Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2022-07-18T09:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:33-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Can you mix silver and gold jewelry, or is it a big fashion faux pas? Get our thoughts and a few suggestions on mixing metals in this guide!



Faux Pas or Fabulous? The Art of Mixing Silver and Gold Jewelry

Can you mix silver and gold jewelry, or is it a big fashion faux pas? Get our thoughts and a few suggestions on mixing metals in this guide!

Keyword(s): silver and gold jewelry



Since the average woman owns about $7000 worth of jewelry, you likely have a lot of pieces that you like to wear regularly. If you feel that unspoken rules about mixing silver and gold jewelry are stopping you, we have good news: you don't need to let this hold you back.

Here, we're going to talk about whether wearing gold with silver is a mistake... or whether it's en vogue. Read on to learn some facts about mixing metals and some jewelry trends that will make you look amazing.

The Verdict on Mixing Metals

Before we can get into the nitty-gritty on how to wear silver and gold jewelry together, it's important to clarify that this isn't a fashion faux pas. In fact, it's an awesome way to express yourself!

Many people are hesitant to mix metals, so pairing differently-hued jewelry makes your wardrobe unique. People don't see others wearing gold with silver often, so you'll immediately stand out and be interesting. This is a great way to meet other fashion-forward people and strike up a conversation.

Wearing silver jewelry with gold pieces is also awesome because it brings out the best in both metals. Rather than clashing, the light hue of sterling silver or white gold can bring out the more nuanced colors of yellow or rose gold. On the flip side, colored metals can soften the sharp gleam of silver and create an even aesthetic.

The Main Jewelry Regions

Mixing metals is best done by considering the four central jewelry regions of the human body. The first is made up of your neck and chest, where you'll wear chokers and necklaces of all shapes and sizes. The other upper jewelry region, your ears, is the site of studs, hoops, and dangling earrings.

Your wrists and fingers are the 3rd and 4th jewelry regions to consider. This is where you'll wear awesome bracelets and bangles as well as rings.

Consider the placement of your jewelry across these four regions. One option is to group pieces of the same metal in each region. For example, you may only wear rose-gold necklaces at the same time as only boasting sterling silver bracelets.

You can also go the complete opposite route and strive for balance across multiple regions. For example, you might wear one rose gold necklace and one white gold one... while wearing rose gold and white gold bangles on one wrist. This is a great way to create a chic look and wear all of the different pieces you like in a symmetrical and cohesive way.

Layer, Layer, and Layer Some More

Layering is a great fashion choice when it comes to apparel. You can add and remove different garmets to create a style motif or specific color scheme. Layering is also one of the best ways to mix and match jewelry so you can show off multiple metals at once.

For example, you can wear three necklaces- two made from sterling silver, the third yellow-gold. Assuming that you put the gold one in between the other two, the layering will create balance within your neck region.

You also can layer bracelets and stacker rings. If you layered necklaces in the above way, you could create even more balance by putting a silver bracelet in between two yellow-gold ones. This would create a sort of cross-region symmetry and look awesome. 

Use Multi-Toned Pieces

Some pieces come with multiple tones in and of themselves. These pieces are sometimes called "bridge jewelry" because they create a bridge between the different types of metal that you want to wear. They aren't just beautiful but create harmony between other metals that you might want to mix.

Our 3-ring necklace is a gorgeous bridge piece that features yellow-gold, rose-gold, and (silver) rhodium on the same subtle chain. This chain is also made up of all three metals for internal balance.

When you boast this gorgeous bridge piece, you have leave to wear any other pieces you want. They'll always match one of the rings on your necklace. Since your necklace is balanced as a single piece, this means that you can't clash when you wear jewelry that matches any ring.

Create Motifs

Let's say that you want to wear a pair of rose-gold earrings, a yellow-gold necklace, and a sterling silver bangle. This might seem like a lot, and it definitely could clash if you're not careful.

If you want to create visual appeal by adding different color but don't have any specific pieces in mind, creating a motif is a great way to make all of your pieces fit seamlessly together.

For example, you could put small metal heart or floral charms on each of the pieces. This draws them together by showcasing the same shape across different metals. You also could mix and match metals on pieces that boast classy Swarovski crystals. This is a great way to draw your jewelry together.

Buy Beautiful wehoautodetail Jewelry Today

While you may worry that mixing silver and gold jewelry is a fashion don't, this is far from the case. In fact, it's a fun and unique way to spruce up your wardrobe and create a modern, appealing flair. Of course, in order to look amazing, it's important to get the pieces that you need to create this aesthetic.

wehoautodetail is committed to providing you with high-quality pieces at a low price. We offer the finest materials including sterling silver and multiple varieties of shining gold. Shop our new arrivals to get some classic silver and gold jewelry that you can mix and match.

]]> 2022-06-20T09:00:07-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:35-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Can you wear gold and silver jewelry at the same time? The short answer to that question is yes, but there are a few rules you need to know. Keep reading below!



Can You Wear Gold and Silver Jewelry at the Same Time?

Can you wear gold and silver jewelry at the same time? The short answer to that question is yes, but there are a few rules you need to know. Keep reading below!

Keyword(s): gold and silver jewelry



If you're like the average woman and own $7000 worth of jewelry, you likely have trouble deciding what you want to wear each day. You likely have different pieces that you want to pair up, but fear clashing too much. How much can you get away with?

Here, we're going to talk about whether or not you can wear your favorite gold and silver jewelry together. Read on to learn why matching metals is in and how you can create an awesome look using all your favorite pieces!

Can You Wear Gold and Silver Jewelry Together?

Short answer: yes.

You can definitely mix and match gold jewelry with silver pieces! This is true regardless of what type of gold you prefer. Silver is a neutral-look metal and won't clash with rose or yellow gold (despite looking the most similar to white gold).

However, wearing both gold and silver at once can look lopsided when you place your favorite pieces incorrectly. You need to aim for balance in the number of pieces that you wear with each metal.

If you wear a ton of silver jewelry with one large gold statement necklace, you'll look awkward. Instead, wear that same gold necklace with a pair of matching-metal earrings and a ton of silver bracelets.

This will make you look more balanced and even for a cohesive aesthetic. Mixing and matching metals evenly is an important concept, so try to get as close as possible to an even number of gold vs silver pieces.

Understand the Four Jewelry Regions

Most women wear jewelry in four visible areas across the body. They are:

  • The neck/chest (chokers and necklaces)
  • The wrist (bracelets and bangles)
  • The ears (earrings, including studs, hoops, and dangling styles)
  • The fingers (rings of varying thicknesses, metals, and colors)

These areas constitute the four central jewelry regions.

Some people also like ankle bracelets. This constitutes a fifth central jewelry region for these individuals.

You don't always need to wear jewelry in all these locations, but you can! When you do, though, consider the placement of each piece. If you're mixing and matching metals, you might want to do so within a single region.

For example, you might create balance in the neck/chest region by wearing an even number of necklaces in each metal. One silver necklace will look great with one gold one (or even two gold necklaces if the silver one is in the center). However, it will look weird if you have one silver necklace and 3+ gold ones.

You also can mix metals with similar sizes and textures throughout multiple regions. This creates motifs across the entirety of your outfit and looks amazing.

Choose Mixed-Metal Pieces for Smooth Transitions

Some gorgeous pieces already are mixed metal on their own. These pieces are designed with both silver and gold for an internally-complex yet consistent look.

This is a tried-and-true way to even out your look. In fact, mixed-metal necklaces, rings, and bracelets are often called "bridge pieces!" They serve as a bridge between the two types of jewelry you want to wear.

One example of this would be a necklace with a charm that is made from sterling silver threaded around a gold chain. Some rings and bracelets are made with two bands woven together that are made from different metals. You may even find earrings that feature silver designs on one ear and gold designs on the other- after all, asymmetry is in!

These pieces work well on their own. However, they also might serve as transitional pieces for those looking to wear both gold and silver pieces at once. You can wear them in between a gold and silver piece to seamlessly move between them. This creates an effortless balance, especially if you're looking to wear an odd number of items within one jewelry region.

Don't Overdo It

Many people try to wear tons of pieces at the same time. They want to show off all of their favorite jewelry at once. Unfortunately, this often means a lot of clashing in addition to a lopsided or top-heavy aesthetic.

If you're trying to wear more than one ring at a time, for example, don't overdo the quantity. Don't wear more than 2-3 rings at a time, especially on the same finger. Your chances of clashing decrease when you're subtle and sophisticated.

Make sure that every piece you select is intentional and seamlessly integrates into the bigger picture of your outfit. For example, if you really want to wear a gold bangle with 4 silver bracelets, you'll need to throw on a pair of gold earrings and a golden necklace. This makes it look purposeful and well-thought-through.

Match Style (Rather Than Metal Shade)

There are tons of different jewelry styles as well as multiple types of metal. Because of this, a gold necklace may actually match perfectly with a pair of silver earrings.

But how is this true?

If you have a pair of silver dangling earrings that have a small rose at the end, it won't just match with other silver pieces. It also will match with any piece that features that same tiny rose. You might be able to pair it with a gold necklace that features the same floral charm, creating a theme throughout your jewelry.

Keeping style in mind when choosing your jewelry is critical because it lets you mix and match things that you previously would have not thought possible.

Pair Gorgeous Silver and Gold Jewelry Together Today

While many people think that gold and silver jewelry need to be kept separate, this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, it's advantageous to mix and match metals. It creates a more complex, layered look that stands out in a unique and gorgeous way.

Now that you know the basics of mixing silver and gold jewelry, it's time to begin sprucing up your wardrobe with modern and classic pieces. wehoautodetail is committed to providing every woman with affordable luxury and infinite ways to look amazing. Shop our new arrivals to buy gorgeous gold and silver pieces to pair with one another.

]]> 2022-06-13T09:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:37-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

An anklet can add an extra touch that pulls an entire outfit together. Here's how to style an anklet with your summer fashion!



How to Style an Anklet With Your Summer Fashion

An anklet can add an extra touch that pulls an entire outfit together. Here's how to style an anklet with your summer fashion!

Keyword(s): anklet



Ankle bracelets, also known as anklets, have been around since before the 7th century. These unique pieces of jewelry wrap around the ankle, similar to the way bracelets go around the wrist. 

Anklets have survived centuries of trends due to their versatility, allowing them to maintain their stronghold on fashion (especially in India). 

Even today, ankle bracelets are a popular jewelry item in many outfits. But their versatility can make it hard for anklet wearers to know the best ways to style them. 

If you need help discovering unique ways to wear an anklet, you're in luck! Everything you need to know about styling an ankle bracelet is waiting below. 

Pair Your Anklet With Heels 

Summer is the perfect time for beach parties and balls. Use the opportunity to pair your anklet with a set of simple heels. The subtle piece of jewelry will add a refreshing pop of glam to your outfit without overpowering the look. 

Plus, anklets can stand on their own when your feet need a break from dancing in heels. You can pair anklets with strapless and strappy heels, just make sure the piece can stand out against the shoe. 

A gold anklet works well with dark colors like black, navy, and maroon. Gold also blends nicely with darker skin and white shoe options. Summer often adds a natural tan to the skin, making gold the perfect option for vacation dinner parties. 

If you prefer to wear heel colors such as olive green, light pink, pastel purple, or yellow, a sterling silver anklet is the best option to compliment your style. Silver looks best next to lighter skin tones, allowing sun-sensitive individuals to add a little bling to their finest shoes as well. 

Pair Your Anklets With Sandals

Sandals are another great shoe option for showing off your anklet. When you wear flip-flops and other sandals, your ankle is completely out. There is no strap or awkward sock to work around. 

With these minor inconveniences out of the way, your ankle bracelet will be the center of attention. If you have a charmed anklet, the openness of sandals will allow the charm to shine. 

Looking to go the extra mile? Match your pedicure to your staple/favorite anklet. The little detail will steal the show. 

Pair Your Anklet With Summer Sneakers

If you like to wear your sneakers year-round, your anklet can still tag along. Sporting low-top canvas sneakers or tennis shoes will allow your anklet to rest directly above the shoe. 

Because your sneakers will cover a portion of your ankle, avoid wearing charmed anklets with sneakers. 

Instead, select a simple ankle bracelet to pair with your shoes. A chain-like anklet with a small herringbone or one with a heart-shaped pattern is a great option for this look.

If you want to enhance the small details on your anklet, match it with similar jewelry. Earrings with the same pattern or color will provide a more up-close and personal view of the anklet's details. Matching bracelets or necklaces will also achieve this effect. 

Stack Your Anklets During Your Beach Trip

Just like bracelets, anklets can be worn individually or in pairs. Layering anywhere from 2 to 4 ankle bracelets on top of each other can create a unique statement. 

Choose colorful anklets to show off your fun personality, or stack classic metallic colors for a more mature approach.

Anklet layering is also the perfect way to show off any custom pieces you own. Place the custom piece between two plain chain anklets to make it pop. If you don't have a personalized ankle bracelet to add to your stack, take the same layering approach with a charmed or beaded anklet. 

This layering technique is one of the best ways to add style to your beach trip. Since a lot of your time will be spent barefoot, your anklets will be on full display for everyone on the beach. 

Anklets also clasp to themselves, making them a secure jewelry option for the beach. You can dip your toes into the ocean without worrying about losing your valuables. 

Take Advantage of Shorts Season 

Summertime calls for shorts, bikini bottoms, skirts, dresses, and more shorts. As long as your legs are exposed, consider the season's fashion as an excuse to show off your anklet collection. 

You can wear an ankle bracelet with most summer bottoms, as long as your ankles are exposed. For example, bring the eye to your ankles by matching your ankle bracelet to your shirt. When paired with denim jeans, the anklet will give an organized appearance to a casual outfit.

Anklets will also add a pop of color to a monochromatic outfit. The jewelry piece will subtly break up the shade without overpowering the look. 

Pairing an anklet with your favorite summer skirt is another way to make the best of your shorter bottoms. Skirts often give off a light and feminine feel. Wearing a dainty linked anklet can only add to the feeling. 

For best results, match any additional jewelry to your ankle bracelet to evenly distribute the eye's attention. If a piece of jewelry doesn't match the rest, it can distract from the rest of the look. 

Looking for a Luxury Anklet? 

If you're looking for a timeless luxury anklet to wear this summer, shop our selection at wehoautodetail. We provide our customers with an extensive line of luxury jewelry at a fraction of the price. 

Visit our website to learn more about our company, read customer testimonials, or view our collection of quality anklets for women.

]]> 2022-05-30T09:00:05-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:39-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

When it comes to wearing gemstone jewelry, there are a few things you should remember. These nine tips will make a big difference.


9 Effective Tips for Wearing Gemstone Jewelry
When it comes to wearing gemstone jewelry, there are a few things you should remember. These nine tips will make a big difference.

Keyword(s): gemstone jewelry



Gemstone jewelry has been a hot topic in the fashion sphere and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere soon. Mixing and matching different types of jewelry and even different types of gemstones are right on trend in 2022.

The vast array of colors and styles of gemstones bring personality to any wardrobe. Wearing gemstones is an excellent way to express your unique, individual taste.

If you haven't dabbled in this trend yet, it's time you gave gemstone jewelry a chance. But if you're nervous about stepping out of your bland, minimalist comfort zone, don't worry. Our experts are here to guide you!

Keep reading to find out nine ways to keep your gemstone jewelry game fresh this season.

1. Stack Your Gemstone and Minimalist Rings

Minimalist stacking rings have been in vogue for seasons on end at this point - but we certainly won’t be getting tired of them any time soon. Who doesn’t relish the opportunity to wear all of their favorite rings at once?

Well, why not change up your standard ring selection by sprinkling some modest gemstone rings into your stack? Gemstones add that personality and pop of color that will set your jewelry game apart from the rest.

2. Layer Long Multi-Gemstone Necklaces

If necklaces are your preferred mode of bejeweled self-expression, trying your hand at layering can take your look to the next level.

You can layer a series of thin gold chains with a gemstone pendant for a subtler look. Or go all out and layer several gemstone-dappled necklaces together.

Aiming for something a little more unexpected? Try layering a gemstone necklace with a body chain for a stunning look that shows off your wild side.

3. Make It Bold With a Gemstone Headpiece

If you really want to turn heads, it's time to get acquainted with jewelry that's out of the ordinary.

More and more celebrities are incorporating glittering headpieces into their red carpet looks. Just last month, actress Tommy Dorfmann was seen wearing a breathtaking 200-year-old tiara to the Met Gala.

But you don't have to be in the public eye to try something bold and eye-catching. Whether pinning a gemstone brooch in your hair or going with a full headpiece is your vibe, this look works for both dress-up and casual.

Just make sure you're not crossing the line into culturally appropriative territory.

4. Showcase Your Birthstone (Or Someone Else’s!)

There’s nothing more sentimental or delightful than birthstone jewelry. Since childhood, we’ve treasured those special stones that signify the unique and special times of our births.

Or, maybe you always wished you were born in a different month (we see you November topazes!) so you could wear diamonds, rubies, or emeralds on the regular.

Make your own birthstone the focal point of your outfit with a statement piece. Or incorporate a smaller version into your everyday look. You can even wear the birthstone of a friend or loved one as a tribute. Who would most appreciate seeing their birthstone around your neck or on your finger?

The other great thing about birthstone jewelry is that it makes the perfect gift for moms, grandmothers, siblings, and close friends.

You can even design your own birthstone jewelry by embellishing the birthstone with other meaningful gemstones. Many moms enjoy collecting the birthstones of their children or other members of their families!

5. Mix and Match Minimal Gemstone Studs

Want to spruce up your daily uniform? There’s nothing more chic or easy than mixing and matching your favorite minimalist studs.

Adding in an eye-catching gemstone stud or two is a gorgeous way to incorporate a pop of color without amping up the drama too much.

6. Give Statement Rings and Earrings a Go

Getting tired of your usual outfit lineup? Forget putting money into a closet full of new clothes. A sure-fire way to give your wardrobe a make-over on a budget is to throw a bold gemstone ring or statement earrings into the mix.

You’ll achieve the wow effect you’re craving without breaking the bank. All you need to do is repurpose what you already have in your jewelry box.

The best thing about statement jewelry is that it can pair beautifully with anything from a t-shirt and jeans to formalwear! Spice up a little black dress or add intrigue to your daily duds.

7. Wear Your Statement Rings Like a Maximalist

So, you're already vibing with statement rings and want to take it to the next level? Stack those gemstone statement rings like the chic maximalist you are in your heart.

Try pairing stones from opposite ends of the color spectrum, or adorn your fingers with a gradation of complementary hues.

These days, there's no such thing as too much. Go big or go home are words to live by when it comes to 2022 jewelry trends.

8. Experiment With Color and Tone

One way to raise the stakes with your gemstone adornments is to experiment with gradations of hue and tone. An array of gemstones with subtle undertones in common is the epitome of everyday elegance.

There are many gemstones to try in a variety of hues - like sapphires, rubies, and diamonds. Many others come in a variety of ombré tones. If that's your bag, try a citrine or tourmaline gemstone in your lineup.

9. Go For Glam With Statement Gemstone Earrings

For the boldest among us, you can't go astray with statement gemstone earrings. For a glamorous night on the town, we can't imagine any look more aspirational than Jessica Chastain's 2022 Oscars look.

That rainbow sequined Gucci gown was an absolute dream paired with dripping diamond statement earrings!

More Gemstone Jewelry Trends To Groove On This Season

Whether you want to add a dramatic element to a formal look or give your everyday wear a fresh take, gemstone jewelry has something perfect in store for you.

Try a statement gemstone ring on its own, paired with a minimalist stack, or a handful of gemstone rings. Layer simple gold chains with a gemstone pendant. Whatever you do, gemstones will ensure your look is uniquely you.

For more great gemstone style trends, tips, and jewelry pieces, check out the rest of our blog!

]]> 2022-05-23T09:00:04-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:41-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Having the right rings can really complete your look. This guide has some of our best tips on how to wear multiple rings at once.



How to Wear Multiple Rings at Once: A Style Guide

Having the right rings can really complete your look. This guide has some of our best tips on how to wear multiple rings at once.

Keyword(s): how to wear multiple rings



Did you know that the luxury jewelry industry is worth over $21 billion?

It isn't hard to understand why. If you've got a bit of disposable income, there's no reason you shouldn't start wearing jewelry to match your lifestyle. Wearing rings, in particular, is a great way to show off your style.

But what about styling rings when you want to wear more than one at a time? There's a way to do it, and we're going to show you right here.

Keep reading to learn how to wear multiple rings.

Wear Two or Three Rings

Who says styling rings have to happen one finger at a time? Shake things up by wearing a few types of rings on the same finger.

Styling rings on the same finger looks best when they're made of the same metal. If you have a quirky style, though, feel free to mix and match metals like gold and silver.

The key to mixing metals is to make sure they balance each other out. It should make sense in the grand scheme of your outfit, including other jewelry.

If you really want to wear that rose gold ring with the rest of your gold jewelry, for example, throw on some rose gold earrings to tie the outfit together. It'll make more sense and will look more intentional.

Other than figuring out which color rings you want to style together, figure out the type of rings you want to wear. In other words, pair some chunky rings with delicate rings. Or, pair smooth rings with rings that have curves or textures.

Lastly, consider buying a few midi rings. These types of rings are worn above the higher joint of your finger.

Before you do that, you need to figure out your ring size. Your midi ring should be at least three sizes smaller than your regular ring size.

You may not want to wear multiple rings on your pinky finger, though. We suggest this because you won't have as much freedom to move, and your fingers might look too stubby. 

Wear Multiple Rings on One Hand

Not a fan of wearing jewelry on the same finger? There are ways for styling rings that match your fashion sense.

Another way is wearing rings across all five fingers. Now that you've already played around with a few cute ring combinations, you'll need to select which fingers will wear the rings.

Here are a few finger and ring combinations that we recommend:

  • Pointer and ring finger
  • Thumb, pointer, and ring finger
  • Thumb and middle finger
  • Thumb and ring finger
  • Thumb, pointer finger, and middle finger
  • Middle finger and pinky
  • Thumb, pointer finger, and pinky

Notice that we don't include any combination of rings worn on adjacent fingers.

While you are certainly free to do so, the rings will likely chafe together and wear down over time. You may also find their proximity distracting as you go about your daily activities.

This is a bigger issue for thicker or chunkier rings. You may feel comfortable wearing rings next to each other if they are thin and dainty enough.

As for colors, we still recommend matching metals. Again, you can get a little wild or creative with it, but you don't want rings to subtract from your whole outfit.

Wear Multiple Rings on Both Hands

Now that you know how to wear multiple rings on one hand, let's talk about wearing rings on both hands. Generally speaking, the same rules apply. 

However, our best tip is to not overdo it. Sometimes, less is more. Wearing six or ten rings across both hands may be fun, but it may undo what you're trying to accomplish with your whole look.

It may be okay for a casual, boho look, but if your aim is class and elegance, keep it simple. "Less is more" when it comes to wearing jewelry that emulates effortless beauty.

This is why it's also important to avoid cheap jewelry. A lot of cheap rings contain copper, which is the material that turns your fingers green.

This happens because the copper is coming into contact with either your skin, or traces of products on your skin. These may be soap, lotion, and other cosmetic products.

While there are methods of preventing this reaction, it's easier to shop for types of rings that contain higher quality materials. These include pure gold, pure silver, stainless steel, and platinum.

Unlike rings made of copper, they won't get discolored or wear out as easily.

Add Meaning

We've given you a few ideas on how to wear multiple rings, but there's more to it than simply layering the best rings from your collection. It goes even deeper than your style and personal preference.

Styling rings should tell a story about who you are. For example, you probably won't wear a ring on the fourth finger of your left hand if you're not married (although, you can if you want!).

Think too of birthstones. There's no rulebook that says you can only wear the birthstone from your birth month, but doing so will add extra meaning. There are also certain characteristics that correlate to each birthstone. 

If you aren't sure about your birthstone or the qualities it represents, it's definitely worth looking into. It will also be a conversation starter for anyone who notices your ring!

How to Wear Multiple Rings

It's never too late to up your fashion game by investing in the best rings for your style. It's easy to get bored by wearing rings that you've had for a long time, or that don't match your aesthetic anymore.

Luckily, styling is simple when you have several types of rings to choose from. We hope this guide has been helpful in teaching you how to wear multiple rings at once.

Ready to see the best rings online? Click here to shop our selection. 

]]> 2022-05-09T09:00:02-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:46-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

When you meet the parents of your significant other, you want to make a good first impression. Here are outfit ideas with jewelry accessories for the occasion.



9 Outfit Ideas to Meet the Parents of Your Significant Other

When you meet the parents of your significant other, you want to make a good first impression. Here are outfit ideas with jewelry accessories for the occasion.

Keyword(s): meet the parents



There are several great tips for impressing your significant other's parents. One of the first ways to do so is to dress appropriately. It's not uncommon to feel a bit hesitant or nervous before meeting with your boyfriend's parents or girlfriend's parents. 

You've chosen this man/woman to be your partner in life and in doing so, you also choose their family. It's important to you that you make a good first impression and want to dress accordingly. If you don't meet the parents of various significant others on a regular basis (as many people don't), then it's expected for you to feel uncertain about what to wear. 

Thankfully, the guide below lists several outfit ideas and jewelry ideas ideal for meeting with the parents for the first time. Continue reading below to learn more and start preparing some outfit options!

1. Floral Dress With Red Coral Necklaces 

Wearing a floral dress is a great outfit idea when meeting with the parents. You don't have to wait until the spring or summer to do so either. You can find floral dresses in style for every season! 

This option will give off welcoming and warm energy to ensure the parents like you. You can then pair the dress with a red coral necklace to play off any tones of red in your dress. Don't forget to find a matching purse and a pair of flats to complete the look. 

2. A Lace Knit Top With Neutral Colors and a Silver Necklace

A lace knit top is beautiful and sophisticated while still remaining simple enough to meet with the parents. Because the top is a lace knit top, you want to wear something underneath it. The shirt you choose to wear under it should be a neutral color to prevent coming across as too flashy or loud. 

You can also consider a lace knit sweater. Pair these tops with a silver necklace.

3. Choose Nude Clothing Colors With Colorful Earrings

Nude clothing colors are ideal when meeting with the parents because they help keep things simple and presentable. For example, you can wear a nude dress or a nude top and shorts or a skirt. Keeping your outfit simple is a great way to impress them. 

Don't feel discouraged, however, if you want to show some color. Pair your nude clothing with colorful earrings to give that pop of color you're wanting. 

4. A Pleated Dress With a Jacket and Pendant Necklace

Pleated dresses are stylish and classy. Choose a plain color and simple shade such as blush pink, blue, olive green, or red. Be sure to choose a dress that isn't too short. 

Right at the knees or longer is ideal. Pair the dress with flats and a cute jacket for a warm and welcoming look. To complete the outfit, consider a pendant necklace

5. A Lace Dress With Neutral Accessories and Ankle-High Boots

Don't have a pleated dress? No worries! A great alternative to a pleated dress is a lace dress with neutral accessories. 

This is a great way to give off a sophisticated appearance, especially when choosing a white or cream color dress. Choose ankle-high boots and some neutral accessories. To complete the entire look, choose one statement piece such as a pearl sterling silver bracelet. 

6. Jeans, a Dress Shirt, and a Jewelry Statement Piece

Who said you can't wear jeans to meet the future in-laws? Jeans can be a great choice, as long as you know what to pair them with. If you're someone who prefers to wear jeans over a dress, then don't hesitate to do so. 

Match the jeans with a jacket over a neutral top or dress shirt. Choose neutral flats or heels depending on your style. Then, select a jewelry statement piece to tie it all together. 

7. A Trench Coat With Nude Pants and a Stunning Ring

During late fall or winter, you can consider wearing a trench coat with a pair of nude pants. Wear a black shirt under the trench coat and bring it together with a scarf. Do your best not to mix too many colors, even when it comes to your jewelry. 

Flats are a great shoe option for this outfit and will help you stay stylish, warm, and comfortable. 

8. Your Little Black Dress With a Gorgeous Anklet

Your little black dress has saved you on numerous occasions and this is another one. You can wear it when meeting the parents because it's fashionable yet modest. You just want to be sure the dress isn't too short. 

Wear a pair of flats with it and one piece of jewelry that'll act as a statement piece. Because the dress is black, any color will match well, even a simple gold piece. 

9. Little Makeup, Flats, and Beautiful Jewelry

There are many great outfit selections to choose from when meeting your significant other's parents. No matter what outfit you choose to wear, there are a few rules to keep in mind. Try not to overdo it with the makeup, stick to flats when possible, and always shine in some beautiful jewelry. 

You can find many stunning earrings, bracelets, rings, and necklaces for the occasion. 

Are You Prepared to Meet the Parents of Your Significant Other? 

New relationships aren't always easy. They come with hurdles, challenges, and many awkward situations to overcome. When it's time to meet the parents, make things a little bit easier by knowing what to wear. 

Use all of the helpful outfit ideas listed above to help you get started. Then, to find the best designer jewelry pieces to match your outfit, browse through our collections today. 

]]> 2022-05-02T09:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:48-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Pearls add a casual elegance to any outfit, but they’re often associated with formal looks. Here’s how to wear pearls with casual outfits.



How to Wear Pearls With Casual Outfits

Pearls add a casual elegance to any outfit, but they’re often associated with formal looks. Here’s how to wear pearls with casual outfits.

Keyword(s): wear pearls



Pearls are back.

We're not talking about your grandma's string of pearls reserved for special events. Today women are getting creative with the way they wear pearls.

Street style influencers are dawning everyday pearls-no matter the occasion. From pearl earrings to pearl chokers, it's an easy way to add a touch of elegance to the most casual look.

Want to learn how to accessorize with pearls for your everyday style? We have five timeless outfit ideas listed for you below. Continue reading for the glam!

1. Pearl Choker + Matching Sweatsuit

If you want to channel old Hollywood glamour without looking old, a pearl choker is the way to go. A pearl choker will generally be about 14-16 inches long. 

A choker is a convenient style for every day. The short length makes it perfect for running errands, or athleisure activities. This is because the length keeps the necklace out of the way- making it a great choice for those who lead an active lifestyle.

It is elegant, elongates the neck, and is a super-versatile piece of jewelry that can easily be dressed down. One of our favorite ways to wear a pearl choker is with a two-piece set. 

This can be a matching tracksuit. Or it can be a two-piece silk set or linen set. To look polished, we recommend keeping the outfit monochrome and only sticking to one piece of jewelry. 

One-piece will keep the outfit classic and draw the eye in on the choker. 

2. Pearl Earrings + Sundress

We love this pairing for a casual yet romantic look. A long summer maxi dress paired with a large, bold pearl earring is ultra-feminine and laid back.

You can create contrast by picking a pearl earring encrusted in gold detailing. Let the earrings take center stage and avoid mixing in any other jewelry. 

You can play around with different colored pearls depending on the color and print of your sundress. If wearing yellow, a white pearl with a gold accent like these is a great complement. 

3. Pearl Anklet + Vacationwear

Anklets are a fun and playful summer must-have! To maintain comfort, try to wear a daintier "barely there" style anklet. It's youthful to pair an anklet with some flat sneakers and colorful clothes. 

Going for a bike stroll or late-night picnic? You can wear a pearl anklet with khakis, flip flops, and your favorite summer top for the perfect ensemble. Pearl anklets are a great way to say "I'm classic, but a bit daring!"

4. Drop Pearl Necklace + The (Casual) Little Black Dress

Own a casual little black dress? Or maybe your favorite clothing color is black? We won't scold you for shunning color, we'll just tell you how to amplify that outfit with some stunning pearls!

A drop pearl necklace is a short necklace with a long hanging pendant or string of pearls. It is the epitome of elegance, and there are a few ways to wear it casually for that smart sophisticated look.

If you own a basic black dress you can pair a pearl drop necklace and some simple black sandals. This will channel Audrey Hepburn's Breakfast at Tiffany's but with a modern and casual vibe. 

Another great way to create this pairing is by wearing an all-black outfit. Make sure every component of the outfit is black! This included accessories like a handbag or sunglasses. 

A great idea is a black crew neck t-shirt with black denim and black cat-eye sunglasses. You can then add a long string of pearls tied tightly around your neck. 

Keeping everything black isolates the pearls. This helps the pearls stand out and be the cherry on top of your outfit! 

5. Pearl Hand Jewelry + White Tee Shirt and Jeans

We've discussed necklaces, anklets, and earrings. What we haven't discussed yet is pearls for your hands. Sticking with the t-shirt and jeans theme, we will tell you how you can wear the iconic white t-shirt and jeans with pearls. 

How do you accessorize with pearl bracelets and rings? Well, the options are endless, there are so many pearl bracelets to pick from! Bracelets are a more classic option.

You can get a simple string of pearls. The size you pick will have a significant impact on the styling capabilities. If you want more drama you can pick from colored pink or gray pearls. Or you can go for a Masami pearl bracelet with XL size pearls for a retro vibe.

Rings are also great hand jewelry. They have the power to add volumes to your outfit and give it personality. If you want a mix of feminine and edginess, you can opt for an engraved pearl ring

Although we recommend keeping things simple with just one piece of jewelry at a time, the small size of rings makes them better for layering. Pair a matching ring with a matching bracelet or mix and match a few of your favorite rings!

A white t-shirt and jeans are the perfect canvas for you to wear pearls! 

Wear Pearls Any Day

Every day is a good day to wear pearls. 

Pearls just have this magic ability to make you feel polished, feminine, and put together. That's why they are great paired with a toned-down outfit. The contrast is a fashion statement.

Remember to stick to pearls and not mix them with other stones! This will help you avoid looking busy. Less is always more!

To view our entire selection of freshwater pearls, including our limited sale, click here!

]]> 2021-12-27T09:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:24-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Ensure you look dazzling with our essential guide about matching jewelry with your outfit. Read more and discover how to select appropriate jewelry to wear.



Matching Jewelry With Your Outfit: The Essential Guide

Ensure you look dazzling with our essential guide about matching jewelry with your outfit. Read more and discover how to select appropriate jewelry to wear.

Keyword(s): matching jewelry



Have you recently bought a stunning new piece of jewelry only to find that you always leave it sitting in your jewelry box?

While it can be easy to keep reaching for the same pieces, you're missing out on an easy way to change up your outfits. You're also missing the opportunity to add even more class and personality to your clothes.

Whether it's a ring, necklace, or a pair of earrings, if you're not sure how to style your new piece of jewelry, then it'll be sure to tarnish and collect dust. 

Thankfully, matching jewelry to your outfit isn't as complicated as you might think. Keep reading for our guide to matching jewelry so you can create your new favorite outfit combinations.

Consider the Occasion 

One of the first tips about matching jewelry is to think about the occasion where you'll be wearing your outfit.

For example, you may be thinking about what you will wear to your office holiday party. If the dress code is professional or more formal, you'll want your entire look to match this occasion.

For a formal holiday party, you could wear a cubic zirconia pendant that's both elegant and understated. 

If you want a pair of earrings to wear when going out to lunch with friends, then you can opt for a more casual set of stud earrings or a simple bracelet. 

No matter the occasion, keep in mind that less jewelry is almost always better. You'll end up with a more elegant look if you pick a pair of earrings and a bracelet, for example than if you try to wear four or five pieces of jewelry all at once.

Add Harmony 

There are two main ways you can add harmony to your outfit with jewelry.

The first is to let your jewelry reflect the shapes and patterns on your clothes (and vice versa). For example, if you're wearing a dress with stripes, you could wear a pair of dangle earrings to accentuate the straight lines of the stripes.

Another way to add harmony to your outfit is to decide which part of your outfit you want to stand out. If you're wearing a bold print, you'll want to pick understated jewelry that will complement the print.

But if you're wearing neutral colors or a minimalist outfit, then you can wear statement earrings or a bold ring to make your look really stand out.

You can also think about the colors in your jewelry to add balance. For example, if you are wearing a dress with a bold, red flower print, then you can wear gold earrings or earrings with red cubic zirconia to complement the print.

Create a Focal Point

When you're figuring out how to match jewelry to an outfit and feel a bit overwhelmed, think about creating a focal point for your outfit.

If you put together a bunch of bold items, this can make it look like your outfit was put together in a rush. Instead, choose which item you want to be the centerpiece of your outfit. This could be your clothing or your jewelry. 

For example, if you love minimalist clothing such as elegant sweaters and little black dresses, then a statement necklace is a perfect option. 

Your centerpiece could also be a shirt in a bold color or an interesting fold or design on the top of your dress. Or it could be a beautiful statement ring with a bold stone set in the center depending on the occasion and which part of your outfit you'd like to showcase most.

Choose Complementary Colors

When matching jewelry with clothes, it's important to think about the color as well as the style of your jewelry.

The easiest way to understand which colors look the best with your jewelry is to learn about warm and cool colors.

Warm colors include red, orange, and yellow, while cool colors include blue and green. And with jewelry, the best combinations are those that use the color of metal that best complements the color of your outfit.

Silver looks best with cool colors, while gold and rose gold look best with warm colors. If you're not sure what looks best, hold your jewelry up to the clothing you want to wear it with and see if the colors clash or complement each other.

Whichever color of metal you go with, make sure to clean your jewelry regularly so that your outfit always looks put together.

Necklaces and Necklines

To match your jewelry to your shirt or dress, you'll want to make sure your necklaces match the neckline of your clothes.

An example of a clashing neckline is wearing a boat-neck top and a necklace that sits right at the neckline. This clashes and doesn't make either piece look good. 

Instead, make sure to let the necklace end a couple of inches above the neckline. In the case of turtlenecks, you can wear a long chain to offset the high neckline of the sweater.

You can also experiment with layering your necklaces for a bolder look. For instance, you could layer a chunky chain with a thinner chain in the same metal for an interesting contrast.

Better yet, you can get a necklace with an adjustable chain so you can wear the same necklace for many occasions, no matter the neckline of your top or dress. 

Make Matching Jewelry to Your Outfits Effortless

Matching jewelry to your outfit is one of the best ways to make your clothing pop and add more of your personality to every outfit, whether you're attending an evening dinner or heading to the office.

And if you're looking to add more pieces to your collection, wehoautodetail has what you're looking for.

Our premium quality jewelry brings you the best of artisans and fine materials at a fraction of the price.

To find even more beautiful pieces to add to your jewelry box, take a look at our exclusive jewelry collections today.

]]> 2021-11-15T00:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:45-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Are you looking to spice up your favorite sterling silver jewelry? Read here for seven unique ways to style sterling silver jewelry that will make it pop.



7 Unique Ways to Style Sterling Silver Jewelry

Are you looking to spice up your favorite sterling silver jewelry? Read here for seven unique ways to style sterling silver jewelry that will make it pop.

Keyword(s): sterling silver jewelry



There's more to jewelry than just the piece itself. No matter how luxurious a piece looks, you also need to style your jewelry appropriately so that it looks its best.

But how do you make your jewelry pop while keeping your look sophisticated? When you choose unique ways to style your jewelry, you keep your collection versatile, timeless, and perfect for every part of your closet, from day to night.

Whether you've just bought a new piece or want to spice up the jewelry you already have, this guide is for you. 

Keep reading to learn about how you can style your sterling silver jewelry in 7 unique ways.

1. Add Some Layers

One of the best ways to get the most use out of your silver necklaces is to layer them. 

When layering jewelry, you want to make sure that you use necklaces of varying lengths. For example, you could have one long silver chain and complement it with a shorter, collarbone-level chain for contrast.

Another reason you want to vary the height of any necklaces you layer is that you don't want the chains to tangle together. Not only does this look messy, but it could damage your jewelry.

But when you add layers, you'll create a sophisticated yet unique look. You'll also get more wear out of necklaces you may usually only reserve for special occasions or specific outfits.

2. Suede and Leather

You might not think that suede and leather can go well together, but this is a great option for styling your jewelry in a way that's both sophisticated and unique. 

For example, you could mix a leather cuff with sterling silver rings for more variety in your look. You could also style your favorite silver earrings with a leather purse or belt.

Some common pieces of suede jewelry include necklaces with alternating silver chains and leather cords as well as bracelets with suede tassels.

Suede is a softer and more casual statement piece, while leather might best be reserved for an evening out as it's a bit more formal.

3. Consider Color

No matter the occasion, you want your sterling silver jewelry to stand out, not get lost in your outfit. This is why the color of your outfit is important. 

When you wear light colors like pastels, it's easy for your jewelry to blend in with your outfit as there's not much contrast. 

An easy trick to remember is that cool colors such as cool-toned green, blue, and purple are a great complement to sterling silver jewelry, which is also cool-toned.

For an evening out, sterling silver jewelry pairs well with black as the bold shade allows the silver to stand out.

4. Mix and Match Metals

While some jewelry guides might tell you to never mix and match metals like gold and silver, this is actually a great way to add extra visual interest.

To make sure your look stays sophisticated, make sure to get good quality gold and silver jewelry with minimal embellishments. For this look, simple jewelry is better as the pieces will complement each other instead of looking tacky.

One example would be to wear two of the same bracelet in different metal tones. This way, they won't look mismatched. If you have a gold or silver watch, consider pairing it with a thin bracelet in another metal for contrast. Aside from gold, you can also mix and match different metals like rose gold and brass with your silver jewelry.

If you're going to an event and want to mix and match metals, make sure to try them on with your outfit first to check if they work well together.

5. Create Harmony With Clothing

Necklines make a huge difference in whether your silver necklace looks elegant or messy. For example, if your shirt has a collarbone-length neckline, you don't want to get a necklace that hits exactly at the same neckline.

Instead, you'd want a necklace that either hits right at the neck or has a long chain that goes at least two inches below the neckline.

If you have shirts and dresses with many different necklines, consider getting a sterling silver necklace with an adjustable chain so that you can get more versatility out of your piece. 

6. Complement Your Sterling Silver Jewelry

When you're picking an outfit to style your silver jewelry with, take a look at which piece you want to be the focal point. Then, choose some jewelry to complement this statement piece.

For example, dainty sterling bracelets are a great complement to a statement ring or a trendy chain necklace. 

Another example is pairing one or two simple rings with a pair of jeweled earrings. 

Whenever you add complementary pieces to your look, always consider your outfit as well. If you're going with one or two statement jewelry pieces, you want to make sure to style them with more minimalist clothes so that your outfit is well-balanced.

7. Go Bold With Stones and Gems

Another way to add a pop to your outfit and make a statement is by styling your silver jewelry with stones and gems.

If you have a delicate sterling silver chain, for example, try pairing it with a statement ring that has a gemstone such as topaz. 

What's great about having pieces that let you go bold is that you can choose when you want to dial down your look and when you want to make more of a statement. The trick here is to get pieces that you can wear on their own as well as together.

Add Unique Elegance to Your Look

Sterling silver is one of the most popular materials for jewelry that's timeless, elegant, and effortlessly sophisticated. 

And when you style your sterling silver jewelry in unique ways, you get more versatility and wear out of your favorite pieces.

Whether you want a simple look for daytime or more of a statement piece for a special occasion, styling your sterling silver jewelry is the best way to do it.

If you're ready to add a unique yet elegant spin to your jewelry collection, take a look at some of our best-selling sterling silver pieces today.

]]> 2021-05-31T00:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:28-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Milan jewelry collections are often elegant, refined, and add a look of class to any ensemble. Learn where to get affordable timeless jewelry here.




How Milan Jewelry Remains Timeless

Milan jewelry collections are often elegant, refined, and add a look of class to any ensemble. Learn where to get affordable timeless jewelry here.

Keyword(s): milan jewelry


Fashion is one of the most important forms of self-expression for people all across the globe. It's one of the best ways that we can showcase who we are to those around us. Not only that, but it allows us to form connections with others who express similar tastes.

Wearing an accessory that stands out is a great way to showcase your personal flair. Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and more are perfect for both social and professional settings, and nothing can beat Milan jewelry. Read on to learn why Milan collections are timeless and tasteful.

They Blend the Simple With the Intricate

Milan jewelry is known for its complexity. Glass beads are hand-painted with organic, geometric, or floral patterns even when they're so small you can hardly see them. High-end sterling silver is fashioned into large statement pieces with gemstone accents.

In this way, Italian jewelry looks extremely intricate. However, on another level, these same pieces are incredibly minimalist. They're a paradox.

Those small, hand-painted glass beads are strung on  sterling silver chains and shown off as a single charm. Intricate gemstone earrings are a tiny part of a much larger outfit. Some pieces are larger medallions that don't incorporate any hand-painting, and these are in a simple unicolor despite their intricate designs.

You Can Accentuate Your Personal Style

Milan jewelry is trendy during times when both minimalism and statement pieces are popular. One of these styles is en vogue pretty much all the time. However, to make a piece truly timeless for you to wear, you need to consider your personal style when selecting a piece.

Many pieces that would be considered 'timeless' simply aren't going to fit in with your personal aesthetic. They will go unwork and so their universal appeal isn't going to much matter. You need to pick something that will never go out of style in your individual view, not just in society's.

Think about getting a bracelet or anklet that features an Italian bead that's hand-painted to be your favorite color. This will fit in with the rest of your wardrobe, so you're sure to wear it often. A simple string of pearls or gemstones will also do the trick since they go with virtually any outfit.

Pieces Are Perfect for Any Occasion

Another reason that Milano jewelry is timeless is its universal appeal. These pieces aren't restricted to social settings but provide the perfect flair for your professional persona, too.

One of the reasons that this is the case is the diversity that buying the latest Italian jewelry offers. You can get pieces in tons of shapes, sizes, colors, and styles. This gives you the option to choose subtler pieces that look more professional in addition to larger, more sociable ones.

Milano jewelry is also a great conversation starter. This makes it a timeless choice for any setting in which you'll be meeting new people. The pieces help break the ice at business, social, and formal events alike.

To find a piece that works perfectly for you, decide on whether you want glass beads, gemstones, or Swarovski crystal jewelry. Think about the colors that you most want to showcase. This will give you a great place to begin your search. You can then browse our shop by category or use the search bar to type keywords that will lead you to your perfect piece.

Complete Collections Have Timeless Appeal

When you shop for other jewelry online or in-stores, you need to choose between dozens of pieces that don't go together. Creating a cohesive jewelry set is a challenge. It becomes even more difficult when you try to make your slapped-together "collection" go with any one of your favorite outfits.

However, Milan jewelry circumvents this issue. You can purchase multiple pieces that have been made to go together.

These collections, such as the David Beck Bali collection and the Marcasite collection, give you a cohesive aesthetic. They save you time when needing to match your jewelry together and ensure that you don't have any sloppy or mismatched pieces.

A jewelry collection never goes out of style because you will always look purposeful and put together. You can also get multiple different collections and select the one that works perfectly for the occasion that you're headed out to. A more diverse jewelry box gives you more options for pairing accessories with various outfits.

Milan Jewelry Is Affordable and Accessible

You may think that purchasing an entire jewelry collection sounds like an expensive endeavor, but it's extremely affordable. We offer multiple collections of fine jewelry made in Paris, Israel, and Bali as well as in Milan, Italy. You can get luxury handmade pieces, even those that incorporate Swarovski crystals, for under $50.

This makes it accessible for even those operating within a budget. Since the pieces are handmade, these low prices are made even more impressive.

You can order this jewelry online and have it delivered right to your home. This makes it even more of a timeless classic because people anywhere in the world can access it. It draws us together.

Invest in Affordable Italian Jewelry Today

Now that you know why Milan jewelry collections are a classic that never goes out of style, it's time to get started.

Browse our new arrivals to find modern and trendy Italian jewelry. When you sign up for our email list, you can get 20% off your first purchase. Since our experts are committed to bringing you wholesale jewelry at a low price, we look forward to helping you express yourself through fashion ASAP.

]]> 2020-01-13T10:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:30:13-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Not sure how to style a chunky statement necklace for work? Or how about a wedding? Or a party? Keep reading to find out how to choose the best for any occasion


Choosing the Best Chunky Statement Necklace for Any Occasion
Not sure how to style a chunky statement necklace for work? Or how about a wedding? Or a party? Keep reading to find out how to choose the best for any occasion

Keyword(s): chunky statement necklace


Are you looking for something flamboyant in keeping with your innate pizzazz? Do you need a piece of jewelry to reflect your vigorous spirit or add luster to your energy? Then you should consider a chunky statement necklace to set off your décolletage as well as your striking outfits.

What Are Statement Necklaces?

Stereotypical statement jewelry is oftentimes thought to be oversized costume jewelry, in vibrant colors. We think of the largeness of the necklace as being the reason for the description "statement".

What a statement necklace means is that it is a key feature or a very noticeable part of your outfit. As a necklace, it is designed to be eye-catching and has a high-impact effect.

Large statement necklaces are not meant to be layered. Rather, they stand out on their own. They are stunning when worn as an accessory to the famous little black number, or otherwise unadorned, classic-cut clothing.

Who Can Wear A Chunky Statement Necklace?

Absolutely anybody can wear a chunky statement necklace! The trick is to find a style and colors that suit your complexion. The other trick is to choose something that has an unusual design or is made of unusual material.

A large statement necklace is a little like a signature perfume. It is something that people associate with you. It almost becomes part of you, and therefore should be well-suited to your personality, to begin with.

Are Statement Necklaces Trending?

Large earrings are currently trending resulting in a slight decline in the popularity of chunky neckline adornment. There has also been a rise in using lots of dainty necklaces in a layered look This is no reason to bury your statement necklaces in the bottom of your jewelry box, though.

Vintage clothing will always have a place in any fashion mix, as will jewelry.

Those old Victorian jewelry sets featuring a heavy necklace and a pair of earrings are still to be prized.  These days, though, you would probably either wear the earings or wear the necklace. But not both at the same time.

Chunky Statement Jewelry in Spring/Summer 2020

In Spring/Summer 2020, chunky statement jewelry will be making a bold entrance again. The look is liberated, stunning. Be your own woman, and wear it so you rock it!

Notice that statement jewelry has reclaimed its rightful place at the forefront of what looks good on young professional women. Gone are the days of it being the go-to jewelry for those wanting to distract attention from their aging necklines! Now, the statement that this jewelry makes is vibrant, smart and well designed.

There is a huge variation in styles to enjoy in 2020. From the multi-stacked choker to low-hanging lockets, and elongated Y-necklaces, there is something for every taste.

Innovative designs give a personalized touch. Gold, silver, polished stainless steel. Gemstones, crystals, precious stones and inlaid mother-of-pearl are all possible. 

Boost Your Confidence!

Your piece of statement jewelry is aligned with your individual sense of style. We recommend that you take time choosing a statement necklace from a professional designer jeweler who understands your need for unique ways to express yourself.

Work and Play

Can you wear chunky statement jewelry to work? Well, that depends on the kind of work you do.  Corporate wear goes well with most statement jewelry.

Chunky items can be worn over a plain-color shirt or sweater during the day. Or they can be showing discreetly against your skin beneath one or two open buttons.

Again, when it comes to play, we're talking not so much about sport as we are about evening wear. Statement jewelry is designed to enhance your neckline and shoulder line. It can also give a refined edge to the cut of your dress, or jacket or blouse.

For both work and play, often the color of your chunky items—and not just their chunkiness—makes as much of a statement as does their design.

Most women have three or four favorite pieces and alternate these with their basic wardrobe. And then there's always that one stunning statement necklace that you keep for very special occasions. the one that says you celebrate life with a passion and are not afraid to say so.

Chunky Is As Chunky Does

Not everyone feels comfortable wearing chunky statement jewelry.  this is one reason we suggest opting for something in between. Something that strikes a balance between delicate finery, and making a definite statement. Like this large teardrop necklace featuring Swarovski crystal.

Likewise, if you feel somewhat exposed with low necklines on your evening dress, a statement necklace can give you a bit of cover, and sparkle, like this sterling marcasite and amethyst statement necklace. Some statement pieces are so intricate that you can view them as collector's items. You might want to pass it down to your daughter, or a favorite niece in the future.

Good Jewelry Is Timeless

Everything of quality is timeless.  Nowhere is this truer than when it comes to jewelry.  With care and good taste, you can find something to last decades. Something that makes the kind of statement you want to make.

A chunky statement necklace does not have to be gaudy, or cheap.  High-class items of value can be pieces of great beauty. And they can last through the ages.

The more original your statement necklace, the better. Why don't you browse through our online store and see what takes your fancy?

Now is pretty much the best time to do it – we have a 40% discount on selected items right now. And there's probably a chunky statement necklace there with your name on it! 
