Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2021-09-13T00:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:26:50-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Do you have a sterling silver chain necklace and don't know how to style it? Learn more about how to make your chain pop.



How to Style a Sterling Silver Chain

Do you have a sterling silver chain necklace and don't know how to style it? Learn more about how to make your chain pop.

Keyword(s): sterling silver chain 



Accessories are an important part of fashion and fashion history—just as important as main articles of clothing. In fact, while our main layers have shifted from tunics to frocks to T-shirts, human shave still remained wearing necklaces, bracelets, and hats. 

If you've recently found yourself in possession of a sterling silver chain, congratulations. You've invested in one of the best types of accessories out there. Sterling silver is of high quality, and you can be sure that your necklace will turn heads... if you can wear it right. 

This article will walk you through everything you need to know about styling sterling silver jewelry so that you can get the most out of your jewelry. 

Let It Stand Out  

One thing is for sure, a sterling silver necklace is a bold piece. You could even call it a statement piece. When you wear a piece this bold, you want to make sure that people can focus on it. 

A statement piece, as those who read the article linked above will know, is the first thing people notice about your outfit. A good rule to remember is to never wear two statement pieces at once.

If you wear a sterling silver necklace combined with a pair of flashy shoes, you'll look tacky. It will give the appearance that you're trying too hard when you want your necklace to look effortless. It will also draw attention away from your beautiful necklace. 

Instead, wear something that's sleek, one-colored, and modernist. For example, a simple sleeveless top. If you wear something like this that has little ostentation, you'll create a combination that's pleasing to the eye. 

This works vice-versa too. People will be able to appreciate the subtle uniqueness of your top in contrast to your over-the-top necklace. A sterling silver chain is a great way to make the rest of your outfit shine. 

Wear Bright Colors

Sterling silver isn't just a material—it's a color as well. Many people get so excited about the fact that they have a new necklace and forget that they need to coordinate it color-wise with their outfit. 

Look for light shades of blue, brighter shades of purple, and any shade of white. The key is to look for colors with cool undertones. 

Make use of color theory to make sure you get your sterling silver necklace fashion right. Blue is a stereotypically cool color, but if you get a blue with warm undertones, it just won't look right against your sterling silver necklace. 

A great example of undertone theory in action is a nice cool pink. If you wear the right shade of pink, it can work nicely as a bed for your sterling silver necklace to lie on.

We don't recommend wearing your silver necklace with browns. The earthy nature of a brown is excessively warm and would work better with some sort of leather necklace. Grey is too chromatically similar to your sterling silver necklace, and so would wash it out. 

However, there is one dark color that works well with a silver necklace. 

Wear Black 

Whereas cool bright tones work well with sterling silver necklaces analogously, black tops work complementary, enhancing the effect of both colors by contrast. 

We highly recommend wearing your sterling silver necklace with a feminine black turtleneck. Black turtlenecks are in style right now, and you can see feminine fashion icons like Phoebe Bridgers wearing them. It's always a good idea to go with a black turtleneck, denim skirt, tights, and your sterling silver necklace. 

A fitted black turtleneck feels mysterious, intellectual, and restrained, as opposed to the all-out flirty looks that many women go with today. However, adding your necklace to a black turtleneck is the perfect way to let people know that you don't mind a good adventure. 

We recommend wearing a slight but effective bracelet just peeking out at the bottom of your turtleneck. This, combined with your necklace, will give off that sense of adventure even more. Rings work for this purpose as well. 

Combine Light and Black 


A sterling silver necklace is a perfect thing to wear if you're looking to combine light colors with black—the ultimate modernist statement of individuality. 

Consider wearing your sterling silver necklace combined with a white-shirt/black-leather-jacket combo. Why not take this retro feminine greaser badass look that many women like nowadays and spice it up a bit? Wearing skinny blue jeans and black heels is the perfect way to subvert this traditionally masculine outfit. 

We also recommend wearing a light pink or blue button-down combined with a black peacoat and your necklace. This will surely make you seem mysterious. It's a more subtle look than the neo-greaser attire, but it can work just as well. 

Get an Adjustable Length Chain 


Make your new secret weapon an adjustable length chain. Different lengths for your sterling silver necklace are perfect for different situations. A short necklace is great to create some visual interest if you're going for a more subtle, buttoned-up look. A longer chain can work perfectly if you're leaving some buttons unbuttoned. 

Depending on the length you wear your necklace at, the outfits listed above can be entirely transformed. Get yourself an adjustable length chain, and customize your fashion experience. 

A Sterling Silver Chain Is Perfect For You 

A sterling silver chain is a great way to stand out from others in the world of fashion. However, it only works if you know exactly how to style it. Make sure you don't wear it with any other statement pieces, wear cool bright colors or black, consider combing cool bright colors with black, and get an adjustable length chain, and you're sure to shine. 

For more information, check out our collections!

]]> 2019-07-15T00:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:31:07-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis It's perfectly appropriate to wear modest jewelry to a funeral. Here's what jewelry you should wear with your funeral attire.


9 Modest Jewelry Ideas to Wear with Funeral Attire
It's perfectly appropriate to wear modest jewelry to a funeral. Here's what jewelry you should wear with your funeral attire.

Keyword(s): funeral attire


2.4 million funerals take place in the US each year. 

The traditional funeral has given way to an array of memorial types. It is not uncommon for loved ones to hold celebrations of life on the beach or green and woodland funerals.

As funerals change, so does funeral attire. Traditional black outfits are giving way to subtle tones, and some simple accessories are acceptable. Most funerals, however, respect the lives of those who are no longer with us with conservative styles.

If you are attending a funeral or memorial service, here are some jewelry ideas that can keep you looking simple and elegant without embarrassment.

Funeral Dress

If you are attending a traditional funeral, you will want to wear something conservative. Avoid low necklines or high hemlines. You do not want to wear anything too short, sexy, or revealing.

If you are a close friend or family member, black is appropriate. If you are not, however, any subtle, neutral color will work fine. Consider navy, brown, or gray.

It is important, however, to consider the tradition of the deceased's family. In Hindu culture, for example, white is the color to wear to funerals. Black is considered disrespectful.

Similarly, red is the color of happiness in Chinese culture. It should not be worn to a funeral, even as an accessory.

Be sure to keep your shoes simple and polished. Avoid any bright colors or wild patterns. A cocktail party look is not appropriate for funerals or memorial services.

If you will be attending an outdoor funeral, a simple blazer, sweater, or hat will add to the respectfulness of your look. You may also want to bring along an umbrella and some hankies in case it rains, or if someone near you is crying.

If you will be attending something outdoors in the summer, your outfit should be lightweight and comfortable but conservative. Remember that you will be standing for a long time, so footwear should be comfortable. Plain sunglasses are appropriate, but avoid anything too flashy.

For most funerals, your look should be polished and classic. And consider wearing waterproof mascara. Your makeup and jewelry should be simple.

1. A Pearl Necklace

You will want to avoid any showy or flashy jewelry pieces at a funeral. Instead, opt for elegant and subtle pieces.

Pearl necklaces are demure, sophisticated, and glamorous. There are shorter, more conservative options as well as longer, more modern ones.

Either way, pearls are simple and stylish. They show that you take pride in your appearance without drawing attention to yourself.

2. Diamond Studs

You will want to avoid any jewelry that swings or clinks when you move. Diamond studs make you look radiant without telling the world "please look at me." Their shine and brilliance are classic.

3. Tennis Bracelets

While trendy jewelry is fun, it may not be welcome at a traditional funeral. 

A tennis bracelet contains precious diamonds or gems and is connected with a thin, precious metal chain. It can be gold, platinum, or silver. A tennis bracelet is a simple, elegant choice for a memorial service.

4. Ankle Bracelets

Ankle bracelets in silver or gold are appropriate for a funeral, especially in warmer weather outdoors. While simple gemstones or artful designs will work, you should steer clear of bright colors and charms.

5. Gold Hoop Earrings

Small gold hoop earrings will add precious elegance to dark colors. The touch of feminity looks great when paired with a short gold necklace with one precious stone. Be sure that your earrings are not too large, or you will look too casual for the occasion.

6. Pendant Necklaces

A pendant necklace will work at a funeral as long as you keep the design simple. Consider a bar pendant, filigree coins, or a locket. Precious metals work best.

You do not need a low-cut neckline to show off pendant necklaces. In fact, something sheer with a conservative collar will complete the sophisticated look.

7. Cuff Links

At a traditional funeral, men will also want to wear conservative styles, such as button-down shirts and ties. A blazer is appropriate much of the time.

Cuff links add elegance on formal occasions. Black cuff links at a funeral are both traditional and respectful.

8. Gemstone Earrings 

Small gemstone earrings of ruby, sapphire, and emerald are appropriate for women as long as they are conservative. If you are wearing all black, they can add a little color to your outfit without adding flash.

It is no longer necessary for gemstones to be genuine. Rhinestones will work fine if they are clean and sparkling.

9. Something To Remember the Deceased By

There is an exception to the rule of conservative jewelry at a funeral. You may choose to wear something that signifies your appreciation for the tastes of the deceased.

You may, for example, wear a cat-shaped brooch if the deceased was a cat-lover. If he was an avid golfer, a golf pin might be appropriate.

At all times, you will want to remember that the point of a funeral is to remember the one who as passed, and not to draw attention to yourself. Anything that says "I am here to be respectful and honor a life" will demonstrate class and dignity.

Jewelry to Complement Funeral Attire

Most funeral attire should be modest, conservative, and simple. Any jewelry that accompanies it should be equally conservative. You may, however, remember those who have passed with pieces that would have pleased them.

For more lovely jewelry ideas, read our blog today. 


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