can welcome bad fortune. Tradition suggests those signs are:

  • Libra
  • Gemini
  • Virgo

You might look over these last two lists and count only nine zodiac signs. That's because for the remaining three--Aquarius, Capricorn, and Taurus--wearing this gemstone can be beneficial at certain times. Likewise, wearing the gem can be harmful at other times.

Again, this all comes down to when Mars influences these signs. You should check with a trusted astrologer if you're curious about when the planet influences your sign.

How To Wear Coral

Even if you're not a member of the traditions we previously discussed, there are things you should know about wearing this gemstone. These factors are based on both tradition and quality.

These beautiful gemstones, which range from pink to red, come from many parts of the world. Nations that are known for producing this coral include:

  • Sri Lanka
  • Burma
  • India
  • Pakistan
  • Japan
  • Australia
  • Malaysia
  • Algeria
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • France
  • Afghanistan
  • South Africa
  • America
  • Brazil

Of these, Sri Lankan red coral is known as being uncommonly high-quality. It's famed for its gleam and color, and the price of the gemstones will reflect that. However, whether for aesthetics or astrology, you get what you pay for.

How To Pick Out High-Quality Coral

How do you know if the piece of coral you're about to buy is of a good quality? For one thing, the color shouldn't be too dark. Similarly, it shouldn't be too bright or vivid.

The stone should be free from scratches. This is important, especially as it's such a soft gemstone. Likewise, the coral shouldn't have too many inclusions.

An inclusion looks like a patch of a different color. An inclusion is actually a growth of other minerals or crystals in spaces within the gemstone. While some inclusions indicate that it's real, natural coral, too many inclusions could indicate a weak piece that might fall apart in the future.

Look at the coral piece under a magnifying glass if you can. If you notice bubbles in the gemstone, it's not the best quality. Smudges in the stone indicate lower quality as well.

Finally, how the gemstone changes temperature can tell you of its genuine quality. If it warms or becomes hot in your hand after a few minutes, know that there are higher-quality coral pieces you can find.

If you don't want to have to worry about quality, seek out a seller of gemstones reputed for quality. For astrological reasons, your gemstone should be set in gold, copper, or silver--like this coral pendant. These metals help you make the most of the gifts from Mars.


Bonus Tip: Caring For Coral

According to tradition, if you want to get the most benefit out of your coral piece of jewelry, you need to keep it clean. Because coral is so soft, you want to avoid any abrasive materials or harsh chemicals.

In fact, the best way to clean your coral is with soapy water and a soft brush, like a spare toothbrush from the dentist. This will help keep your piece clear of dirt and dust, which muffle the benefits from Mars.


Regardless of your reason for choosing coral jewelry, you can count on one thing: its beauty. Red coral will make a statement wherever you go. If you have questions about coral jewelry or coral settings, or how you can add ageless beauty and fascination to your look, contact us.
