Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2020-05-18T10:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:29:38-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis If you are considering buying cheap jewelry, you need to read this first before buying. Here are 5 reasons why cheap jewelry ends up costing you more.



5 Reasons Why Cheap Jewelry Ends up Costing You More

If you are considering buying cheap jewelry, you need to read this first before buying. Here are 5 reasons why cheap jewelry ends up costing you more.

Keyword(s): cheap jewelry


Quality jewelry is an asset. But it's difficult for many people to resist the temptation of a good bargain.

Cheap jewelry brings instant gratification that most people crave when shopping. Here are 5 reasons why cheap jewelry ends up costing you more in the long run.

The High Cost of Cheap Jewelry

Around 80 percent of Americans prefer to get an item on sale no matter how much they can afford to spend. People go to great lengths, buying things they don't necessarily want or items with imperfections just to get a good deal.

These purchases give you an adrenaline rush because you feel you've "won" something when the bargain is big enough. Cheap jewelry is one of the items you can buy for upwards of 90 percent off in styles that look very similar to the real thing. 

Why skip that kind of savings to buy something that most people won't know is real? Here are 5 reasons cheap jewelry isn't worth the heavy discount.

1. Cheap Jewelry Breaks Easily

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. Don't expect to wear cheap jewelry for a lifetime because things like weak prongs will cause gemstones to fall out of rings and necklaces fairly quickly.

Low-cost jewelry makers cut corners on craftsmanship to get products to market faster. Gemstones are valuable because they are durable and timeless.

Don't be surprised if the gemstones in your costume jewelry break when bumped up against a hard surface. Since the item isn't real, there's no repair option to restore cheap quality jewelry to its original condition. 

2. Cheap Jewelry Can Be Counterfeit

Ever wonder how gold or diamonds can be sold in some cheap accessory stores at deep discounts? It's because the gold or diamonds included in the jewelry are most likely imitations.

Imitation jewelry can include some real elements. It's not uncommon for there to be some fragments of diamond in a fake diamond ring or necklace.

Over time, you'll notice the item doesn't seem to get as clean as you'd like. This is because you've been sold a piece of counterfeit jewelry. 

3. Cheap Jewelry Might Contain Toxins

One of the biggest reasons to avoid cheap jewelry is the potential health risks. Ingredients like lead and cadmium carry serious threats to your health.

Cheap jewelry often comes with high levels of cadmium. Cadmium is a carcinogen that has been known to cause kidney failure and bone softening if you're exposed to it on a regular basis.

The most common places you'll find cadmium is in cigarette smoke and batteries. Combined with lead, cadmium is very dangerous to the kidneys.

Lead poisoning leads to brain damage and kidney problems. Lead is sneaky because it gets stored in the teeth and bones over time gradually weakening the body.

Because there's no 'safe' amount of exposure to lead, it's best to avoid any potential exposure by avoiding cheap jewelry. Even top retail stores can carry jewelry that contains toxins.

Only buy from reputable jewelers offering good quality stones and metals to avoid health risks. 

4. Cheap Jewelry Dulls Over Time

All cheap jewelry looks amazing when you first buy it. You might feel proud to own a gorgeous piece of jewelry that gets you compliments whenever you wear it.

But these compliments will be short-lived because cheap jewelry dulls quickly. There's no polish available that can restore shine to plastic. 

The benefit of quality jewelry is that you'll get metals and stones that can be cleaned repeatedly to look brand new. This lengthens the shelf life of your jewelry so that it lasts for generations if you want it to.

You'll be lucky to get more than a few months of daily wear on a piece of cheap jewelry. 

5. Cheap Jewelry Triggers Allergies

Nickel is often used in cheap jewelry as a replacement for quality metals. It's also one of the most common causes of allergic skin reactions

If you notice a rash or itch after wearing cheap jewelry, then you probably have a nickel allergy. These symptoms don't always happen right away.

It can take several days for redness or swelling to happen, but when it does the effects are lasting. Depending on the length of exposure, you might see the effects of your allergic reaction for days.

If left untreated, nickel allergies can cause serious health risks including infection. Buy jewelry with a minimum of 10 karat gold to a potential reaction to nickel.

If your skin is particularly sensitive, you might want to aim for 14-karat or 18-karat gold instead. Pure stainless steel, sterling silver, platinum, and copper are also great alternative jewelry options because they don't contain nickel.

White gold should be avoided if you have sensitive skin because it can contain trace amounts of nickel. Some jewelry, like wedding or engagement rings, isn't as simple to replace if they contain nickel.

Consult with a jeweler about having these items plated in a metal like platinum to avoid an allergic reaction.

Cheap Jewelry is Expensive

If you add up all the dangers of cheap jewelry, it's far more expensive than simply buying a better quality option. The health risks alone are worth increasing your jewelry budget.

Lead and cadmium are especially dangerous for young children. It's better to skip buying jewelry for children if you think they'll lose it than to invest in an unhealthy option.

Invest in your health and create a family asset with premium jewelry. To find top quality jewelry within your budget, check out our selection online. 


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]]> 2020-03-09T12:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:29:57-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Have you been thinking about buying low-quality jewelry? Click here to learn the biggest downsides of cheap jewelry and why you should invest in quality pieces.


The Downsides of Cheap Jewelry
Have you been thinking about buying low-quality jewelry? Click here to learn the biggest downsides of cheap jewelry and why you should invest in quality pieces.

Keyword(s): downsides of cheap jewelry


When you’re shopping for jewelry, you’re going to run into the age-old debate. Is it better to get cheaper jewelry that will look almost the same as the real deal or splurge for the nice stuff? After all, why pay the extra price if you don’t have to, right?

But we’re here to tell you cheap jewelry can wind up costing you a lot more in the long run. Read on to learn about the downsides of cheap jewelry and why it’s worth investing in high-quality pieces from the start.

It Contains Dangerous Chemicals

One of the biggest downsides of cheap jewelry is that it can contain dangerous chemicals. You may know that lots of cheaper jewelry contains (or is entirely made of) nickel. But certain nickel compounds that might show up in cheaper jewelry can be carcinogens. 

Cheaper jewelry may also contain chromium or even lead. We’re all familiar with the effects of lead poisoning, but chromium is also listed as a carcinogen by the American Cancer Society. This could be especially dangerous for small children whose bodies are still growing and developing.

It Breaks Down Quickly

Aside from the chemical dangers of cheap jewelry, these products could actually cost you more in replacements. Cheap fashion jewelry is going to break down much more quickly than the real deal. And in time, you could wind up spending more replacing your cheap jewelry than you would have spent on the good stuff in the first place.

Let’s say you pay $45 for a simple necklace that you want to wear every day. Within a few days or weeks, you may notice the color of the necklace starting to change. Within a year, the chain on that necklace will likely have broken.

But instead, let’s say you spend $250 on a nice necklace made of pure gold. Within five years, that necklace will have more than paid for itself in money saved on replacements. And with the proper care, that necklace could last you decades, saving you hundreds of dollars.

The Gemstones Are Low Quality

One of the other big pitfalls of low-quality jewelry is that the “gemstones” they’re using are very poor quality. If they’re real at all (and many are imitations), they’re going to be tiny or very flawed. It’s not worth spending money on a cheap gemstone if all you’re going to see in it is the flaws.

And as for the imitations, there’s a reason real gemstones are worth more. You simply aren’t going to get better clarity or sparkle than you will with a real gemstone. Trust us when we say it’s not worth spending money on something that will disappoint you every time you look at it.

There May Not Be Any Gemstones

Let’s say, though, that you have a gemstone that is so tiny you wouldn’t be able to see much sparkle or many flaws. It’s just a tiny accent stone on your jewelry to add some sparkle. But are you sure that is, in fact, a stone?

On further inspection, many accent “stones” don’t contain any gemstones at all. Rather, they’re just a thin coat of metal, often silver or gold brushed over the area of the accent “stone.” They may have some diamond dust mixed in for added sparkle, but there’s nothing genuine about those stones whatsoever.

The Prongs Are Weak

Have you ever bought a piece of fashion jewelry only to have the stone fall out of it within a few months? This isn’t because of anything you did wrong, it’s a flaw with the original design of the piece. Cheap jewelry tends to have weak prongs holding any gemstones in place.

Strong prongs are one of the most important factors in good jewelry design. You want to make sure they won’t bend or break and that they won’t wear down, allowing the gem to fall out. But in cheap jewelry, the prongs are made just as shoddily as the rest of the piece, creating a weak spot that will break down in very short order. 

There May Be Nickel

We mentioned earlier that cheap jewelry often contains nickel. It’s a popular substitute for silver since it looks similar and is much cheaper to produce. But aside from any carcinogenic properties, nickel can cause problems for a number of people.

Many people with skin sensitivities may suffer from nickel allergies. This can cause swelling, redness, and even infections, and it can be very difficult to avoid in cheaper jewelry. High-quality jewelry will be made only from true materials such as gold and silver, making it much better for those with allergies. 

Thinner Ring Body

When you’re looking at rings, one of the things you need to consider is the body of the ring. This is the part that wraps around your finger and which sees a lot of wear. It will be rubbing against your finger, gloves, and anything you’re carrying all day every day. Cheap rings will wear out quickly.

When your ring body begins to wear out, it can bend or even break. At that point, you’ll have to decide between buying a new ring and having that ring repaired. But higher-quality rings will come with solid bodies that will stand up to wear for many decades.

Discover the Downsides of Cheap Jewelry

At first glance, cheap jewelry may seem like a good way to get the pieces you want on a budget. But in the long run, the downsides of cheap jewelry will outweigh the good. It’s better to save up and get a few quality pieces that you can enjoy for years than to waste money on cheap fashion jewelry.

If you’d like to find great-quality jewelry, check out the rest of our site at wehoautodetail. We have pieces that dazzle for prices you’ll love. Shop our new jewelry and start getting the beauty you deserve in your life today.


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]]> 2019-07-01T15:32:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:31:13-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Cheap jewelry and costume jewelry can seem like an affordable fix, but it can actually cost you more. Here's what you should know about buying cheap jewelry.


Why Cheap Jewelry Can Actually Cost You More
Cheap jewelry and costume jewelry can seem like an affordable fix, but it can actually cost you more. Here's what you should know about buying cheap jewelry.

Keyword(s): buying cheap jewelry


7% of the total American population consider their spending on jewelry as a major expense. Jewelry is a key fashion statement especially among women of all ages. You will certainly look more glamorous if you can accessorize that beautiful dress with a stunning piece of jewelry to boot.

Most people assume that good quality jewelry must cost you an arm and a leg. This assumption is overrated. You can always go for affordable but quality jewelry.

But, you also need to know that cheap can be costly in the end. If you are considering buying cheap jewelry in place of more expensive but affordable pieces you need to consider a few important pointers.

Cheap jewelry and costume jewelry can seem like an affordable fix, but it can actually cost you more. Here's what you should know about buying cheap jewelry.

Cheap (Usually) Means Low Quality

Do you ever wonder how stores with such low-cost jewelry break even? Well, it is because the pieces of jewelry they sell are low quality and cost less. Most of the gemstones you will find in cheap jewelry stores are amazing on the surface but will eventually disappoint you.

If you plan on buying a cheap gemstone, you are better advised that they tend to have an inferior color. They also tend to break easily when bumped. You may need to consider these important observations before settling for that cheap jewelry option.

The Risk of Imitations Is high

Your naked eye will not realize this, but most of the diamond jewelry you find in cheap jewelry stores is an imitation. This is not meant to burst the bubble but is impossible to get a genuine diamond at the price that most of these cheap jewelry stores quote. What you will most likely buy is some fake stone.

Some shrewd jewelry makers will include small pieces of a real diamond in between normal metal droplets. Because of the excitement you derive from buying such jewelry cheaply, you rarely undertake due diligence. You only learn later that cheap is expensive when your cheap piece of jewelry begins to discolor.

Do not fall for fake jewelry when you can buy affordable yet genuine jewelry.

Cheap Jewelry Equals Shaky Prongs

If you have ever gone out window shopping for rings, you know that prongs are the backbone of a strong ring. Unfortunately, when you go out seeking to buy a piece of cheap jewelry, you tend to sacrifice such nitty-gritty at the altar of cheaper prices. Such cheap pieces of jewelry have weak prongs that are easily damaged sooner rather than later.

In a ring, such prongs hold the stone in place. You know what happens in the event that these prongs get weaker with time.

Stop buying cheap jewelry if you want a lasting solution to shaky prongs. There is a range of fairly priced options you can consider if in need of quality rings.

Watch out for Lower Karat Gold

Have you ever sort for a gold necklace, a ring or bracelet and marveled at how cheap they are in specific jewelry stores? Well, it is because they were of a lower karat gold standard than the seller purported. You may wonder what is cheap jewelry made off, it is actually made of lower standards of the purported expensive stone.

In the United States, most of the cheap jewelry sold as gold does not even attain the standard regulation of 10 karats. If you are keen about your health and the various allergies, you must always stick to wearing jewelry that is between 14 and 18 karats. Also, cheap gold-coated jewelry may not be the best solution for your fashion needs.

Be Keen on the Hazardous Components in Cheap Jewelry

Imagine achieving a temporal stunning look at the expense of long-term chronic disease. Terrible right? This is what buying cheap jewelry will most likely lead to. Lead jewelry is an observable example of the negative consequences of buying cheap jewelry.

Be Aware of the Dangers of lead Jewelry

If you are considering buying fancy earrings to accessorize your look, you need to focus on quality and not cost. Most of the low-priced earrings and other cheap jewelry are not lead compliant. Your guess is as good as mine on the consequences that this jewelry has on your health in the long term.

Before you decide to settle for that cheap jewelry, you must reflect on the risk of organ damage that leads causes. Your decision to settle for costume jewelry will get you into health-related trouble sooner than you can imagine.

Be Keen on the Hazardous Components Before Buying Cheap Jewelry

Buying cheap jewelry increases your risk of developing skin complications such as contact dermatitis. Stop buying cheap jewelry if you are keen on avoiding instances of dry blisters on your skin and excessive itching.

You will not appreciate the low-cost budget you used to buy such jewelry if you end up spending extra in medical expenses.

The Risk of Cadmium in Costume Jewelry

Take a moment and think about the role that your kidneys play in your body. Now imagine experiencing fatal kidney failure due to an avoidable action. Most cheap jewelry has a high level of cadmium, which has the potential to lead to kidney failure in the medium-term.

The cadmium component in most of the jewelry is also cacogenic. The dangers of cheap jewelry include cancer and other chronic illnesses, which should be a concern for you. Stop buying cheap jewelry without considering the long-term implications that these accessories have on your health.

Buying Cheap Jewelry Can Be Toxic

When refereeing to jewelry, it is agreeable that cheap is noxious based on the many negative implications that buying cheap jewelry has on your health. Why would you want to end up with all these negative consequences when there is genuine jewelry that will not be too costly?

If you do not want to buy a bracelet or a necklace often due to damage or discoloration, you need to stop buying cheap jewelry. Also, do not forget the negative effects cheap pieces of jewelry may have on your health.

Are you keen on genuinely priced jewelry where safety is guaranteed? Visit our page for the best deals.


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