Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2023-06-12T10:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:23:19-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis
Are you wondering how to rock a paperclip chain necklace? Click here for the ultimate guide to styling a paperclip necklace.



The Ultimate Guide to Styling a Paperclip Necklace

Keyword(s): paperclip necklace 

An iconic jewelry trend that has graced the necks of celebrities and influencers alike, the paperclip necklace, has been stealing the spotlight on fashion runways and red carpets around the world. Bridging the gap between minimalism and statement-making, this unique piece is capturing hearts for its versatility and timeless appeal.

But the question stands - how do you elevate your look with this trend? What's the secret to nailing the paperclip necklace trend? From styling tips for various occasions to pairing options with other jewelry pieces, this guide will unravel the art of wearing this unique jewelry trend.

Read on to learn how to make a bold style statement with a paperclip necklace, and let your jewelry speak volumes about your refined taste.

A Blend of History and Modernity

In the diverse world of necklaces, the paperclip chain necklace has carved its niche. This style marries an everyday object's simplicity with an aesthetic appeal. This results in a jewelry trend that's capturing hearts across the globe.

The paperclip necklace isn't new to the fashion world. Its roots trace back to World War II when it served as a symbol of unity and resistance. Today, it's a testament to how a piece with historical significance can be reinvented to resonate with modern fashion sensibilities.

Paperclip necklaces today are all about bringing the past into the present. They capture the charm of an era gone by in a design that appeals to contemporary tastes.

Their design is simple, their presence, unmistakable. Whether you're in a professional setting or heading out for a casual brunch, a paperclip necklace can adapt to fit your style.

Choosing Your Paperclip Necklace

When it comes to selecting the perfect paperclip necklace, quality and style should take center stage. Not all necklace options are created equal. The difference often lies in the materials used and the craftsmanship.

The first step towards owning a gorgeous paperclip necklace is understanding what to look for in terms of quality.

Primarily, a paperclip necklace can be made from various materials like gold, silver, or platinum. The choice of material will significantly impact the look and feel of the piece.

Gold offers a classic, timeless appeal, while silver adds a modern, trendy vibe. Platinum, on the other hand, combines durability with a subtle elegance.

Craftsmanship is another crucial aspect that can't be overlooked. Skilled artisans bring designs to life, ensuring every detail is perfect. A well-crafted paperclip necklace should have smooth edges, a secure clasp, and a polished finish that shines in the light.

Quality, as we've mentioned, is a vital aspect of affordable luxury. While the cost may be a factor, remember that an investment in a quality piece now will pay dividends in the future. A high-quality paperclip necklace will not only look better but also last longer, making it a wise choice for any discerning jewelry lover.

Styling Your Paperclip Necklace

Mastering the art of wearing necklaces isn't a daunting task, particularly when it comes to the versatile paperclip necklace. Its universal appeal makes it a suitable choice for diverse settings, whether professional or casual, day or night.

For professional settings, subtlety is key. Choose a shorter paperclip necklace that sits at or slightly below the collarbone.

This style is elegant and non-distracting, perfect for maintaining a professional image. Pair it with a blouse or a dress shirt, allowing the necklace to subtly peek out for a touch of sophistication.

When it comes to casual outings, you have the freedom to be a bit more daring. Consider a longer paperclip necklace or one with larger links for a statement look. Pair it with a simple t-shirt or a strappy top for a stylish, laid-back vibe.

For formal events, the paperclip necklace can be your secret weapon. Opt for a gold or silver necklace adorned with diamonds or gemstones. This adds a dash of glamour and luxury, making you stand out.

Pair it with a little black dress or an elegant evening gown, and you're ready to steal the show.

One of the fascinating aspects of paperclip necklaces is their ability to adapt to the latest jewelry trends. While their design remains constant, how you style them can reflect current fashion cues, making them a timeless piece in your collection.

The Art of Pairing Your Paperclip Necklace

If you're thinking of adding a paperclip necklace to your jewelry box, you might also be wondering how to pair it with other pieces. The good news is that the versatility of the paperclip necklace makes it perfect for combining with various other jewelry items. The key to successful pairing lies in balancing the statement-making paperclip necklace with other complementary pieces.

When it comes to earrings, consider something understated if your necklace is large or heavily detailed. Small studs or delicate hoops can provide a nice contrast to the bold chain links of the paperclip necklace.

Matching your paperclip necklace with a bracelet? Try a bracelet that mimics the paperclip chain design for a cohesive look, or a delicate bangle to add contrast and maintain balance.

If you're keen on pairing your necklace with rings, remember that it's all about harmony. A chunky, bold ring can compete for attention with your necklace, so it's often better to choose more understated rings. Consider delicate bands or those with small stones that add sparkle without overshadowing your necklace.

Mixing metals is also an option for the adventurous. A gold paperclip necklace can be paired with silver earrings or a rose gold ring to create a trendy, eclectic look.

Layering Your Paperclip Necklace

In addition to its standalone charm, a paperclip necklace lends itself remarkably well to the trend of layered jewelry. This practice allows you to express your personal style, creating a combination that's unique to you.

Begin with your paperclip necklace as the base. Consider the length, material, and design of your necklace before adding more layers. This ensures your pieces work harmoniously rather than compete for attention.

Next, select a few other necklaces of varying lengths. This could include a choker, a mid-length pendant necklace, and perhaps another longer chain. Mixing different types of necklaces can add depth and interest to your look.

When choosing your necklaces, consider the visual balance. If your paperclip necklace has larger links, you might want to pair it with chains that are more delicate to create a balanced look. Similarly, if your paperclip necklace is sleek and simple, feel free to experiment with more intricate or statement pieces for your other layers.

Don't shy away from mixing metals either. A silver paperclip necklace can look stunning paired with gold or rose gold chains. The contrast can add a contemporary and edgy appeal to your ensemble.

Lastly, remember to wear your layered necklaces with confidence. Your choice of jewelry is an expression of your personal style. By layering your paperclip necklace with other pieces, you're creating a look that's uniquely yours. In the end, that's what makes any piece of jewelry truly shine.

Caring for Your Paperclip Necklace

Once you've discovered the allure of the paperclip necklace, it's vital to understand how to maintain its brilliance. Jewelry, especially pieces that you cherish, requires a level of care to ensure they remain in pristine condition.

Cleaning is the first step to keep your paperclip necklace sparkling. A regular wipe down with a soft cloth can help remove any dirt or oils that may have settled on your necklace.

For a deeper clean, a jewelry cleaner suitable for your necklace's material would work best. Just remember to rinse thoroughly and dry well to avoid leaving any residue.

Proper storage is another aspect of jewelry care. Keep your necklace in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. A jewelry box lined with fabric is ideal as it provides separate compartments to prevent your necklace from tangling with other pieces.

Even with high-quality jewelry, it's essential to handle your pieces with care. Refrain from wearing your necklace during physical activities to prevent any potential damage.

Affordable luxury isn't just about owning a quality piece; it's also about preserving that quality. By caring for your paperclip necklace, you can ensure that it continues to add a touch of elegance to your style for years to come. After all, a well-cared-for piece of jewelry is like a cherished memory, retaining its beauty and charm forever.

Discover Your Ideal Paperclip Necklace Today

Embrace the allure and versatility of the paperclip necklace to elevate your style game. Remember, the key to nailing this trend lies in your personal touch and creativity. As you embark on your style journey, remember to focus on quality.

With the myriad of styling tips and pairing options we've explored, you're now ready to shine in your own light. Visit our collection at wehoautodetail to find your perfect paperclip necklace, a reflection of affordable luxury and timeless elegance.

]]> 2022-08-29T14:30:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:09-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis More


A Complete Guide to Trendy Jewelry in 2022

The global jewelry market was worth 330 billion US dollars in 2019 and is only continuing to grow. Jewelry has become so popular because of how fun and easy it is to express yourself and your style through necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets. 

Keeping up with the yearly trends can help you find your style and participate in a world of fun fashion. Trendy jewelry is a great way to spice up your wardrobe and can make you look clean and expensive.

What's more, you'll elevate your daily outfits to something glamorous. 

Keep reading to find out what jewelry styles are trending this year and how to style them. 

Trendy Jewelry 2022

Gold Paperclip + Sun and Moon Pendant

While fashion trends come and go, many of this year's types of jewelry are timeless and can be incorporated into your daily wardrobe to create a fashion statement. 

What are some of the jewelry fashion trends of 2022? There are plenty of fun trends for you to partake in this year. Many runways are showing off big, chunky jewelry. This includes chunky bracelets, cuffs, earrings, and statement necklaces. Layering chunky bracelets and cuffs is another trend that's been popular this year.

Pearls and crystals are popular this year—a reminder that classic jewelry will always be in style.

It's easy to incorporate these gemstones into your jewelry and wardrobe. Pearl earrings and necklaces are taking center stage. No matter their size or color, they've been seen on the runway this year by some of the most famous fashion designers. 

Crystals are a big statement, and they're a timeless statement to make.

Following the bold and big style of this year, crystal or gemstone pieces that stand out are extremely trendy right now. Chandelier-style earrings and bold crystal necklaces are the perfect pieces to wear to partake in this jewelry trend.

Following the chandelier-style earrings, fringe is also making a comeback on the runways. Any earrings or necklaces that mimic the movement and style of fringe have made an appearance this year as a popular trend. Having jewelry pieces that move with you can make you look and feel your best. 

Floral has been a popular jewelry trend this year. It's made a big statement in fall fashion. Floral earrings, necklaces, and brooch pins are all ways to incorporate floral into your wardrobe. Just because summer is over doesn't mean that floral has to disappear. 

Here are more 2022 jewelry trends we're seeing on the runway this year. 

If you're looking to partake in some 2022 jewelry trends, be sure to spend your hard-earned money on quality jewelry. Below, we'll go over why quality matters. 

Why Quality Jewelry Matters

Horseshoe Huggies

Taking part in jewelry trends is fun, but it's harder to enjoy it if you're worried about your jewelry breaking or not being able to withstand certain conditions when wearing it. Not to mention the pesky green tint on your skin that cheap jewelry often produces. 

When considering buying jewelry, it's important to be on the lookout for good quality jewelry. 

Quality jewelry is more durable. When your jewelry is made of durable metals and gemstones, you won't have to worry about your jewelry breaking. Quality jewelry is made with more care and with stronger materials. 

The best part is—you don't have to break the bank to purchase quality jewelry. When you're shopping for good quality jewelry, it's important to understand what to avoid and what to look for.

For example, stray away from metals like nickel or brass. These are usually cheaper metals, can cause allergic reactions, and don't hold together as well as other metals. You want to find jewelry that's sterling silver or titanium, and if you'd like gold jewelry, look for pieces that have gold in them, not just brushed or plated. 

Good quality jewelry can better withstand outside elements like weather.  You want to spend your hard-earned money on jewelry pieces that are going to compliment your style, without the hassle of having pieces break and fall apart while wearing them.

It's possible to find jewelry pieces that fit the fashion trends you love without breaking the bank. Always choose good quality jewelry to ensure your pieces will last. 

Styling Tips 

Raidiance 20-Strand Necklace

Understandably, you want to show your beautiful jewelry off. Here are some styling tips to help you look and feel your best while having your jewelry compliment your outfit. 

Since this year's jewelry is all about being bold, don't be afraid to make a statement. Choose a large or chunky necklace to wear with a plain dress or blouse. 

An important tip to remember is to create balance with your outfit. If you're going to wear a statement necklace, keep your other jewelry simple and small. Opt for smaller earrings and necklaces to keep your outfit balanced and to bring attention to your statement piece.

Don't be afraid to mix metals—it's becoming increasingly popular to wear gold and silver together. What once was a taboo jewelry rule is now a common trend. 

Since chunky bracelets are back, stack a few chunky bracelets over a long-sleeved top to really show off your gorgeous bracelets. Be sure to create balance within the rest of your jewelry so the outfit doesn't look or feel too heavy. 

Of course, everyone's style is different. The most important thing is that you should feel beautiful and confident in the jewelry that you buy. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try one of these trends! You may be surprised by what you create. 

If you want to learn more about jewelry trends and how to style your pieces, check out our blog

Finding Your Favorite Trends 

Radiance 3-Strand Anklet

Fashion trends come and go, but quality jewelry will last you for years. The best part is that you can still find trendy jewelry at a good price, without ever having to settle for cheap pieces. 

Check out our best-selling jewelry to find a beautiful piece to add to your wardrobe. 

]]> 2022-05-30T09:00:05-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:39-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

When it comes to wearing gemstone jewelry, there are a few things you should remember. These nine tips will make a big difference.


9 Effective Tips for Wearing Gemstone Jewelry
When it comes to wearing gemstone jewelry, there are a few things you should remember. These nine tips will make a big difference.

Keyword(s): gemstone jewelry



Gemstone jewelry has been a hot topic in the fashion sphere and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere soon. Mixing and matching different types of jewelry and even different types of gemstones are right on trend in 2022.

The vast array of colors and styles of gemstones bring personality to any wardrobe. Wearing gemstones is an excellent way to express your unique, individual taste.

If you haven't dabbled in this trend yet, it's time you gave gemstone jewelry a chance. But if you're nervous about stepping out of your bland, minimalist comfort zone, don't worry. Our experts are here to guide you!

Keep reading to find out nine ways to keep your gemstone jewelry game fresh this season.

1. Stack Your Gemstone and Minimalist Rings

Minimalist stacking rings have been in vogue for seasons on end at this point - but we certainly won’t be getting tired of them any time soon. Who doesn’t relish the opportunity to wear all of their favorite rings at once?

Well, why not change up your standard ring selection by sprinkling some modest gemstone rings into your stack? Gemstones add that personality and pop of color that will set your jewelry game apart from the rest.

2. Layer Long Multi-Gemstone Necklaces

If necklaces are your preferred mode of bejeweled self-expression, trying your hand at layering can take your look to the next level.

You can layer a series of thin gold chains with a gemstone pendant for a subtler look. Or go all out and layer several gemstone-dappled necklaces together.

Aiming for something a little more unexpected? Try layering a gemstone necklace with a body chain for a stunning look that shows off your wild side.

3. Make It Bold With a Gemstone Headpiece

If you really want to turn heads, it's time to get acquainted with jewelry that's out of the ordinary.

More and more celebrities are incorporating glittering headpieces into their red carpet looks. Just last month, actress Tommy Dorfmann was seen wearing a breathtaking 200-year-old tiara to the Met Gala.

But you don't have to be in the public eye to try something bold and eye-catching. Whether pinning a gemstone brooch in your hair or going with a full headpiece is your vibe, this look works for both dress-up and casual.

Just make sure you're not crossing the line into culturally appropriative territory.

4. Showcase Your Birthstone (Or Someone Else’s!)

There’s nothing more sentimental or delightful than birthstone jewelry. Since childhood, we’ve treasured those special stones that signify the unique and special times of our births.

Or, maybe you always wished you were born in a different month (we see you November topazes!) so you could wear diamonds, rubies, or emeralds on the regular.

Make your own birthstone the focal point of your outfit with a statement piece. Or incorporate a smaller version into your everyday look. You can even wear the birthstone of a friend or loved one as a tribute. Who would most appreciate seeing their birthstone around your neck or on your finger?

The other great thing about birthstone jewelry is that it makes the perfect gift for moms, grandmothers, siblings, and close friends.

You can even design your own birthstone jewelry by embellishing the birthstone with other meaningful gemstones. Many moms enjoy collecting the birthstones of their children or other members of their families!

5. Mix and Match Minimal Gemstone Studs

Want to spruce up your daily uniform? There’s nothing more chic or easy than mixing and matching your favorite minimalist studs.

Adding in an eye-catching gemstone stud or two is a gorgeous way to incorporate a pop of color without amping up the drama too much.

6. Give Statement Rings and Earrings a Go

Getting tired of your usual outfit lineup? Forget putting money into a closet full of new clothes. A sure-fire way to give your wardrobe a make-over on a budget is to throw a bold gemstone ring or statement earrings into the mix.

You’ll achieve the wow effect you’re craving without breaking the bank. All you need to do is repurpose what you already have in your jewelry box.

The best thing about statement jewelry is that it can pair beautifully with anything from a t-shirt and jeans to formalwear! Spice up a little black dress or add intrigue to your daily duds.

7. Wear Your Statement Rings Like a Maximalist

So, you're already vibing with statement rings and want to take it to the next level? Stack those gemstone statement rings like the chic maximalist you are in your heart.

Try pairing stones from opposite ends of the color spectrum, or adorn your fingers with a gradation of complementary hues.

These days, there's no such thing as too much. Go big or go home are words to live by when it comes to 2022 jewelry trends.

8. Experiment With Color and Tone

One way to raise the stakes with your gemstone adornments is to experiment with gradations of hue and tone. An array of gemstones with subtle undertones in common is the epitome of everyday elegance.

There are many gemstones to try in a variety of hues - like sapphires, rubies, and diamonds. Many others come in a variety of ombré tones. If that's your bag, try a citrine or tourmaline gemstone in your lineup.

9. Go For Glam With Statement Gemstone Earrings

For the boldest among us, you can't go astray with statement gemstone earrings. For a glamorous night on the town, we can't imagine any look more aspirational than Jessica Chastain's 2022 Oscars look.

That rainbow sequined Gucci gown was an absolute dream paired with dripping diamond statement earrings!

More Gemstone Jewelry Trends To Groove On This Season

Whether you want to add a dramatic element to a formal look or give your everyday wear a fresh take, gemstone jewelry has something perfect in store for you.

Try a statement gemstone ring on its own, paired with a minimalist stack, or a handful of gemstone rings. Layer simple gold chains with a gemstone pendant. Whatever you do, gemstones will ensure your look is uniquely you.

For more great gemstone style trends, tips, and jewelry pieces, check out the rest of our blog!

]]> 2022-01-24T09:00:01-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:13-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

We've put together a practical guide about selecting the best high quality jewelry for yourself. Everything from jewelers, to style, read more today.



A Practical Guide to Selecting Quality Jewelry for Yourself

We've put together a practical guide about selecting the best high quality jewelry for yourself. Everything from jewelers, to style, read more today.

Keyword(s): quality jewelry



Did you know that the U.S. jewelry industry is projected to reach nearly $58 billion in revenue in 2021?

Every woman wants to walk into a room and have all eyes on them for all the right reasons. The hair, the clothes, but most importantly, the jewelry.

"I love your necklace, where did you get it?" is the ultimate compliment.

Women should have quality jewelry that embodies their fashion sense and brand. It can often be challenging to find the right pieces, until now.

Keep reading to learn all about how you can accentuate your wardrobe with our practical guide to selecting quality jewelry for yourself.

The Difference Between Fine Jewelry and Fashion Jewelry When it Comes to Quality Jewelry

It is important to understand and discover your style

Are you more modern or more casual? Does your taste veer more classic and simple or do you like to think outside the box?

Most women think there are only two categories when it comes to jewelry, fine jewelry or fashion jewelry.

Often consisting of diamonds and gold, fine jewelry is too expensive to wear every day except for wedding/engagement rings. Fashion jewelry is more cost-effective, but it is made cheaply and goes out of style quickly.

Another category of affordable quality jewelry is known as bridge jewelry.

What is Bridge Jewelry?

Bridge jewelry is a line of fashion jewelry made of sterling silver and comes in gold, platinum, or rose gold finishes. Bridge jewelry also uses semi-precious stones such as garnet, pearl, tanzanite, opal, and turquoise. 

This type of jewelry allows women to have the functionality of beautiful quality jewelry pieces that make them feel like a million bucks without actually paying it. It's called attainable luxury.

From successful businesswomen seeking to upgrade their distinct look or younger women striving to refine their emerging self-brand, women aren't waiting around anymore for men to buy them jewelry, they're making their own money and buying it themselves. 

Bridge jewelry brands offer a wide selection of quality jewelry options that fit both your style and your budget

So, before you waste your money on cheap fast-fashion or spend two months' rent on a flashy diamond necklace, check out these alternatives instead. 

Sterling Silver

A sterling silver chain is timeless, elegant, durable, and inexpensive. There are many ways to style it.

Wear it long. Wear it with a pendant. Wear multiple chains together.

You can choose from different thicknesses and designs, like the paperclip or the popular box chain. 

Sterling silver is also a top choice for high-quality body jewelry due to its hypo-allergenic properties.

Statement Necklaces

If you're looking to go bolder, statement necklaces will help you say "notice me!" and are a surefire way to catch the eye of everyone in the room.

As its name implies, a statement necklace is a larger, chunkier piece of neckwear that is often made out of larger stone segments like Swarovski crystal or mystic quartz.

They should be worn as a standalone piece. 

Colored Chunky Coral Necklaces

Colored coral necklaces are a fun and fashionable way to add a pop of color to your wardrobe.

You can use colored coral to pair with a bright pattern for an added burst of flair. Or you can wear it with a little black dress to give it a little extra dash of daring.

Dress up your denim or coordinate your coral necklace with hats, sunglasses, shoes, scarves, and handbags.  Or mix and match for fun color combinations.

Pendant Necklaces

You can't go wrong with a tasteful pendant. Whether it is a plain initial charm, heart, cross, animal, tree of life, compass, or other meaningful tribute, a pendant is the best way to personalize a necklace that is uniquely you.

You can also choose pendants made from cubic zirconia, Roman glass, amber, abalone shell, Swarovski crystal, and more. 


You don't have to be engaged or married to wear a ring anymore. Rings on their own have become an independent woman's top choice for displaying their individuality.

You're not limited to only wearing one ring on a specific finger either. You can wear rings on every finger if you like, or stack rings on top of each other.

From large cocktail rings to sleek bands, sterling silver and gemstone rings are a dynamic way of drawing attention to your hands as an extension of your personal brand.


Anklets were thought to be a trend that would fizzle out, but the truth is they are more popular than ever.

The former 90's girls are the full-grown women of today and anklets have made a big comeback, but that doesn't mean the younger generations can't get in on it too.

Anklets are a chic and delicate way to dress up a pair of heels or add a bit of fun to cropped capris for a girls' weekend.  


Tried and true. Earrings have been a go-to fashion accessory for centuries.

Hoops, drops, studs, dangles, teardrop, and other styles can be made from sterling silver and accented with pearls, Roman glass, moonstone, and cubic zirconia.

It's important that the size, shape, and length of your earrings flatters your facial features.


Another longstanding fashion trend is bracelets. Dressed-up or dressed down, bracelets are always a standard. 

Depending on your event, stick with a sophisticated thin bracelet for a formal event, large cuffs or multiple bangles stacked up are better suited for a fun night out. 

Be cautious not to overdo large or multiple bracelets at the office or other places where they might snag, fall off, or be too distracting.

Where Quality and Luxury Meet

wehoautodetail is a distinctive luxury brand of designer quality jewelry, seamlessly blending style and affordability.

As Costco's in-house bridge jewelry brand, wehoautodetail has already cemented itself into the industry alongside other brands such as John Hardy and Kendra Scott. 

Roma's online catalog features stunning and classic designs made to last. New arrivals are currently 25% off with free U.S. shipping for orders over $50. New email subscribers can get 20% off their first order.

So, if you're ready to revamp your existing jewelry or you want to step up your personal brand, head over to wehoautodetail now. 

]]> 2021-12-27T09:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:24-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Ensure you look dazzling with our essential guide about matching jewelry with your outfit. Read more and discover how to select appropriate jewelry to wear.



Matching Jewelry With Your Outfit: The Essential Guide

Ensure you look dazzling with our essential guide about matching jewelry with your outfit. Read more and discover how to select appropriate jewelry to wear.

Keyword(s): matching jewelry



Have you recently bought a stunning new piece of jewelry only to find that you always leave it sitting in your jewelry box?

While it can be easy to keep reaching for the same pieces, you're missing out on an easy way to change up your outfits. You're also missing the opportunity to add even more class and personality to your clothes.

Whether it's a ring, necklace, or a pair of earrings, if you're not sure how to style your new piece of jewelry, then it'll be sure to tarnish and collect dust. 

Thankfully, matching jewelry to your outfit isn't as complicated as you might think. Keep reading for our guide to matching jewelry so you can create your new favorite outfit combinations.

Consider the Occasion 

One of the first tips about matching jewelry is to think about the occasion where you'll be wearing your outfit.

For example, you may be thinking about what you will wear to your office holiday party. If the dress code is professional or more formal, you'll want your entire look to match this occasion.

For a formal holiday party, you could wear a cubic zirconia pendant that's both elegant and understated. 

If you want a pair of earrings to wear when going out to lunch with friends, then you can opt for a more casual set of stud earrings or a simple bracelet. 

No matter the occasion, keep in mind that less jewelry is almost always better. You'll end up with a more elegant look if you pick a pair of earrings and a bracelet, for example than if you try to wear four or five pieces of jewelry all at once.

Add Harmony 

There are two main ways you can add harmony to your outfit with jewelry.

The first is to let your jewelry reflect the shapes and patterns on your clothes (and vice versa). For example, if you're wearing a dress with stripes, you could wear a pair of dangle earrings to accentuate the straight lines of the stripes.

Another way to add harmony to your outfit is to decide which part of your outfit you want to stand out. If you're wearing a bold print, you'll want to pick understated jewelry that will complement the print.

But if you're wearing neutral colors or a minimalist outfit, then you can wear statement earrings or a bold ring to make your look really stand out.

You can also think about the colors in your jewelry to add balance. For example, if you are wearing a dress with a bold, red flower print, then you can wear gold earrings or earrings with red cubic zirconia to complement the print.

Create a Focal Point

When you're figuring out how to match jewelry to an outfit and feel a bit overwhelmed, think about creating a focal point for your outfit.

If you put together a bunch of bold items, this can make it look like your outfit was put together in a rush. Instead, choose which item you want to be the centerpiece of your outfit. This could be your clothing or your jewelry. 

For example, if you love minimalist clothing such as elegant sweaters and little black dresses, then a statement necklace is a perfect option. 

Your centerpiece could also be a shirt in a bold color or an interesting fold or design on the top of your dress. Or it could be a beautiful statement ring with a bold stone set in the center depending on the occasion and which part of your outfit you'd like to showcase most.

Choose Complementary Colors

When matching jewelry with clothes, it's important to think about the color as well as the style of your jewelry.

The easiest way to understand which colors look the best with your jewelry is to learn about warm and cool colors.

Warm colors include red, orange, and yellow, while cool colors include blue and green. And with jewelry, the best combinations are those that use the color of metal that best complements the color of your outfit.

Silver looks best with cool colors, while gold and rose gold look best with warm colors. If you're not sure what looks best, hold your jewelry up to the clothing you want to wear it with and see if the colors clash or complement each other.

Whichever color of metal you go with, make sure to clean your jewelry regularly so that your outfit always looks put together.

Necklaces and Necklines

To match your jewelry to your shirt or dress, you'll want to make sure your necklaces match the neckline of your clothes.

An example of a clashing neckline is wearing a boat-neck top and a necklace that sits right at the neckline. This clashes and doesn't make either piece look good. 

Instead, make sure to let the necklace end a couple of inches above the neckline. In the case of turtlenecks, you can wear a long chain to offset the high neckline of the sweater.

You can also experiment with layering your necklaces for a bolder look. For instance, you could layer a chunky chain with a thinner chain in the same metal for an interesting contrast.

Better yet, you can get a necklace with an adjustable chain so you can wear the same necklace for many occasions, no matter the neckline of your top or dress. 

Make Matching Jewelry to Your Outfits Effortless

Matching jewelry to your outfit is one of the best ways to make your clothing pop and add more of your personality to every outfit, whether you're attending an evening dinner or heading to the office.

And if you're looking to add more pieces to your collection, wehoautodetail has what you're looking for.

Our premium quality jewelry brings you the best of artisans and fine materials at a fraction of the price.

To find even more beautiful pieces to add to your jewelry box, take a look at our exclusive jewelry collections today.

]]> 2021-12-13T09:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:30-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Have you recently bought the red coral necklace of your dreams? Read here for seven amazing ways to wear and style red coral necklaces.



7 Ways to Wear Red Coral Necklaces

Have you recently bought the red coral necklace of your dreams? Read here for seven amazing ways to wear and style red coral necklaces.

Keyword(s): red coral necklaces




Coral has long been revered for its beauty and supernatural powers. In ancient times, coral made its way from regal Egyptian tombs to the thrones of Greek empires. Historians estimate that coral jewelry dates back more than 25,000 years.

And it hasn't gone out of style. Today, coral is still a vibrant, luxurious, and gorgeous material for accessories. If you are looking to add some ancient flair with a modern look, red coral necklaces can deliver.

But, with an accessory so bold and eye-catching, how can you pull together the rest of your look? What are the best ways to style these types of jewelry?

Read on to discover seven incredible ways to wear coral necklaces. These tips will take you from the office to your next special event with ease. That makes coral the ultimate investment you'll wear for years to come. 

1. Dress Up Denim 

Do you feel comfortable in jeans but worry your look is too casual? A red coral necklace is an effortless way to dial up this relaxed look. And, the color red pops against all denim shades.

Try pairing your necklace with a denim dress for an elegant summer look. Or layer coral necklaces on top of a denim jacket. 

2. Add Color to Professional Wear 

A professional wardrobe is attractive and sleek. But, sometimes a black suit or navy shift dress can feel repetitive and uninspired.

And while your favorite silver necklaces pair nicely with these looks, get creative and switch things up. For example, this wehoautodetail coral single-strand necklace delivers just the right amount of drama. A long necklace is perfect for layering with your favorite workwear button-downs, suit jackets, or dresses. 

3. Dazzle at the Beach 

Do you have a luxurious beach holiday planned? Do you need elegant looks that take you from the sand to a lunch reservation in a flash? A red coral necklace is an ideal accessory to elevate your look.

Pair a shorter style necklace with your favorite bathing suit top. Or, for an elegant beachside cocktail, style a long red coral necklace with a caftan or maxi-style cover-up dress.

Finish off the look with stylish sandals, a straw beach tote, a hat, and your favorite sunglasses. A necklace is a perfect way to add glamour to a beachside look

4. Special Events 

Special events are all about making a statement. While the dress and shoes are important, consider your accessories first. Design your look around a necklace.

For example, a black evening gown pairs perfectly with this coral five-strand chunky necklace. But, what is some other special event or evening looks to style with a red coral necklace? Here are some ideas to inspire your next event outfit: 

  • Pattern cocktail party dress with a strapless or tank style neckline 
  • Red dress for a monochromatic chic look 
  • Emerald evening gown 
  • Turquoise evening gown 
  • Navy dress or pantsuit 
  • Grey dress or pantsuit 
  • Black jumpsuit 
  • Black cocktail dress 
  • Black two-piece suit with pants or a skirt 

While the variety of special events wear is endless, these are some ideas to get you started. Don't be afraid to dress colorfully and boldly when styling your red coral necklace! Choosing the right color for your taste and style has proven effects to lift your mood.  

5. Color Pop With White

The color white is often associated with blank canvases. While white may seem like a neutral or fresh color choice, it packs a punch when paired with red. When you pair a brilliant white t-shirt or dress with your red coral necklace, the color pops and transforms.

White as your clothing background helps the necklace to stand out and appear more brilliantly colored. If you prefer to dress in neutrals or embrace a more simple style, white is already a cornerstone of your wardrobe. For summer, pair your favorite white linen blouses, dresses, and cotton t-shirts with a red coral necklace for a wow effect.

No Seasonal Limitations 

But, when the weather cools down, don't pack away your coral necklaces just yet. You can still style these pieces with white clothing in the fall, winter, and spring.

Simply change the texture of your clothing choices. For example, a cozy white cashmere sweater and jeans paired with a red coral necklace looks dynamite. While a white blazer in spring is practical and chic.  

6. Mix With Your Favorite Pieces 

Do you have silver jewelry pieces you love? Or are you a gold or rose gold fiend? You can still wear these jewelry pieces by mixing and matching them with a coral necklace.

For example, pair your favorite diamond stud or silver earrings with this red coral drop Bali-style necklace. Or, embrace the jewelry guides layered necklace trend. Simply pair a coral short pendant with your favorite long necklace. 

Mixing and matching your existing jewelry pieces with a new coral necklace is a great way to make a statement. Coral helps to add color to your style and interest to your next look. 

7. Make a Statement 

Statement necklaces have been a style trend for years. For example, oversized pendants, chunky collar necklaces, and long beaded lariats are just some jewelry pieces that make an impact.

So, instead of choosing your accessories last, use your red necklace to make a statement and define your outfit. When your outfit focus is on red coral, the rest of your look can be simple and neutral. This places focus on your beautiful jewelry piece and draws attention to your neck.

For your next cocktail party or dinner out, throw on your favorite black dress. Pair the outfit with an eye-catching chunky red coral necklace. Finish off the look with black simple accessories like high-heels, a clutch bag, and a shawl. 

Red Coral Necklaces Can Transform Your Style 

Red coral necklaces may seem intimidating or challenging to style. But, these beautiful jewelry pieces can fit seamlessly into any wardrobe and have the power to transform your style.

Next time you struggle to choose your perfect outfit, refer to these top style tips for inspiration. Whether you have a special event or are hosting a cocktail party, a red coral necklace is an eye-catching and beautiful accessory to top off your look.

Are you looking for the perfect necklace or other accessories? Visit the wehoautodetail Collection to find your ideal piece. 

]]> 2021-11-29T00:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:32-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Do you have beautiful abalone jewelry that your not sure how to wear? Read here for a practical guide on how to style abalone jewelry that you're sure to love.



How to Style Abalone Jewelry

Do you have beautiful abalone jewelry that your not sure how to wear? Read here for a practical guide on how to style abalone jewelry that you're sure to love.

Keyword(s): abalone jewelry



Are you looking for another unique statement piece that's coming back in style? Then you may be interested in abalone jewelry. If you're a fan of the ocean, the bold blues, and greens that these pieces are known for instantly recall the deep colors of the ocean.

Found in both California and New Zealand, abalone also has a rich history–they used to be traded by native peoples thousands of years ago. This makes your jewelry even more precious. However, the funky designs and colors can mean that these pieces are trickier to wear than others. 

Read on for our practical and simple guide on how to style your abalone jewelry today! 

What is Abalone Jewelry? 

This shimmering, colorful jewelry is naturally created by mollusks that find homes within abalone shells. Similar to mother-of-pearl, abalone stands out because its reminiscent of the ocean. The wavering forms of blue, green, and other tones are mesmerizing to the eye and create a chic, modern look when mixed with other metals.

Although this inexpensive material was most popular in the 60s and 70s, it's undergoing a revival now as people start to look for more retro, funky pieces. However, it's important to keep in mind that with the right shape and with a combination of silver jewelry or gold, abalone can look equally elegant.

Wearing Your Abalone Jewelry

If you're a fan of wearing natural elements as jewelry, then you may find something to love in abalone. One of its main benefits is that it's flexible–it can shift in styles depending on its shape and materials used with it. 

Abalone as Chunky or Elegant Earrings

One of the best parts about abalone is that it can be worn as an elegant addition to your ears or as a funky, flamboyant statement piece. We like geometric abalone earrings because they draw attention and can be the perfect finishing piece to a more minimalistic outfit. This also creates a modern look and feel. 

You can also pair elegant, slender abalone earrings if your outfit is more patterned and colorful so that your accessories and clothing don't compete with each other.

Abalone Within Your Wedding Band

A unique way to use abalone in your jewelry is to pair it with a gold or silver wedding band. Although you may think this looks too flash, a thin stripe of abalone can be used so that there's a little bit of color within the metal. You'll love the way the abalone catches the light and adds dazzling blues and greens to the metal.

Consider Your Body

If you're having trouble choosing the best abalone piece, remember to choose the best jewelry for your body type. For instance, you'll find that sterling silver jewelry looks the best for paler complexions, while gold jewelry is better suited for warmer ones. Meanwhile, rose gold is a great middle-ground between the two.

You'll also want to consider your face shape, as your jewelry should help bring out your best features. If you have a round face, consider choosing silver necklaces or gold with abalone that has a geometric shape. You may also want to consider layering necklaces of different lengths in order to elongate your face.

Heart-shaped faces or rectangular ones can also wear longer necklaces in order to balance out the shape of their faces.

Color and Pattern

Some people may find it difficult picking out the right abalone piece because their colors and patterns may seem too bold. Remember that if you choose a bold necklace, it can go great with any simple black or white outfit that you have. The reason for this is that the color and pattern of the necklace won't compete with the rest of your outfit.

On the other hand, you may also want to consider the way colors are on the color wheel. Complementary colors are those that are directly across from each other on the color wheel. You'll find that they look great paired together.

However, they can also be high-contrast. If you want less contrast, consider using analogous colors with your necklaces and outfits. These are colors that go well together that are next to each other on the color wheel.

Events and Occasions

Before you purchase a piece of jewelry, you'll also want to consider how often you want to wear it and what occasions would make it more appropriate to wear. However, abalone is special because even brilliant, bold colors can be paired well with a slick black evening gown or a plain white work blouse.

You can also wear bold or elegant jewelry when you're just hanging out with friends and family. When it comes to abalone, the outfit you're wearing with the piece matters more than the jewelry itself.

Find a High-Quality Jewelry Company That Offers Abalone

If you love wearing jewelry that reminds you of the earth and ocean, then you need to add abalone to your collection. The brilliant blue and green colors remind anyone of the ocean and can be paired with a variety of styles and outfits. Even better, you can wear abalone as a funky statement piece or an elegant way to add a splash of color to your overall outfit.

One of the great parts about abalone is its unique history. Traded by native people thousands of years ago and popular in the 60s and 70s, it's now coming back in style. This means that you have a chance of adding a unique statement piece to your collection.

Ready to invest in abalone jewelry? Take a look at our earth and ocean collection today! 

]]> 2021-11-08T00:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:26:52-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Is your sterling silver jewelry broken and you want to know how you can repair it? Learn more about jewelry repair here.



All About Sterling Silver Jewelry Repair

Is your sterling silver jewelry broken and you want to know how you can repair it? Learn more about jewelry repair here.

Keyword(s): jewelry repair



Have you finally established your own personal brand? Have you curated and collected an array of high-quality jewelry that perfectly conveys your "you" to the world?

Maybe you have, or maybe you're still in the process. But due to the incredible benefits of sterling silver jewelry, it's very likely that you already have several pieces of it in your collection. Despite its relative durability compared to gold, though, silver clasps and chains are still prone to breaking.

So take a look at this brief guide to sterling silver jewelry repair. You'll be glad you did if misfortune does befall that one silver necklace you can wear with everything!

Jewelry Repair Using Hand Tools

Whether it's a piece of men's or women's jewelry that has suffered a breakage, the basic construction is the same, so you're going to employ the same methods to perform your repair.

Clasps are a common breaking point, and repairing them is a relatively simple, painless task. And all the better, because a piece of jewelry does you no good if you can't wear it, no matter how pristine its condition otherwise.

For this procedure, you'll need:

  • New clasps and extra jump rings (usually silver-plated)
  • Small flat-nosed pliers x 2
  • Good overhead lighting
  • Hands-free magnifying glass (optional)


First, find the slit (which is really a tiny gap) in the jump ring that connects the clasp to the piece of jewelry. Now, grip the ring on one side of that slit with the jaws of one of the pliers. Then, using the other pair of pliers, grip the ring on the other side.

Widen the gap in the ring by slowly rotating forward with one hand and twisting backward with the other. Ensure that you don't pull horizontally on the sides of the ring. That will make it extremely difficult to bend the ring back into proper shape, and trying to do so will likely just snap the ring in half anyway.

The old clasp should now slide free. If there are any damaged jump rings (including the one you just opened), open and replace them as well.

Now you can hook the new clasp onto the open jump ring and then twist it closed. Make sure the jump rings are closed tightly and the new clasp is secure.

And that's it, you're done!

Jewelry Repair Using a Soldering Torch

If you need to repair a broken chain, chain links, rings, settings, or charms, then you can light 'em if you got 'em. This task requires some patience and practice, and you'll also need the following supplies:

  • Pickle solution
  • A soldering torch
  • Hard silver solder
  • A towel
  • A small paintbrush
  • Tweezers and/or small flat-nosed pliers
  • Wire cutters or sharp scissors
  • Heavy work gloves
  • Eye protection
  • Fire brick

Soldering Torch?

Wait, don't we mean "soldering iron?" No, we said what we meant!

Sure, soldering does involve melting bits of metal onto other bits of metal, and a soldering iron does just that. So why wouldn't one be appropriate for repairing your silver jewelry?

Soldering irons are usually used for soldering electrical wires together and melting soft solder, which is usually tin- or lead-based. These materials have relatively low melting points (around 752°F).

Therefore, soldering irons aren't designed to get up to the temperatures required to melt the hard silver solder (1640°F) used in jewelry repair.

This is where soldering torches come in. They can be fueled by tanks of butane, propane, or other clean fuels. You can see what a suitable soldering kit for beginners includes here.


"Safety first," they always say. And they're right.

First, make sure your workspace is clean, well ventilated, and free of flammable items. Also, make sure to shield your work surface from heat with a tile or other heat-resistant object that's large enough to work on. Don't forget to use heavy gloves to protect your hands from the heat of the soldering torch, and wear some goggles for good measure!

  1. Prepare your jewelry by letting the pieces you're going to solder sit in a pickle solution; this removes any grease or oil from the surface that could interfere with soldering.
  2. Remove the jewelry from the pickle solution using tweezers and place the pieces that are to be soldered onto the fire brick.
  3. Use your wire cutters or sharp scissors to cut off tiny pieces of solder; set them aside.
  4. Apply flux to the area you're going to solder with a small paintbrush.
  5. Use a pair of tweezers to place the pieces of solder you cut in Step 3 between the parts of silver you want to join together.
  6. Ignite your torch and begin heating the silver; don't heat the solder directly! When you see the solder starting to run into the space you want connected, remove the flame.
  7. Use your tweezers or pliers to pick up the still-hot piece of jewelry and quench it in a bowl of water.

Removing Shallow Scratches in Your Silver Jewelry

Tiny scratches may accumulate on the surface of your sterling silver jewelry, either while you're performing repairs or over the course of normal wear. These scratches may not lead to breakage, but they can cause your silver to lose its shine.

You can remove these scratches by buffing them out with a microfiber cloth. These are designed to buff and polish silver without harsh cleaning chemicals or polishing agents, which can damage the protective coatings (like rhodium) that are often added to sterling silver.

Keeping Your Silver Jewelry Clean

Everything from sterling silver body jewelry to silver eating utensils builds up tarnish over time. Part of keeping your silver jewelry in a good state of repair is keeping it as radiant as the day you got it. Luckily, you can click here to access a quick guide we prepared to help you with DIY jewelry cleaning.

Back to Your Collection

Now that you don't have to fret over what to do if a precious piece of your sterling silver jewelry gets damaged, you can get back to crafting your own signature look with Roma.

So if you plan on making some elegant pieces of sterling silver a part of that look—and free shipping to anywhere in the United States on orders over $50 catches your fancy—then click here to browse our stunning selection of silver necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and more!

]]> 2021-11-01T10:55:16-06:00 2024-01-17T20:26:40-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis More


7 Tips for Choosing Sterling Silver Chains

Have you been looking for the perfect sterling silver chain? Read here for seven great tips for choosing the sterling silver chains of your dreams.

Keyword(s): sterling silver chains



The first known pieces of silver jewelry date all the way back to ancient Turkey, around the 4th millennium BC. Since then, there have been times in history when it has been the most prized metal on the planet. So do you know how to make yourself look like a million dollars with silver?

Luckily, if you are choosing necklaces, there are plenty of options. Read on as we discuss our guide to choosing sterling silver chains

1. Quality

When thinking of quality, try to look at silver necklaces on two separate terms. The first should be their fashion appeal, and the second should be their potential to accrue value over time. 

In the first instance, you want high-quality silver for its look. It needs to have that vibrant shine it is famous for. The light should reflect and bounce from its surface as it moves. 

The higher the quality, the more it will appreciate as time goes on. The value will also be dictated by the quality of metals that have been added to it. As silver is soft and malleable, it needs high-grade materials in the alloy to stop it from breaking and damaging. 

Sterling silver jewelry is a great benchmark for this. You can be sure it will stay strong and hold its value over your lifetime. 

2. Measure Your Neck

Measuring your neck can help avoid disappointment, especially if you buy online and are in a position where you can not try a chain on. It may look different on the website pictures because of the angle or shape of the model. 

For a necklace that will have a pendant, then measure your neck and add four inches. This should let it hang at a medium place around the upper chest. For drooping, long chains add more. 

If you are shopping for a choker-style pendant, then add around two inches. You don't want it to literally choke you, and you will need to breathe and swallow while wearing it. When in doubt, go for an adjustable chain for all eventualities. 

3. Think About Your Face Shape

Many people only consider their face shape when buying eyewear, not silver necklaces. However, the chain and pendant are very closely linked to the shape of your face and can help accentuate certain features. 

Anyone with a long, narrow face should wear a necklace of around forty to forty-five centimeters in length. This will soften the appearance. By going for round-shaped pendants, you will also bring closing the combination of shapes and angles. 

Short-length necklaces and chokers should be avoided by anyone with a rounder face. They may exaggerate the face shape, so opt for longer, flowing chains. 

In contrast, heart-shaped faces should do the opposite. Short necklaces and chokers will balance the upper head and narrower chin. Finally, those with oval-shaped faces are the luckiest and can wear whatever they like. 

4. Think of the Occasion

Don't forget the dress or outfit, and the occasion you will wear it for. Even if you see a piece you love and don't have anything in mind for it; you can begin to think of ways to wear it. You may see items and clothing when you are out shopping that would match. 

One tip is to keep a picture of the jewelry piece on your phone. That way, you can match it to outfits when out shopping. If you already have the outfit, keep a picture of that when jewelry shopping. 

When buying jewelry, also decided on if it will be casual or formal wear, some items can be worn for both, but it is good to mix in your box for any eventuality. 

5. Length and Width

Silver necklaces come in all shapes and sizes. You can get long, heavy-set sterling silver jewelry to small, tight chokers. It all depends on the look you are going for. 

Small size chains are obviously more prone to snapping, should you catch them. However, to wear, they will almost feel invisible and not be uncomfortable or hinder your movement. 

Longer, thicker chains will obviously go up in weight. They may get in your way if you are carrying out tasks or snag more easily. All of these factors should be considered when buying. 

Naturally, as the size and width of the chain increase,e so does the price. Make sure you are getting what you pay for with larger chains and not skimping on quality for size. 

6. Choose Great Retailers

There are many vendors of sterling silver jewelry online. However, the quality of products, service, and price can vary drastically. Therefore, it helps to go to a trusted, reputable retailer.

Check the website for customer testimonials. You could also look online to see if others have purchased from them. They may have ratings that tell you how good the customer service is and how many stars they get.

Check the returns policy for the items you buy. Keep in mind that for hygiene reasons, many jewelry items are non-returnable. This is another reason to ensure you are buying the best good you can. 

7. Don’t Be Afraid to Make a Statement

Everyone has seen a beautiful, eye-catching piece of jewelry and wondered if it suits their look. For the unadventurous, it usually means going back to what you know. But jewelry should be an invitation to try something new. 

Dramatic jewelry and statement pieces are currently in vogue. If in doubt, the trick is to match statement pieces with pared-down, understated outfits. For colorful, out-there fashion, work the other way around and use smaller, less intrusive pieces. 

Making the Final Decision on Sterling Silver Chains

The final decision on which sterling silver chains you should buy comes down to you. Pick something you love and cherish. It should be an item you take out of the jewelry box and relish wearing. 

wehoautodetail should be your first choice when shopping online. We present luxury jewelry without luxury markups. Click here to see our whole range of excellent necklaces and find something you love. 

]]> 2021-08-16T00:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:07-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Chain styles aren't all about looks. Some chains are more durable than others. If you're buying a gold chain, here are the strongest and weakest chains.



Choosing the Best Gold Chain: The Strongest and Weakest Gold Chains

Chain styles aren't all about looks. Some chains are more durable than others. If you're buying a gold chain, here are the strongest and weakest chains.

Keyword(s): gold chain



Wearing a gold chain is one of the most popular ways to accessorize your appearance. This is simply due to the fact that they are timeless pieces that go with a wide range of different styles and outfits.

However, it’s important to understand what type of chains are the most durable. Otherwise, you run the risk of having to pay for repairs or losing the jewelry entirely.

Let’s explore what you need to know.

What Factors Contribute to Durability?

It’s important to understand what factors contribute to the overall durability of the chain. This will make it easier for you to recognize a strong chain in the future.

Let’s take a look at some of the most notable attributes.

Chain Thickness

As you might guess, thicker chains are going to be stronger than thinner chains. As such, thicker chains are more suited for daily wear since they are more likely to withstand accidental pulling.

For example, even a simple interaction with a child or a dog could cause a thin chain to break.

Type of Link

The shape of the chain’s links plays a large role in its overall strength. Some styles of links bend or twist, putting them at risk of breaking.

The strongest types of links do not have a point at which they exhibit flexion, allowing them to retain as much structural integrity as possible.


When a chain is soldered appropriately, it closes the gaps between the independent links. This essentially creates a chain that is highly resistant to breakage.

Depending on the style of chain, though, soldering isn’t always possible, causing the chain to become weaker than it would have otherwise been.

What Are the Strongest Chains?

When searching for a chain to purchase, there are a handful of different types you need to keep an eye out for. These are some of the strongest available and will therefore last the longest.

Let's take a brief look at them.

Figaro Chains

Due to its soldered links, Figaro gold chains are highly durable. On average, these are also some of the heaviest chains that are available.

This means that you are unlikely to encounter any issues if you choose to wear a pendant on this type of chain.

Figaro chains are often purchased for younger individuals who are likely to take suboptimal care of them. Children, for example, need a chain that can resist pulling.

Curb Chains

Curb links are some of the most commonly used during chain manufacturing. Even smaller curb chains are notably thick.

However, small curb chains are both more appealing to women and significantly strong compared to other types of chains of a similar size. If you’re looking for a classic chain option that will never go out of style, this is the choice for you.

Rope Chains

Rope chains are unique in their appearance. While other chains have links that hook into each other, a rope chain involves twisting two pieces of metal together into an intertwining pattern.

Something to consider, however, is the fact that rope chains are notably difficult to repair. This is simply due to the complexity of the design.

However, opting for a thick rope chain can help alleviate this issue, as it will be notably durable. Keep this in mind when making your decision.

Box Chains

As the name suggests, box chains are composed of links shaped like squares. For chains at least 1.5mm thick and above, they are also particularly strong.

Box chains are renowned for the ease at which they are able to hold a pendant. If you have an extra piece that you would like to wear on your chain, a box chain is a solid option.

What Are the Weakest Chains?

There’s a large number of different types of chains to choose from. However, some are much weaker than others.

It’s in your best interest to avoid wearing these on a daily basis — if at all. Otherwise, you run the risk of them breaking or becoming damaged.

Here are some of the weaker chains available.

Bead Chains

The narrow bars that connect the beads of a bead chain are fairly weak in comparison to the links of other types. Bead chains are also fairly weak in general.

If you choose to wear this type of chain, it’s best to go as big as possible.

Herringbone Chains

Many people choose herringbone chains due to how beautiful they are. Their flat, thin appearance is unique compared to other chains — especially those that use conventional types of links.

Unfortunately, they are both lacking in durability and prone to kinking. So, you may find them unpleasant or inconvenient to wear on a regular basis.

Snake Chains

Snake chains are named so due to the fact that they resemble the scales of a snake. In the light, they create a mesmerizing shimmer, something that is especially true with higher purity values.

These chains don’t have underlying support in the form of mesh or wire. This means that they must be repaired by soldering, which isn’t always successful in achieving the original appearance.

The nature of its design also makes it prone to breakage.

Choosing the Right Gold Chain Is Essential

The above information will help ensure that you can do so without any trouble. So, keep this guide in mind when choosing which gold chain is best for you.

Want to learn more about what we have to offer? Feel free to get in touch with us today and see how we can help.

]]> 2021-08-02T00:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:15-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis More


5 Things You Should Absolutely Know About Amber Jewelry

Amber jewelry carries many amazing qualities but can be lesser known than other jewelry. Here are 5 things you should absolutely know about amber jewelry.

Keyword(s): amber jewelry


Diamonds may be a girl's best friend, but they aren't the only gemstone that deserves recognition. Amber jewelry may be lesser-known, but it's a versatile and beautiful addition to any wardrobe. 

Because it's lightweight and easy to wear, amber jewelry is perfect for everyday staples and sophisticated signature pieces. Read on for five facts about amber to learn why it makes such good jewelry. 

1. Amber Isn't a Stone


Amber is considered a gemstone, but unlike other semi-precious gems used for jewelry, amber isn't a mineral. It's an organic compound made from ancient hardened tree resin. 

Trees use resin to protect themselves from insect or weather damage. Whenever there's a crack in the bark, a tree will ooze resin to seal the crack before permanent damage occurs. 

The fossilized resin that we use today for amber jewelry was buried underground for millions of years, where it hardened into stone-like pieces. Today, most of the amber in the world is mined or collected from Europe, near the Baltic sea. 

Amber is very lightweight, so it floats in saltwater. This means it often washes up on the shores of the Baltic sea and is easy to extract. It also makes it perfect for larger jewelry pieces. When you're wearing amber jewelry, you can choose large statement pieces all day without getting uncomfortable. 

2. There's More Than One Color of Amber

The most common amber pieces are a honey-brown color; there are eight different kinds of amber on the amber color scale. The rarest amber is green amber, which only makes up about 2% of the world's amber. Unlike an emerald or a peridot, green amber is darker and more opaque, with brown undertones. 

The older the amber is, the more likely it is to be a luminous dark orange. One of the most famous examples of this color of amber is Russia's infamous Amber Room, located in the Catherine Palace outside of St. Petersburg.

Every color of amber makes a statement, from the warm earth tones to the brightest yellow. Its natural luminosity complements any skin tone. The inclusions and imperfections in amber also make it unique. The more uneven surfaces there are inside the amber, the more light it will catch, which makes the gem seem to glow from the inside out. 

The lighter the color of the amber, the easier it is to see these inclusions and imperfections. 

3. Amber Jewelry Isn't New

Amber jewelry is gaining popularity in the modern world, but it's been adorning bodies for thousands of years. Ancient Greeks and Romans believed that amber was solidified tears from their gods or even solid rays of the sun. 

Ancient people also believed that one of the benefits of amber jewelry was its healing abilities. Baltic amber contains a substance called succinic acid. Many people believed that this acid reduces inflammation and helps ease pain or protect the wearer from suffering.

There isn't much science to support these claims, but they add to amber jewelry's rich history. Wearing amber jewelry is part of a legacy of powerful folklore. 

4. Amber Jewelry Is Warm and Easy to Carve

Unlike other gemstones, amber is warm to the touch. It will take on your body heat quickly, so wearing amber jewelry is comfortable from the moment it touches your skin. 

Because it's not a stone, it's also a lot easier to carve and shape than other gems. One of the best amber jewelry qualities is that it can be made into virtually any shape you want, from teardrops and spheres to more complex designs like flowers or sunbursts.

Amber jewelry is all one-of-a-kind because each piece of amber is unique and impossible to reproduce. While you can match the color of the amber and carve it into the same shape, the imperfections in the layers of resin give every amber stone a different look. 

Why wear amber jewelry? Amber is a great way to make a signature style with your jewelry. The lightweight, warm gem makes a perfect addition to any outfit, and you can tailor the size and shape to fit your personal style preferences. It's versatile enough for everyday wear and sophisticated enough to elevate your look. 

5. Baltic Amber Is the Highest Quality Amber

While fossilized tree resin is found all over the world, the highest quality amber comes from the land around the Baltic Sea. Baltic Amber is some of the oldest amber and it's also the most likely to have inclusions of preserved insects or plant matter. This makes it valuable as jewelry and to scientists for research.

Most Baltic amber comes from Russia, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. Amber that originated in the Baltic area has popped up in ancient Egyptian tombs, showing that wealthy and important people prized it. 

Some "amber" jewelry from other parts of the world isn't actually amber. A similar substance, copal, is a cheaper substitute. It also comes from tree resin, but it's much younger than amber and isn't as sturdy. Over time, it will become sticky. When you purchase amber jewelry, look for Baltic amber to get long-lasting quality.

Find High Quality, Authentic Amber Jewelry

Finding beautiful, timeless amber jewelry is easy with wehoautodetail. Whether you're looking for a bold bracelet or a pair of elegant earrings, there are plenty of unique amber pieces available to fit your style.  

There's so much to explore with the history and significance of amber. To learn more about this gem and how it's used in jewelry, check out the wehoautodetail blog. 

]]> 2021-06-07T10:00:03-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:32-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Roman glass jewelry is a timeless way to look elegant yet unique. Learn what all the latest trends are regarding glass jewelry here.



Why Glass Jewelry Is the Latest Fashion Trend

Roman glass jewelry is a timeless way to look elegant yet unique. Learn what all the latest trends are regarding glass jewelry here.

Keyword(s): glass jewelry



Are you fond of collecting jewelry?

Imagine holding a part of Rome's rich history in your hands. Roman glass jewelry captures the essence of timeless and contemporary.

Accounts of glass jewelry date back 3,500 years ago. These glass jewelry pieces started as humble glass beads from Mesopotamia and Egypt. Today, they're becoming a staple piece in women's fashion and accessories.

You'll never go out of style with glass jewelry. From vintage to modern, here are some of the latest glass jewelry trends. Read on to find out more.

1. Heirloom Pieces

There is nothing more beautiful than a genuine heirloom piece. Whether it's a pendant, broach, or exquisite earrings, owning one is a statement in itself.

Nowadays, glass jewelry has become more intricate and elaborate. That said, some things never go out of style, and Roman glass jewelry is a great example.

Additionally, Roman glass jewelry has withstood and still withstands the test of time. It's durable and timeless—something that anyone in your family line would be proud to have.

2. Contemporary

Beyond the classic lies the contemporary world of glass jewelry design. Artists draw inspiration from anything and everything under the sun. Thus, every piece is unique, and no two items are the same.

If you're looking for a unique piece to add to your wardrobe, check out glass jewelry collections. From the avant-garde to the modern, it's what every trendsetter needs to shine. Thanks to their unique designs, you can find a piece that brings out your personality.

Even antique materials, like Roman glass, gain new life when used in this style. This is even truer as many skilled jewelry artisans come to rise. Style and genres for contemporary glass jewelry vary and are still growing.

3. High Fashion

Many people no longer consider glass jewelry as costume jewelry. Luxury brands nowadays incorporate glass jewelry in their accessories. The world of high fashion recognizes the versatility and durability of glass jewelry.

Glass jewelry collections grace the runways of Paris and New York. Top celebrities like Kylie Jenner are also known to favor them. This doesn't mean that the cost of glass jewelry is out of your league.

Traditional jewelers often place high mark-ups since they can get away with it. However, this doesn't mean you have to dent your finances to get a unique piece. Check out our affordable glass jewelry collection here.

4. Sustainable

Are you looking for more sustainable fashion? Glass jewelry prides itself on being eco-friendly and sustainable.

Over time, sustainable fashion became more popular among buyers and retailers. More and more people prefer jewelry that is long-wearing, conflict-free, and sustainable.

There is a reason why something that dates back two millennia finds itself back in the limelight. Roman glass jewelry ticks all these boxes. It's a top choice for those who want stunning accessories that are ecological and natural.

5. Artistinally Imperfect

One popular trend in jewelry is appreciating imperfection. The artistic and intentional cracks, lines, and different coloring of glass jewelry give it character. These unique marks tell a narrative that makes each piece more valuable.

Roman glass jewelry takes tiny shards of ancient Roman glass. As pendants, rings, earrings, and more, these 2,000-year-old fragments live on. Each piece of glass is different and holds its own historic story.

Roman glass shards transformed into gorgeous jewelry creates a kaleidoscope of multi-colored fragments. It creates something breathtaking and rare. It takes its individuality as strength, not an imperfection.

6. Bridal and Wedding

When it comes to weddings, the bride has to stand out, and glass jewelry is a trendy addition. From beadwork and the crystals on the dress to the accessories, glass can shine as bright as any diamond. Roman glass is a great way to heighten any bridal look if you're looking for something new and different.

Gold, silver, and diamonds are traditional, but glass accessories take them even further. Glass jewelry isn't only good for the blushing bride. The bridesmaids and family can choose subtle and elegant glasswork jewelry too.

The trend of glass jewelry elevates the look of your wedding without breaking the bank. This works for all other special events, from galas to formal dinner parties and beyond.

7. Offbeat and Unconventional

The antithesis of high fashion is being quirky. However, it doesn't have to be a bad thing. Unique shoes, custom clothes, and big statement pieces are all the rage in the fashion world.

Extraordinary accessories are the cherry on top to complete the look. Glass jewelry is the perfect way to highlight what makes you special. It's always possible to look classy and elegant, even while being eccentric.

Glass jewelry is versatile. With the right jewelers, a custom and personalized chic set a request away. From pop-culture references, cute animals to fruits and sweets - the sky's the limit.

8. Bespoke Jewelry

Designing and creating jewelry is part of every little girl's childhood dreams. Having your own and personal chic set of jewelry custom-made by top jewelers is one way to fulfill that wish. Not only do you have an exclusive piece, but you also have one that's steeped in history.

Roman glass shards are elegant and easy to incorporate into any kind of jewelry. Why would you choose to have something mass-produced and common? The bespoke jewelry trend will continue to pick up in the years to come.

Don't fall into the consumer trap of serialized products. If you're building a jewelry collection, choose pieces that can tell a story.

Glass Jewelry In High Fashion

Glass jewelry has been around for thousands of years. It's elegant, unique, and beautiful. It can be a statement piece or the supporting act to a full ensemble.

There are tons of styles to choose from. Knowing what's fashionable, how to accessorize, and care for glass jewelry is crucial. Check out the rest of our designer pieces at Romawehoautodetail Jewelry to find great additions to your collection.

]]> 2021-05-10T00:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:45-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Jewelry Trends 2021? Keep up with this year's fashion and style trends with this comprehensive guide. Don't get left in the dust; read to learn more.



Jewelry Trends 2021: What You Need to Know

Jewelry Trends 2021? Keep up with this year's fashion and style trends with this comprehensive guide. Don't get left in the dust; read to learn more.

Keyword(s): jewelry trends 2021


When it comes to fashion, your jewelry makes a statement above all else. That's why you want to make sure you're keeping up with all the latest jewelry trends.

From necklaces to anklets and rings, the hottest jewelry trends for 2021 are definitely on-point.

Read on to check out what you need to know about this year's style trends so that your jewelry is the star of the show.

Jewelry Trends 2021:

Statement Pieces


If you really want your jewelry to stand out, look for bold and brilliant statement pieces that will attract major attention. Statement jewelry is typically larger, brighter, and bolder than standard pieces you'd wear every day.

A chunky bracelet can add a ton of drama to almost anything you wear. Try a gorgeous, colorful bracelet accented with shimmering stones or pieces of abalone shell to add an instant standout to virtually every outfit you own.

Statement necklaces are back this year, too. You can also try an awesome, oversized pendant that shows off your personality and tells everyone exactly what you're about. Pendants can be worn with various chains so you can easily mix and match your looks.

Make sure to check out our collection of sterling silver pendants.

Cocktail rings are another one of the hottest jewelry trends of 2021. These dramatic rings are large, bold, and feature unique details and big stones in a rainbow of colors.

Bangle Bracelets

A fabulous bracelet can really amplify your look, and this year, bangles are coming out front and center. Unlike traditional bracelets with a clasp, these can be stacked together and easily slipped on and off your wrist.

Don't just wear one bangle bracelet unless you opt for a cuff style that tends to be much wider. Otherwise, make sure you wear several bangle bracelets stacked on your wrist for a multilayered effect.

If you prefer a more coordinated look, simply layer a few matching bangles so everything is cohesive. For those who like to bring the drama, consider wearing several bangle bracelets made of different materials and in different styles.

Chokers are Back

When it comes to fashion trends, it feels like everything comes full circle. This is definitely true for jewelry this year, particularly necklaces like the now-popular again choker.

Chokers are a hot trend this year, but these aren't your velvet ribbon chokers from the 90s. Today's chokers are much more refined and made of high-end materials like silver, gold, and precious stones.

If you're really aiming to be trendy, consider a choker necklace comprised of oversized chain links. These large, shiny links will bring visual drama to your ensemble, and they blend the boldness of statement jewelry with the trend of a choker in a seamless fashion.

Sparkly? Yes Please

2021 is your year to shine after the difficulties of 2020. Give your look a bold, on-trend touch with some ultra-sparkly jewelry pieces. Anything with filigree detail will bring a brilliant and bold touch to your favorite pendants, rings, and earrings.

You can add a brilliant shine to your fave clothing by choosing pieces made with stunning marcasite stones. These little sparklers add a brilliant aesthetic to your look and they shine brightly at every angle when the light hits.

Another easy way to add more sparkle to your look is with a bright cocktail ring featuring a huge stone in the center. The more facets the stone has, the brighter it will shine. Look for trending jewelry that incorporates as many stones as possible, or that uses the largest stone possible to make it stand out.

Shapely Designs

This year, you'll notice more jewelry that features fun shapes rather than simple abstract motifs. For example, a charm bracelet accented with an array of fun charms in different designs gives you endless possibilities to upgrade your look.

Instead of a pendant with a simple shape or a single stone, try something boasting a cute design in your favorite theme. A shimmering seahorse pendant is a fantastic choice if you love the ocean, or try a teardrop-shaped pendant if you just want to up the ante.

New styles of rings are also a fantastic way to add some personality to your outfits this year. Go for bolder rings that showcase fun themes like celestial, animals, or flowers. The key is to choose jewelry that says something about who you are in a more personal way.

Color is King

While gold and silver will always reign supreme, adding more color to jewelry is an on-trend option for 2021. Incorporate more color into your jewelry ensemble by choosing stones featured in hues of purple (like amethyst), or a rich Baltic amber.

Replace some of your metal chain necklaces with something comprised of colorful beads. Multicolored shells like abalone will easily add a ton of extra color to a favorite piece of jewelry.

Another hot colorful jewelry trend is enameled pendants, bracelets, and rings. Enameled jewelry adds a pop of color and will give anything you wear an extra dose of visual interest.

Stay On-Trend for 2021

Whether it's a statement piece or a choker necklace, try some of these jewelry trends for 2021 to make your outfit pop. Don't be afraid to go bold with a piece of statement jewelry or a fun ring or pendant featuring a unique shape or theme.

Adding new jewelry to your look is an easy way to help you stay on top of the latest style trends.

If you're ready to shop for some incredible new jewelry, be sure to browse our online store and check out our exclusive collections today!

]]> 2021-04-26T17:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:37-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis As young people increasingly move away from natural diamonds, could lab grown diamonds be the future? Read more to find out.


Lab Grown Diamonds: The Future?
As young people increasingly move away from natural diamonds, could lab grown diamonds be the future? Read more to find out.

Keyword(s): lab grown diamonds



Do you love jewelry? Are you one of the 73% of millennials who want to shop sustainably? 

More and more shoppers are willing to pay a little more to ensure their high-quality pieces follow ethical practices. 

Many jewels historically have a somewhat shady past. Conflict diamonds, stones that are mined using unethical practices; the industry has seen it all. Fortunately, times are changing. To both protect our planet and its people. 

Astounding new technologies enable us to create stones in the laboratory. One of these miracle inventions is lab grown diamonds.

You may think this sounds like a strange concept; how can a naturally occurring stone be grown in a lab? However, these fascinating engineered stones are here to stay and have an array of remarkable properties. 

Read on to find out why lab created diamonds are the future.

How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Made?

Diamonds formed deep in the earth billions of years ago and were brought to the earth's surface with the heat and pressure caused by volcanic explosions. 

Lab created diamonds undergo a similar process. High pressure and high temperatures are used to replicate the same chemical processes natural diamonds go through. It just happens in a machine rather than on the earth.

For this reason, diamonds that are grown in a lab are chemically and physically identical to mined diamonds. You can't tell the difference to look at them either. 

Lab diamonds start life as a seed. It then undergoes the process of making it into the beautiful stone we know and love. Due to the artificial process, the seed goes through, diamonds made in a lab are often referred to as synthetic diamonds.

How Are Lab Diamonds Graded?

Artificial diamonds are also graded in precisely the same way as mined diamonds. They are cut by experts and graded using the same quality criteria as mined diamonds. 

They are rated using the 4 C's: 

  • Carat
  • Cut 
  • Color 
  • Clarity 

You would not be able to tell the difference between a mined diamond and a man-made one if you just looked at them. 

Why Are Synthetic Diamonds the Future?

Diamond mining is notorious for being unsustainable, unethical, linked to child labor, as well as war and conflicts. Although the diamond industry has been cleaned up since the Kimberly Process Certification was introduced in 2003, it is sometimes difficult to trace a diamond's origin.  

Many diamond dealers still can't tell you which mine their diamonds originate from. The Kimberly Process is hard to monitor, and many clean diamonds end up in the same shipments as those from less ethical origins. 

If a diamond is grown in a lab, it is easy to trace and harms nobody. Let's take a more in-depth look at why consumers are starting to choose man-made diamonds. 

They Are More Ethical

Even if a diamond claims to be conflict-free and not used to fund corrupt governments and warfare, we can never be entirely sure.

You also don't know if the workers who mine your natural diamond are paid fairly or treated humanely. Many countries where diamonds naturally occur don't have laws to ban child labor or enforce strict minimum wage or labor safety requirements. 

Ethical diamonds are having a moment, and we won't ever go back to the dark days of unethical diamond extraction. 

They Are More Environmentally Friendly 

Mining diamonds also have a significant impact on the natural environment. Digging up the earth to extract a stone is not the most sustainable of practices after all. Hundreds of tonnes of earth need to move to find just one diamond. 

This messes with local ecosystems and can end up displacing wildlife and communities. Local water sources can also end up polluted as a result of diamond mining. Minerals unearthed when the rocks are moved can run off into the water, causing it to become toxic. 

The air miles that a mined diamond costs are also huge. They fly from origin to middle man, to cuter, to trader. 

A lab grown diamond can be made in a few days and sold in the same city it is created. Further to this, a lot less energy is needed to create an artificial diamond. Thus, lab grown diamonds have a significantly lower carbon footprint. 

Artificial Diamonds Are Less Expensive

Lab grown diamonds have the same properties and high quality as mined diamonds but a lower price tag. 

Mined diamonds pass through many hands on their way to the store; each person involved takes a cut of the final price.

There are fewer people involved in creating a lab grown diamond which means fewer people who need paying. This, in turn, lowers the price for the end consumer. 

Diamond Jewelry Is Always In Fashion 

Ever since the 1940s, when diamonds became the height of fashion, they have been a staple in our jewelry boxes. We will continue to collect precious jewels for decades to come. They will be different from the jewels of the past. 

Want to make a statement with your outfit? Say it with diamonds. Want to give a gift that lasts an eternity? Diamonds are perfect. They last indefinitely and are a symbol of class.

Diamonds are also the most popular gemstone used for engagement rings. This stunning stone has represented love for centuries. 

Conscious Consumers Prefer Lab Diamonds 

You don't want your beautiful diamond to have a shady past, do you? Unethical practices and dubious origins are not what this stone should represent. For this reason, lab grown diamonds are the future. 

As consumer demands shift towards more transparent supply chains and the accountability of manufacturers, we need a change in the way goods are produced.

Innovative technologies that create lab-made diamonds can help us take much-needed steps towards a more sustainable and green future. 

Feel inspired to browse some ethically sourced diamonds? Check out our collection of diamond rings. 

If you are not into natural or lab grow diamonds there are options for you! Swarovski Crystals are beauiful, affordable and are sure to draw admiring eyes! 

]]> 2020-01-13T10:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:30:13-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Not sure how to style a chunky statement necklace for work? Or how about a wedding? Or a party? Keep reading to find out how to choose the best for any occasion


Choosing the Best Chunky Statement Necklace for Any Occasion
Not sure how to style a chunky statement necklace for work? Or how about a wedding? Or a party? Keep reading to find out how to choose the best for any occasion

Keyword(s): chunky statement necklace


Are you looking for something flamboyant in keeping with your innate pizzazz? Do you need a piece of jewelry to reflect your vigorous spirit or add luster to your energy? Then you should consider a chunky statement necklace to set off your décolletage as well as your striking outfits.

What Are Statement Necklaces?

Stereotypical statement jewelry is oftentimes thought to be oversized costume jewelry, in vibrant colors. We think of the largeness of the necklace as being the reason for the description "statement".

What a statement necklace means is that it is a key feature or a very noticeable part of your outfit. As a necklace, it is designed to be eye-catching and has a high-impact effect.

Large statement necklaces are not meant to be layered. Rather, they stand out on their own. They are stunning when worn as an accessory to the famous little black number, or otherwise unadorned, classic-cut clothing.

Who Can Wear A Chunky Statement Necklace?

Absolutely anybody can wear a chunky statement necklace! The trick is to find a style and colors that suit your complexion. The other trick is to choose something that has an unusual design or is made of unusual material.

A large statement necklace is a little like a signature perfume. It is something that people associate with you. It almost becomes part of you, and therefore should be well-suited to your personality, to begin with.

Are Statement Necklaces Trending?

Large earrings are currently trending resulting in a slight decline in the popularity of chunky neckline adornment. There has also been a rise in using lots of dainty necklaces in a layered look This is no reason to bury your statement necklaces in the bottom of your jewelry box, though.

Vintage clothing will always have a place in any fashion mix, as will jewelry.

Those old Victorian jewelry sets featuring a heavy necklace and a pair of earrings are still to be prized.  These days, though, you would probably either wear the earings or wear the necklace. But not both at the same time.

Chunky Statement Jewelry in Spring/Summer 2020

In Spring/Summer 2020, chunky statement jewelry will be making a bold entrance again. The look is liberated, stunning. Be your own woman, and wear it so you rock it!

Notice that statement jewelry has reclaimed its rightful place at the forefront of what looks good on young professional women. Gone are the days of it being the go-to jewelry for those wanting to distract attention from their aging necklines! Now, the statement that this jewelry makes is vibrant, smart and well designed.

There is a huge variation in styles to enjoy in 2020. From the multi-stacked choker to low-hanging lockets, and elongated Y-necklaces, there is something for every taste.

Innovative designs give a personalized touch. Gold, silver, polished stainless steel. Gemstones, crystals, precious stones and inlaid mother-of-pearl are all possible. 

Boost Your Confidence!

Your piece of statement jewelry is aligned with your individual sense of style. We recommend that you take time choosing a statement necklace from a professional designer jeweler who understands your need for unique ways to express yourself.

Work and Play

Can you wear chunky statement jewelry to work? Well, that depends on the kind of work you do.  Corporate wear goes well with most statement jewelry.

Chunky items can be worn over a plain-color shirt or sweater during the day. Or they can be showing discreetly against your skin beneath one or two open buttons.

Again, when it comes to play, we're talking not so much about sport as we are about evening wear. Statement jewelry is designed to enhance your neckline and shoulder line. It can also give a refined edge to the cut of your dress, or jacket or blouse.

For both work and play, often the color of your chunky items—and not just their chunkiness—makes as much of a statement as does their design.

Most women have three or four favorite pieces and alternate these with their basic wardrobe. And then there's always that one stunning statement necklace that you keep for very special occasions. the one that says you celebrate life with a passion and are not afraid to say so.

Chunky Is As Chunky Does

Not everyone feels comfortable wearing chunky statement jewelry.  this is one reason we suggest opting for something in between. Something that strikes a balance between delicate finery, and making a definite statement. Like this large teardrop necklace featuring Swarovski crystal.

Likewise, if you feel somewhat exposed with low necklines on your evening dress, a statement necklace can give you a bit of cover, and sparkle, like this sterling marcasite and amethyst statement necklace. Some statement pieces are so intricate that you can view them as collector's items. You might want to pass it down to your daughter, or a favorite niece in the future.

Good Jewelry Is Timeless

Everything of quality is timeless.  Nowhere is this truer than when it comes to jewelry.  With care and good taste, you can find something to last decades. Something that makes the kind of statement you want to make.

A chunky statement necklace does not have to be gaudy, or cheap.  High-class items of value can be pieces of great beauty. And they can last through the ages.

The more original your statement necklace, the better. Why don't you browse through our online store and see what takes your fancy?

Now is pretty much the best time to do it – we have a 40% discount on selected items right now. And there's probably a chunky statement necklace there with your name on it! 
