Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-09-24T10:00:07-06:00 wehoautodetail 2022-05-23T09:00:04-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:41-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Having the right rings can really complete your look. This guide has some of our best tips on how to wear multiple rings at once.



How to Wear Multiple Rings at Once: A Style Guide

Having the right rings can really complete your look. This guide has some of our best tips on how to wear multiple rings at once.

Keyword(s): how to wear multiple rings



Did you know that the luxury jewelry industry is worth over $21 billion?

It isn't hard to understand why. If you've got a bit of disposable income, there's no reason you shouldn't start wearing jewelry to match your lifestyle. Wearing rings, in particular, is a great way to show off your style.

But what about styling rings when you want to wear more than one at a time? There's a way to do it, and we're going to show you right here.

Keep reading to learn how to wear multiple rings.

Wear Two or Three Rings

Who says styling rings have to happen one finger at a time? Shake things up by wearing a few types of rings on the same finger.

Styling rings on the same finger looks best when they're made of the same metal. If you have a quirky style, though, feel free to mix and match metals like gold and silver.

The key to mixing metals is to make sure they balance each other out. It should make sense in the grand scheme of your outfit, including other jewelry.

If you really want to wear that rose gold ring with the rest of your gold jewelry, for example, throw on some rose gold earrings to tie the outfit together. It'll make more sense and will look more intentional.

Other than figuring out which color rings you want to style together, figure out the type of rings you want to wear. In other words, pair some chunky rings with delicate rings. Or, pair smooth rings with rings that have curves or textures.

Lastly, consider buying a few midi rings. These types of rings are worn above the higher joint of your finger.

Before you do that, you need to figure out your ring size. Your midi ring should be at least three sizes smaller than your regular ring size.

You may not want to wear multiple rings on your pinky finger, though. We suggest this because you won't have as much freedom to move, and your fingers might look too stubby. 

Wear Multiple Rings on One Hand

Not a fan of wearing jewelry on the same finger? There are ways for styling rings that match your fashion sense.

Another way is wearing rings across all five fingers. Now that you've already played around with a few cute ring combinations, you'll need to select which fingers will wear the rings.

Here are a few finger and ring combinations that we recommend:

  • Pointer and ring finger
  • Thumb, pointer, and ring finger
  • Thumb and middle finger
  • Thumb and ring finger
  • Thumb, pointer finger, and middle finger
  • Middle finger and pinky
  • Thumb, pointer finger, and pinky

Notice that we don't include any combination of rings worn on adjacent fingers.

While you are certainly free to do so, the rings will likely chafe together and wear down over time. You may also find their proximity distracting as you go about your daily activities.

This is a bigger issue for thicker or chunkier rings. You may feel comfortable wearing rings next to each other if they are thin and dainty enough.

As for colors, we still recommend matching metals. Again, you can get a little wild or creative with it, but you don't want rings to subtract from your whole outfit.

Wear Multiple Rings on Both Hands

Now that you know how to wear multiple rings on one hand, let's talk about wearing rings on both hands. Generally speaking, the same rules apply. 

However, our best tip is to not overdo it. Sometimes, less is more. Wearing six or ten rings across both hands may be fun, but it may undo what you're trying to accomplish with your whole look.

It may be okay for a casual, boho look, but if your aim is class and elegance, keep it simple. "Less is more" when it comes to wearing jewelry that emulates effortless beauty.

This is why it's also important to avoid cheap jewelry. A lot of cheap rings contain copper, which is the material that turns your fingers green.

This happens because the copper is coming into contact with either your skin, or traces of products on your skin. These may be soap, lotion, and other cosmetic products.

While there are methods of preventing this reaction, it's easier to shop for types of rings that contain higher quality materials. These include pure gold, pure silver, stainless steel, and platinum.

Unlike rings made of copper, they won't get discolored or wear out as easily.

Add Meaning

We've given you a few ideas on how to wear multiple rings, but there's more to it than simply layering the best rings from your collection. It goes even deeper than your style and personal preference.

Styling rings should tell a story about who you are. For example, you probably won't wear a ring on the fourth finger of your left hand if you're not married (although, you can if you want!).

Think too of birthstones. There's no rulebook that says you can only wear the birthstone from your birth month, but doing so will add extra meaning. There are also certain characteristics that correlate to each birthstone. 

If you aren't sure about your birthstone or the qualities it represents, it's definitely worth looking into. It will also be a conversation starter for anyone who notices your ring!

How to Wear Multiple Rings

It's never too late to up your fashion game by investing in the best rings for your style. It's easy to get bored by wearing rings that you've had for a long time, or that don't match your aesthetic anymore.

Luckily, styling is simple when you have several types of rings to choose from. We hope this guide has been helpful in teaching you how to wear multiple rings at once.

Ready to see the best rings online? Click here to shop our selection. 

]]> 2022-03-21T09:00:01-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:59-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

You know which birthstone is yours, but do you know the story and meaning behind your birthstone and does it suit your personality? Find out here!



What Does Your Birthstone Mean?

You know which birthstone is yours, but do you know the story and meaning behind your birthstone and does it suit your personality? Find out here!

Keyword(s): Your birthstone



Jewelry has long been seen as a way to display status and affluence in society. It was also used as a tool in courtship as a man would present his intended with a sparkling trinket to woo her and to show his ability to provide. 

Today, there are jewelry options available to suit every budget, not just the culturally elite. Women are no longer waiting around for a potential suitor to shower them in gold and jewels. They are purchasing their own jewelry.

Your birthstone is a unique way to express your personality and establish your personal brand. Since the day you were born, you may have had a precious or semi-precious stone representing your month of birth. But did you know that your birthstone also has a specific meaning?

A Brief Birthstone History

Birthstones have been around for centuries, dating as far back as Biblical times. These semi-precious stones were worn into battle on a breastplate as they were thought to imbue the wearer with certain protective powers.

Much like the 12 zodiac signs and their correlation to specific behaviors and personality characteristics, each month is assigned between 1-3 birthstones.

These stones symbolize distinct temperaments and attitudes amongst their wearers. Some cultures believe that different stones can even determine the wearer's fate.

Some months contain more than one type of birthstone. The thought behind this may have been to suggest more cost-friendly semi-precious stones as alternatives to pricier or rarer precious gemstones.


January's birthstone is Garnet. If you were born in January, your birthstone denotes strong energy and willpower. Garnet birthstones evoke the wearer as being confident, spontaneous, and a go-getter.

Garnet's birthstone bearers are often feisty and love to take on challenges. 

Most people associate garnet with being a deep dark red color, but it can also contain shades of orange, pink, green, and even purple. Red garnet stones resemble pomegranate seeds. 


February's main birthstone is Amethyst. Due to its rich purple coloring, it was only worn by royalty because purple signified the wealth and power of the ruling class. If your birthstone is Amethyst, you may have a keen business sense.

You may also be optimistic and pure of mind. You are seen as a good listener and help to soothe others, like a therapist. 

Amethysts pertain to serenity and peace. Amethyst is thought to be able to prevent intoxication due to ties to Greek mythos and a connection to spirituality.


Aquamarine is March's prominent birthstone. A light blue stone representative of the sky and sea. 

If your birthstone is Aquamarine, you are likely to bring this sense of calming and tranquility to those around you. You have a talent for mediating and settling disputes. 

Aquamarine was seen as a sort of good luck charm that protected sailors from rough seas and calmed the oceans ensuring safe journeys.

Wearing Aquamarine provides protection and peace. It is also thought to treat anxiety.


Diamonds are a girl's best friend, but they are also April's birthstone. Diamonds come in an array of colors, aside from the standard colorless, including pink, brown, black, blue, green, yellow, red, blue, and even purple. 

Diamonds imply luxury so those born in April have a penchant for shopping and the finer things in life. If your birthstone is a Diamond, you are stubborn and driven. You are not afraid to go for what you want. 

You are steadfast and loyal to your friendships. You value character and integrity above all.


Emerald is May's birthstone. This dazzling green precious gemstone has a long history of the belief that it provides protection against illnesses, such as cholera, wards off evil spirits and demons, and keeps snakes away. 

If your birthstone is an Emerald, you are seen as romantic and compassionate. You also love helping people and are loyal to your friends. You believe that there is a perfect soulmate for you.

Green emeralds often symbolize prosperity and good fortune, as well as rebirth, growth, and success.


June has three birthstones associated with it. Pearl, Moonstone, and Alexandrite. Pearls link to intuition and those who are born in June are known for being introspective thinkers. 

If your birthstone is a Pearl or Moonstone, you are enthusiastic and outgoing. You are a warm-hearted and pure individual who will always help a friend in need.

Like the Pearl, Moonstones enhance intuition and promote balance. Alexandrite also signifies balance and intuition. 


July's birthstone is the Ruby. The Ruby is a sign of power, health, and wisdom. The Ruby was long thought to provide protection and ward off evil spirits.

If your birthstone is the Ruby you are a combination of assertiveness and compassion. You are ambitious and able to come up with creative solutions to problems. Those with a Ruby birthstone enjoy social gatherings. 


Peridot is known as August's birthstone. This olive-green stone indicates good fortune and good health and a balance with nature.

If your birthstone is Peridot, you are a charming and extroverted person who gains the trust of others easily. You also have a natural beauty that attracts others to you. You are kind and welcoming to friends and strangers alike. 


The Sapphire is September's birthstone. Known for its rich blue coloring, sapphires are also available in pink, white, yellow, and green. 

If your birthstone is the Sapphire, you are humble and down-to-earth. You are also faithful and trustworthy. You prefer to keep your emotions to yourself and weigh all of your options before taking a risk.


October's dual birthstones are Pink Tourmaline and Opal. Opals are alluring due to their unique color patterns and structures. No two opals are ever the same.

If your birthstone is the Tourmaline, you are likely to be adventurous and restless with a racing mind. You also have strong intuitions.

If your birthstone is an Opal, you are loyal, protective, and faithful to your loved ones. You inspire others and love to mentor and take part in community events. Opals embody purity, truth, and hope.


The Topaz is widely regarded as November's birthstone but Citrine is also considered a November birthstone as well. 

If your birthstone is the Topaz, you may be easy but also stubborn at times and not open up to others right away. You are a gifted writer or teacher due to your intelligence and wit. You are generous and fair with advice.

The Topaz is a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, friendship, and strength.

If your birthstone is the Citrine, you are an optimistic thinker. You value honesty and integrity, but you also have a good sense of humor. 


December also has many different types of birthstones to choose from. Turquoise and Tanzanite are the primary birthstones. 

Turquoise birthstones mean you are wise and honest to a fault. People may consider you to be an old soul. You exhibit wisdom beyond your years.

If your birthstone is a Tanzanite, you possess a great persistent personality which may come off as intimidating or intense. You are loyal and don't take any form of betrayal lightly. You also play by your own rules.

Blue Zircon and Blue Topaz are also December birthstones.

Find Your Birthstone Jewelry

Birthstones aren't just limited to the month of your birth. You can wear your birthstone or a combination of birthstones that suit your personal brand and style.

wehoautodetail has eye-catching and affordable birthstone jewelry in bracelets, necklaces, rings, and earrings. Check out our collections, and find the birthstone jewelry that makes you shine.

]]> 2021-12-20T09:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:28-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Are you looking to buy fine jewelry from traditional jewelry stores? Then you'll want to read about some basic tips before you get started.


8 Tips for Buying Fine Jewelry
Are you looking to buy fine jewelry from traditional jewelry stores? Then you'll want to read about some basic tips before you get started.

Keyword(s): fine jewelry, jewelry



If you're among the 75% of women who like to buy their own jewelry, finding the right pieces for your style is a priority. It's a fun task, but it can also be a challenge. There are so many options to consider!

Luckily, choosing fine jewelry is easy when you know how to do it. Whether you want professional, casual, or formal pieces, there's something out there perfect for you. Read on to learn some of the top tips for selecting and wearing pieces that you love.

1. Set a Budget

Fine jewelry can get expensive and be a drain on your wallet. Luckily, pieces come with a lot of different price tags, meaning that there's something that everyone can afford. Look at your finances and decide what you can realistically spend on an accessory.

The best online retailers offer fine jewelry at a low price. Affordable luxury means that you can purchase gorgeous pieces that incorporate gold, sterling silver, platinum, and Swarovski crystals with no guilt. It also gives you the chance to buy more pieces to create a cohesive look with matching jewelry.

2. Know What Jewelry Type You Want

The next step in the buying process is to know what kind of accessory you're looking to invest in. Do you wear a lot of V-neck shirts that would look best with a statement necklace? Will a bracelet snazz up your wrist in professional settings and give you an air of tasteful authority?

Determine what you will wear the most often. You want to buy a piece that you'll get a lot of use from. Think logically about the lower-end pieces that you currently wear and get high-quality pieces of the same type.

3. Understand Your Style

Sometimes you'll see a beautiful piece of jewelry that speaks to you. Unfortunately, not every gorgeous piece is going to have your name written on it. This is true no matter how much you love it.

If you wear primarily cool colors but see a rose-gold ruby bangle that you like, you probably shouldn't buy it despite its beauty. Instead, find something made from white gold that's set with an emerald or a sapphire. There are likely options in similar styles that feature different materials, so consider alternatives that you will wear regularly.

4. Consider Common Occasions

Do you spend most days in an office? Or are you someone who works from home but loves to go out in the evenings? Your answers to these questions determine the type of fine jewelry that you should buy.

If you're looking for work jewelry, subtle pieces are essential. They complement your outfit and make you look elegant but professional. Those who are looking to wear pieces on formal occasions, dates, and classy nights out may want similar styles.

However, if you want fine jewelry to stand out in casual settings, you can get away with more. Bigger, brighter crystals and large rose-gold bangles are perfect for these occasions. Make sure that you think about when and where you will wear a piece before investing in it.

5. Find the Right Retailer

There are a lot of different fine jewelry retailers out there, so it can be tricky to choose where to go.

All of these jewelers have their own unique styles. It can be overwhelming to go to a bunch of stores and compare pieces with those at other locations. Additionally, many fine jewelry brands are extremely expensive (and often overpriced for what you're getting).

Consider online retailers with diverse, high-quality options. wehoautodetail offers collections that feature high-end metals and gorgeous real gemstones.

Diamonds, quartz, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and multicolored Swarovski crystals are available online immediately. Italian glass is also an amazing way to spruce up any necklace or pair of earrings. Affordable luxury is all the rage in fine jewelry right now, so take a look.

6. Look at All of Your Options

Informed decision-making is important whenever you make a purchase. Browsing fine jewelry stores is no exception. You want to get the perfect pieces, not simply something that looks 'pretty good.'

Make sure that you browse potential options before making a decision. This will give you the opportunity to compare and contrast styles and colors. You'll feel more confident in your choice when it's finally time to check out.

7. Understand Sizing

No matter what type of jewelry you're getting, you'll need to take some measurements and determine the size you need.

Adjustable chains are perfect for necklaces since you'll want to wear them with multiple necklines. Still, you'll need to measure your neck and make sure that the adjustable chain will fit properly. Adjustable bracelet chains also work wonders and require similar measurements.

Sizing is especially important with rings. Whether they're wedding rings or not, fine rings aren't usually adjustable.

Jewelers can only do so many alterations later. Get a professional ring sizer and see which best fits you before ordering anything.

8. Work Up to More Pieces

Remember that there's no pressure to buy all of your fine jewelry in one sitting. You can get some pieces now and others later.

This is ideal for those who don't know what types of pieces they're going to use the most often. You can see what you wear the most and get other matching pieces later. You also can build on your pieces to form a full collection of matching jewelry.

Working up doesn't just let you invest wisely. It also lets you budget properly. You don't need to put out hundreds of dollars at once on affordable luxury but instead can build a larger collection over time with little stress.

Invest in Gorgeous Fine Jewelry Today

While choosing fine jewelry can be a challenge, it's simple when you consider your specific needs. Now that you have some tips on choosing accessories that fit your personal brand, it's time to get started.

We're committed to bringing you high-quality jewelry that helps you look amazing and feel confident. Shop our collections to find and purchase pieces that look perfect on any occasion.

]]> 2021-06-21T00:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:24-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Whether you are a charismatic Leo or an inventive Aquarius, the wehoautodetail Zodiac jewelry collection has all 12 signs in Gold and Sterling Silver.


wehoautodetail Zodiac Jewelry for Every Astrology Sign
Whether you are a charismatic Leo or an inventive Aquarius, the wehoautodetail Zodiac jewelry collection has all 12 signs in Gold and Sterling Silver.

Keyword(s): zodiac jewelry



While researchers are still debating how many people actually believe in astrology,over 90% of adults know their zodiac signs. Well over half of them seem to also agree that their signs fit them well. Whether it's fact or fiction, it's clear that zodiac signs have a meaningful place in the lives of many Americans.

Zodiac jewelry is a great way to showcase your interest in astrology. It's a great conversation starter with others that have the same sign as you (or have high compatibility with your sign). It also is amazingly fashionable and timeless.

Read on to learn about how zodiac pendant jewelry is perfect for every specific sign!

Aries (3/21-4/19)


Aries are bold and ambitious people, so it should come as no surprise that they're pioneers of statement pieces. They love large and loud necklaces that are the focal point of any outfit. If you're an Aries, you also may be a fan of bangle bracelets and anklets paired with large geometric earrings.

While round zodiac medallions work well as bracelet and anklet charms, Aries tend to love rectangular pendants. Gold's a great color for your wardrobe, too, since it'll stand out when you wear it on a long, bulky chain. Because of your brash style, you're also one of the few signs that can get away with mixing metals, so a rose gold chain will look awesome with this piece.

Taurus (4/20-5/20)

Taurus have a bull as their celestial animal, which makes sense since these animals like to relax in calm locations. If you're a Taurus, you likely like softer jewelry pieces with rounded edges, which makes round medallions the perfect choice for your personality.

Pairing this charm with smaller pieces is a great choice. You can get it in silver and match it with cooler colors- aquamarine earrings or a sapphire charm bracelet are awesome choices. Gold lovers will want to put their pendants with fire-red rubies and thin rose chains.

Gemini (5/21-6/21)

Much like their personality, Gemini have two sides to their fashion sense. You have a lot of pursuits, and the personal ones may go best with a rectangular charm. However, you might also want to show off your star sign in professional settings, so getting a smaller round medallion also is a good choice.

Make sure that your jewelry box is filled with a diverse array of unique timeless jewelry. After all, you never know which version of yourself you'll be tomorrow and which of your faces you'll need to present to the world.

Cancer (6/22-7/22)

If you're a Cancer, you're a water sign, so your style sense is an eternally changing wave. Like your spirit animal, the crab, you're extremely in touch with both the physical and spiritual realms. Silver medallions are perfect for showcasing this since the metal is extremely versatile (much like your personality).

Adjustable chains that can be used in all situations are also perfect for your wardrobe. You can take the pieces that you love and adapt to any situation, which is perfect for adaptable roll-with-the-tide Cancers.

Leo (7/23-8/22)

Leos tend to be as fierce and passionate as the lion that serves as their spirit animal. Like Aries, you'll want to wear large, bold statement jewelry. Put your favorite rectangular Leo medallion on a thick chain and pair it with large Milan earrings.

Virgo (8/23-9/22)

Since Virgo are deeply enmeshed with the material world, they tend to be perfectionists. This is amazing when you're working with fashion and accessories since there are tons of opportunities for experimentation.

Perfection is different for each person, so try out jewelry in all sizes, colors, and shapes. But whatever you do, don't forget to make your medallion a signature piece: it's a logical choice, after all, and Virgos love logic.

Libra (9/23-10/23)

Libras are all about balance and harmony in all things, so all of your jewelry needs to be on point. Symmetry is a must for you, so make sure that you always wear jewelry in equal balance. When you wear your zodiac pendant around your neck, it needs to sit right in the center of your collarbone.

You also don't want to wear the mismatched jewelry that's so popular right now. Make sure that you match your metals and wear two of the same earrings. This will ensure that you keep your natural equilibrium.

Scorpio (10/24-11/22)

Scorpio is a fiery, passionate, and powerful sign that gets strength from the emotional realm. Like Virgos, they'll want to wear something that makes them look perfect, but this perfection needs to be powerful. Try out heavy pieces and put your medallion on a thick chain or strap- you'll feel in control.

Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

Sagittarius are always thirsty for knowledge and love trying new things, so they're always chasing adventure. You'll need to wear jewelry that clings tightly around your neck, wrist, and ankle so that you have as much movement as possible when exploring. Try making your gold pendant into a choker or putting it into a leather armband.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19)

Capricorn, another air sign, are skilled at moving through both the metaphysical and material realms. This makes their taste in jewelry and style similar to Cancers. You're going to want to get multiple types of pieces including both round and rectangular medallions and adjustable chains.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

Aquarius is deceptive because it isn't the water sign that most people think it is. It's an air sign that describes a healer that bestows water and life. This means that you'll likely need something subtle to wear during humanitarian pursuits both large and small.

A thin beaded pearl necklace is the perfect piece to wear to showcase that you're approachable and want to help. Place your zodiac pendant around a thin bracelet or anklet chain so that people notice you while still seeing you as kind and selfless.

Pisces (2/19-3/20)

Saving the best for last (no offense), Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions to one another. This represents the way that Pisces are always divided by reality and a fantasy world of their own creation.

You likely love ethereal pieces such as rounded silver zodiac medallions. Translucent gemstones are also a great part of a Pisces' style because you can see through them as though they're an ever-changing dream. Aquamarine, garnet, and amber are perfect choices for your jewelry pieces.

Get Gorgeous Zodiac Jewelry Today

Now that you know what zodiac jewelry is perfect for your sign, it's time to start shopping. Browse our zodiac collection to get affordable pendants that showcase your star sign symbol.

From our intricate sun-and-moon Virgo pendant to our Pisces fish medallion, we have a wide range of accessories that you're sure to love. Remember to pair it with other pieces that bring out its beauty!
