Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2022-05-30T09:00:05-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:39-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

When it comes to wearing gemstone jewelry, there are a few things you should remember. These nine tips will make a big difference.


9 Effective Tips for Wearing Gemstone Jewelry
When it comes to wearing gemstone jewelry, there are a few things you should remember. These nine tips will make a big difference.

Keyword(s): gemstone jewelry



Gemstone jewelry has been a hot topic in the fashion sphere and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere soon. Mixing and matching different types of jewelry and even different types of gemstones are right on trend in 2022.

The vast array of colors and styles of gemstones bring personality to any wardrobe. Wearing gemstones is an excellent way to express your unique, individual taste.

If you haven't dabbled in this trend yet, it's time you gave gemstone jewelry a chance. But if you're nervous about stepping out of your bland, minimalist comfort zone, don't worry. Our experts are here to guide you!

Keep reading to find out nine ways to keep your gemstone jewelry game fresh this season.

1. Stack Your Gemstone and Minimalist Rings

Minimalist stacking rings have been in vogue for seasons on end at this point - but we certainly won’t be getting tired of them any time soon. Who doesn’t relish the opportunity to wear all of their favorite rings at once?

Well, why not change up your standard ring selection by sprinkling some modest gemstone rings into your stack? Gemstones add that personality and pop of color that will set your jewelry game apart from the rest.

2. Layer Long Multi-Gemstone Necklaces

If necklaces are your preferred mode of bejeweled self-expression, trying your hand at layering can take your look to the next level.

You can layer a series of thin gold chains with a gemstone pendant for a subtler look. Or go all out and layer several gemstone-dappled necklaces together.

Aiming for something a little more unexpected? Try layering a gemstone necklace with a body chain for a stunning look that shows off your wild side.

3. Make It Bold With a Gemstone Headpiece

If you really want to turn heads, it's time to get acquainted with jewelry that's out of the ordinary.

More and more celebrities are incorporating glittering headpieces into their red carpet looks. Just last month, actress Tommy Dorfmann was seen wearing a breathtaking 200-year-old tiara to the Met Gala.

But you don't have to be in the public eye to try something bold and eye-catching. Whether pinning a gemstone brooch in your hair or going with a full headpiece is your vibe, this look works for both dress-up and casual.

Just make sure you're not crossing the line into culturally appropriative territory.

4. Showcase Your Birthstone (Or Someone Else’s!)

There’s nothing more sentimental or delightful than birthstone jewelry. Since childhood, we’ve treasured those special stones that signify the unique and special times of our births.

Or, maybe you always wished you were born in a different month (we see you November topazes!) so you could wear diamonds, rubies, or emeralds on the regular.

Make your own birthstone the focal point of your outfit with a statement piece. Or incorporate a smaller version into your everyday look. You can even wear the birthstone of a friend or loved one as a tribute. Who would most appreciate seeing their birthstone around your neck or on your finger?

The other great thing about birthstone jewelry is that it makes the perfect gift for moms, grandmothers, siblings, and close friends.

You can even design your own birthstone jewelry by embellishing the birthstone with other meaningful gemstones. Many moms enjoy collecting the birthstones of their children or other members of their families!

5. Mix and Match Minimal Gemstone Studs

Want to spruce up your daily uniform? There’s nothing more chic or easy than mixing and matching your favorite minimalist studs.

Adding in an eye-catching gemstone stud or two is a gorgeous way to incorporate a pop of color without amping up the drama too much.

6. Give Statement Rings and Earrings a Go

Getting tired of your usual outfit lineup? Forget putting money into a closet full of new clothes. A sure-fire way to give your wardrobe a make-over on a budget is to throw a bold gemstone ring or statement earrings into the mix.

You’ll achieve the wow effect you’re craving without breaking the bank. All you need to do is repurpose what you already have in your jewelry box.

The best thing about statement jewelry is that it can pair beautifully with anything from a t-shirt and jeans to formalwear! Spice up a little black dress or add intrigue to your daily duds.

7. Wear Your Statement Rings Like a Maximalist

So, you're already vibing with statement rings and want to take it to the next level? Stack those gemstone statement rings like the chic maximalist you are in your heart.

Try pairing stones from opposite ends of the color spectrum, or adorn your fingers with a gradation of complementary hues.

These days, there's no such thing as too much. Go big or go home are words to live by when it comes to 2022 jewelry trends.

8. Experiment With Color and Tone

One way to raise the stakes with your gemstone adornments is to experiment with gradations of hue and tone. An array of gemstones with subtle undertones in common is the epitome of everyday elegance.

There are many gemstones to try in a variety of hues - like sapphires, rubies, and diamonds. Many others come in a variety of ombré tones. If that's your bag, try a citrine or tourmaline gemstone in your lineup.

9. Go For Glam With Statement Gemstone Earrings

For the boldest among us, you can't go astray with statement gemstone earrings. For a glamorous night on the town, we can't imagine any look more aspirational than Jessica Chastain's 2022 Oscars look.

That rainbow sequined Gucci gown was an absolute dream paired with dripping diamond statement earrings!

More Gemstone Jewelry Trends To Groove On This Season

Whether you want to add a dramatic element to a formal look or give your everyday wear a fresh take, gemstone jewelry has something perfect in store for you.

Try a statement gemstone ring on its own, paired with a minimalist stack, or a handful of gemstone rings. Layer simple gold chains with a gemstone pendant. Whatever you do, gemstones will ensure your look is uniquely you.

For more great gemstone style trends, tips, and jewelry pieces, check out the rest of our blog!

]]> 2018-02-09T06:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:35:51-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Crystal jewelry never goes out of fashion. Find out more about these interesting baubles, where they come from and how you can get your hands on some.



Everything You Want to Know About Crystal Jewelry

Crystal jewelry never goes out of fashion. Find out more about these interesting baubles, where they come from and how you can get your hands on some.

Keyword(s): crystal jewelry


If you love gemstones as much as we do, you'd probably find it interesting that the oldest gem ever found is 4.4 billion years old!

With gems having been around since the dawn of man, it's no surprise that we are drawn to the beauty of these tiny little things. 

So with that in mind, we thought it would be fun to talk about some of the details you may not know about these beautiful "rocks" we all love so much. 

Let's dive on in.

Is There a History Behind Our Love of Crystal Jewelry?

In short, yes.

Interestingly, the word 'crystal' comes from the Greek 'Krystallos.'

It refers to a mythical ice palace where the Olympian gods resided. Not even the sun could melt this wonderous creation. This is probably why we associate crystals with being so precious - fun fact!

Plus, for as long as humans have lived we've sought to wear and use crystal jewelry.

For example, architects found beads carved out of mammoth's ivory. There were over 60,000 years old in graves located in Sungir, Russia.

Clearly, our love of crystal jewelry spans across the globe as well as the millenniums.

Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Your Favorite Crystals

Virtually all crystals and gemstones have interesting backstories. This isn't surprising when you consider how old most of them are!

Check out the below examples, and you'll get the gist of what we mean:


Did you know Swarovski crystals aren't natural gems? Instead, they're carefully crafted by humans in Austria.

In the late 1800's Daniel Swarovski created the first Swarovski diamond (lead glass crystal).
He invented the machine that creates these sparkly, precision-cut, premium-quality lead glass crystals and the Swarovski Crystal company has been producing them as the industry standard ever since.

The composition of these gems is as follows: sand, quartz, and other minerals. Yet, no one knows what these exact proportions are. This has remained a company secret for centuries!

Over the last five generations, the Swarovski family continues to craft these crystals. (With the help of their factories and employees).


For those of you who don't know, here are a few fun facts about Garnet.

  • Garnet is the birthstone for babies born in January.
  • It's also the stone used to represent the 2nd year anniversary of a married couple.
  • The word 'garnet' stems from the Latin word 'Garanatus.' This means 'seedlike' in reference to pomegranate seeds!

Just like many of the other gems listed in this article, the garnet's been around for centuries. Its uses date back as far as 3000 B.C!

Architects found beads made of garnet in the tomb of a young man. Not only is this a fascinating find (historically) but it also proves the durability of this precious stone.


Marcasite has been used for centuries, and dates as far back as the ancient Incas!
Historians state they've found items of marcasite in several Incan tombs, including jewelry.

Apparently, the Incas created reflective plate-shaped surfaces out of this gem. They used these pieces as part of a worship ritual to the Sun Gods.

Additionally, Native American shamen also used marcasite. They believed the gem to possess healing powers. They utilized this crystal to dig deeper into the patient's soul.


Hindu mythology states that moonstone's crafted from solidified moonbeams.
In addition to Hinduism, many other cultures associate this gemstone with moonlight.

Let's face it; it's plain to see why.

The internal structure of this stone shatters any light that hits it. This creates a phenomenon called 'adularescence.'

Consequently, an interesting visual effect occurs. This mimics the texture of a shining moon through scattered clouds- how awesome is that?!

Mystic Quartz

This is one of the more modern gemstones; it first appeared in the late 90's.
However, we're quick to point out that this gem is technically coated white quartz.

Therefore, it's not an official gem type. Rather, this stone is an enhanced clear quartz.

This quartz has attracted its jazzy name because of its changing colors. These look both mystical and unusual.

Typically, mystic quartz displays rainbow-themed aesthetics. However, greens, blues, and purples tend to be the most prominent.


Here are a few little trivia points about the fabulous gemstone called Amethyst.

  • It's the birthstone for babies born during February.
  • This gemstone marks the celebration of a sixth year wedding anniversary.
  • This stone has royal overtones. It's part of royal jewelry collections that span both the globe and through time.

By this we mean, the amethyst features in royal jewelry as early as ancient Egypt!

It's clearly still popular because it also forms part the British crown jewels!

In addition to this, the Amethyst holds plenty of religious significance. For example, this stone is typically worn by bishops. This is because the purple symbolizes Jesus.

How to Care for Raw Stone Jewelry

It's no surprise that raw stones need cleaning. However, if you store your jewelry away correctly, it'll reduce the amount of dust that'll build upon your precious gems.

Despite this, you'll eventually need to give your crystals a proper clean. Needless to say the rougher the surface, the more difficult it'll be to wash.

This is our advice to you if you're thinking about cleaning your jewelry:

  • First, place your precious gems under a weak stream of compressed air.
  • Then, if your crystal isn't water-soluble or porous, allow your jewelry to soak in warm water. You should add a dash of mild detergent.
  • Then, you can use a soft brush to remove any remaining dirt.

Then voila, your sparkling crystal jewelry should be shinier and brighter than ever!

Did You Enjoy This Blog Post on Crystal Jewelry?

If you enjoyed this blog post on crystal jewelry, then we're sure you'll love our other articles on our blog.

Over there we cover everything from traveling jewelry, to jewelry pieces that'll never go out of style. Enjoy!

]]> 2017-10-16T19:30:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:36:52-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Mystic quartz is one of the most stunning gemstones. Here are 8 reasons you should be rocking a mystic quartz ring as your statement accessory.


8 Reasons to Buy a Mystic Quartz Ring
Mystic quartz is one of the most stunning gemstones. Here are 8 reasons you should be rocking a mystic quartz ring as your statement accessory.

Keyword(s): mystic quartz ring


Looking for some new jewelry?

If you're after something uniquely beautiful, like nothing else in your collection, a mystic quartz ring might be just the thing you're searching for.

Mystic quartz is cut quartz which has been coated with a thin layer of metallic titanium in a process known as an azotic treatment. Before this coating is applied, the stone is completely colorless, but afterward, it creates a whole spectrum of shades.

Read on to find out why this gorgeous stone should be part of your next purchase.

Why You Should Buy a Mystic Quartz Ring

1. Dazzling Colors

With most rings you buy, you have to decide on one or two gemstones, which means you're limiting yourself to only a few colors. That's not the case with a mystic quartz ring.

One mystic quartz stone has a whole range of colors within it, and when the light hits it, it creates a kaleidoscopic effect. Most people compare it to the appearance of oil on water. No other stone can create a color combination like this one.

2. A Unique Look

A mystic quartz ring creates a look that can't be achieved with any other type of gemstone. If you wear one, you can be sure that you'll stand out from the crowd.

Like the final brush strokes on a masterpiece, it can be the finishing touch to your look that takes it to the next level. It can express not only your tastes but your personality, too.

Following the latest beauty and fashion trends is great, but building your own personalized look is even better. Mystic quartz can help you to do that. Upgrade your style with this beautiful stone, and you'll feel as good as you look.

3. Long-Lasting Beauty

Mystic quartz is very durable, as long as it's taken care of properly.

In order to maintain the unique beauty of a mystic quartz ring, it should be gently polished with a cloth from time to time. It's important to avoid using water, as it can stain the coating of the quartz. There are no meticulous storage or cleaning requirements, that's all the care it requires.

You don't have to worry about not being able to wear it in a few years time. Take care of your quartz, and its dazzling beauty will never fade.

4. Versatility

The durability of this stone also means that you can wear it in almost any kind of jewelry. Whether you want a small, subtle mystic quartz ring or an over-sized statement piece, you can have it.

This type of quartz can be cut in lots of different ways, too. It's regularly used in square, emerald, and opal cuts, but the possibilities don't end there. It works particularly well with more obscure cuts, which pair nicely with the unique colors it creates.

This wide range of colors also means you can wear it with lots of different outfits. There's no need to worry about color coding with this gem, it goes with just about any color!

It can work with any style of clothing, too. Pair it with formal wear when you're dressing to impress, with a flowing maxi dress for boho chic, or use it to dress up a casual outfit. Whatever works for you.

5. Uplifting Effects

Crystals are often held in connection to emotions and energies, and even if you're not particularly spiritual or superstitious, you might find that wearing one offers you some unique benefits.

Many believe that crystals help with healing. Quartz, in particular, is said to bring heightened spiritual awareness, encourage clarity and dispel negativity. If these are things you're looking for in your life, you might want to get yourself some mystic quartz jewelry.

6. A Conversation Starter

When you're wearing a gorgeous mystic quartz ring, it's bound to draw some attention. Something as unique and colorful as this stone won't go unnoticed for very long. This, surprisingly, can yield some great advantages for your social life.

Unique jewelry can function as conversation starters, drawing people in to compliment you on your tastes or ask where you got it from. If you learn all about mystic quartz, you can talk about its origin, how it's made and what it means, keeping the conversation going even longer.

Women often compliment each other on their jewelry, clothes or appearance as a way of starting conversations. In fact, it can be much more beneficial than a superficial ego boost. It can also open doors for networking and relationship building.

If you find it a little difficult to talk to new people, try adding some unique jewelry to your outfit next time you go out. You might be surprised how many people approach you about it!

7. Invest in Your Image

A new piece of jewelry is an investment.

A mystic quartz ring won't just upgrade your look temporarily. It's something you can wear again and again, for many years to come. That's why you'll never regret buying it.

However, if a time comes when you do want to sell it, it's classic, timeless beauty means you won't have any trouble doing so.

8. Treat Yourself

Sometimes, you just need to treat yourself.

For some women, buying a new piece of jewelry can be a reward for achieving a goal or a token by which to remember a certain time in their lives. For others, it's a well-needed pick-me-up when they're feeling low. The truth is, you don't need an excuse to buy yourself something nice.

If a brand new mystic quartz ring will make you happy, go for it. Treat yourself!

Our Mystic Collection

Now that you know all the reasons why you should decorate your digits with a mystic quartz ring, the next step is to start shopping for that perfect piece.

It's not just limited to rings, though. If you're after a bracelet, a pair of earrings, or a pendant, we can help you out with that, too. You might even want a whole set to match!

See our mystic jewelry collection and pick out your next new piece.

]]> 2017-08-14T17:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:38:18-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Used widely in designer jewelry, from necklaces to rings, this unique gem is known for its radiant rainbow coloring. But what exactly is mystic quartz?


What is Mystic Quartz?
Used widely in designer jewelry, from necklaces to rings, this unique gem is known for its radiant rainbow coloring. But what exactly is mystic quartz?

Keyword(s): mystic quartz


Mystic quartz is hard to miss with its dazzling and unique rainbow coloration. But how much do you actually know about this beautiful gemstone?

If the answer is "not a lot," you're not alone. This type of quartz jewelry is actually pretty new on the scene. But when it comes to this owning this brilliant gem, knowledge and proper care are crucial.

Read on to learn about this mystical gemstone and for some care tips that will make your jewelry last a lifetime.


What Is This Mystical Quartz?

So, what is this gemstone exactly, and what gives it that intriguing name? Let's break it down.

How It All Began

Although it has the look of a classic gem, mystic quartz is a modern addition to jewelry everywhere.

Considering that human beings started wearing jewelry around 25,000 years ago, this is a very young gemstone indeed!

In fact, we only began to see it used in jewelry around the year 1998. 

How It's Made

In its raw form, this jewelry is made from white quartz, which is found all over the world.

The United States, Russia, Uruguay, The Alps, Madagascar, and Brazil have some of the world's more prominent deposits. Quartz (which is actually a form of silicon dioxide) is chemically and physically resistant to weathering.

Quartz can be found in sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rock forms. But you won't find the finished product of this mystic variety in nature. It is, in fact, an enhanced gemstone.

So, how can you create the stunning rainbow effect which we see in mystic quartz?

First, the raw and natural white quartz is cleaned, cut, and then coated with a very thin layer of metallic titanium. This titanium is bonded with the quartz on a molecular level.

What Makes It Mystic

Mystic quartz is named so because of its brilliant and mystifying coloration. It can capture almost every color of the rainbow at once. Purples, blues, and greens are often the most noticeable colors in this gem.

People often describe the visual effect of this type of quartz as "kaleidoscopic" or like "oil on water."

Cut and Color

The options and varieties for cut and color are endless! Here are the details.

Luster and Clarity

As we know, this mystical gem boasts a prismatic color effect that appears to be ever-changing.

It is important that only the highest quality raw white quartz should be used in the production of this gemstone. The quality of the clarity and luster of the gem itself, not the coating, will yield the most glorious results.

Shape and Cut

This type of quartz jewelry can be fashioned into any shape or size.

This quartz is seen in emerald cuts, opal cuts, square cuts, pear cuts, heart cuts, and pretty much any other cut you can imagine. We even see this gem in diamond and concave cuts. These are quite unique and show off the stone's uncommon attributes.

Types of Jewelry

Whether it be rings, statement necklaces, earrings, or bracelets, mystic quartz knows no boundaries. Big or small, you can place a mystic quartz stone in any type of jewelry you desire!

Similar Gemstones

Mystic topaz, also known as "Azotic topaz," is sometimes confused with mystic quartz.

Mystic topaz is made from a colorless topaz that is coated using the same process and therefore has a similar visual effect.

This topaz jewelry usually has a pinkish, yellowish color.

How to Care for Mystic Quartz Jewelry

Without proper care, mystic quartz's titanium coating could sustain damage and lose its luster. Here's how to prevent that from happening. 

Because the titanium layer atop the white quartz is deposited only in one thin layer, gentleness is necessary when handling and cleaning this gem.

What to Avoid

Stay away from these things when wearing or handling mystic quartz:

-Abrasive materials

Even if these materials don't remove the film, they may scratch the surface of your gem, affecting the clarity and brilliance.

-Ultrasonic cleaners

These cleaners may use a pickling solution that will damage the surface of the stone.


These will damage the surface of your quartz as well.


High temperatures may dull the intensity of the color in your gemstone.

-Physical activity

Whether you're swimming or doing chores around the house, it's best to put your jewelry in a safe place during times of activity to avoid damage.

-Chlorine or bleach

Using these to clean your quartz will dull its shine.

How to Clean Your Mystic Gem

If it's safe for pearls or opals, then it's safe for your mystic jewelry.

If you don't have a specific jewelry cleaner, you can use a mixture of mild soap and water to rinse over the stone. Windex is also safe to use with a lint-free cloth.

Proper Storage

How you store these jewelry pieces is an important part of prolonging their life and luster.

These quartz pieces should be kept in a soft cloth bag, or a jewelry box that is lined with fabric. Make sure that these pieces don't bump against others, as scratching and damage could occur.

How Long It Will Last

Because this type of jewelry is enhanced with a coating, it might seem like the hues and intensity are but a fleeting beauty.

This is not the case!

As we already know, quartz is very durable. If you follow the tips in this article and clean your quartz gently, you will have no need to replace these jewelry pieces.

There You Have It

This uncommonly colored and mesmerizing gemstone is unique in both its array of visual intensities and its supreme versatility.

And now that you know more about it and how to care for it, you can ensure that it will have a lifelong place in your jewelry collection.


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