Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2022-11-21T10:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:24:56-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis More


A Guide on How to Care for Pearls

Pearls have been used in jewelry as far back as Ancient Greece. Their timeless appeal makes them an excellent investment piece that you can pass down for generations. However, if you want your jewelry to last, you need to understand how to care for pearls. 

Pearls are stunning to look at, but they're also delicate. That's why knowing how to clean and store your pearl jewelry is key to ensuring it lasts. Here are some tips you can use to care for it. 

Cleaning Pearls the Correct Way

5-Pearl Adjustable Bracelet

Each time you wear your pearls, be sure to wipe them down afterward with a soft, dry cloth. While pearls benefit from absorbing some of the natural oils the body produces, they don't benefit from perfume, sweat, or dirt. To keep your pearl jewelry looking pristine, be sure to wipe it down. 

That said, only use a damp cloth if you need to. You may notice stains on your pearls after a time, and you can clean these with a cloth dipped in lukewarm water and mild dish soap. Again, only do this when you notice stains or your pearls are dirty.

Never submerge your pearl necklace in water! The water can ruin the silk thread used to string the pearls together. Be sure to let your necklace dry completely before storing or wearing it to preserve the silk. 

Unfortunately, the silk thread doesn't benefit from body oils like the pearls do. It pays to bring your pearls to a jeweler from time to time to get them professionally cleaned. Your jeweler can also check on the state of your necklaces and bracelets to ensure the silk is in good condition. 

Restringing Pearl Necklaces

Hammered Freshwater Pearl Earrings

Over time, your pearl necklace can stretch out or fray. The more frequently you wear your jewelry, the more often you may need to restring it.

Generally, people will restring their pearls every two or three years. However, if you wear your pearls weekly or more often, you may need to have them restrung each year. 

You can check to see if you need them restrung by examining the length of your necklace. If the knots appear stretched out, your necklace looks uneven, or you notice any fraying, it's time to have the piece restrung. 

The price of pearl restringing varies depending on the length, though it's usually around $50 - $100 or so. 

Of course, you won't have to worry about the string if your pearl necklace is designed with sterling silver or gold instead. Designs such as this Pearl Y Necklace offer the beauty of pearls without the high maintenance of silk thread. 

How to Care for Pearls: Dos and Don'ts 

wehoautodetail Freshwater Pearl Stackable Sterling Silver Ring

Never expose pearls to harsh chemicals such as vinegar, ammonia, chlorine bleach, and hydrogen peroxide. Also, limit exposing your pearls to perfume and hairspray. These chemicals can ruin the pearl's surface. 

If you must use perfume, lotion, makeup, and hairspray, only put your pearls on afterward. Take your pearls off first before changing clothes, washing your face, or getting ready for bed. 

Always take your pearls off before exercising to limit exposing them to sweat and bacteria. The acids in sweat can damage them.

Don't wear pearls over rough fabrics, such as wool, as this can cause scratches. 

Avoid submerging your pearl jewelry. Never wear pearls while swimming, in the shower, or while doing dishes. Water contains chlorine, which can separate pearls from their backings, ruin the pearl's luster, and damage the thread. 

Store pearl jewelry in a soft case or cloth. This protects them from rubbing against other pieces of jewelry and hard surfaces that can scratch and damage their surface. 

Again, remember to wipe your jewelry with a soft, dry cloth after each use. This wipes away excess oil, dirt, and sweat. 

Wear your pearl jewelry often. Pearls benefit from the moisture produced by our bodies. Just remember to take them off if you're exercising, going swimming, or taking a shower. 

Proper Storage for Your Pearls 

Freshwater Pearl Calla Lily Pendant Necklace

Whether it's a necklace or pearl earrings, proper storage is essential to ensuring the longevity of your piece. 

If possible, keep your necklace, bracelet, or earrings in the original pouch or container they arrived in. If you no longer have it, a lined jewelry box, silk bag, or a soft cloth will do. Avoid storing your pearls next to other pieces, as it's more likely they'll get scratched. 

Never store pearls in an air-tight bag or container. Pearls require moisture, or they might crack. Also, never store pearls in plastic bags or containers. 

Another common mistake pearl owners make is hanging necklaces from hooks. Hanging your necklace or bracelet in this way puts extra strain on the thread and can stretch it out prematurely. 

There are plenty of jewelry storage ideas out there, from simple jewelry boxes to storage behind mirrors. Find a solution that protects your pearls but doesn't keep them entirely out of sight and out of mind. After all, you want to wear your pearls at least somewhat regularly. 

Another common mistake people make is taking off their jewelry at night and storing it on their nightstands. Not only is this a recipe for a lost pearl earring, but it can scratch your pearls. If you plan on storing your jewelry on your nightstand, buy a soft jewelry tray with compartments. 

Protect Your Pearls

Freshwater Pearl Charm (Gold)

Knowing how to care for pearls and understanding the dos and don'ts of cleaning and storage will help to extend the longevity of your jewelry. Use these tips to ensure you're properly caring for your pearls so that you can one day pass them on to future generations. 

Are you looking to add pearl jewelry to your collection? Pearls are a classic look that withstands the test of time. Here at wehoautodetail, we offer a wide selection of necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and more high-end jewelry you can treasure.

Take a look at our selection to find your new favorite piece. 

]]> 2022-11-07T18:36:26-07:00 2024-01-17T20:24:58-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Did you know that those in their early thirties account for the most jewelry seekers? At least 47% of those that wear jewelry every day wear bracelets while other types of jewelry such as necklaces and earrings show to be more popular. We could say that one of the reasons for this is the lack of being able to find high-quality bangle bracelets or other pieces that are a good mixture of statement options and those that could match anything.



How to Stack Bangle Bracelets

Did you know that those in their early thirties account for the most jewelry seekers? At least 47% of those that wear jewelry every day wear bracelets while other types of jewelry such as necklaces and earrings show to be more popular. We could say that one of the reasons for this is the lack of being able to find high-quality bangle bracelets or other pieces that are a good mixture of statement options and those that could match anything.

It can be difficult to find high-quality jewelry that excites you and makes you feel confident. The biggest problems that accessory enthusiasts find are worn metal, damaged prongs for gem setting, and losing the stones set into their jewelry. With a better variety to choose from, shopping can be a bit easier and more enjoyable.

Keep reading as we talk about how to accessorize with popular, luxurious, and timeless pieces without stretching your budget too far.

There Is an Art to Stacking Bangle Bracelets

 Silver Moon Cut Bracelet

It's important to know that a bangle can come in a variety of sizes and they don't have to necessarily be a bracelet, bangles are also considered anklets in some cases as well. However, they are very ornamental pieces, making them the perfect accessory to enhance any look. A stack of bangles is stiff in style and their structure means great pairing for other textured pieces.

Here's how to stack bangles like a professional:

Start by Mixing and Matching

Whether you're going for a look with stones, beads, rope, or pure metal, they can all be paired together. When mixing and matching different pieces, keep in mind that you can do this with different metal tones and colors while still exemplifying a classic or even statement look. Bracelets with patterned fabrics go well with golds and silvers and to enhance the presentation, even more, add a watch to complete the look.

If you want to go with more of a modern style, think of metal tones and thinner options. You can even find pearled pieces in a bangle style.

Layering bracelets are a great way to dress up a simple everyday look or to dress down a more formal look for a special occasion. The thing is, they can be modified to give off just about any impression.

Don’t Be Afraid to Pair With Other Types of Arm Accessories

You don't have to stick with bangles of the same size or color. Think outside the box by curating your own looks such as pairing a silk black piece of fabric worn as a wrist accessory with a gold bangle topped with pearls. Or, if you're a watch person, allow it to accompany a bangle that's similar in style or color to make it seem like it's an intentional set.

Limit the Count and Practice Bracelet Balancing

Keep in mind, the way you wear your bracelets should be based on balance and that means taking the length of your arms into consideration. If you have longer arms, you can get away with wearing more. If you have shorter arms, you should wear fewer.

If you want an exact number, try not to exceed seven bracelets on an arm. This will be dependent on the size of the bracelet.

The thinner they are, the more you can wear and the wider they are, the more you should limit. There doesn't have to be an exact science to this as you will know once you've achieved the look you were hoping for.

A Good Rule of Thumb to Go By

 Gold Shining Star Pendant

Stacking bangle bracelets can be quite tough if you're trying to accessorize with the right outfit, the right colors, and even the right textures. You'd be surprised how a bangle that's too thick could throw off the look of an elegant silk dinner dress or how one too thin would be quickly overshadowed by an overlayed button-down knee-length dress.

When you think about it, there's a formula to stack bracelets properly. You want to start by ensuring you aren't covering any more than a third of your forearm and when stacking, wider bracelets should be put on first. This means that the wider a bracelet you have should be closer to your elbow than your wrist.

When putting bracelets on both of your wrists, you'll want to level out the weights of the pieces you choose to wear. It's all about balance and not only will you be able to feel the shifts between the weights of your jewelry, but it will also show in the presentation of your outfit.

Overall, the best rule of thumb is to keep yourself from going overboard or from simply doing too much. Mix and match bracelets to dress up your arm but base your placement on the consensus of color, size, width, and texture.

Quality Jewelry for Your High-Quality Taste

 Silver Moon Cut Stazione Bracelet

Jewelry is how people represent their styles, it's a way to show off how you feel or how you want to feel. Bangle bracelets come in a variety of shapes, styles, finishes, and colors. Layering them properly can help you create any look and they make great additions to your jewelry collections.

wehoautodetail takes a special interest in curating designs that speak to people and that help people display their interests. If you're looking for the perfect pieces that make you not only feel confident and beautiful but show it too, browse our collections to enhance your own.
