Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2023-08-22T18:10:16-06:00 2024-01-17T20:22:58-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Be honest: when was the last time you cleaned your jewelry? It's easy to forget to scrub our favorite pieces, but research suggests this may come back to bite us. One study even found that a ring, watch, and earring worn for seven days picked up 428 times more germs than a toilet seat!



Preventing and Removing Tarnish: How to Clean a Chain Necklace

Be honest: when was the last time you cleaned your jewelry? It's easy to forget to scrub our favorite pieces, but research suggests this may come back to bite us. One study even found that a ring, watch, and earring worn for seven days picked up 428 times more germs than a toilet seat!

Constant exposure to lotions, moisture, sweat, and other factors can be harsh on the metal finish of your favorite necklace.

That's why knowing how to clean a chain necklace is so crucial. Not only can this keep germs at bay, but it can also help maintain the beauty of your pieces. Even better, it may extend the lifespan of your treasured jewelry.

If you're a little behind on your regular cleanings and you don't know where to start, we've got you covered. Here's what you should know about basic chain jewelry care.

How to Clean a Chain Necklace by Metal Type

Alessia Double Paperclip Necklace (Gold)

Different metals often need different care. It's always a smart idea to grab a specialized cleaning solution for whatever type of metal jewelry you own.

However, if you don't have the right jewelry cleaner, there are still plenty of solutions to try on your own at home. Depending on the type of metal in your chain, you should clean it using the following tactics:

Gold Chains

Gold necklaces are easy to clean with detergent and water. Grab a mild, non-abrasive detergent or dish soap and add it to some warm water. Soak your chain in the solution for a few minutes, then pull it out for cleaning.

You should use a jewelry cleaning cloth for this, but you can also grab a microfiber cloth instead. Rub the chain with gentle strokes, then rinse the soap away with clean water and pat the necklace dry.

Silver and Sterling Silver Chains

Silver and sterling silver sometimes need a bit of extra attention to prevent tarnishing. You can use the water and detergent method above a start, but silver is also durable enough for further cleaning tactics.

You can create a baking soda solution by adding a bit of warm water until the baking soda forms a paste. Grab an extra soft toothbrush for cleaning, then rinse the necklace and pat it dry.

Gold- or Silver-Plated Chains

Plated jewelry needs a delicate touch. Keep in mind that the plating on this jewelry is often thin, so abrasive solutions and harsh scrubbing can wear it away.

Instead, try soaking this jewelry in a detergent and water or vinegar and water solution without scrubbing. Use your jewelry cleaning cloth to wipe it down and remove any grime.

This strategy is also great for "fake" jewelry chains, or chains designed to look as if they're made of metal or gold. The finish on these pieces often requires gentle cleansing to keep it from wearing away.

Copper and Brass Chains

Both of these metals can take a bit more abrasion than the ones above if needed. 

Start with a gentle detergent and water solution. If that doesn't work, mix a paste using salt and vinegar for extra cleaning power.

Additional Cleaning Tactics

Adjustable Milano Twist Chain + Brilliant CZ Pendant Set In Rose Gold Overlay

If you're struggling to clean your jewelry, there are a few additional strategies that may help you deal with specific problems.

Hair Removal

If you have long hair, you might struggle to get tangles of hair out of your chain necklace. This can be especially tricky if the chain is small or dainty, as it can be hard to pull the hair out without breaking or damaging the chain.

One easy way to avoid this is by using hair removal cream. Dabbing a bit of this cream onto the knot of hair in your chain for a few minutes can cause the hair to break down, making it easier to work out with your fingers or a soft cloth. Be sure to rinse the necklace afterward to remove any remaining cream.

Cuticle scissors are also a great way to get rid of knots caught in your chain. You'll need to have patience to cut the hair away with these small scissors, but it's a safe way to get the hair out without harming the necklace.

Removing Tarnishing

Silver jewelry is prone to darkening over time. Fortunately, you can revive tarnishing with the right cleaning solutions.

Soaking your jewelry in vinegar and water can sometimes help. If not, line a pan or bowl with aluminum foil, and combine equal parts salt and baking soda within it.

Place your silver chain into this solution. Next, heat a cup of water and pour it in, letting the solution bubble. The chemical reaction can help remove dirt and tarnish.

You can also consider using a specialized, ammonia-free cleaning solution like SilverMate to revive silver that has been sitting around for a while.

Chain Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

Freshwater Pearl Pendant Charm (Silver)

There's plenty of advice online about cleaning your jewelry, but not all of it is trustworthy! Even if you're dealing with deep-set grime and tarnishing, you'll want to avoid a few harmful cleaning tactics:

Not Knowing the Metal

As we've already mentioned, different metals need different cleaning solutions. Gold, for example, isn't durable enough to withstand some of the abrasive cleaning tactics you can try on sterling silver.

Treating all of your chain necklaces the same is a recipe for disaster and heartbreak! If you aren't careful, you may scrub away your chain's finishing or damage it beyond repair.

Using a Toothbrush

Certain types of jewelry, like sterling silver, can take a very gentle scrubbing. However, many online articles will recommend a toothbrush for any type of chain.

Don't fall for this advice. Toothbrushes are far too abrasive for cleaning most chains, especially small or delicate ones.

Boiling Your Chain

All metals can take a bit of heat, but not for extended periods. Boiling your jewelry might seem like a good idea in theory, but you won't want to expose them to hot water for long. Even worse, letting your jewelry stay in contact with the hot metal bottom of a pot can cause warping and damage.

Soaking It in Bleach

Bleach may be great for household cleaning, but it's far too harsh for your jewelry. Advocates for bleaching jewelry claim that it helps break down tarnishing or grime, which is true. However, bleach may also break down the surface of your favorite jewelry chain!

How Often to Clean Your Chain Necklace

Confetti Necklace (Gold)

Regular cleaning can keep your chain necklace in great condition. It can also help you avoid tarnishing and a buildup of dirt or grime. However, how do you know how often to clean your favorite pieces?

The answer depends on how often you wear them.

If you wear your chain necklace each day, a weekly or bi-weekly cleaning is a good idea. This can help you rinse away any buildup of grime or your skin's natural oils.

You should also do a bi-annual cleaning of all of your chain necklaces, including pieces you only wear every once in a while. These pieces tend to be cleaner than your daily jewelry and don't need frequent scrubbing.

How to Keep Your Chain Necklace Clean

Sterling Silver CZ Small Initial Necklace

Once you've cleaned your jewelry and you're enjoying your new, shining necklace, you might wonder how to keep the item clean. What steps can you take to avoid a buildup of grime or discoloration?

Reconsider Your Daily Habits

Showering in your jewelry may not seem like a big deal, but it means your chain necklace gets repeated exposure to moisture, soaps, shampoos, and abrasive washcloths or sponges. This can be harsh on the metal finish, so try to take off your necklace before you shower each day.

If you often apply lotion, oil, or sunscreen on your neck, be careful around your chain necklace. Buildups of these substances can wear down the metal over time. When possible, apply these substances first and give them a chance to absorb into your skin before you put your chain necklace on.

Store Your Chain Necklace Properly

Your choice for jewelry storage matters. Don't just throw your favorite statement necklaces onto the nearest shelf!

Instead, look for a place out of direct sunlight, and make sure the area is at room temperature. Low humidity is also ideal to help avoid tarnishing.

Consider getting a jewelry box with felt dividers and drawers. These storage options not only help you organize your chains, but they can also protect them from light, dust, and debris.

Invest in Your Jewelry Care

wehoautodetail Pressed Rose Medallion (Gold) Necklace

If your favorite jewelry pieces hold a special place in your heart, knowing how to clean a chain necklace is crucial. Regular but gentle cleaning can help extend the lifespan of your necklaces while maintaining their beautiful finishes. Make sure to commit to a regular cleaning schedule to see the best results!

At wehoautodetail, we love offering our clients pieces they'll love for years to come. Whether you're looking for a high-quality necklace with an adjustable chain or a stunning choker with delicate gold links, we offer it all. Be sure to check out our jewelry collections or contact us today with questions.

]]> 2023-06-12T10:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:23:19-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis
Are you wondering how to rock a paperclip chain necklace? Click here for the ultimate guide to styling a paperclip necklace.



The Ultimate Guide to Styling a Paperclip Necklace

Keyword(s): paperclip necklace 

An iconic jewelry trend that has graced the necks of celebrities and influencers alike, the paperclip necklace, has been stealing the spotlight on fashion runways and red carpets around the world. Bridging the gap between minimalism and statement-making, this unique piece is capturing hearts for its versatility and timeless appeal.

But the question stands - how do you elevate your look with this trend? What's the secret to nailing the paperclip necklace trend? From styling tips for various occasions to pairing options with other jewelry pieces, this guide will unravel the art of wearing this unique jewelry trend.

Read on to learn how to make a bold style statement with a paperclip necklace, and let your jewelry speak volumes about your refined taste.

A Blend of History and Modernity

In the diverse world of necklaces, the paperclip chain necklace has carved its niche. This style marries an everyday object's simplicity with an aesthetic appeal. This results in a jewelry trend that's capturing hearts across the globe.

The paperclip necklace isn't new to the fashion world. Its roots trace back to World War II when it served as a symbol of unity and resistance. Today, it's a testament to how a piece with historical significance can be reinvented to resonate with modern fashion sensibilities.

Paperclip necklaces today are all about bringing the past into the present. They capture the charm of an era gone by in a design that appeals to contemporary tastes.

Their design is simple, their presence, unmistakable. Whether you're in a professional setting or heading out for a casual brunch, a paperclip necklace can adapt to fit your style.

Choosing Your Paperclip Necklace

When it comes to selecting the perfect paperclip necklace, quality and style should take center stage. Not all necklace options are created equal. The difference often lies in the materials used and the craftsmanship.

The first step towards owning a gorgeous paperclip necklace is understanding what to look for in terms of quality.

Primarily, a paperclip necklace can be made from various materials like gold, silver, or platinum. The choice of material will significantly impact the look and feel of the piece.

Gold offers a classic, timeless appeal, while silver adds a modern, trendy vibe. Platinum, on the other hand, combines durability with a subtle elegance.

Craftsmanship is another crucial aspect that can't be overlooked. Skilled artisans bring designs to life, ensuring every detail is perfect. A well-crafted paperclip necklace should have smooth edges, a secure clasp, and a polished finish that shines in the light.

Quality, as we've mentioned, is a vital aspect of affordable luxury. While the cost may be a factor, remember that an investment in a quality piece now will pay dividends in the future. A high-quality paperclip necklace will not only look better but also last longer, making it a wise choice for any discerning jewelry lover.

Styling Your Paperclip Necklace

Mastering the art of wearing necklaces isn't a daunting task, particularly when it comes to the versatile paperclip necklace. Its universal appeal makes it a suitable choice for diverse settings, whether professional or casual, day or night.

For professional settings, subtlety is key. Choose a shorter paperclip necklace that sits at or slightly below the collarbone.

This style is elegant and non-distracting, perfect for maintaining a professional image. Pair it with a blouse or a dress shirt, allowing the necklace to subtly peek out for a touch of sophistication.

When it comes to casual outings, you have the freedom to be a bit more daring. Consider a longer paperclip necklace or one with larger links for a statement look. Pair it with a simple t-shirt or a strappy top for a stylish, laid-back vibe.

For formal events, the paperclip necklace can be your secret weapon. Opt for a gold or silver necklace adorned with diamonds or gemstones. This adds a dash of glamour and luxury, making you stand out.

Pair it with a little black dress or an elegant evening gown, and you're ready to steal the show.

One of the fascinating aspects of paperclip necklaces is their ability to adapt to the latest jewelry trends. While their design remains constant, how you style them can reflect current fashion cues, making them a timeless piece in your collection.

The Art of Pairing Your Paperclip Necklace

If you're thinking of adding a paperclip necklace to your jewelry box, you might also be wondering how to pair it with other pieces. The good news is that the versatility of the paperclip necklace makes it perfect for combining with various other jewelry items. The key to successful pairing lies in balancing the statement-making paperclip necklace with other complementary pieces.

When it comes to earrings, consider something understated if your necklace is large or heavily detailed. Small studs or delicate hoops can provide a nice contrast to the bold chain links of the paperclip necklace.

Matching your paperclip necklace with a bracelet? Try a bracelet that mimics the paperclip chain design for a cohesive look, or a delicate bangle to add contrast and maintain balance.

If you're keen on pairing your necklace with rings, remember that it's all about harmony. A chunky, bold ring can compete for attention with your necklace, so it's often better to choose more understated rings. Consider delicate bands or those with small stones that add sparkle without overshadowing your necklace.

Mixing metals is also an option for the adventurous. A gold paperclip necklace can be paired with silver earrings or a rose gold ring to create a trendy, eclectic look.

Layering Your Paperclip Necklace

In addition to its standalone charm, a paperclip necklace lends itself remarkably well to the trend of layered jewelry. This practice allows you to express your personal style, creating a combination that's unique to you.

Begin with your paperclip necklace as the base. Consider the length, material, and design of your necklace before adding more layers. This ensures your pieces work harmoniously rather than compete for attention.

Next, select a few other necklaces of varying lengths. This could include a choker, a mid-length pendant necklace, and perhaps another longer chain. Mixing different types of necklaces can add depth and interest to your look.

When choosing your necklaces, consider the visual balance. If your paperclip necklace has larger links, you might want to pair it with chains that are more delicate to create a balanced look. Similarly, if your paperclip necklace is sleek and simple, feel free to experiment with more intricate or statement pieces for your other layers.

Don't shy away from mixing metals either. A silver paperclip necklace can look stunning paired with gold or rose gold chains. The contrast can add a contemporary and edgy appeal to your ensemble.

Lastly, remember to wear your layered necklaces with confidence. Your choice of jewelry is an expression of your personal style. By layering your paperclip necklace with other pieces, you're creating a look that's uniquely yours. In the end, that's what makes any piece of jewelry truly shine.

Caring for Your Paperclip Necklace

Once you've discovered the allure of the paperclip necklace, it's vital to understand how to maintain its brilliance. Jewelry, especially pieces that you cherish, requires a level of care to ensure they remain in pristine condition.

Cleaning is the first step to keep your paperclip necklace sparkling. A regular wipe down with a soft cloth can help remove any dirt or oils that may have settled on your necklace.

For a deeper clean, a jewelry cleaner suitable for your necklace's material would work best. Just remember to rinse thoroughly and dry well to avoid leaving any residue.

Proper storage is another aspect of jewelry care. Keep your necklace in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. A jewelry box lined with fabric is ideal as it provides separate compartments to prevent your necklace from tangling with other pieces.

Even with high-quality jewelry, it's essential to handle your pieces with care. Refrain from wearing your necklace during physical activities to prevent any potential damage.

Affordable luxury isn't just about owning a quality piece; it's also about preserving that quality. By caring for your paperclip necklace, you can ensure that it continues to add a touch of elegance to your style for years to come. After all, a well-cared-for piece of jewelry is like a cherished memory, retaining its beauty and charm forever.

Discover Your Ideal Paperclip Necklace Today

Embrace the allure and versatility of the paperclip necklace to elevate your style game. Remember, the key to nailing this trend lies in your personal touch and creativity. As you embark on your style journey, remember to focus on quality.

With the myriad of styling tips and pairing options we've explored, you're now ready to shine in your own light. Visit our collection at wehoautodetail to find your perfect paperclip necklace, a reflection of affordable luxury and timeless elegance.

]]> 2023-05-15T10:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:23:48-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Quality designer necklaces tend to last longer while highlighting your unique personal expression. Learn more about investing in these types of necklaces.



What Are the Benefits of Investing in Quality wehoautodetail Necklaces?

Keyword(s): designer necklaces 

In 2019, the jewelry market around the world was worth $330 billion. Are you looking for a unique way to express yourself through quality jewelry?

Investing in quality designer necklaces is the perfect way to show off your personal style. Not only do these pieces look beautiful, but they will also last longer than cheap fast fashion items. Plus, there’s something extra special about investing in an item that was made with attention and care - it adds a level of luxury to any outfit! 

A quality designer necklace is a timeless piece. It's made with excellent craftsmanship and materials. They keep their value better over time because they can be handed down from generation to generation or even resold at a later date.

In this article, you'll discover the benefits of investing in high-quality women's jewelry. Read on to find out more.

Benefits of Investing in wehoautodetail Necklaces

Radiance 3-Strand Necklace In Sterling Silver

Jewelry can be more than just an accessory - it can also be a great way to invest. The best jewelry for this is called "fine jewelry". To make sure that you get the right value, you need to learn how to identify fine jewelry and understand what makes it valuable.

Fine jewelry for women is made from expensive metals like gold, sterling silver, and platinum. It also features real gems like diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. This type of jewelry is very valuable and keeps its vibrance for years to come. All women should invest in a few timeless pieces!

It’s Durable and Long-Lasting

Fine jewelry is crafted from the highest quality gems and metals, making it a reliable investment that can last for generations.

It won't corrode or tarnish like lesser materials, nor will it break down easily. So you have an extraordinary piece of jewelry that stands unaltered over time. A high-quality gold necklace design will last the test of time, and can even be transferred to your descendants as a treasured heirloom!

The resale value of fine jewels never decreases either; no matter how much time has passed since their purchase, they still retain their worth throughout the ages.

It’s Customizable

For the fashion-forward individual, fine jewelry is a must-have. Investing in these timeless pieces allows you to shape and form them according to the current trends in necklace designs. This will provide you with years of wearable style.

Fine jewelry will withstand the test of time - all it takes for your collection to remain up-to-date is occasional customization!

Build a Timeless Collection

You can create a fashionable collection by looking for pieces that you like and that go together. When you find items that work with each other, buy them so your collection will look great.

Investing in the highest quality jewelry items, such as those made from 18-carat gold, is a smart decision that will pay off for years to come. Not only can these pieces be used to dress up or relax an outfit but they also make for fantastic heirloom investments. With stylish and durable jewelry like this, building a beautiful collection is easy.

In addition to this, collecting things is fun! Some popular collections include Swiss-made watches or jewelry made by renowned designers (such as Louis Vuitton's Dentelle de Monogram line).

There's nothing quite like seeing another collector flaunting an especially desirable piece and feeling the impulse to share their enthusiasm. Collecting heirloom jewelry items is just as exhilarating as birdwatching or noticing extraordinary vintage cars!

It’s an Investment You Get To Wear

Not only should you wear it, but jewelry is meant to bring joy while also increasing in value! Who doesn't love wearing a stunning statement necklace or an exclusive timepiece? Investing in these pieces is not only fashionable - they're financially beneficial too.

Unlike other assets, like a home, or stocks, jewelry is an investment that should bring pleasure as well as retain or grow in value. Even with precious, rare pieces, they ought to be worn and enjoyed - just remember to take them for a deep clean and inspection at the jeweler afterward!

They Are Versatile

When it comes to fine jewelry, the possibilities are endless. Not just necklaces and earrings - you can have access to anklets, bracelets, and rings. You're only limited by your imagination.

Fine jewelry is a step away from fashion jewelry as you can get beautifully crafted pieces that match your size and taste.

Financial Benefits

It may not seem like it at first, but buying jewelry that is more expensive and of higher quality can actually be helpful in the future. High-quality pieces hold their value.

Even if you don't want to sell your favorite rings and necklaces, having nice jewelry could help you get money if you ever need it later. You can either sell it to a shopper or a jewelry store. This could be a great way to get extra cash when you need it.

Furthermore, the materials used to make jewelry can be worth a lot of money. Owners sometimes invest in these materials because they can keep their value. Even if the jewelry is not popular anymore, you can still use the materials for other things.

Investing in precious metals and gemstones is a good way to protect your money when the market goes up and down. Buy jewelry made of these materials that you know will always be worth something.

They Can Mark a Big Occasion

We don't typically purchase diamond-studded watches or rings adorned with precious stones on a whim, yet we certainly support it! However, you can honor the good memories of your life with quality jewelry.

Investing in jewelry to commemorate life's milestones and accomplishments such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, retirements, and graduations serve as an excellent symbol that celebrates extra special occasions.

They Are the Perfect Gift for Yourself

If you can spare time and think for those around you, why not do the same for yourself? After all, your accomplishments should be celebrated too.

As a way to commemorate these moments of success, surprising yourself with jewelry makes perfect sense. Not only will it provide long-term value, but also allow you to enjoy an exquisite keepsake in the present moment!

What Materials to Choose?

Adjustable Milano Twist Chain + Brilliant CZ Pendant Set In Sterling Silver

If you're seeking long-lasting pieces, the purity of metal (24k gold or 950 silver) might not be your top priority; however, if it is, then the higher-grade metals are more precious and valuable.

Silver is naturally highly malleable and ductile, yet the higher its purity levels (950 or 999) are, the softer it becomes! Beware of retailers who claim their products to be 950+ because such a high percentage does not equate with increased durability. For truly impeccably-crafted silver jewelry pieces, opt for 925 parts silver combined with another alloy.

Silver, when alloyed with various elements and metals, becomes the perfect balance of durability and workability for jewelry.

Likewise, 24k gold is exceptionally malleable which may make it too soft to use in crafts or jewelry that require a higher resistance to scratches or dents; however, it offers an unbeatable value based on its purity.

The Pros and Cons of Plated Jewelry


Plated jewelry is an enormous business driven by the world's largest jeweler, Pandora. This process involves coating a piece of jewelry with gold (yellow, white, or rose).

Typically 10k, 12k, 14k, or 18K and it has been made iconic through materials like sterling silver .925 that Pandora uses in their signature pink pieces.

But be aware. Plated jewelry is cheaper than solid metal jewelry. It also looks like it is made of precious metal, but it costs less so won't always hold its value.

Although gold-plated jewelry may appear to be a wise investment, it is important to note that the color can fade over time. The best bet to preserve your piece for longevity is to invest in sterling silver .925 - this way you can easily restore its original luster with a fresh coat of gold!

Whenever you're shopping for jewelry, always be wary of marketing campaigns that advertise items with ambiguous descriptions such as "14K". This level of vagueness is often used to deceive shoppers.

If the price seems too good to be true, it's likely because a piece of jewelry is plated or being resold. Be sure to ask questions and read reviews before making any purchases!

Are You Investing in wehoautodetail Jewelry?

Freshwater Pearl Station Necklace

Fine designer necklaces are a great way to invest in yourself and show off your personal style. Not only do they look beautiful, but they also last longer than fast fashion items, making them an excellent investment that will continue to pay off for years to come.

Whether you’re looking for something timeless or trendy, designer necklaces offer the perfect combination of luxury and affordability. With so many options available, go ahead and start building up your collection of designer necklaces now. Visit our store today to find a piece you love.

]]> 2023-02-28T09:49:13-07:00 2024-01-17T20:24:33-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis More

How to Care for Your wehoautodetail Necklaces

Necklaces have been around for thousands of years, with the earliest known necklaces dating back to the Stone Age. These necklaces were made from organic materials, like shells, feathers, and bones. Necklaces today are made from other things, like precious gemstones and metals.

Necklaces are a classic piece of jewelry that many women wear every day. However, if you own designer necklaces, it might be challenging to figure out how to clean them. Cleaning your jewelry with the wrong products could result in damage to your necklace.

This guide will discuss what you need to know about designer jewelry care and cleaning. We'll teach you the best ways to store your jewelry and how to clean it if it gets dirty.

Tips for Preventing Scratches and Tarnishing

wehoautodetail Adjustable CZ Necklace & Earring Set

Even high-quality, designer necklaces can lose their luster over time. Daily grime can cause your gemstones to look dirty. There are a few steps you can take to ensure your jewelry looks brand-new all of the time.

Don't Use Harsh Chemicals

Certain everyday chemicals might be harmful to gems and certain kinds of metals. These substances include:

  • Perfume
  • Lotion
  • Hairspray

Platinum, gold, and silver can get discolored if they're regularly exposed to these products. Don't put on your jewelry unit after you've applied these products.

Store Your Necklaces in a Dry and Clean Space

It's essential that you properly store your necklaces. Necklace storage prevents exposure to moisture and air, which can harm your jewelry. It also eliminates the chance that your necklaces will get tangled and damaged.

Take Off Your Jewelry

There might be certain times throughout your day when you might engage in activities that could harm your designer necklaces. This includes going to the gym or jumping in a swimming pool. Even completing household chores could put your jewelry at risk.

Remove your jewelry in these types of scenarios. Some of these activities could result in your necklace breaking or getting lost.

How to Clean wehoautodetail Necklaces

Shining Star Pendant

Jewelry cleaning depends largely upon the type of materials your necklace is made out of. Knowing what method is best for each gemstone or metal is essential to ensure you don't damage your piece.

Silver Necklaces

Jewelry care for silver is different than other types of materials. You can use high-quality silver polish to clean your silver necklaces. Explore using silver polish wipes for quick cleaning on the go.

Make sure you apply silver polish with a soft cotton pad or cloth. You don't want to use an abrasive material when cleaning silver. Additionally, you can clean your silver necklace with a cloth and no polish.

Use Mild Cleaning Products

If you don't have silver polish on hand or want to clean another type of jewelry, all you need to do is grab a few items from your pantry. Follow these steps to clean your designer jewelry:

  • Add a few drops of liquid dish soap into a bowl with warm water
  • Dip your soft cloth into the solution
  • Gently rub the cloth onto your jewelry until clean
  • Rinse your jewelry in a bowl of cold water
  • Buff it with a dry cloth

You can also get rid of tarnishing on your necklaces using toothpaste. Dab a small amount of white-colored toothpaste onto your jewelry. Rub the toothpaste in using a soft cloth.

Rinse the jewelry with warm water. Dry it with a cloth until it's shiny and bright.

Gently Clean Precious Stones

No matter what type of stone you have in your necklace, it's important to be gentle when cleaning it. There are many soft stones out there, such as tanzanites and emeralds. Abrasive detergents are harmful to these types of stones.

However, you'd be surprised by how durable diamonds are. They can stand up to regular cleaning without getting scratched.

We recommended adding a few drops of soap to a bowl of seltzer water. The bubbles in the water will assist with loosening debris that's gotten trapped in the nooks and crannies of your jewelry setting.

Take a soft-bristled toothbrush and use it to clean the stone. Rinse the jewelry clean in a bowl of clean water. Buff them with a dry, soft cloth.

Be Careful With Pearls

Freshwater Pearl Station Necklace

Pearls and opals are one of the most delicate stones. They're extremely porous due to the fact they're a natural material. Pearls aren't tolerant of harsh chemicals.

Follow these tips to ensure your pearls don't lose their luster:

  • Clean with a dry cloth each time you wear them
  • Wipe off stains with mild dish soap and water
  • Don't put them in a bowl of water

Since pearls are so delicate, you might benefit from taking them to a professional jeweler when it's time to clean them.

How to Store Your wehoautodetail Necklaces Properly

Full Scroll Sterling Silver Heart Locket

Necklaces can easily get tangled if you throw them in a jewelry box or drawer. Tangled necklaces can be a source of frustration, in addition to being bad for your jewelry. You want to store your items in a way that prevents scratches and keeps them in optimal condition.

Jewelry Stand

A jewelry stand is a great way to keep your necklaces tangle-free while attractively displaying them. Most jewelry stands come in multiple tiers of different heights. This enables you to display necklaces of varying lengths.

Jewelry Cabinet

If you have wall space, a jewelry cabinet is perfect for keeping your designer necklaces safe. You can also explore jewelry cabinets that you can lock. Prevent unwanted thefts of your precious items.

Jewelry Drawer

You can keep your necklaces in a drawer, so long as you keep the drawer organized. Explore a jewelry drawer organizer that has velvet-lined compartments. Sort your jewelry according to size and type.

Shop Our Large Collection of Premium wehoautodetail Necklaces

Pave Swarovski Crystal Teardrop Pendant

wehoautodetail necklaces are a staple in any woman's wardrobe. Knowing how to care for jewelry is important to protect your investment. You want to ensure the lifespan of your piece while ensuring it looks sparkling every day.

wehoautodetail sells high-quality designer necklaces, earrings, and more. Shop our online selection of necklaces today.

]]> 2023-01-02T14:30:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:24:46-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Having the right jewelry can accentuate your outfits. Whether you're going out for a night on the town or just adding to your everyday styles, you want to look and feel your best. That's where Sterling Silver jewelry comes in. This beautiful metal can offer you the versatility you need for enhancing your jewelry collection. If you want to know more, keep reading below for 5 wonderful benefits you need to know.



5 Benefits of Sterling Silver Jewelry You Should Know About

The earliest piece of jewelry dates back between 142,000 and 150,000 years ago. 33 beads made from snail shells were found in a cave in Morocco proving that jewelry has always been an integral part of society.

Having the right jewelry can accentuate your outfits. Whether you're going out for a night on the town or just adding to your everyday styles, you want to look and feel your best. But sometimes, finding the right piece of jewelry that's both functional and affordable can be a challenge if you don't know what to look for.

That's where Sterling Silver jewelry comes in. This beautiful metal can offer you the versatility you need for enhancing your jewelry collection. If you want to know more, keep reading below for 5 wonderful benefits you need to know.

1. Sterling Silver Jewelry is Long-Lasting

wehoautodetail Brilliant CZ Fancy Ear Cuff

On average, Sterling Silver jewelry can last between 20-30 years. But with the proper care, you can actually rely on your Sterling Silver pieces can last a lifetime and even become heirlooms you pass down to the next generation of wearers.

Always store your Sterling Silver jewelry items properly. Keep it out of direct sunlight and away from sources of moisture which can cause it to tarnish. Polish it with a soft, dry jeweler's cloth and silver polish regularly.

You can also make your own Sterling Silver cleaner with a solution of baking soda and white distilled vinegar. Watered-down toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush will also help to keep your Sterling Silver looking good. Mild dish soap is also an option to remove tarnish safely.

Avoid spraying perfumes and deodorants directly onto the surface of the Sterling Silver jewelry. All of these tips will allow you to get the most wear out of your Sterling Silver and extend its longevity.

2. Sterling Silver is an Alloy

wehoautodetail Turquoise Stackable Sterling Silver Ring

Pure silver on its own is too soft, so it isn't strong enough to make durable jewelry from. But Sterling silver is 92.5% pure silver with 7.5% other metal alloys mixed in to make it stronger and more durable. It relies on this 7.5% alloy content to give it its strength and shape.

You're still getting beautifully crafted silver pieces with the added benefit of alloys for strength. This means that your Sterling Silver pieces won't dent or scratch like pure silver can. Your jewelry pieces will be strong and beautiful meaning you can wear them as an accent for your everyday wardrobe without worrying about damage.

Sterling silver jewelry provides the same strength and silver sheen for jewelry pieces compared to platinum and white gold, but for a fraction of the price. You are receiving the most silver for your money while also obtaining the functionality of attractive jewelry.

3. Sterling Silver is More Affordable

Adjustable Moon Cut Stazione Friendship Bracelet (Silver)

Gold and platinum jewelry are highly sought after, but the high cost can make it difficult to accumulate multiple pieces to expand your jewelry accessories collection. Sterling Silver is also an easier type of metal to produce because silver is a more abundant metal source than gold. This leads to Sterling Silver having a low cost associated with its production.

Since Sterling Silver is a more cost-effective way to buy jewelry, you will be able to buy more jewelry for the same price as one gold or platinum piece. You can afford to have a wider repertoire of Sterling Silver pieces in your jewelry wardrobe. You can find everything from Sterling Silver necklaces to bracelets, earrings, and rings.

This makes it a much more fun and easy process for finding the right piece to complement your outfits. Your jewelry will look and feel high quality without worrying about needing a high budget. You'll also be able to build up your personal brand.

4. Sterling Silver Can Be Gold Plated

Guardian Angel Medallion in 18k Gold Vermeil

Silver is one of the most conductive types of metal. It has even more conductivity than copper. Because Sterling Silver is 92.5% pure silver with only 7.5% consisting of alloys, this makes Sterling Silver ideal to use for gold plating.

The process of gold plating, also known as electroplating, involves running an electrical current through a solution of liquefied gold. The positive ions in the gold solution are drawn to another piece of metal like Sterling Silver. These gold ions adhere to the surface of the Sterling Silver metal.

What you get in return is a gorgeous piece of jewelry that has all of the best qualities of gold and silver in one. You'll have the durability of Sterling Silver with the added luster of gold. This gives you more options for finding the right piece of jewelry to add to your collection.

Gold-plated jewelry pieces over Sterling Silver metal are also a more affordable jewelry option for those who want the look and feel of real gold without the hefty price tag attached.

5. Sterling Silver is Versatile

Swarovski Crystals Disc with Initial Pendant

Sterling Silver lets you play around with your looks effortlessly. You can find the styles that make your outfits pop. Sterling Silver also allows you to express your personal style brand with the designs, styles, and accent stones that appeal most to you.

You can wear multiple Sterling Silver chains together for an elegantly layered look. Sterling Silver also goes from daytime wear to nighttime wear in a snap. So, you'll always look like your style is on point.

Sterling Silver gives you just the right amount of bling for whatever occasion you need. Stack multiple Sterling Silver rings on one finger or choose a stunning cocktail ring as a focal piece of jewelry.

Wearing Sterling Silver complements every outfit. You can look professional and stylish or sophisticated and tasteful. Whether you want to go big and bold or small and delicate, Sterling Silver jewelry comes in all sizes and designs for every taste preference.

Find More Sterling Silver Jewelry Designs at wehoautodetail

Women everywhere are embracing the power that comes with wearing good jewelry. Jewelry can boost your mood and make you feel unstoppable. If you're having trouble finding the right piece of jewelry, look no further than wehoautodetail.

wehoautodetail believes in providing every woman with the affordable luxury they deserve to look their best every day. You can find beautiful and affordable Sterling Silver jewelry necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets, and jewelry gift sets. You can build your personal brand and express yourself in style.

Browse our newest collections of Sterling Silver jewelry designs on our website today.

]]> 2022-12-12T16:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:24:50-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis The global fashion industry is now worth over €2.5 trillion. A large portion of this value comes from jewelry, which can be made from a variety of materials and come in countless different designs. One of the most common types of jewelry that people where is pendant necklaces.

Let's take a look at everything you need to keep in mind so that you can find the best piece for you.



Your Complete Guide to Pendant Necklaces

The global fashion industry is now worth over €2.5 trillion.

A large portion of this value comes from jewelry, which can be made from a variety of materials and come in countless different designs. One of the most common types of jewelry that people where is pendant necklaces.

However, not everybody understands what they need to know about a necklace with a pendant when jewelry shopping. Let's take a look at everything you need to keep in mind so that you can find the best piece for you.

So, What Is a Pendant?

A pendant is a piece of jewelry that hangs from a chain and can be made from a variety of materials, such as metals, stones, shells, and more.

Pendants can be simple or intricate and are often worn as a way to accessorize an outfit or make a statement.

How Do You Choose the Right Pendant Necklace?

Freshwater Pearl Calla Lily Pendant Necklace

When you're shopping for a pendant necklace, there are a few things you'll want to keep in mind so that you can choose the right piece for you.

First, think about the length of the necklace. You'll want to make sure that it's the right length for your neckline and that it will sit comfortably on your chest. Second, take into consideration the materials that the necklace is made from.

If you have sensitive skin, you'll want to avoid metals that could cause irritation. Third, think about the design of the pendant. Do you want something simple or something more intricate?

Finally, consider the price. Pendants can range in price from a few dollars to hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Where Can You Buy Pendant Necklaces?

Pendant necklaces are widely available and can be purchased from a variety of retailers, both online and in-store.

Some of the most popular places to buy pendant necklaces include jewelry stores, department stores, and online retailers. As long as they have a good reputation, you shouldn't encounter problems.

What Type of Metal Is Best For My Skin Tone?

The Shining Star Necklace

Some of the most common types of metals used in jewelry include gold, silver, and platinum. If you have sensitive skin, you may want to consider avoiding gold and silver and opt for platinum or another metal that is less likely to cause irritation. You should also consider the color of your skin's undertones.

If you have cool undertones, silver may be a good choice. If you have warm undertones, gold may be a better option.

Those who have neutral undertones could get away with wearing either gold or silver.

What Are Some of the Most Popular Pendant Necklace Designs?

Sterling Silver CZ Small Initial Necklace

Pendant necklaces come in a wide variety of designs, from simple to intricate.

Some of the most popular designs include hearts, crosses, keys, and letters. Pendants can also be adorned with stones, crystals, or other embellishments.

What Type of Stone Should I Choose?

Adjustable Milano Twist Chain + Brilliant CZ Pendant Set

Pendants can be made from a variety of different materials, including metals, stones, shells, and more. When choosing a stone for your pendant, you'll want to take into consideration the color, clarity, and cut of the stone.

You'll also want to make sure that the stone is of good quality so that it will last long.

What Is the Best Way to Care For My Pendant Necklace?

Pendant necklaces require special care so that they can last longer and continue to look their best.

When not in use, store your necklace in a jewelry box or a soft, dry cloth. To clean your necklace, use mild soap and warm water. Avoid using harsh chemicals, as they can damage the metal or stone of your pendant.

When drying your necklace, use a soft cloth to avoid scratching the surface.

How Can I Style My Pendant With My Outfits?

Authentic Widow's Mite Nested Pendant in .925 Sterling Silver

Pendants can be worn with a variety of different outfits and can be dressed up or down.

If you're looking to dress up your pendant, try pairing it with a nice blouse or dress. For a more casual look, you could pair your pendant with a t-shirt and jeans.

No matter how you style it, a pendant is a great way to add a personal touch to any outfit.

What Should I Look For When Shopping For One?

Be sure that you keep an eye out for past customer reviews so that you can fully understand the type of quality you'll get. Unfortunately, though, not all feedback you read is genuine. It's not uncommon for shady jewelry businesses to artificially inflate their reputation with fake reviews.

So, it's essential that you know how to recognize fake reviews when searching.

Of course, you should also take a look at their collection to see if they have something that appeals to you.

Not all jewelry stores will have what you are looking for. Finally, take a look at the prices they offer.

Some stores charge more than others, and you can likely get a better deal by shopping around. You should be wary, though, of stores that offer high-quality jewelry for a concerningly low price. There is a good chance that they are misrepresenting their product in situations like these.

Pendant Necklaces Are Easier to Find Than They Seem

Although choosing from the available options for pendant necklaces may seem overwhelming, it's much easier than it seems. Just be sure that you keep the above information in mind so that you can make the decision that is best for you.

Want to learn more about what we can do? Be sure to reach out to us today and see how we can help you.

]]> 2022-08-29T14:30:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:09-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis More


A Complete Guide to Trendy Jewelry in 2022

The global jewelry market was worth 330 billion US dollars in 2019 and is only continuing to grow. Jewelry has become so popular because of how fun and easy it is to express yourself and your style through necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets. 

Keeping up with the yearly trends can help you find your style and participate in a world of fun fashion. Trendy jewelry is a great way to spice up your wardrobe and can make you look clean and expensive.

What's more, you'll elevate your daily outfits to something glamorous. 

Keep reading to find out what jewelry styles are trending this year and how to style them. 

Trendy Jewelry 2022

Gold Paperclip + Sun and Moon Pendant

While fashion trends come and go, many of this year's types of jewelry are timeless and can be incorporated into your daily wardrobe to create a fashion statement. 

What are some of the jewelry fashion trends of 2022? There are plenty of fun trends for you to partake in this year. Many runways are showing off big, chunky jewelry. This includes chunky bracelets, cuffs, earrings, and statement necklaces. Layering chunky bracelets and cuffs is another trend that's been popular this year.

Pearls and crystals are popular this year—a reminder that classic jewelry will always be in style.

It's easy to incorporate these gemstones into your jewelry and wardrobe. Pearl earrings and necklaces are taking center stage. No matter their size or color, they've been seen on the runway this year by some of the most famous fashion designers. 

Crystals are a big statement, and they're a timeless statement to make.

Following the bold and big style of this year, crystal or gemstone pieces that stand out are extremely trendy right now. Chandelier-style earrings and bold crystal necklaces are the perfect pieces to wear to partake in this jewelry trend.

Following the chandelier-style earrings, fringe is also making a comeback on the runways. Any earrings or necklaces that mimic the movement and style of fringe have made an appearance this year as a popular trend. Having jewelry pieces that move with you can make you look and feel your best. 

Floral has been a popular jewelry trend this year. It's made a big statement in fall fashion. Floral earrings, necklaces, and brooch pins are all ways to incorporate floral into your wardrobe. Just because summer is over doesn't mean that floral has to disappear. 

Here are more 2022 jewelry trends we're seeing on the runway this year. 

If you're looking to partake in some 2022 jewelry trends, be sure to spend your hard-earned money on quality jewelry. Below, we'll go over why quality matters. 

Why Quality Jewelry Matters

Horseshoe Huggies

Taking part in jewelry trends is fun, but it's harder to enjoy it if you're worried about your jewelry breaking or not being able to withstand certain conditions when wearing it. Not to mention the pesky green tint on your skin that cheap jewelry often produces. 

When considering buying jewelry, it's important to be on the lookout for good quality jewelry. 

Quality jewelry is more durable. When your jewelry is made of durable metals and gemstones, you won't have to worry about your jewelry breaking. Quality jewelry is made with more care and with stronger materials. 

The best part is—you don't have to break the bank to purchase quality jewelry. When you're shopping for good quality jewelry, it's important to understand what to avoid and what to look for.

For example, stray away from metals like nickel or brass. These are usually cheaper metals, can cause allergic reactions, and don't hold together as well as other metals. You want to find jewelry that's sterling silver or titanium, and if you'd like gold jewelry, look for pieces that have gold in them, not just brushed or plated. 

Good quality jewelry can better withstand outside elements like weather.  You want to spend your hard-earned money on jewelry pieces that are going to compliment your style, without the hassle of having pieces break and fall apart while wearing them.

It's possible to find jewelry pieces that fit the fashion trends you love without breaking the bank. Always choose good quality jewelry to ensure your pieces will last. 

Styling Tips 

Raidiance 20-Strand Necklace

Understandably, you want to show your beautiful jewelry off. Here are some styling tips to help you look and feel your best while having your jewelry compliment your outfit. 

Since this year's jewelry is all about being bold, don't be afraid to make a statement. Choose a large or chunky necklace to wear with a plain dress or blouse. 

An important tip to remember is to create balance with your outfit. If you're going to wear a statement necklace, keep your other jewelry simple and small. Opt for smaller earrings and necklaces to keep your outfit balanced and to bring attention to your statement piece.

Don't be afraid to mix metals—it's becoming increasingly popular to wear gold and silver together. What once was a taboo jewelry rule is now a common trend. 

Since chunky bracelets are back, stack a few chunky bracelets over a long-sleeved top to really show off your gorgeous bracelets. Be sure to create balance within the rest of your jewelry so the outfit doesn't look or feel too heavy. 

Of course, everyone's style is different. The most important thing is that you should feel beautiful and confident in the jewelry that you buy. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try one of these trends! You may be surprised by what you create. 

If you want to learn more about jewelry trends and how to style your pieces, check out our blog

Finding Your Favorite Trends 

Radiance 3-Strand Anklet

Fashion trends come and go, but quality jewelry will last you for years. The best part is that you can still find trendy jewelry at a good price, without ever having to settle for cheap pieces. 

Check out our best-selling jewelry to find a beautiful piece to add to your wardrobe. 

]]> 2022-08-01T09:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:25-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Buying the right necklace to wear with your outfits involves knowing what not to do. Here are common necklace shopping mistakes and how to avoid them.



7 Common Necklace Shopping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Buying the right necklace to wear with your outfits involves knowing what not to do. Here are common necklace shopping mistakes and how to avoid them.

Keyword(s): common necklace shopping mistakes



Did you know that the most expensive necklace in the world is worth $200 million? It's called "A Heritage in Bloom" and features a 104-carat diamond, 72 jades, and 600 pink diamonds. 

While this may be out of the luxury necklace budget for most, there are still many affordable styles of necklaces you can find when buying necklaces online. However, there are some common necklace shopping mistakes that can also come with buying necklaces online too. 

In this guide, we'll detail 7 common necklace shopping mistakes and what you can do to make sure your online necklace buying experience is the best that it can be. Keep reading for more information below.

1. Not Reading Product and Online Retailer Reviews First

With so many options for necklace retailers online, it's so important to check the product reviews and reviews of the retailers in general. Just because a business has a website doesn't automatically mean it has a great reputation or sells high-quality products.

One of the biggest common necklace shopping mistakes is not reading these reviews or going with a website that may have necklaces that are of questionable quality. You need to do your research first before you commit to buying.

A good retail site that has nothing to hide will proudly display its customer reviews. These are honest and open reviews from real people who have shopped for and bought the same products you're looking for. Their feedback will tell you everything you need to know about necklace features and the product's quality.

2. Not Setting and Staying Within a Luxury Necklace Budget While Shopping

The typical American household spends an average of $615 per year on watches and other jewelry items. Buying necklaces online can be fun, but with so many choices and styles for necklaces, it can also be distracting and intimidating finding what you're looking for.

Setting a realistic budget for buying doesn't sound fun, but it's another one of the most common necklace shopping mistakes. Budgeting will help you better narrow down the options of what you're looking for from potentially thousands of options for online retailers.

Setting a budget and staying with it will also save you from buyer's remorse later on if you give in to your impulses and splurge on something you really shouldn't have bought in the first place. You want something that you can wear every day proudly without being too afraid of losing or damaging something pricey and impractical.

3. Not Specifying What You Are Searching For Online

Again, with so many options out there you want to narrow it down to what you're specifically looking for. Otherwise, you will be clicking through thousands of time-consuming online options for necklace retailers.

Instead of throwing out a generic term like "online necklace stores" find the particular features, looks, and styles for necklaces you want. Do you want a specific metal type or color? Are you looking for a classic design or do you want to see the latest necklace trends?

The more specific you are with your search terms, the more you can avoid another of the most common necklace shopping mistakes of vague search criteria and more easily find what you want.  

4. Not Understanding Your Own Personal Style

Your personal style has a lot to do with buying necklaces online as well. Not knowing or understanding your personal style before you shop is one of the biggest and most common necklace shopping mistakes. Necklaces and other jewelry choices can be based on several factors including your skin tone, your height, and your clothing color preference.

A survey of women between the ages of 25-40 years of age showed that 35% of women who buy jewelry for themselves preferred white gold as their first choice. 17% of this same survey group said silver was their top preference. Platinum came in third place with 15% and rose gold registered a 13% preference. 

Yellow gold came in at an 11% preference rate, while 9% said they had no preference or would go with mixed metal styles for necklaces and other jewelry items. 

Those with cool skin tones will look best with white metals such as silver, platinum, and white gold. Women with warm skin tones will favor yellow and rose gold, as well as brass and copper jewelry. Neutral skin tone types can wear either yellow or white toned metals.

Wearing long chains will make those will have a lengthening effect on shorter, thicker necks. Likewise, a long chain on an individual with a long neck will flatter the natural neckline and collarbone.

5. Relying Too Heavily on Current Jewelry Trends

Jewelry trends can be enjoyable to a certain extent but remember, they can come in and go out of style very quickly. If you focus too much on acquiring pieces that fall in line with the latest necklace trends, pretty soon you'll have a lot of necklaces gathering dust in your jewelry box that you won't wear again for fear of being labeled out of style.

If you find some trend jewelry that looks good on you or aligns with your personal style, it's okay to buy some pieces, But going overboard with trends is another one of the common necklace shopping mistakes.

By focusing too much on trends, you're also doing your personal brand a disservice since you're not going with what looks best on you. Focus on more natural and timeless jewelry pieces that look good on you no matter what the latest necklace trends are. 

6. Not Reading the Product Descriptions Fully

Good online retailers also provide detailed product descriptions for each of their jewelry products. If you're on a site that has vague descriptions or no product descriptions at all, this can be a big red flag. 

Not fully reading these product descriptions is another one of the most common necklace shopping mistakes you can make when shopping online. These descriptions contain valuable information such as:

  • the type of metal used
  • the chain length
  • the chain style
  • the finish
  • the type of closure
  • the pendant or stone size
  • the colors available
  • the origin of the materials 

You can also find high-definition photos of the item you are looking at so you can zoom in and better see the details in the necklace itself before you buy it. You can look at the styles for necklaces on models to get an idea of how they hang around the neck. This ensures you are getting the best quality necklace that has exactly what features and designs you want.

7. High Jewelry Prices Do Not Equal a Higher Quality

You may look at a piece of expensive jewelry and think that its high price must be because of its high quality, but this form of misdirection is also one of the common necklace shopping mistakes. This has nothing to do with its quality.

Traditional jewelry contains a markup of 10-20 times its original cost. This is due to the expense of distribution, middlemen, branding, and advertising costs. So, you may not even be getting a piece of high-quality jewelry for that inflated cost.  

When you buy directly from the manufacturer themselves, you're getting the most for your money. You can be assured it is of the best quality with no price gouging.

Avoid Common Necklace Shopping Mistakes

Don't fall into the pitfalls of common necklace shopping mistakes. wehoautodetail is quality and affordable jewelry with a luxury look. You don't have to break the bank to look amazing. 

From earrings to bracelets, pendants, rings, anklets, and gift sets, wehoautodetail has beautiful jewelry for every budget and taste profile. Find real Italian-crafted jewelry pieces using red coral, Roman glass, pearl, amber, mystic quartz, and brilliant Swarovski crystals.

Check out our website today for over 100 styles of necklaces to choose from and find out what speaks to your personal style.  

]]> 2022-04-25T09:00:01-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:50-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Layering necklaces gives a stylish and effortlessly chic detail to any outfit. Here’s how to layer necklaces like a style icon.



How to Layer Necklaces Like a Style Icon

Layering necklaces gives a stylish and effortlessly chic detail to any outfit. Here’s how to layer necklaces like a style icon.

Keyword(s): layer necklaces



Do you want to layer necklaces like a fashionista? Are you worried it'll look more like a tangled mess than a stylish masterpiece?

We're here to help make your necklace style choices even easier.

Layering necklaces is a fun way to create a gorgeous fashion statement, but it's also easy to overdo it. That's why we've put together this simple guide that'll make all your necklace dreams come true. Find out more down below!

Choose an Intended Style

The first place to start is with your intentions. What kind of style do you want to achieve? Do you want your necklaces to pop with personality or show off sophistication?

Once you know what you're trying to accomplish with your accessories, you'll have a better time picking out the right necklaces for the job.

If you don't have an intended style in mind, that's okay. Sometimes experimentation is the best part of wearing jewelry and can make for a stunning new style!

Match the Neckline

When choosing your necklaces, you need to keep the neckline of your outfit in mind at the same time. It's the backdrop to your necklace layering. If the neckline doesn't match the types of layers you've chosen, it'll ruin the entire look you're trying to create.

When in doubt, it's best to go for a high neckline or a plunging neckline. This way, the neck of the blouse doesn't compete with the layering of your necklaces.

Select a Centerpiece

When learning how to layer necklaces, it's best to pick a single necklace to be the star of your outfit. This gives you a starting point when picking out the rest of the ensemble.

The centerpiece can be as elaborate as a pearl necklace or as simple as a pendant birthstone necklace.

Whichever you choose, make sure that all of the other necklaces compliment the star of the show. You don't want to have all of your necklaces competing or else it'll look too busy!

Vary the Lengths

The key to wearing multiple necklaces at once is to have a lot of variety in the length of each necklace. One of the best ways to do this is to create a cascading effect with the necklaces.

By varying the length, you give each necklace room to breathe. Each one has its own dedicated space and allows them to work together as a whole.

Work Your Way Up

If you're nervous about diving into the world of necklace layering, start with simple necklace choices. Begin by wearing two necklaces together and work your way up from there. It's easier to layer fewer necklaces, especially for beginners.

As you gain confidence and experience, you'll have a better idea of your personal layering style.

When you next decide to layer your necklaces, you'll know exactly how you want to do it. Soon, you'll have no trouble wearing as many necklaces as you want!

Use a Necklace Connector

Even while using different necklace lengths to your advantage, it's easy for the chains to snag on one another. The more necklaces you wear, the more difficult it is to avoid this problem.

This is where a necklace connector comes to the rescue.

This useful device keeps each necklace in its place and allows you to wear as many necklaces as your neck can handle. It's a great way to set your centerpiece in the right place to suit the rest of your outfit, too.

If you struggle with tangles, try using a connector to make things less of a hassle.

Try Pre-Layered Necklaces

Sometimes we want an easy fix to our necklace choices. Sometimes we're in a rush and need to pick a cool accessory right away.

One of the best ways to pull off a layered look is to wear a multi-layer necklace that does all of the work for you. Some pre-layered necklaces come with up to 20 beautiful chains that create a fun style without any extra effort.

It's the perfect choice when you don't have time to pick out individual necklaces to achieve the look you want. You're always certain to have a collection of necklaces that never clash with one another!

Play With Textures

When it comes to layering necklaces, creating interesting textures is half the fun. They add extra pizzazz to an otherwise plain outfit. They turn that little black dress into a gorgeous fashion statement that draws the eye.

The key to using textures to your advantage is to find the right balance. If you add too many textured necklaces, they'll all compete with each other.

It's often best to pick only two or three types of texture in your necklace layering to keep things under control.

Create Contrast

When you do pick lots of textured necklaces or even a focal point in your jewelry, you want to keep contrast in mind. Too much of a good thing leads to a messy style. That's why contrasting elements work so well.

For example, offset your favorite textured necklace with a couple of simple chain necklaces. Their classy simplicity brings more attention to the centerpiece of your ensemble without being boring.

Don't Overcomplicate

Wearing jewelry is supposed to be a fun and confidence-boosting experience. If you spend most of your time worrying about your necklace choices, you'll never enjoy the fashion adventure.

Try not to overcomplicate things when you go to layer your necklaces. Pick something and see if it works. If it doesn't, try something else the next time.

Have fun with it and see what happens. Necklaces are one of the most noticeable accessories, so show off your personality when you wear them.

It's okay to try something new without fear. Plus, you'll enjoy yourself far more!

Layer Necklaces for Ultimate Style Freedom

When you learn how to best layer necklaces like a style icon, you open the door to countless new styles. You'll have plenty of opportunities to try out new outfits without ever feeling dull.

Your accessories make a beautiful statement, so feel free to experiment!

Ready to upgrade your necklace collection? Our high-quality necklaces come in a wide variety of styles that suit every woman's needs!

]]> 2022-01-24T09:00:01-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:13-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

We've put together a practical guide about selecting the best high quality jewelry for yourself. Everything from jewelers, to style, read more today.



A Practical Guide to Selecting Quality Jewelry for Yourself

We've put together a practical guide about selecting the best high quality jewelry for yourself. Everything from jewelers, to style, read more today.

Keyword(s): quality jewelry



Did you know that the U.S. jewelry industry is projected to reach nearly $58 billion in revenue in 2021?

Every woman wants to walk into a room and have all eyes on them for all the right reasons. The hair, the clothes, but most importantly, the jewelry.

"I love your necklace, where did you get it?" is the ultimate compliment.

Women should have quality jewelry that embodies their fashion sense and brand. It can often be challenging to find the right pieces, until now.

Keep reading to learn all about how you can accentuate your wardrobe with our practical guide to selecting quality jewelry for yourself.

The Difference Between Fine Jewelry and Fashion Jewelry When it Comes to Quality Jewelry

It is important to understand and discover your style

Are you more modern or more casual? Does your taste veer more classic and simple or do you like to think outside the box?

Most women think there are only two categories when it comes to jewelry, fine jewelry or fashion jewelry.

Often consisting of diamonds and gold, fine jewelry is too expensive to wear every day except for wedding/engagement rings. Fashion jewelry is more cost-effective, but it is made cheaply and goes out of style quickly.

Another category of affordable quality jewelry is known as bridge jewelry.

What is Bridge Jewelry?

Bridge jewelry is a line of fashion jewelry made of sterling silver and comes in gold, platinum, or rose gold finishes. Bridge jewelry also uses semi-precious stones such as garnet, pearl, tanzanite, opal, and turquoise. 

This type of jewelry allows women to have the functionality of beautiful quality jewelry pieces that make them feel like a million bucks without actually paying it. It's called attainable luxury.

From successful businesswomen seeking to upgrade their distinct look or younger women striving to refine their emerging self-brand, women aren't waiting around anymore for men to buy them jewelry, they're making their own money and buying it themselves. 

Bridge jewelry brands offer a wide selection of quality jewelry options that fit both your style and your budget

So, before you waste your money on cheap fast-fashion or spend two months' rent on a flashy diamond necklace, check out these alternatives instead. 

Sterling Silver

A sterling silver chain is timeless, elegant, durable, and inexpensive. There are many ways to style it.

Wear it long. Wear it with a pendant. Wear multiple chains together.

You can choose from different thicknesses and designs, like the paperclip or the popular box chain. 

Sterling silver is also a top choice for high-quality body jewelry due to its hypo-allergenic properties.

Statement Necklaces

If you're looking to go bolder, statement necklaces will help you say "notice me!" and are a surefire way to catch the eye of everyone in the room.

As its name implies, a statement necklace is a larger, chunkier piece of neckwear that is often made out of larger stone segments like Swarovski crystal or mystic quartz.

They should be worn as a standalone piece. 

Colored Chunky Coral Necklaces

Colored coral necklaces are a fun and fashionable way to add a pop of color to your wardrobe.

You can use colored coral to pair with a bright pattern for an added burst of flair. Or you can wear it with a little black dress to give it a little extra dash of daring.

Dress up your denim or coordinate your coral necklace with hats, sunglasses, shoes, scarves, and handbags.  Or mix and match for fun color combinations.

Pendant Necklaces

You can't go wrong with a tasteful pendant. Whether it is a plain initial charm, heart, cross, animal, tree of life, compass, or other meaningful tribute, a pendant is the best way to personalize a necklace that is uniquely you.

You can also choose pendants made from cubic zirconia, Roman glass, amber, abalone shell, Swarovski crystal, and more. 


You don't have to be engaged or married to wear a ring anymore. Rings on their own have become an independent woman's top choice for displaying their individuality.

You're not limited to only wearing one ring on a specific finger either. You can wear rings on every finger if you like, or stack rings on top of each other.

From large cocktail rings to sleek bands, sterling silver and gemstone rings are a dynamic way of drawing attention to your hands as an extension of your personal brand.


Anklets were thought to be a trend that would fizzle out, but the truth is they are more popular than ever.

The former 90's girls are the full-grown women of today and anklets have made a big comeback, but that doesn't mean the younger generations can't get in on it too.

Anklets are a chic and delicate way to dress up a pair of heels or add a bit of fun to cropped capris for a girls' weekend.  


Tried and true. Earrings have been a go-to fashion accessory for centuries.

Hoops, drops, studs, dangles, teardrop, and other styles can be made from sterling silver and accented with pearls, Roman glass, moonstone, and cubic zirconia.

It's important that the size, shape, and length of your earrings flatters your facial features.


Another longstanding fashion trend is bracelets. Dressed-up or dressed down, bracelets are always a standard. 

Depending on your event, stick with a sophisticated thin bracelet for a formal event, large cuffs or multiple bangles stacked up are better suited for a fun night out. 

Be cautious not to overdo large or multiple bracelets at the office or other places where they might snag, fall off, or be too distracting.

Where Quality and Luxury Meet

wehoautodetail is a distinctive luxury brand of designer quality jewelry, seamlessly blending style and affordability.

As Costco's in-house bridge jewelry brand, wehoautodetail has already cemented itself into the industry alongside other brands such as John Hardy and Kendra Scott. 

Roma's online catalog features stunning and classic designs made to last. New arrivals are currently 25% off with free U.S. shipping for orders over $50. New email subscribers can get 20% off their first order.

So, if you're ready to revamp your existing jewelry or you want to step up your personal brand, head over to wehoautodetail now. 

]]> 2022-01-10T09:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:22-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Do you want to know how those stylish folks on Instagram layer their jewelry pieces? Keep reading to learn the pros' secrets to layering jewelry.



Layering Jewelry Like a Pro: 7 Tips to Keep in Mind

Do you want to know how those stylish folks on Instagram layer their jewelry pieces? Keep reading to learn the pros' secrets to layering jewelry.

Keyword(s): layering jewelry



Marilyn Monroe once said that famous phrase, "diamonds are a girl's best friend", but that sentiment applies to all jewelry and adornment. 

We love jewelry because it enhances our natural beauty while showing off man-made beauty as well. It's also fun to mix and match the jewelry we have collected over the years to create new, fun looks. 

Layering jewelry is one way to keep all your favorite jewelry pieces fresh and fun to wear.

Layered jewelry is here to stay, so it's time to embrace it and try new things to learn what looks work for you. 

Read on to learn seven of the best layering jewelry tips so you can try it for yourself today. 

1. Pick One and Stick With It

Embrace the spirit of the layered jewelry look without overwhelming your outfit. 

If you choose to layer your necklaces it may overload your outfit to also add layered bracelets and rings. You want your layered masterpiece to be the focal point of your accessories, to let it shine. 

Wearing too much of everything will weigh your look down. This does not mean, however, that you should not wear other kinds of jewelry when you layer your necklaces. You can definitely still wear other kinds of jewelry!

The key to wearing all the jewelry you want without ruining your look is to be picky. If you're wearing a stack of layered bracelets, pick a simple chain necklace to go with it and one or two rings to wear.

2. Length Matters

The number one rule for successfully layering necklaces is to choose necklaces of different lengths. This is important because if you choose pieces that are a similar length they will bunch up on your neck, appear bulky, and be unflattering. 

The basic way to layer necklaces is to start with a shorter chain. You can opt to start with a choker or a short chain, and it helps to invest in necklaces with adjustable lengths as well.

The next necklace should be longer than your first without being too much longer.

Layered necklaces look best when there is cohesion between the lengths. Wearing one short necklace and one long one will look strange and almost like an accident. 

Your length layers should be somewhat close to each other while still leaving enough space that each necklace is clearly on display.

3. Incorporate Variety

One of the most fun things about playing with layered jewelry ideas is mixing and matching different designs, prints, and styles! Silver layered jewelry is timeless, but long gone are the days of only wearing silver with silver, or gold with gold. 

There is a way to mix all your different styles of jewelry without your look becoming dragged down with accessories. 

For instance, if you have a chunky silver cuff bracelet you can stack thinner bracelets to wear with it. You can add a simple silver bangle and a silver chain bracelet. Even though they are all different, they will create a textured, chic look.

You can take a statement piece, like this moonstone bolo necklace, and layer it with different, shorter necklaces.

You can pair it with a choker featuring small charms and a medium-length necklace featuring a decorative stone to create a fashion-forward, celestial look. 

4. Tie It All Together

The trick to wearing layered jewelry along with other pieces is to bind them together with one common element. 

For example, if you layer necklaces and your statement piece features pearls, it will pull your look together to feature some pearls in your other pieces. Find a beautiful pearl ring, like this freshwater pearl Bali ring, and choose earrings featuring small pearls.

This way you will be getting the most out of your jewelry without overwhelming your outfit. 

5. Don't Be Afraid of Color

Color is your friend when it comes to jewelry. Simple silver and gold is always a classic look, but it's always a good idea to break out of your shell and be bold. 

If you hesitate to use too much color, start small. Pick a central item of gold or silver jewelry and build pops of color around it. 

If your central piece is a chunky gold chain you can take your look to the next level by pairing it with thin red and green fabric necklaces. 

If you're ready to dive fully into color, you can pick a bold main item, like a pastel green necklace. Pair this with pastel yellow and blue necklaces of various lengths for a brunch-ready look. 

6. Through Thick and Thin

Just as length is important, the width of your jewelry pieces matters when it comes to layering. 

Every woman should have a few pieces of chunky jewelry in her accessories. That does not mean they should always be worn together!

Chunky jewelry will create a bulging effect when worn together, especially if worn on the same body part, like around your neck or your wrist. 

Make sure to wear jewelry of varying thicknesses when you're layering them together.

7. Experiment 

The number one rule of trying a layered jewelry style? Throw out all the rules.

It's a good idea to follow tips and tricks when it comes to trying something new, but at some point, it's fun to throw out the rulebook and experiment with fleshing out our personal style.

Some of the most fashionable people in the world earned their reputation by taking risks, wearing items no one else dares to, and even by making mistakes. 

Do what feels right to you and hone in on your instincts. 

Start Layering Jewelry Today

It's never too late to get in on the fun trend of layering jewelry! Follow these tips and start experimenting with all your favorite jewelry pieces. 

Add some beautiful new pieces to your collection as well with wehoautodetail. At Roma, creating timeless pieces is our passion so you can layer them no matter what the current trends are. 

Browse our selection of new arrivals today and find your next favorite piece of jewelry. 

]]> 2021-12-13T09:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:30-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Have you recently bought the red coral necklace of your dreams? Read here for seven amazing ways to wear and style red coral necklaces.



7 Ways to Wear Red Coral Necklaces

Have you recently bought the red coral necklace of your dreams? Read here for seven amazing ways to wear and style red coral necklaces.

Keyword(s): red coral necklaces




Coral has long been revered for its beauty and supernatural powers. In ancient times, coral made its way from regal Egyptian tombs to the thrones of Greek empires. Historians estimate that coral jewelry dates back more than 25,000 years.

And it hasn't gone out of style. Today, coral is still a vibrant, luxurious, and gorgeous material for accessories. If you are looking to add some ancient flair with a modern look, red coral necklaces can deliver.

But, with an accessory so bold and eye-catching, how can you pull together the rest of your look? What are the best ways to style these types of jewelry?

Read on to discover seven incredible ways to wear coral necklaces. These tips will take you from the office to your next special event with ease. That makes coral the ultimate investment you'll wear for years to come. 

1. Dress Up Denim 

Do you feel comfortable in jeans but worry your look is too casual? A red coral necklace is an effortless way to dial up this relaxed look. And, the color red pops against all denim shades.

Try pairing your necklace with a denim dress for an elegant summer look. Or layer coral necklaces on top of a denim jacket. 

2. Add Color to Professional Wear 

A professional wardrobe is attractive and sleek. But, sometimes a black suit or navy shift dress can feel repetitive and uninspired.

And while your favorite silver necklaces pair nicely with these looks, get creative and switch things up. For example, this wehoautodetail coral single-strand necklace delivers just the right amount of drama. A long necklace is perfect for layering with your favorite workwear button-downs, suit jackets, or dresses. 

3. Dazzle at the Beach 

Do you have a luxurious beach holiday planned? Do you need elegant looks that take you from the sand to a lunch reservation in a flash? A red coral necklace is an ideal accessory to elevate your look.

Pair a shorter style necklace with your favorite bathing suit top. Or, for an elegant beachside cocktail, style a long red coral necklace with a caftan or maxi-style cover-up dress.

Finish off the look with stylish sandals, a straw beach tote, a hat, and your favorite sunglasses. A necklace is a perfect way to add glamour to a beachside look

4. Special Events 

Special events are all about making a statement. While the dress and shoes are important, consider your accessories first. Design your look around a necklace.

For example, a black evening gown pairs perfectly with this coral five-strand chunky necklace. But, what is some other special event or evening looks to style with a red coral necklace? Here are some ideas to inspire your next event outfit: 

  • Pattern cocktail party dress with a strapless or tank style neckline 
  • Red dress for a monochromatic chic look 
  • Emerald evening gown 
  • Turquoise evening gown 
  • Navy dress or pantsuit 
  • Grey dress or pantsuit 
  • Black jumpsuit 
  • Black cocktail dress 
  • Black two-piece suit with pants or a skirt 

While the variety of special events wear is endless, these are some ideas to get you started. Don't be afraid to dress colorfully and boldly when styling your red coral necklace! Choosing the right color for your taste and style has proven effects to lift your mood.  

5. Color Pop With White

The color white is often associated with blank canvases. While white may seem like a neutral or fresh color choice, it packs a punch when paired with red. When you pair a brilliant white t-shirt or dress with your red coral necklace, the color pops and transforms.

White as your clothing background helps the necklace to stand out and appear more brilliantly colored. If you prefer to dress in neutrals or embrace a more simple style, white is already a cornerstone of your wardrobe. For summer, pair your favorite white linen blouses, dresses, and cotton t-shirts with a red coral necklace for a wow effect.

No Seasonal Limitations 

But, when the weather cools down, don't pack away your coral necklaces just yet. You can still style these pieces with white clothing in the fall, winter, and spring.

Simply change the texture of your clothing choices. For example, a cozy white cashmere sweater and jeans paired with a red coral necklace looks dynamite. While a white blazer in spring is practical and chic.  

6. Mix With Your Favorite Pieces 

Do you have silver jewelry pieces you love? Or are you a gold or rose gold fiend? You can still wear these jewelry pieces by mixing and matching them with a coral necklace.

For example, pair your favorite diamond stud or silver earrings with this red coral drop Bali-style necklace. Or, embrace the jewelry guides layered necklace trend. Simply pair a coral short pendant with your favorite long necklace. 

Mixing and matching your existing jewelry pieces with a new coral necklace is a great way to make a statement. Coral helps to add color to your style and interest to your next look. 

7. Make a Statement 

Statement necklaces have been a style trend for years. For example, oversized pendants, chunky collar necklaces, and long beaded lariats are just some jewelry pieces that make an impact.

So, instead of choosing your accessories last, use your red necklace to make a statement and define your outfit. When your outfit focus is on red coral, the rest of your look can be simple and neutral. This places focus on your beautiful jewelry piece and draws attention to your neck.

For your next cocktail party or dinner out, throw on your favorite black dress. Pair the outfit with an eye-catching chunky red coral necklace. Finish off the look with black simple accessories like high-heels, a clutch bag, and a shawl. 

Red Coral Necklaces Can Transform Your Style 

Red coral necklaces may seem intimidating or challenging to style. But, these beautiful jewelry pieces can fit seamlessly into any wardrobe and have the power to transform your style.

Next time you struggle to choose your perfect outfit, refer to these top style tips for inspiration. Whether you have a special event or are hosting a cocktail party, a red coral necklace is an eye-catching and beautiful accessory to top off your look.

Are you looking for the perfect necklace or other accessories? Visit the wehoautodetail Collection to find your ideal piece. 

]]> 2021-12-06T09:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:26-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

We've compiled the most essential information about giving jewelry as a gift. Read more and ensure you pick the most suitable jewelry item to gift a loved one.



How to Buy the Perfect Jewelry as a Gift for a Loved One

We've compiled the most essential information about giving jewelry as a gift. Read more and ensure you pick the most suitable jewelry item to gift a loved one.

Keyword(s): jewelry as a gift



Buying jewelry for someone you love is a daunting task.

You want to make sure that when they open their present, it’s exactly what they wanted and something that will last them years to come. This article will help guide you through all the steps necessary to find the perfect piece of jewelry for your loved one this holiday season!

We’ve compiled the most essential information about giving jewelry as a gift. Read more and ensure you pick the perfect piece of jewelry to give your loved one this holiday season.

Determine Their Style

The first thing you need to do is determine what your loved one likes and dislikes, as well as the type of jewelry they usually wear.

This will help greatly when it comes to going shopping for a piece of jewelry that matches their taste. If you know them well enough then you should have a pretty good idea of what to buy.

For example, if they usually wear dainty necklaces then you probably shouldn’t buy them a chunky bracelet. This will just result in them never wearing it and it will be a waste of money.

What you want to do is figure out what their style is and buy a piece of jewelry that matches. You can do this by simply looking at some of the pieces of jewelry they already own. If you notice that most of their accessories are on the more expensive side then you should consider upgrading them to something nicer for this holiday season.

Consider the Occasion

The type of occasion is also something you need to take into account when buying jewelry as a gift. For example, if it’s for an anniversary then you may want to purchase something more sentimental and romantic than if it’s just a regular gift.

Depending on what the occasion is, you should make sure you buy something that will fit it well. The last thing you want is for them to receive the gift in front of everyone else, only for it not to match the occasion.

What’s the Price Range?

Another thing you need to think about is how much you want to spend on the jewelry. This will help narrow down your options and make finding the perfect piece a lot easier.

For example, if you only want to spend around $100 then you should start searching for pieces that fall within this price range. If you want to go a little bit higher and spend around $500, then make sure they’re still in your budget, or else it could end up being too expensive.

Doing this will help you save time and money when shopping for the perfect piece of jewelry.

Gold or Silver?

When it comes to choosing the type of metal, gold or silver are the most popular options. 

Gold is more luxurious but silver can be just as beautiful depending on the type of design. There are various other metals to choose from too, so don’t forget about those!

For instance, if your loved one is more of a gold person, then don’t choose silver. On the other hand, if they tend to wear more silver jewelry then you won’t want to get them something in gold.

Find Out What Type of Jewelry They Like

There are many different types of jewelry available on the market, including bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and rings amongst others.

The best thing you can do is ask your loved one what they like and dislike when it comes to this kind of gift or if there’s anything in particular that they have been wanting for a long time now. This will help make it easier for you when shopping because you won’t be wondering where to start.

For example, if they love wearing necklaces then you should start your search there. If they don’t usually wear a lot of jewelry, then rings or earrings may be a better option.

Get Them Something Unique

If you want to make an impression this holiday season, then get them something unique that they won’t expect. This can be tricky, but it’s doable if you put some thought into it.

One way to do this is by looking at their personality and seeing what type of jewelry would match them best. For example, if they love taking risks and are always up for trying new things then maybe something funky and unique would be perfect.

However, if they are more of a conservative person then something traditional would suit them better. Also, consider what the occasion is and make sure you buy something appropriate for it. This way, even though it will still be unique, it won’t come off as too weird or awkward in front of everyone else.

Buying a Gift for a Man?

If you choose jewelry as a gift for a man, then there are a few more things you need to take into account. 

Firstly, you’ll want to think about the style of the man you’re buying for - is the more conservative or does he like to experiment with his look? 

You should also consider what type of material is within the jewelry. Gold is often favored amongst men but silver can also look very classy and elegant depending on the design. Last but not least, don’t forget about rings

A nice ring is always a great gift for a man and there are so many different styles to choose from.

Finding the Perfect Jewelry as a Gift

Now that you’re armed with all this information, buying jewelry as a gift for a loved one will be a lot easier.

Just take your time and think about what they like, what type of occasion it is and how much you want to spend. With these things in mind, you’ll find the perfect piece of jewelry to make them happy!

To get started with your search, check out our collections. We'd be happy to help you find the perfect gift.

]]> 2021-05-31T00:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:28-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Milan jewelry collections are often elegant, refined, and add a look of class to any ensemble. Learn where to get affordable timeless jewelry here.




How Milan Jewelry Remains Timeless

Milan jewelry collections are often elegant, refined, and add a look of class to any ensemble. Learn where to get affordable timeless jewelry here.

Keyword(s): milan jewelry


Fashion is one of the most important forms of self-expression for people all across the globe. It's one of the best ways that we can showcase who we are to those around us. Not only that, but it allows us to form connections with others who express similar tastes.

Wearing an accessory that stands out is a great way to showcase your personal flair. Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and more are perfect for both social and professional settings, and nothing can beat Milan jewelry. Read on to learn why Milan collections are timeless and tasteful.

They Blend the Simple With the Intricate

Milan jewelry is known for its complexity. Glass beads are hand-painted with organic, geometric, or floral patterns even when they're so small you can hardly see them. High-end sterling silver is fashioned into large statement pieces with gemstone accents.

In this way, Italian jewelry looks extremely intricate. However, on another level, these same pieces are incredibly minimalist. They're a paradox.

Those small, hand-painted glass beads are strung on  sterling silver chains and shown off as a single charm. Intricate gemstone earrings are a tiny part of a much larger outfit. Some pieces are larger medallions that don't incorporate any hand-painting, and these are in a simple unicolor despite their intricate designs.

You Can Accentuate Your Personal Style

Milan jewelry is trendy during times when both minimalism and statement pieces are popular. One of these styles is en vogue pretty much all the time. However, to make a piece truly timeless for you to wear, you need to consider your personal style when selecting a piece.

Many pieces that would be considered 'timeless' simply aren't going to fit in with your personal aesthetic. They will go unwork and so their universal appeal isn't going to much matter. You need to pick something that will never go out of style in your individual view, not just in society's.

Think about getting a bracelet or anklet that features an Italian bead that's hand-painted to be your favorite color. This will fit in with the rest of your wardrobe, so you're sure to wear it often. A simple string of pearls or gemstones will also do the trick since they go with virtually any outfit.

Pieces Are Perfect for Any Occasion

Another reason that Milano jewelry is timeless is its universal appeal. These pieces aren't restricted to social settings but provide the perfect flair for your professional persona, too.

One of the reasons that this is the case is the diversity that buying the latest Italian jewelry offers. You can get pieces in tons of shapes, sizes, colors, and styles. This gives you the option to choose subtler pieces that look more professional in addition to larger, more sociable ones.

Milano jewelry is also a great conversation starter. This makes it a timeless choice for any setting in which you'll be meeting new people. The pieces help break the ice at business, social, and formal events alike.

To find a piece that works perfectly for you, decide on whether you want glass beads, gemstones, or Swarovski crystal jewelry. Think about the colors that you most want to showcase. This will give you a great place to begin your search. You can then browse our shop by category or use the search bar to type keywords that will lead you to your perfect piece.

Complete Collections Have Timeless Appeal

When you shop for other jewelry online or in-stores, you need to choose between dozens of pieces that don't go together. Creating a cohesive jewelry set is a challenge. It becomes even more difficult when you try to make your slapped-together "collection" go with any one of your favorite outfits.

However, Milan jewelry circumvents this issue. You can purchase multiple pieces that have been made to go together.

These collections, such as the David Beck Bali collection and the Marcasite collection, give you a cohesive aesthetic. They save you time when needing to match your jewelry together and ensure that you don't have any sloppy or mismatched pieces.

A jewelry collection never goes out of style because you will always look purposeful and put together. You can also get multiple different collections and select the one that works perfectly for the occasion that you're headed out to. A more diverse jewelry box gives you more options for pairing accessories with various outfits.

Milan Jewelry Is Affordable and Accessible

You may think that purchasing an entire jewelry collection sounds like an expensive endeavor, but it's extremely affordable. We offer multiple collections of fine jewelry made in Paris, Israel, and Bali as well as in Milan, Italy. You can get luxury handmade pieces, even those that incorporate Swarovski crystals, for under $50.

This makes it accessible for even those operating within a budget. Since the pieces are handmade, these low prices are made even more impressive.

You can order this jewelry online and have it delivered right to your home. This makes it even more of a timeless classic because people anywhere in the world can access it. It draws us together.

Invest in Affordable Italian Jewelry Today

Now that you know why Milan jewelry collections are a classic that never goes out of style, it's time to get started.

Browse our new arrivals to find modern and trendy Italian jewelry. When you sign up for our email list, you can get 20% off your first purchase. Since our experts are committed to bringing you wholesale jewelry at a low price, we look forward to helping you express yourself through fashion ASAP.

]]> 2020-08-24T10:00:01-06:00 2024-01-17T20:29:08-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis If you are wondering which necklace to wear to a party, this guide can help you pick the right one. Here are factors to consider before choosing a necklace.


7 Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Necklace for Parties
If you are wondering which necklace to wear to a party, this guide can help you pick the right one. Here are factors to consider before choosing a necklace.

Keyword(s): choosing a necklace


If you're looking to improve your wardrobe by selecting timeless jewelry pieces, including a statement necklace, you've come to the right place. In this article, we're going to provide you with a guide that lists all the details of choosing a necklace.

The right necklace can tie together all aspects of your outfit and help you present a regal appearance. Continue reading this article for everything that you need to know before making your final jewelry selections.

1. Necklace Length

Depending on the occasion that you'll be wearing the necklace to you'll want to consider the length of your necklace. If you're attending a black-tie affair, a shorter necklace, but brighter in color, maybe what the occasion calls for.

You'd want to avoid a necklace that is too long because the jewelry could get lost in the outfit, and you want to make it the center of attention. Whereas, if you've chosen to wear a dress with a plunging neckline, perhaps a longer necklace can help create balance.

When choosing the right length for your necklace, you want to provide the right balance between the top and bottom half of your body while remaining stylish. When considering the length of the necklace, you may also consider your height.

Wearing necklaces that are long when your shorter can overwhelm you and make your outfit seem chaotic. Instead, opt for a shorter necklace that helps to lengthen your frame.

If you find that you're on the taller side, you have more options available when it comes to the length of the necklace that you end up choosing. However, although you've got the pick of the litter, be careful because not every necklace will help you complete the look that you're attempting to achieve or be a statement piece.

2. The Shape of Your Face

Another factor to consider before making your necklace selection is the shape of your face. You'll want to choose something that flatters your facial structure no matter where you're going.

The right necklace will help frame your face correctly and help enhance your most attractive features. If you've got an oval-shaped face, you can mix and match the necklaces that you wear as you've got unlimited options at your fingertips.

Because your face is slightly longer in length, you'll want to opt for necklaces that provide curves to your face.

However, if you find that you've got a rounder facial structures, you'll want to stay away from necklaces that enhance the roundness, such as chokers. The best kinds of necklaces for your face are ones that offer geometrical shaping or v-lines.

You may also want to consider layering your necklaces to lengthen the neck and face. If your face is rectangular, you may want to consider necklaces long in length and chunky.

Perhaps a necklace that has a larger pendant hanging from it would be worth a try. By wearing a necklace of this type, you'll find that it lengthens your face and balances out a stronger jawline.

If you've got a heart-shaped face, consider wearing necklaces that are shorter in length. The shorter length will help your narrow jaw to appear wider and create a balance from the top of your hairline down.

3. Body Type

Much like the shape of your face can affect the type of necklace that you should wear your body type can also influence the choice that you make. If you find that your petite and have a smaller bustline, then you will want to consider a necklace that is longer.

This will help to create the illusion of a fuller bust and balance your figure. If you're a fuller figured woman and don't want to emphasize your curves, then you'll want a necklace that is shorter in length.

A short necklace will draw the eye up and help to lengthen your frame. If you've got wider shoulders, the best option for you is a necklace that is longer in length.

Wearing short necklaces will further accentuate the wideness of your shoulders. Whereas, a necklace that is long or has a pendant in the center will help to lengthen the frame and draw attention away from the shoulders.

If you've got a shorter neck, you'll want to refrain from wearing chokers that emphasize the width of your neck. Choosing necklaces that offer a v-line is best.

What Lengths are There to Choose From?

There are a variety of necklace lengths that you can choose from, and each will help to achieve the effect that you're going for. If you'd like to wear a 14-inch necklace, you're going to want to pair it with outfits off the shoulder or have a scoop neckline.

If you'd like to wear a 16-inch necklace, you'll want to pair this necklace with clothing that offers a higher collar to show off the unique jewelry around your neck.

If you want to go all the way with length and choose a necklace that is up to 52 inches long, you should pair it with a cocktail dress or business attire for the best result.

Choosing a Necklace Made Simple

When it comes to choosing a necklace, all of the factors that we've listed above should be considered. It can be challenging to find the right necklace to accentuate your best features while drawing attention away from areas that you may have issues with.

However, if you follow this guide selecting the right necklace will be a no-brainer. We offer our customers the highest quality jewelry at reasonable prices. We even provide a variety of jewelry in our sale section. Whether you're looking for a necklace, ring, or earrings, we've got everything you need right here in one place.

If you're looking to purchase necklaces from a reliable jeweler shop our best sellers at wehoautodetail. Shop with us today and let us help you find the right jewelry for you.


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]]> 2020-03-30T00:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:29:49-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis If you're hoping to dazzle for your wedding day, then wearing a necklace will do it. Here are the best wedding necklaces for a beautiful bride!



The Best Wedding Necklaces for a Bride

If you're hoping to dazzle for your wedding day, then wearing a necklace will do it. Here are the best wedding necklaces for a beautiful bride!

Keyword(s): wedding necklaces for a bride

Every year, around two million brides walk down the aisle in the US. Most of them go through a litany of steps to make sure they look their best: finding the perfect dress, fitting into that dress, getting skin treatments, getting their hair done, you name it. In the midst of all this, are you overlooking your jewelry?

Your dress might be the cornerstone of your wedding look but your jewelry can make or break it. How do you start your jewelry search?

Begin with these ideas for the top wedding necklaces for a bride.

1. Heart-Shaped Necklaces

Weddings are all about love, so why not carry that theme into your necklace? A heart-shaped pendant is a romantic accent for any bride.

Because heart-shaped pendants are so popular, you have plenty of options. If you're aiming for a neutral glam, try thSwarovski Crystal Heart Necklace.

If you're more of a "march to the beat of your own drum" kind of gal, you can add some color to your pendant. The Marcasite and Amethyst Heart Necklace incorporates purple gems and heavy antiquing for a unique but breathtaking look.

2. Pearl or Imitation Pearl Strands

When it comes to wedding jewelry, is there anything more classic than a string of pearls? We think not.

If you want the truly timeless look but don't want to pay the price for real pearls, try the South Sea Shell Pearl Strand Necklace. The pearl look-a-likes are sculpted from real seashells. 

If white pearls don't feel like your style, you can infuse your own personality into the mix too. For example, try our same seashell pearl necklace in pink

3. Necklaces with a Natural Touch

If you're the type who loves to be with nature, the idea of a big glamorous wedding may feel out of your comfort zone. Why not bring some of nature with you by making your jewelry reminiscent of the outdoors?

You can do this with our Branched Freshwater Pearl Necklace. This piece incorporates freshwater pearls, sterling silver, and a rhodium overlay. Most importantly, it's crafted to look like a blooming branch so you'll feel right at home on your hike down the aisle. 

4. Multi-Tiered Necklaces

There are some wedding dress necklines that call for something more substantial. For instance, if your dress has a deep V-shaped neckline, you need a necklace large enough to fill in that space without making you feel like there's an anvil around your neck.

Our 7-Strand Italian Bead Necklace is the perfect solution. All seven strands are adorned with delicate beads that add style without adding much weight. The finished look is a waterfall of light layers, creating a beautiful plunge shape.

5. Statement Pendants

Some brides opt for a glamorous, eye-catching gown and their jewelry is mere icing on top. Other brides prefer simpler, understated wedding dresses. Sometimes, though, you want to bring in jewelry that makes a statement alongside the dress.

A bold pendant can be the ideal way to create that look. If you want to try it for yourself, look no further than the "Kaleidoscope" Statement Necklace.

This necklace uses a timeless shape: a light chain with a prominent circular pendant. The pendant itself is show-stopping, though. The roman glass creates somewhat of a rainbow effect, with a blend of colors and sheens. 

6. Bold, Solid Necklaces

What if you want a bold, prominent necklace but you aren't a fan of the pendant look? You'll fall in love with the Crescent Swarovski Crystal Necklace.

This necklace features a thick horizontal crescent shape in a beautiful rose gold hue. To add some sparkle, half of the crescent dons beautiful Swarovski crystals.

Like the pendant, this necklace brings attention to your neckline and adds some interest to simpler wedding dresses. At the same time, it has a more modern and unique shape. 

7. Beaded Strands

Besides pearls, another classic wedding necklace look is a strand of beads that rests near the collarbone. If this is the look you're going for, our Saturn Bead Necklace may be the right fit.

The Italian design features delicate beads woven among sterling silver strands that mimic the infinity symbol. What better symbolism for a wedding as you join your significant other for eternity?

8. Something Blue

You've probably heard the saying that at your wedding, you need to wear "something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue." Did you know the "something blue" is meant to symbolize love and fidelity in your marriage?

While some brides make their "something blue" subtle, you can wear yours around your neck and use it to add a spark of color to your bridal attire.

One popular choice is the Swarovski Crystal Aquamarine Drop Necklace. This necklace features a single, large, bold blue gemstone that will turn all your guests' heads.

If that isn't your style, you may prefer the Aquamarine Drop Necklace in Sterling Silver. This piece features a smaller version of the same gemstone as the previous necklace. However, that gemstone is nestled in a beautiful teardrop-shaped curve of sterling silver. 

9. Necklaces with Religious Symbols

For many brides, their wedding is a deeply religious experience with their new spouse. If you want to display your faith on your wedding day, religious-themed jewelry is a stylish way to do it.

You'll love our Freshwater Pearl and White Topaz Cross Necklace. This necklace combines the spiritual significance of a cross with a bridal classic: pearls. It's a unique twist on the traditional cross necklaces of the past.

You might also like our collection of sterling silver cross necklaces

Finding the Best Wedding Necklaces for a Bride

All of these ideas are just that: ideas to get you started. At the end of the day, your wedding look needs to be about you. The best wedding necklaces for a bride are the ones that capture the feeling you want on your wedding day.

If you haven't found the perfect fit yet, shop for bridal necklaces in our online shop today. 


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]]> 2018-07-13T11:20:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:33:33-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis A statement necklace can make or break an outfit, but it's all about how you wear it. Learn more about how to wear statement necklaces the right way, with these 10 handy tips.


10 Tips for How to Wear Statement Necklaces
A statement necklace can make or break an outfit, but it's all about how you wear it. Learn more about how to wear statement necklaces the right way, with these 10 handy tips.

Keyword(s): how to wear statement necklaces

Are you getting bored with your clothes? You may be ready to ditch everything in favor of a whole new wardrobe.

While updating your clothes is always a good thing, you may not have to get rid of it all. Investing in the right jewelry can elevate any outfit and make it look brand new while staying affordable.

Statement necklaces are very trendy right now. But when committing to wearing such a bold piece of jewelry, you'll want to make sure you wear it just right to look fashionable and sophisticated.

Do you want to know how to wear statement necklaces? Keep reading to discover our tips and tricks to rock this bold jewelry choice.

1. Make it the Star

So, what is a statement necklace? Well, it's the star of your outfit! Statement necklaces are made to draw your attention and add visual interest to your clothes.

For this reason, you'll want to make sure your other jewelry is understated. If you wear a statement necklace with other types of bold jewelry, it can overload your outfit and make it look too busy. Instead, opt for simple studs or thin rings and let your necklace make the statement.

2. Add a Wow Factor to Your Night Out

Do you have a special event or night out planned? You'll want to make sure you stand out.

Statement necklaces are a great way to add that extra wow factor to any formal dress. When deciding how to wear a statement necklace with a dress, consider pairing a little black dress with something chunky and colorful, or a floor-length formal dress with a diamond or pearl necklace.

3. Bring Interest to a Basic Top

If you have a closet full of basic tops, you'll know how amazing a versatile they can be. You can pair them with a patterned skirt, bright shoes, or warm cardigans to create countless different outfits.

Well, now you can add statement necklaces to that list. A basic top is the perfect blank canvas to make your necklace stand out. The best part is that almost any statement necklace looks great with a plain shirt.

4. Don't Be Afraid of Patterns

But who wants to wear basic tops all the time? Patterned shirts are perfect for any fun-loving ladies out there. You can kick your favorite patterned shirt up even more by adding a statement necklace.

Floral, animal, and geometric prints all work well with statement jewelry. If your patterned shirt is made of neutral colors, you can use a colored necklace to look bold and chic. Just be sure to wear understated bottoms and shoes to create just the right amount of wow-factor.

5. Pair It with Stripes

If you're trying to figure out how to wear a statement necklace with a patterned shirt, you may want to start with stripes.

While statement necklaces look great with other patterns, stripes are a great place to start. They are uniform and usually only contain two colors, making it a great backdrop for a necklace to pop without worrying about it being too much.

6. Brighten a Black on Black Outfit

Black is a fabulous color to include in your wardrobe. Not only is black slimming, but it's also very versatile. Depending on how you wear it, black on black can make you look super chic, edgy, or elegant.

The right amount of color can give you all the slimming and fashionable effects of donning a black on black outfit while adding some extra interest. A monochrome statement necklace is the perfect way to add a pop of color without taking away from the rest of your outfit.

7. Bring Details into a Plain Area

Statement necklaces work well when the area beneath them isn't full of details. That's why it works so well with basic tops and black on black outfits!

You should avoid pairing your statement jewelry with any top or dress where the neckline or chest area is the focal point, such as illusion necklines or lace paneling. Instead, you may opt for statement earrings to bring interest without making your outfit look overdone.

8. Add Flair to Your Work Outfit

If you're a fashionista, you may feel a little limited by what your company allows you to wear to work - you can only wear a button-down and pencil skirt so many ways, right?

But don't let that classic work outfit go to waste. You can add extra flair by including a statement necklace. While you can wear it with the collar open, it looks best when the shirt is buttoned all the way up. You may also choose to layer a sweater and a button-down, then add a statement necklace for even more variety.

9. Match it Right

If you're wondering how to wear a statement necklace without clashing, make sure you match it correctly.

If you're wearing a colored shirt, opt for a necklace that shares the same color palette. If your outfit is made of neutral colors, your statement necklace can be any color. If you want to add more color to a neutral outfit, you may add a bright bag or shoes - just make sure they match the color of your statement necklace.

10. Dress Up a Graphic Tee

The best part about investing in statement necklaces is that they can be worn with almost anything - even graphic tees. Wearing a statement necklace with t-shirts can be a little tricky, but if done correctly, it can make your old tee look fabulous.

The best way to make this look work is to choose a dark-colored graphic tee. Then, layer on a glamorous statement necklace made of diamonds or clear gems.

How to Wear Statement Necklaces

If you're looking for the perfect way to update your wardrobe without spending a fortune, statement necklaces are the way to go. They can be used to add interest to almost any outfit, from formal gowns to graphic tees. Just follow our tips on how to wear statement necklaces to add a wow-factor to your daily outfit.

Did you like these tips? Check out our blog for more fashion advice like this.

]]> 2018-05-25T13:41:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:34:20-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Stumped on what jewelry to wear to make each dress in your wardrobe pop? Check out this ultimate guide so that you can always pick the perfect piece.



What Jewelry to Wear With Every Type of Dress

Stumped on what jewelry to wear to make each dress in your wardrobe pop? Check out this ultimate guide so that you can always pick the perfect piece.

Keyword(s): primary: what jewelry to wear secondary: necklace for a strapless dress, accessories for off shoulder dress, necklaces for v neck dresses

You've picked out the perfect dress. You have the shoes, and you've made your hair appointment. But when you try on the outfit and look at yourself in the mirror, you think, "Something is missing."

Then a thought hits you. You need some stylish jewelry pieces. These will complete your outfit and make your dress stand out.

But what jewelry to wear with your dress? What kind of necklace goes with its neckline?

We've got the answers below! Read on to see which necklaces go with what neckline. Then you'll be able to pair them with any dress in your wardrobe.

Necklines and Necklaces

necklaces to wear with strapless dress

It can be hard enough knowing which neckline goes with your face and body type. But once you've got that covered, you can start thinking about jewelry.

Some necklines allow for many jewelry choices, while others work with only a single style. Let's look together at some of the more popular 2018 neckline styles and which pieces you can pair with them.

1. A Necklace for a Strapless Dress

Strapless dresses are dramatic. They highlight your neck and collarbone, and you don't want your necklace to take attention away from those features.

Luckily, there are lots of choices when it comes to strapless dresses. The only rule is the old adage "less is more."

If you wear a big, bold necklace, you shouldn't also wear large earrings. But a large necklace and small earrings are appropriate, as is the opposite combination.

You want to choose one piece that enhances the drama of your dress. Your necklace should provide a single focal point, giving the entire outfit a streamlined look.

Collars and chokers are both good options for a straight, strapless neckline. 90s-style chokers are popular this year. But both kinds of necklaces will frame your face without interfering with the drama of your neckline.

Some celebrities wear a longer chain or pendant necklace with a strapless neckline. They fall at mid-chest or even at the waistline, and they look fabulous too.

2. Off-the-Shoulder Dresses

The off-the-shoulder neckline has been around for a while and still remains popular. The purpose of this style is to show off your shoulders. Because there is so much bare skin, though, it can be hard to find the right accessories.

You don't want your jewelry to be a distraction, and you want attention focused upwards. For this reason, chokers and collar necklaces work best.

Combining two popular trends (in this case, chokers and off-the-shoulder dresses) might seem like overkill. But simple, non-fussy necklaces work best with this style.

3. The Asymmetrical Neckline

This is one of the hot trends of spring/summer 2018, which means you'll definitely want to know how to pair a necklace with this style! Fortunately, you have several options to choose from.

First, and perhaps most obviously, an asymmetrical necklace complements this neckline. It provides a nice balance to the already non-symmetrical neckline of the dress.

If you prefer a longer necklace, though, one with beads of different shapes and sizes complements this neckline well. Or try one with several long chains. These could include pendants, but they don't have to.

A small delicate pendant necklace will draw attention upwards to your collarbone. Simple chokers or any fine short chains are also options here. As you can see, there are lots of choices, so it really depends on the dress and how you feel about the outfit overall.

4. Necklaces for V-Neck Dresses

If you're wearing a deep-plunging v-neck dress, you are definitely going for the wow factor. While it's possible to wear simple earrings and a choker necklace, a longer necklace is a more interesting option.

A long pendant necklace works well. One stylish option is a simple choker and pendant combination. The pendant hangs on your collarbone, but you then add longer and longer necklaces until you reach the desired length.

In fact, any kind of layered chain would be a good choice. Carefully layered strands fill up the space left open by the neckline, but they are subtle enough so they don't overcrowd the area.

Lariat necklaces are also an excellent choice here. In fact, any long necklace will lengthen your torso, giving you a leaner look and making you appear taller.

5. The Square Neckline

necklaces to wear with dresses

The square neckline appears to be extremely popular this spring/summer. Because of its angular shape, it can be hard to accessorize. But you do have some lovely options nonetheless.

A collar or choker necklace is one possibility. Also, any short-layered chain or delicate necklace would look good in the space left open by the square neckline.

In terms of style, one option is to emphasize the angular shape of the neckline with an angular necklace. This could be either a chain or a pendant.

Another alternative, though, is to use your jewelry to provide contrast. A pendant with a rounded shape can bring harmony to the neckline's open space, as can a short chunky necklace. In fact, any piece with a round curve will create balance.

The choice is yours. Both styles work well, although in different ways, with this neckline.

6. The Sweetheart Neckline

Sweetheart necklines are a romantic and curvy variation on the straight strapless dress. They provide the ideal opportunity to make a bold statement.

With this neckline, you have the chance to be bold. It is one of the few times where you can really experiment and have fun with a statement necklace. It can be large, chunky, and ready to grab all the attention.

But if you prefer something more subtle, there are other options. Either a short necklace or a collar would work well with the sweetheart neckline.

Whatever you choose, try not to over-accessorize. Choose a look, and then stick to it.

Wrapping Up What Jewelry to Wear

There you have it! Your guide to dress necklines and necklaces. Now you can accessorize any dress in your wardrobe, knowing what jewelry to wear. With t his knowledge, you can be both stylish and sophisticated.

We carry a large variety of high-quality necklaces, bracelets, and more. These pieces will allow you to upgrade your jewelry collection to one that is both luxurious and elegant.

]]> 2017-11-10T07:54:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:37:34-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Every woman needs certain staple accessories to complete everyday outfits. Here's your guide to essential jewelry for women and how to style each piece.



10 Essential Jewelry Staples Every Woman Needs

Every woman needs certain staple accessories to complete everyday outfits. Here's your guide to essential jewelry for women and how to style each piece.

Keyword(s): essential jewelry


Every woman needs a little black dress.

And if you want to feel your absolute best when you put on this dress, you need the right jewelry. That's actually true for any outfit.

To ensure you can always style your outfits exactly how you want, here are the ten essential jewelry staples you need:

1. Chunky Necklace

You reach into your closet before work and pull out a blouse. You also grab a blazer in a complementary color. While you like both items, you feel like something is missing after you put them on.

A chunky necklace is a perfect way to frame this type of outfit and tie your entire look together. Red coral is a great option for this style of necklace.

2. Teardrop Earrings

Stud earrings are great because they're refined and comfortable. But what if you want something with a little more pop? This situation is the perfect time to wear a pair of teardrop earrings.

Wearing this style of earrings will instantly enhance your outfit. You can easily create a casual or more formal look with this essential jewelry staple. Best of all, the smart design of teardrop earrings makes them very comfortable to wear.

As far as which style to choose, amber is a really great option. Amber jewelry has a unique look that's very flattering. It's also very light, which adds to the comfort of these earrings.

3. Sterling Silver Ring

While rings are a common symbol of commitment, that's just one of many ways to wear this jewelry. A great sterling silver ring will add a lot to your look whenever you wear it.

What makes sterling silver rings so appealing is all the different variations that are available. Depending on your style, a hammered ring may be the perfect piece of essential jewelry.

You may also be drawn to the look of a wire wrap ring or one with intricate details. A sterling silver ring with Roman glass can be the perfect pick for your hand. Regardless of which style grabs your eye, you can count on this piece to last.

4. Pearl Necklace

Pearl jewelry has an incredible history that dates all the way back to Ancient Greece. This bead remains part of essential jewelry thanks to its incredible luster.

This piece of jewelry is the epitome of sophistication and grace. You can even give it a modern twist by choosing a necklace that features gray or peach pearls.

5. Pearl Bracelet

A necklace isn't the only essential piece of pearl jewelry. This precious bead works perfectly with bracelets. Having both a pearl necklace and bracelet will allow you to always have the ideal complement to any outfit in your closet.

Traits of a great pearl bracelet include being made from natural Mother of Pearl Shells that are AAAA rated. Choosing a bracelet with a clasp will make it easy to always ensure the perfect fit on your wrist.

6. A Cuff is Essential Jewelry

There are times when you want your wrist to be the focal point of your outfit. A cuff is the perfect piece for these occasions. Cuffs are available in a variety of metals, shapes, and sizes.

Stacking is one of the most popular ways to style cuffs. When you stack, don't be afraid to mix sizes and styles. Doing so will create a look that's truly your own.

7. Pendant

Some outfits look best with a piece of jewelry that really stands out. Other outfits call for a more understated piece. When you have an outfit that falls into the latter category, a pendant is the perfect essential jewelry to wear.

As you start looking at different pendants, we encourage you to pay extra attention to Roman glass and abalone. Roman glass provides the opportunity to wear a piece of history.

That's because this glass comes from excavation sites in Israel that date back over two thousand years. And the incredible look of abalone is like a portal into another realm.

8. Hoop Earrings

We talked about teardrop earrings being ideal for creating a little more pop than extra. But no discussion about essential jewelry would be complete without talking about hoop earrings as well.

The great thing about this style of earrings is they make an undeniable statement. Having them in your collection means you never have to worry about an outfit being too bland.

Although there's a lot to love about these earrings, a common concern is they're going to be too heavy. That can be an issue with hoop earrings made from cheap metals.

The good news is as long as you choose hoops made from a metal like .925 sterling silver, they'll feel great. You can also consider different sizes that range from 1/16" to 1/8" and more.

9. Statement Necklace

When you're going for a casual look that's still very put together, it's hard to beat wearing a denim jacket over a great t-shirt. The only potential downside to this outfit is not standing out.

You can easily solve that issue by adding a statement necklace to this look. This type of necklace will accomplish exactly what its name implies. Then during colder months, you can easily pair a statement necklace with sweaters.

10. Amber Ring

The best pieces of essential jewelry are those that celebrate quality and luxury. A ring that pairs amber with sterling silver is exactly this kind of piece. You will feel amazing any time you slip an amber ring on your finger.

Domed ovals, chunks, squares, and teardrops are all amber shapes that work really well for rings. This gemstone also comes in beautiful green variations.

At Roma, we're proud to feature hand-picked Baltic amber in our rings. We only source the finest amber from Poland and the surrounding areas.



With over a decade of design experience and over one million pieces of our jewelry being worn around the world, shopping wehoautodetail is the perfect way to upgrade your essential jewelry collection.

Start exploring a world of timeless and luxurious jewelry by looking at essential pieces picked just for you!
