Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-09-24T10:00:07-06:00 wehoautodetail 2022-01-03T09:00:01-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:20-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Are Swarovski jewelry pieces worth it? What are Swarovski crystals, anyway? Let's answer these questions and more in this complete guide.



Answering Frequently Asked Questions About Swarovski Jewelry

Are Swarovski jewelry pieces worth it? What are Swarovski crystals, anyway? Let's answer these questions and more in this complete guide.

Keyword(s): swarovski jewelry



It is a great leap from the luxurious stores seen in airports and Dubai shopping malls to the industrial landscape of a factory floor. Yet one brand has managed to craft a reputation for excellence in both fields. So did you know that the Swarovski empire actually makes factory machinery as well?

More well known for sparkle and shine, their excellent imitation diamond for practical uses also makes beautiful jewelry. Read on as we discuss the frequently asked questions on Swarovski jewelry. 

What is Swarovski?

Daniel Swarovski founded his famous jewelry business in 1895. Based in Austria, it has now grown to be a famous luxury brand. Though it is known for its crystals and jewelry accessories it is not the only product it makes. 

The business also deals in creating optical equipment, such as telescope sights, and binoculars. They also have a branch that creates machines for drilling, sawing, and grinding. 

For most people, the Swarovski crystal jewelry is what they see on a day-to-day basis. There are 300 stores around the world, spread out to over 170 countries. The organization still retains its family roots and is run by the fifth generation of the Swarovski family. 

What are Swarovski Crystals?

Swarovski crystals are not made naturally. This does not mean that their quality is any less. In fact, they often have a luster and sparkle that exceeds that of naturally occurring products. 

This is done with a mix of sand, lead, quartz, and minerals. Previously they did have a high lead count which increased their shine. This has now been reduced to an almost imperceptible amount, to make them lead-free and safe to wear. 

Jewelry from Swarovski is often set in classic metal plating. Palladium tone plating, white and gold-tone plating are often used. 

Does Swarovski Jewelry Tarnish?

Swarovski jewelry is known for its durability and hard-wearing nature. Like any jewelry, it does tarnish given the right circumstances. It can be cleaned easily. 

Exposure to harsh chemicals and prolonged direct sunlight can cause fading. You will also find that pieces worn for long periods of time may begin to tarnish due to day-to-day wear. You need to clean them frequently if you can not avoid these circumstances. 

To make it durable these crystals have a chemical coating. Certain substances can make it react, including chlorine from swimming pools, detergents, and even certain perfumes. 

Like any jewelry, the plated metals can flake off over time. It is not a big or expensive task to get these replated when the time comes. 

Zirconia vs Crystal

When buying Swarovski crystal jewelry you will have two options. These will be to buy classic crystals or zirconia. Both have advantages and disadvantages. 

Zirconia is harder than crystal. This means it will be more durable. Crystal may be more likely to scratch. 

Another reason to buy zirconia is that it is one of the closest imitations to diamond available. Swarovski actually applies many diamond standards to their zirconia gemstones. This results in increased sparkle and shine. 

While cheaper than a diamond, zirconia is more expensive than the standard Swarovski crystals. This makes it a great middle-ground between the two. Zirconia is an ideal substitute for a diamond. 

How Do I Know It Is Genuine?

With such a desirable brand comes the inevitable counterfeits. The main way to make sure you are getting the real deal is to shop with a trusted vendor. There are also a few key signs you can look out for. 

Firstly, Swarovski jewelry also has a certificate of authenticity. Tags and stickers on the item should also have the Swarovski seal, along with a 16 digit verification code. You can check this on the brand's website. 

Check the crystals themself. Many items will have a logo laser etched into them. Any products made after 1989 also have the company swan logo engraved into them. 

Swarovski crystals are also flawlessly made. If there are any bubbles or imperfections in the crystal it is likely it is a fake. Genuine Swarovski crystals also have a brilliant sparkle which may not be in the fake versions. 

Is It Good Quality?

Swarovski is extremely popular for two reasons. The first is its high-quality products. The second is its wide catalog, which can cater to a vast scope of budgets and tastes. 

Whatever you decide to buy, if it comes with the Swarovski seal of quality you will find their products even have more sparkle and shine than real crystals. Many people are surprised that lead is included in them, but this provides much of the durability and sparkle. 

Can I Shower While Wearing Swarovski?

Certain chemicals can damage the crystal's coating, it is not advised to shower with the products on. Soaps and cleaning products may take off the protective coating, damaging your jewelry. While odd splashes of water won't impact it immediately, repeat washing could erode the product. 

Is Swarovski Jewelry Good Value?

On a basic level, the quality to price ratio with Swarovski is exceptional. You get quality imitation crystals, made by experts in the field. 

If the jewelry holds its value on the second-hand market is unknown. They do not contain precious metals like gold, silver, or palladium so these market prices do not impact it. Thus, much of its sale value is dictated by current trends and fashions. 

Buying Jewelry

Buying jewelry is a pleasure when you shop for Swarovski. As many other people use their crystals in products, the possibilities are endless. You just need to find something to suit your style and wardrobe. 

wehoautodetail should be your first stop. We have a wide range of products including Swarovski jewelry. Click here to see our excellent range and accessorize your wardrobe today. 

]]> 2021-04-26T17:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:37-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis As young people increasingly move away from natural diamonds, could lab grown diamonds be the future? Read more to find out.


Lab Grown Diamonds: The Future?
As young people increasingly move away from natural diamonds, could lab grown diamonds be the future? Read more to find out.

Keyword(s): lab grown diamonds



Do you love jewelry? Are you one of the 73% of millennials who want to shop sustainably? 

More and more shoppers are willing to pay a little more to ensure their high-quality pieces follow ethical practices. 

Many jewels historically have a somewhat shady past. Conflict diamonds, stones that are mined using unethical practices; the industry has seen it all. Fortunately, times are changing. To both protect our planet and its people. 

Astounding new technologies enable us to create stones in the laboratory. One of these miracle inventions is lab grown diamonds.

You may think this sounds like a strange concept; how can a naturally occurring stone be grown in a lab? However, these fascinating engineered stones are here to stay and have an array of remarkable properties. 

Read on to find out why lab created diamonds are the future.

How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Made?

Diamonds formed deep in the earth billions of years ago and were brought to the earth's surface with the heat and pressure caused by volcanic explosions. 

Lab created diamonds undergo a similar process. High pressure and high temperatures are used to replicate the same chemical processes natural diamonds go through. It just happens in a machine rather than on the earth.

For this reason, diamonds that are grown in a lab are chemically and physically identical to mined diamonds. You can't tell the difference to look at them either. 

Lab diamonds start life as a seed. It then undergoes the process of making it into the beautiful stone we know and love. Due to the artificial process, the seed goes through, diamonds made in a lab are often referred to as synthetic diamonds.

How Are Lab Diamonds Graded?

Artificial diamonds are also graded in precisely the same way as mined diamonds. They are cut by experts and graded using the same quality criteria as mined diamonds. 

They are rated using the 4 C's: 

  • Carat
  • Cut 
  • Color 
  • Clarity 

You would not be able to tell the difference between a mined diamond and a man-made one if you just looked at them. 

Why Are Synthetic Diamonds the Future?

Diamond mining is notorious for being unsustainable, unethical, linked to child labor, as well as war and conflicts. Although the diamond industry has been cleaned up since the Kimberly Process Certification was introduced in 2003, it is sometimes difficult to trace a diamond's origin.  

Many diamond dealers still can't tell you which mine their diamonds originate from. The Kimberly Process is hard to monitor, and many clean diamonds end up in the same shipments as those from less ethical origins. 

If a diamond is grown in a lab, it is easy to trace and harms nobody. Let's take a more in-depth look at why consumers are starting to choose man-made diamonds. 

They Are More Ethical

Even if a diamond claims to be conflict-free and not used to fund corrupt governments and warfare, we can never be entirely sure.

You also don't know if the workers who mine your natural diamond are paid fairly or treated humanely. Many countries where diamonds naturally occur don't have laws to ban child labor or enforce strict minimum wage or labor safety requirements. 

Ethical diamonds are having a moment, and we won't ever go back to the dark days of unethical diamond extraction. 

They Are More Environmentally Friendly 

Mining diamonds also have a significant impact on the natural environment. Digging up the earth to extract a stone is not the most sustainable of practices after all. Hundreds of tonnes of earth need to move to find just one diamond. 

This messes with local ecosystems and can end up displacing wildlife and communities. Local water sources can also end up polluted as a result of diamond mining. Minerals unearthed when the rocks are moved can run off into the water, causing it to become toxic. 

The air miles that a mined diamond costs are also huge. They fly from origin to middle man, to cuter, to trader. 

A lab grown diamond can be made in a few days and sold in the same city it is created. Further to this, a lot less energy is needed to create an artificial diamond. Thus, lab grown diamonds have a significantly lower carbon footprint. 

Artificial Diamonds Are Less Expensive

Lab grown diamonds have the same properties and high quality as mined diamonds but a lower price tag. 

Mined diamonds pass through many hands on their way to the store; each person involved takes a cut of the final price.

There are fewer people involved in creating a lab grown diamond which means fewer people who need paying. This, in turn, lowers the price for the end consumer. 

Diamond Jewelry Is Always In Fashion 

Ever since the 1940s, when diamonds became the height of fashion, they have been a staple in our jewelry boxes. We will continue to collect precious jewels for decades to come. They will be different from the jewels of the past. 

Want to make a statement with your outfit? Say it with diamonds. Want to give a gift that lasts an eternity? Diamonds are perfect. They last indefinitely and are a symbol of class.

Diamonds are also the most popular gemstone used for engagement rings. This stunning stone has represented love for centuries. 

Conscious Consumers Prefer Lab Diamonds 

You don't want your beautiful diamond to have a shady past, do you? Unethical practices and dubious origins are not what this stone should represent. For this reason, lab grown diamonds are the future. 

As consumer demands shift towards more transparent supply chains and the accountability of manufacturers, we need a change in the way goods are produced.

Innovative technologies that create lab-made diamonds can help us take much-needed steps towards a more sustainable and green future. 

Feel inspired to browse some ethically sourced diamonds? Check out our collection of diamond rings. 

If you are not into natural or lab grow diamonds there are options for you! Swarovski Crystals are beauiful, affordable and are sure to draw admiring eyes! 

]]> 2018-06-18T12:51:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:33:59-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis High-quality, luxurious, and precious are just some of the words used to describe Swarovski jewelry. But why do you think Swarovski crystals are so popular? Learn all about it here, as we list down 9 amazing facts about Swarovski jewelry.


Better Than Glass: 9 Interesting Facts About Swarovski Jewelry
High-quality, luxurious, and precious are just some of the words used to describe Swarovski jewelry. But why do you think Swarovski crystals are so popular? Learn all about it here, as we list down 9 amazing facts about Swarovski jewelry.

Keyword(s): Primary KW - Swarovski jewelry; Secondary KWs - Swarovski crystals, Swarovski elements, crystal jewelry, glass vs crystal, Swarovski gemstones


If you know jewelry, you know that Swarovski is one of the great names on the market.

And while not all of Swarovski jewelry is quite as bombastic as the Mercedes SL600 studded with 300,000 crystals, they certainly make a statement.

Here are nine amazing things you never knew about this classic jewelry.

1. Swarovski Crystals Aren't Naturally Occurring

Crystals might occur in nature, but Swavorski crystals don't.

They're actually lead glass crystals created using quartz, sand, and minerals. In fact, they're about 32% lead. Why lead, you might be wondering?

As it turns out, lead helps maximize the refraction in the crystals. Colors are created using chemical coatings, but clear crystals are actually more difficult to produce since they cannot contain any impurities.

2. Swarovski Crystal isn't Actually Crystal

Don't let the name fool you--technically speaking, Swarovski crystal isn't crystal at all. It's not a gem either.

It's actually a form of glass created with a patented process.

Crystal nerds will be able to spot the difference on sight, as Swarovski has a higher refraction index than true crystal, closer to a diamond. This is achieved with precision cutting and polishing for the sparkle you love.

3. Swarovski was Created in Austria in 1892

The crystals you know and love were dreamt up by one David Swarovski of Austria, a man who dreamed of making crystal more accessible--a "diamond for everyone".

In 1892, Swarovski patented an electric cutting machine that would allow the user to cut crystals more accurately and consistently than they could achieve by hand. Three years later, he founded the Swarovski company in Wattens, a small town in the Austrian Alps.

4. Swarovski is More Expensive than Glass

You might be wondering--if Swarovski is more or less a glass crystal, then why is it more expensive than glass jewelry?

This is because of the production process required to create glass vs crystals.

Compared to other glass jewelry products, Swarovski uses higher quality materials. The process of creating even one crystal is also complicated. Keep in mind, in order to be considered high quality, the crystals need to have a hundred identical facets in several directions, which takes time with a hard material.

5. The Jewels Debuted in Blonde Venus

If you know all the latest jewelry trends and know which way the wind blows when the name Swarovski is involved, you owe it all to Marlene Dietrich and a film called Blonde Venus.

Besides bringing Marlene Dietrich back to the stage, this 1932 film served as Swarovski's silver screen debut. Costumes and jewelry all glittered with the crystals, and not long afterward, an endless line of blonde starlets appeared onscreen and on the red carpet in the crystals.

6. Costarring Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn

Among the most famous blondes to wear Swarovski jewelry?

Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes in a now-iconic pink satin gown and glittering jewels, singing, ironically, "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend". More recently, Swarovski teamed up with supermodel Karlie Kloss to recreate the moment.

But perhaps the most famous film moment for the jewelry wasn't actually with a blonde, but with Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Holly Golightly wears a small tiara at certain key moments in the film, and if you weren't sold at that point, well, you probably weren't watching the movie in the first place.

7. There are Eight Ways to Tell if Yours is Real

You might be wondering if there's any way to tell whether your Swarovski is real or a convincing imitation. As it turns out, there are eight ways to test the authenticity of your jewelry:

    1. There shouldn't be any bubbles in the crystal
    2. All facets should meet and point upwards
    3. Each crystal should be identical in size and cut
    4. If the crystals are part of the same color family, they should look identical
    5. There should be no scratches on the surface or any oily sheen
    6. Only Swarovski pearls are sold strung together; crystals are sold loose
    7. The crystals should have a shine comparable to a diamond
    8. Ideally, the crystals should come from an authorized retailer

Remember: since these crystals are machine-made, they are far more consistent than naturally-occurring crystals and gems. Identical crystals are in fact a sign of good workmanship and authenticity.

Furthermore, Swarovski crystals are designed with painstaking attention to detail. Imperfections in the crystals like scratches, bubbles, or a lackluster shine wouldn't meet the company's quality standards.

8. They Stole the Show at the 2018 Oscars

If you watched the 2018 Academy Awards, then you witnessed one of Swarovski's most outlandish achievements to date (and the most over-the-top setup in the history of the awards show).

All that sparkle on the mainstage? That was thanks to the 45 million crystals decorating the stage. The whole display took over 3,000 hours to create and, when completed, weighed approximately 15,000 pounds.

And you thought your diamond earrings were heavy.

9. Happy Birthday, Mr. President

Another one of Swarovski's most famous (or infamous) moments was once again with a certain famous blonde--Marilyn Monroe.

One of the most iconic moments of Marilyn Monroe's history is her sultry rendition of "Happy Birthday" for President John F. Kennedy at Madison Square Gardens.

Where was Swarovski in all of this? Monroe wore (or rather, was sewn into) a sheer, flesh-colored dress with 2,500 crystals. Under the spotlights, the dress seemed to melt away, leaving only the sparkle of the crystals and Marilyn Monroe at her sultry best.

Finding the Best Swarovski Jewelry

Now that you know all about Swarovski jewelry, isn't it about time to pick out yours?

We offer a great selection of Swarovski necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, and pendants ranging from $10 to $250. Click here to take a look at our beautiful Swarovski collection.
