Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns 2024-05-21T09:00:04-06:00 wehoautodetail 2023-03-06T15:30:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:24:31-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis Some of the best gemstones never go out of style. However, you might want to mix up what jewelry you wear during the upcoming year. There are a handful of gemstones that are trending for 2023 that you might want to incorporate into your daily wear. This guide will discuss the top gemstone trends for this year.



What Are the Best Gemstones to Wear in 2023?

Did you know that there are over 2,000 natural minerals in the world but less than 100 are considered gemstones? Within that 100, only 16 of those gemstones are important. Gemstones have been around for centuries and have become an essential part of our jewelry collections.

Some of the best gemstones never go out of style. However, you might want to mix up what jewelry you wear during the upcoming year. There are a handful of gemstones that are trending for 2023 that you might want to incorporate into your daily wear.

This guide will discuss the top gemstone trends for 2023. Make an impact with your jewelry by incorporating high-quality pieces into your outfits.

The Big Four

The Big Four consists of the most sought-after gemstones. These include:

  • Emeralds
  • Rubies
  • Sapphires
  • Diamonds

These classic precious gems have gotten seen on the red carpet and fashion runways in the past year. These gemstones are durable, making them ideal for everyday wear.


Many people consider diamonds to be delicate, fragile gemstones. The only thing that can scratch the surface of a diamond is another diamond.

You can find diamonds in multiple colors. These colors include:

  • Red
  • Orange
  • Green
  • Blue

Over time, diamonds have evolved into a symbol of long-lasting love. Many brides opt to have diamond engagement rings and wedding bands. You can't go wrong with a simple diamond tennis bracelet or pair of earrings.


Sapphires are almost as durable as diamonds. They can be sculpted into multiple shapes. The most popular options are cat's eye and star sapphires.

Like diamonds, sapphires can come in multiple colors beyond the traditional blue. Pink and yellow sapphires are extremely popular.

Sapphires have also been associated with royalty for hundreds of years. Kings during the medieval period wore sapphires believing that the stone would protect them as they went into battle.


You can find rubies in various shades of red, from dark hues to light, pinkish colors. The red coloring in rubies comes from a mineral called chromium. The more precious a ruby stone is, the darker it'll be.

Rubies are also the birthstone for people born in July. You can also gift a ruby to your significant other on your 15th or 40th wedding anniversary.

Most ruby stones have flaws in them. Rubies that don't have any imperfections are thought to be very rare. It's generally thought that if you find a perfect ruby, then it's not an authentic stone.


Emeralds have various meanings. They include:

  • Spring
  • Renewal
  • Rebirth

The name of the stone comes from the word "smaragdos," a Greek word that translates to "green stone." While it's a precious gemstone, it's related to other stones, such as green beryl and aquamarine.

Columbia has been the world's top supplier of emeralds for many years. Emeralds can get manufactured in a lab instead of getting mind. If you're looking for an authentic emerald, you should ensure that it wasn't man-made.

Semi-Precious Stones


While you can never go wrong with a classic gem, semi-precious stones are increasing in popularity for the upcoming year. There's a major focus on the following colors:

  • Pastel tones
  • Mediterranean greens and blues
  • Dark hues like reds and blues

The Pantone color for 2023 is Viva Magenta. It's an empowering color that's deeply rooted in red and raspberry. If you're looking for a stand-out piece of jewelry, look for gemstones that incorporate that color.

Rhodolite Garnet

Rhodolite garnet comes in a wide range of colors. They can look nearly pure purple or have hints of red undertones. Most rhodolite garnets are a combination of the two colors.

Rhodolite garnets are an affordable option if you're looking for a stone that's bold and vibrant. It's also a great choice if your or a loved one's birthday is in January. Its berry hues make it a favorite among gem collectors.


Marcasite Ribbon Ring in Sterling Silver with Amethyst Detail

Wearing an amethyst ring or pendant had powerful meanings in ancient times. The stone has been thought to have healing powers in many cultures throughout previous centuries. Amethysts are also the birthstone for February.

Amethysts are considered to be moderately durable. While it's not the softest semi-precious gemstone available, you should be careful when you wear a piece of jewelry with an amethyst. That's because it can get scratched or fade.


Tanzanite gets mined in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro. It's the only known source of this gemstone in the world. It got discovered in 1967 by tribesmen in Tanzania.

Some people describe the gemstone as "velvety." That's because it has a saturated and deep color. The color options range from pure blue or blue with hints of purple.

Tanzanite is a delicate gemstone. You should be careful when wearing jewelry with this stone. It should be stored carefully to avoid scratching.


Moissanite was discovered in 1893 by Henri Moissan, a French scientist. He discovered small particles of the stone in a crater caused by a falling meteorite.

Moissanite is incredibly rare. Most moissanite that you can find in jewelry stores was created in a laboratory. It's created to look like diamonds but it's quite different.

Moissanite gemstones are thought to be more brilliant than diamonds. When hit with sunlight, moissanite can create an effect that looks like a disco ball.


As we mentioned, Mediterranean colors are popular this year. Aquamarine is perfect if you're looking for gemstones that are similar to the colors of the ocean.

You can find aquamarine stones in the following colors:

  • Green-blue
  • Blue
  • Very small amounts of green

It's a very delicate and soft stone. They're usually free from imperfections and as clear as the ocean water.

Find the Best Gemstones to Wear in 2023

Mystic Quartz Teardrop Drop Bracelet in Sterling Silver

Wearing the best gemstones at an event or to work can elevate a simple outfit. While choosing a classic gemstone is always a wonderful choice, mix up your jewelry wardrobe by incorporating new stones and colors. Add splashes of color to your outfit with one of the trending jewelry stones for the upcoming year.

wehoautodetail has multiple jewelry collections that incorporate bold colors and traditional gemstones. Browse our Earth and Ocean collection to purchase one of our premium designer pieces today.

]]> 2022-05-30T09:00:05-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:39-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

When it comes to wearing gemstone jewelry, there are a few things you should remember. These nine tips will make a big difference.


9 Effective Tips for Wearing Gemstone Jewelry
When it comes to wearing gemstone jewelry, there are a few things you should remember. These nine tips will make a big difference.

Keyword(s): gemstone jewelry



Gemstone jewelry has been a hot topic in the fashion sphere and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere soon. Mixing and matching different types of jewelry and even different types of gemstones are right on trend in 2022.

The vast array of colors and styles of gemstones bring personality to any wardrobe. Wearing gemstones is an excellent way to express your unique, individual taste.

If you haven't dabbled in this trend yet, it's time you gave gemstone jewelry a chance. But if you're nervous about stepping out of your bland, minimalist comfort zone, don't worry. Our experts are here to guide you!

Keep reading to find out nine ways to keep your gemstone jewelry game fresh this season.

1. Stack Your Gemstone and Minimalist Rings

Minimalist stacking rings have been in vogue for seasons on end at this point - but we certainly won’t be getting tired of them any time soon. Who doesn’t relish the opportunity to wear all of their favorite rings at once?

Well, why not change up your standard ring selection by sprinkling some modest gemstone rings into your stack? Gemstones add that personality and pop of color that will set your jewelry game apart from the rest.

2. Layer Long Multi-Gemstone Necklaces

If necklaces are your preferred mode of bejeweled self-expression, trying your hand at layering can take your look to the next level.

You can layer a series of thin gold chains with a gemstone pendant for a subtler look. Or go all out and layer several gemstone-dappled necklaces together.

Aiming for something a little more unexpected? Try layering a gemstone necklace with a body chain for a stunning look that shows off your wild side.

3. Make It Bold With a Gemstone Headpiece

If you really want to turn heads, it's time to get acquainted with jewelry that's out of the ordinary.

More and more celebrities are incorporating glittering headpieces into their red carpet looks. Just last month, actress Tommy Dorfmann was seen wearing a breathtaking 200-year-old tiara to the Met Gala.

But you don't have to be in the public eye to try something bold and eye-catching. Whether pinning a gemstone brooch in your hair or going with a full headpiece is your vibe, this look works for both dress-up and casual.

Just make sure you're not crossing the line into culturally appropriative territory.

4. Showcase Your Birthstone (Or Someone Else’s!)

There’s nothing more sentimental or delightful than birthstone jewelry. Since childhood, we’ve treasured those special stones that signify the unique and special times of our births.

Or, maybe you always wished you were born in a different month (we see you November topazes!) so you could wear diamonds, rubies, or emeralds on the regular.

Make your own birthstone the focal point of your outfit with a statement piece. Or incorporate a smaller version into your everyday look. You can even wear the birthstone of a friend or loved one as a tribute. Who would most appreciate seeing their birthstone around your neck or on your finger?

The other great thing about birthstone jewelry is that it makes the perfect gift for moms, grandmothers, siblings, and close friends.

You can even design your own birthstone jewelry by embellishing the birthstone with other meaningful gemstones. Many moms enjoy collecting the birthstones of their children or other members of their families!

5. Mix and Match Minimal Gemstone Studs

Want to spruce up your daily uniform? There’s nothing more chic or easy than mixing and matching your favorite minimalist studs.

Adding in an eye-catching gemstone stud or two is a gorgeous way to incorporate a pop of color without amping up the drama too much.

6. Give Statement Rings and Earrings a Go

Getting tired of your usual outfit lineup? Forget putting money into a closet full of new clothes. A sure-fire way to give your wardrobe a make-over on a budget is to throw a bold gemstone ring or statement earrings into the mix.

You’ll achieve the wow effect you’re craving without breaking the bank. All you need to do is repurpose what you already have in your jewelry box.

The best thing about statement jewelry is that it can pair beautifully with anything from a t-shirt and jeans to formalwear! Spice up a little black dress or add intrigue to your daily duds.

7. Wear Your Statement Rings Like a Maximalist

So, you're already vibing with statement rings and want to take it to the next level? Stack those gemstone statement rings like the chic maximalist you are in your heart.

Try pairing stones from opposite ends of the color spectrum, or adorn your fingers with a gradation of complementary hues.

These days, there's no such thing as too much. Go big or go home are words to live by when it comes to 2022 jewelry trends.

8. Experiment With Color and Tone

One way to raise the stakes with your gemstone adornments is to experiment with gradations of hue and tone. An array of gemstones with subtle undertones in common is the epitome of everyday elegance.

There are many gemstones to try in a variety of hues - like sapphires, rubies, and diamonds. Many others come in a variety of ombré tones. If that's your bag, try a citrine or tourmaline gemstone in your lineup.

9. Go For Glam With Statement Gemstone Earrings

For the boldest among us, you can't go astray with statement gemstone earrings. For a glamorous night on the town, we can't imagine any look more aspirational than Jessica Chastain's 2022 Oscars look.

That rainbow sequined Gucci gown was an absolute dream paired with dripping diamond statement earrings!

More Gemstone Jewelry Trends To Groove On This Season

Whether you want to add a dramatic element to a formal look or give your everyday wear a fresh take, gemstone jewelry has something perfect in store for you.

Try a statement gemstone ring on its own, paired with a minimalist stack, or a handful of gemstone rings. Layer simple gold chains with a gemstone pendant. Whatever you do, gemstones will ensure your look is uniquely you.

For more great gemstone style trends, tips, and jewelry pieces, check out the rest of our blog!

]]> 2022-03-21T09:00:01-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:59-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

You know which birthstone is yours, but do you know the story and meaning behind your birthstone and does it suit your personality? Find out here!



What Does Your Birthstone Mean?

You know which birthstone is yours, but do you know the story and meaning behind your birthstone and does it suit your personality? Find out here!

Keyword(s): Your birthstone



Jewelry has long been seen as a way to display status and affluence in society. It was also used as a tool in courtship as a man would present his intended with a sparkling trinket to woo her and to show his ability to provide. 

Today, there are jewelry options available to suit every budget, not just the culturally elite. Women are no longer waiting around for a potential suitor to shower them in gold and jewels. They are purchasing their own jewelry.

Your birthstone is a unique way to express your personality and establish your personal brand. Since the day you were born, you may have had a precious or semi-precious stone representing your month of birth. But did you know that your birthstone also has a specific meaning?

A Brief Birthstone History

Birthstones have been around for centuries, dating as far back as Biblical times. These semi-precious stones were worn into battle on a breastplate as they were thought to imbue the wearer with certain protective powers.

Much like the 12 zodiac signs and their correlation to specific behaviors and personality characteristics, each month is assigned between 1-3 birthstones.

These stones symbolize distinct temperaments and attitudes amongst their wearers. Some cultures believe that different stones can even determine the wearer's fate.

Some months contain more than one type of birthstone. The thought behind this may have been to suggest more cost-friendly semi-precious stones as alternatives to pricier or rarer precious gemstones.


January's birthstone is Garnet. If you were born in January, your birthstone denotes strong energy and willpower. Garnet birthstones evoke the wearer as being confident, spontaneous, and a go-getter.

Garnet's birthstone bearers are often feisty and love to take on challenges. 

Most people associate garnet with being a deep dark red color, but it can also contain shades of orange, pink, green, and even purple. Red garnet stones resemble pomegranate seeds. 


February's main birthstone is Amethyst. Due to its rich purple coloring, it was only worn by royalty because purple signified the wealth and power of the ruling class. If your birthstone is Amethyst, you may have a keen business sense.

You may also be optimistic and pure of mind. You are seen as a good listener and help to soothe others, like a therapist. 

Amethysts pertain to serenity and peace. Amethyst is thought to be able to prevent intoxication due to ties to Greek mythos and a connection to spirituality.


Aquamarine is March's prominent birthstone. A light blue stone representative of the sky and sea. 

If your birthstone is Aquamarine, you are likely to bring this sense of calming and tranquility to those around you. You have a talent for mediating and settling disputes. 

Aquamarine was seen as a sort of good luck charm that protected sailors from rough seas and calmed the oceans ensuring safe journeys.

Wearing Aquamarine provides protection and peace. It is also thought to treat anxiety.


Diamonds are a girl's best friend, but they are also April's birthstone. Diamonds come in an array of colors, aside from the standard colorless, including pink, brown, black, blue, green, yellow, red, blue, and even purple. 

Diamonds imply luxury so those born in April have a penchant for shopping and the finer things in life. If your birthstone is a Diamond, you are stubborn and driven. You are not afraid to go for what you want. 

You are steadfast and loyal to your friendships. You value character and integrity above all.


Emerald is May's birthstone. This dazzling green precious gemstone has a long history of the belief that it provides protection against illnesses, such as cholera, wards off evil spirits and demons, and keeps snakes away. 

If your birthstone is an Emerald, you are seen as romantic and compassionate. You also love helping people and are loyal to your friends. You believe that there is a perfect soulmate for you.

Green emeralds often symbolize prosperity and good fortune, as well as rebirth, growth, and success.


June has three birthstones associated with it. Pearl, Moonstone, and Alexandrite. Pearls link to intuition and those who are born in June are known for being introspective thinkers. 

If your birthstone is a Pearl or Moonstone, you are enthusiastic and outgoing. You are a warm-hearted and pure individual who will always help a friend in need.

Like the Pearl, Moonstones enhance intuition and promote balance. Alexandrite also signifies balance and intuition. 


July's birthstone is the Ruby. The Ruby is a sign of power, health, and wisdom. The Ruby was long thought to provide protection and ward off evil spirits.

If your birthstone is the Ruby you are a combination of assertiveness and compassion. You are ambitious and able to come up with creative solutions to problems. Those with a Ruby birthstone enjoy social gatherings. 


Peridot is known as August's birthstone. This olive-green stone indicates good fortune and good health and a balance with nature.

If your birthstone is Peridot, you are a charming and extroverted person who gains the trust of others easily. You also have a natural beauty that attracts others to you. You are kind and welcoming to friends and strangers alike. 


The Sapphire is September's birthstone. Known for its rich blue coloring, sapphires are also available in pink, white, yellow, and green. 

If your birthstone is the Sapphire, you are humble and down-to-earth. You are also faithful and trustworthy. You prefer to keep your emotions to yourself and weigh all of your options before taking a risk.


October's dual birthstones are Pink Tourmaline and Opal. Opals are alluring due to their unique color patterns and structures. No two opals are ever the same.

If your birthstone is the Tourmaline, you are likely to be adventurous and restless with a racing mind. You also have strong intuitions.

If your birthstone is an Opal, you are loyal, protective, and faithful to your loved ones. You inspire others and love to mentor and take part in community events. Opals embody purity, truth, and hope.


The Topaz is widely regarded as November's birthstone but Citrine is also considered a November birthstone as well. 

If your birthstone is the Topaz, you may be easy but also stubborn at times and not open up to others right away. You are a gifted writer or teacher due to your intelligence and wit. You are generous and fair with advice.

The Topaz is a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, friendship, and strength.

If your birthstone is the Citrine, you are an optimistic thinker. You value honesty and integrity, but you also have a good sense of humor. 


December also has many different types of birthstones to choose from. Turquoise and Tanzanite are the primary birthstones. 

Turquoise birthstones mean you are wise and honest to a fault. People may consider you to be an old soul. You exhibit wisdom beyond your years.

If your birthstone is a Tanzanite, you possess a great persistent personality which may come off as intimidating or intense. You are loyal and don't take any form of betrayal lightly. You also play by your own rules.

Blue Zircon and Blue Topaz are also December birthstones.

Find Your Birthstone Jewelry

Birthstones aren't just limited to the month of your birth. You can wear your birthstone or a combination of birthstones that suit your personal brand and style.

wehoautodetail has eye-catching and affordable birthstone jewelry in bracelets, necklaces, rings, and earrings. Check out our collections, and find the birthstone jewelry that makes you shine.

]]> 2022-03-14T09:00:01-06:00 2024-01-17T20:25:58-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Semi-precious gemstones can be just as beautiful as precious stones. Let’s take a look at comparing semi-precious gemstone values.



Comparing Semi-precious Gemstones

Semi-precious gemstones can be just as beautiful as precious stones. Let’s take a look at comparing semi-precious gemstone values.

Keyword(s): Semi-precious gemstones



Gemstones are some of the earth’s most beautiful natural treasures. When incorporated into jewelry, they make for luxurious and timeless pieces that add elegance and class to your wardrobe. 

The wide world of gems can be broken into two groups, precious and semi-precious gemstones. Any astute buyer would wonder: what is the difference between the two? 

In this article, we'll answer that question and several others. We'll also talk about the most popular semi-precious gemstones and compare their values. Read on to learn everything you need to know about these beautiful and rare gems. 

What Are Semi-Precious Gemstones?

So what qualifies as a semi-precious gemstone? The answer is actually pretty simple. 

Diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds are the four precious stones. All other gemstones are classified as semi-precious. This includes aquamarine, alexandrite, rose quartz, pearl, amethyst, and hundreds of others. 

It's a common misconception that semi-precious gemstones are worth less than precious gemstones. 
In truth, many semi-precious stones are significantly more valuable than precious ones. Alexandrite for example generally sells for higher prices than sapphire does. 

The value of a gemstone is actually determined by many different factors. These factors are grouped together under the four C's: carats, clarity, color, and cut. 

Now, let's compare the values of some of the most popular semi-precious gemstones. 


Amethyst is an incredibly popular semi-precious stone. It is known widely for its vibrant shades of purple and violet. Shades of amethyst range from a light pinkish violet color to a deep purple.

Deep, rich purples are rarer than the lighter hues, and thus highly prized among amethyst collectors. However, these darker stones don't sparkle as brightly as lighter ones do. For the most lively, vibrant pieces, look for stones in the medium to medium-dark range.

Amethyst is also the February birthstone. This makes amethyst jewelry a very popular gift for people born during this month. 

Amethyst is a durable and affordable stone. High-quality cut stones cost between $20 and $30 per carat. Extremely fine pieces can retail for as much as $40 per carat. 


Peridot is a brightly colored yellow-green gemstone. It naturally forms from lava flows and has been highly valued since the time of Ancient Egypt. Peridot is popular among jewelry connoisseurs who want to enjoy brighter and more vibrant green stones than those cut from emeralds. 

There are three different types of peridot, all distinguished by the locations from which they were mined. Changbai peridots are mined in the Changbai Mountains in Northeast China. These stones are known for their organic deep green hues and vibrant pops of lime. 

Pakistani peridots are mined in Kashmir. These stones are usually lime or apple green with subtle golden undertones. 

The Hunan peridot originates from the Hunan mining area in southeastern China. These stones are known for their clarity and non-bearing yellow tones. 

Peridot is also the August birthstone. 

The price of these stones ranges from $50 to $80 per carat. Peridots larger than one carat that boast the finest quality and colors can cost as much as $400 to $450. 

Rose Quartz 

Rose quartz is a rare, colored variety of crystalline quartz. These gems have lovely light to medium pink colorations. Amethyst, another quartz stone, can sometimes influence rose quartzes and give them a more purplish hue. 

Most rose quartz has a milky opacity. But a transparent variety was discovered in Madagascar in the 1980s. Many of these transparent stones were cut with fascets and incorporated into fine jewelry such as wedding rings. 

Transparent and translucent rose quartz stones sell for higher prices than lighter opaque ones. These stones start at around $100 per carat. But high-grade specimens can easily exceed $1,000 per carat. 


Amber forms from the crystalized resin of ancient pine trees. This stone is well known for the incredible fossilized inclusions that are sometimes found within. Humans have been making jewelry with amber for over 10,000 years, making it the first gem material ever used. 

Amber jewelry comes in many different colors including black, red, yellow, and white. Which color is most valuable changes from year to year as trends and tastes do. 

White and red amber are the rarest varieties. White amber costs about $11 per carat in the current market, and red costs about $12 per carat. Currently, yellow or gold amber is the most valuable variety, retailing for $14 per carat without inclusions. 

The region that the amber is extracted from also plays a big role in determining price. Baltic and Ukrainian amber typically cost more than Russian, Dominican, and Mexican amber. 


Aquamarine is another incredibly popular semi-precious stone. Coloration ranges from pale blue to a strong dark blue. Some aquamarines have a greenish-blue, almost turquoise hue. 

Recently, Prince Harry gifted his soon-to-be wife Meghan Markle a stunning aquamarine ring estimated to be worth $87,000. She also wore Princess Diana’s famous aquamarine and diamond-encrusted cocktail ring during their wedding reception. This has caused another surge in the stone's popularity and value. 

Aquamarine is also the March birthstone and a popular gift for people born during this month. 

Aquamarine prices are determined by the depth and quality of the stones' color, as well as their clarity. These gems also increase in price as their carats increase. 

For example, a one-carat aquamarine costs about $675 per carat. A two to three carat stone costs between $1,000 and $1,500 per carat. 

Wearing Semi-Precious Gemstones

More and more people are incorporating semi-precious gemstones into their wardrobes. Elegant, timeless jewelry pieces that include these stones are one of the best ways to elevate your outfits. 

Now that you know the different qualities and values of the most popular semi-precious stones, you can make astute decisions about which ones are right for your sense of style. 

If you enjoyed this piece, take a look at our other articles on buying and styling fine jewelry today. 

]]> 2021-04-19T00:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:27:48-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Choosing the right types of stones for rings requires some insight into the hardness, meaning, and longevity of the types of stones you're considering.


Rings for Longevity: The Best Types of Stones for Rings
Choosing the right types of stones for rings requires some insight into the hardness, meaning, and longevity of the types of stones you're considering.

Keyword(s): types of stones for rings


Rings are one of the most popular pieces of jewelry. Nearly everyone wears a ring at some point, whether to symbolize marriage or for personal style.

Moreover, rings are a highly personal jewelry piece. Lots of thought should go into choosing a ring for yourself or someone else. 

With so many types of stones for rings, it's important to learn about the durability, longevity, and meaning behind each one.

Unsure of what this all means and don't know where to start? Read on to get a deeper understanding of gemstones so that you can confidently buy your next ring.

What Determines a Stone's Longevity?

Many factors play into a specific stone's longevity. These factors will determine the price of the ring as well as the life span of the jewelry. 

The Moh's Scale of Hardness

The Moh's Scale ranks gemstone hardness from 1 (soft) to 10 (hard). A diamond, for example, is the hardest gemstone, so it ranks as a 10. 

The hardness of a stone is a big factor in determining its durability. The harder a stone is, the less its susceptible to scratches and other damage. 

For rings you plan to wear every day, it's best to get a hard stone so that it is less prone to wear and tear.

Refractive Index

The refractive index gives insight into the brilliance of the stone. In short, it is the number of times light is reflected in the stone.

If you want your ring to be bright and reflective, you will, in most cases, want a stone with a high RI.

The Famous 4 Cs of Gemstones

Everyone has heard of the 4Cs when it comes to buying diamonds, but the same principles apply to all gemstones. 

  1. Cut: When talking about stone cuts for rings, referencing the reflective qualities and dimensions of the stone, not the shape of the gem
  2. Clarity: Is the gem clear and free of any blemishes?
  3. Carat: Carats refer to the stone's weight
  4. Color: Know that some types of stones come in multiple colors and not just the obvious ones

Now that you know some of the technical terms when talking about gemstones for rings, now it's time to look at some examples of popular gemstones. 

9 Types of Stones for Rings

There are many gemstones to choose from when picking out a ring. Each stone holds a different meaning, and some gems are more durable than others. Here are 9 common types of stones for rings:

1. Diamond

The Diamond is classic, hence why many choose diamonds for engagement or wedding rings. Diamonds are the hardest gemstone, making them extremely durable and long-lasting.

2. Emerald

Emerald gemstones are packed with meaning; they symbolize successful love and the rebirthing that comes in springtime. They are also the birthstone for the month of May.

Emerald gemstones are slightly softer than diamonds, so rings with the stone should be taken off before any activities that could cause scratches. 

3. Ruby

The deep, luscious red of the Ruby gemstone symbolizes passion. Additionally, Ruby is the birthstone of July.

As for its durability, it rates around a 9, meaning that its hardness is near a diamond. It's safe to wear daily.

4. Sapphire

The sapphire stone is typically a deep, rich blue color but can also come in other colors like pink and violet. It is the birthstone for September and signifies wisdom.

Similar to Rubies, it is a hard stone and extremely durable. 

5. Tanzanite

The tanzanite stone is rare as it is only found in Tanzania. Tanzanite stones range in color; some hold more purple hues while others are bluer. No matter the tone, the beautiful stone, many believe the stone has calming qualities. 

The December birthstone is softer, as it around a 6 on the Mohs scale. Because of this, wearers should be careful when wearing the ring daily as it can be easily scratched. 

6. Pearl

Pearls are timeless. Unlike all other gems, they are created in a living creature. The pearl symbolizes purity and is the birthstone for the month of June. 

Pearls come in at a low 2.5 on the Moh's scale, meaning they are very soft. To protect pearl jewelry, users should store pieces away from other jewelry that could damage the pearls. More so, pearls aren't mean to be an everyday jewelry piece but rather saved for special occasions. 

7. Morganite

The Morganite stone ranges from pale pink to peach tones, making it great to pair with a rose gold or silver band.  

Morganite gemstones have grown in popularity over the years as a replacement for diamonds in engagement rings. In addition to the beautiful pink color, the stone is fit for everyday wear, falling at a 7.5-8 on the Moh's scale.

8. Amethyst

For purple lovers (and those born in February), amethyst is the perfect stone for a ring. Amethyst hues vary from lavender to darker purples. 

As for its durability, the amethyst is like the emerald, as it can be worn daily if the user is careful. 

9. Turquoise 

The Turquoise gemstone is unique, as it is opaque in nature. The blue-green hue of turquoise has decorated jewelry for centuries. 

However, turquoise ranks around a 5 on the Mohs scale, as it is a softer stone. Because of this, turquoise makes for great statement rings as opposed to rings worn every day. 

Choosing the Best Gemstone for You


When choosing a gemstone for a ring, consider first how much the jewelry piece will be worn and what (if any) meaning do you want the piece to hold.

With so many types of stones for rings to choose from, there is bound to be a perfect gemstone that fits your needs and personal style.

Want to start shopping? Check out the collection of rings available online at wehoautodetail. 

]]> 2018-03-19T06:00:00-06:00 2024-01-17T20:35:21-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Amethyst is a beautiful stone that pairs well with any wardrobe. Click here to learn why you should wear amethyst jewelry to harness positive energies.



Why You Should Wear Amethyst Jewelry

Amethyst is a beautiful stone that pairs well with any wardrobe. Click here to learn why you should wear amethyst jewelry to harness positive energies.

Keyword(s): amethyst jewelry


Imagine if wearing your favorite amethyst jewelry could reverse the effects of being intoxicated?

Sounds silly, right?

But, if you lived back in ancient times, then the simple act of wearing an amethyst pendant or ring was thought to do the trick. People might have even considered you to be a wise sage for doing this.

The Greeks believed the amethyst healing power to be a mighty sword, able to slay the dragon of wine consumption. In fact, the origin of the meaning of amethyst stems from the Greek word "amethystos" which means "not intoxicating".

But it wasn't just the Greeks who tapped into the enchanting power of this majestic semi-precious stone. In fact, many cultures and religions around the world have viewed amethysts as one of the most sacred stones in all history.

Amethysts in World Culture and History

While the Greeks believed in the healing qualities of amethysts, they weren't the only European country to do so. Many cultures throughout the world were drawn to the magic of this mesmerizing, mystical gem.

Whether it was a connection with spirituality, wine consumption, or royal lineage, amethysts have held their own in folklore, religion, and history.

Rome: The Romans also believed they would be protected from drunkenness if they consumed wine in a cup festooned with amethysts. The elegant drinking vessels represented the mystical power of the amethyst.

Britain: Power, wealth, and royalty were often associated with the color purple. In fact, the British adorned the crowns of royal family members with radiant amethyst jewelry.

Russia: The Russians also decorated the jewelry and crowns of their royalty with a plenty of amethyst jewelry. Catherine the Great adored the purple stone and required the stone be used in all of her personal articles.

Egypt: The Egyptians made amethyst jewelry and amulets based on gemstone materials and meanings. Researchers discovered amulets were worn for both superstition and protection in the afterlife.

Catholicism: Bishops wore amethyst jewelry to protect them from the unholy effects of being drunk. The holy men often wore rings made of amethyst to protect them on a daily basis.

Christianity: The spiritual connotation of the semi-precious stone is often compared with Christ. The deep purple color is believed to symbolize Christ's agony in the crucifixion.

Judaism: the Hebrew word for amethyst, "ahlamah", translates to "dream stone". Jews believed the gem caused powerful dreams. Amethyst also symbolized one of the 12 Tribes of Israel and adorned the breastplate of the high priest, Aaron.

Buddhism: Tibetan Buddhists often linked the spiritual quality of amethysts with Buddha. Amethyst beads are used in meditation practices.

Where Amethyst Comes From

If you're wondering where most of the amethyst jewelry comes from, it's probably closer than you realized. Spanning the four corners of the globe, amethyst is found deposited deep in rock cavities and mined in caves throughout the world.

Brazil is the top producing country of amethyst, with Uruguay a close second. Amethyst became more affordable - and accessible - after its massive 19th-century discovery in Brazil.

South American amethysts are typically larger than other varieties of the semi-precious stone. Some are so large, in fact, that you could stand inside of one of the geodes.

These geodes are often found in mines and in volcanic deposits.

Russia is a premiere area mined for amethysts. The exquisite quality of Russian amethysts is still considered one of the best. Russian royalty sought the stone because of its pristine look and value.

Although Africa produces smaller stones, they are a deeper, more intense purple color. Zambia has a reputation for harvesting the highest quality stones in the world. They are among the most coveted of amethyst colors.

Similar to Zambia, Australia also produces richly-saturated stones. By contrast, Mexico has much paler colored stones.

The United States has several prized mining locales in Arizona and South Carolina. Tourists frequently visit the mines and pay a fee to "mine" for amethysts.

When it comes to acquiring one of these lovely gems, thankfully its accessibility makes it that much more appealing.

The Appeal of Amethyst

Although February's birthstone is an exquisite form of purple quartz, its modern-day value doesn't compare to its previous worth. In ancient times, amethyst was equal in value to precious emeralds and rubies.

Despite its affordability, the quality of durability is something to behold. In terms of hardness, compared to a diamond, which is a 10 on the Mohs Hardness Scale, amethysts register at a 7.

The color variety is the result of the combination of iron and manganese. Iron affects the stone's color intensity and manganese is the source of the color purple.

The Healing Benefits of Amethysts

  • Healing powers. Amethysts help keep negative energy away. They are also helpful for stress relief and anxiety disorders.
  • Protection. Used by many cultures as a form of protection from bad spirits or dangerous situations.
  • Spirituality. Many who practice healing with crystals say the amethyst is sensitive enough to tap into the spiritual energy of the afterlife.
  • Mysticism. Some say this semi-precious stone helps elevate one's work with intuition.
  • Purity. Cleanse your environment of toxic energy by placing an amethyst stone in the sun on your windowsill. For the full energy cleaning effect, do this daily.
  • Peace. Meditations with an amethyst stone summon the highest levels of self-awareness and balance.
  • Dreams. If you need to take control of your dreams or manifest a successful sleep schedule, sleeping with an amethyst under your pillow helps.

Why Should You Wear Amethyst Jewelry?

If the sheer beauty of this radiant stone isn't enough to make you want a piece (or two) of amethyst jewelry, then the three facts below should:

  • Affordable. There is something beautiful for everyone's budget.
  • Unique. Although amethyst is easy to recognize, color selection is second to none. From pale lavender to a midnight plum, the variety of colors is stunning.
  • Easy to find. Thanks to Brazilian abundance, beautiful amethyst can be easily purchased throughout the world.

Care of Amethyst

If you've already invested in a gorgeous piece of amethyst jewelry, you'll want it to last a lifetime. But don't worry because caring for amethyst is a relatively easy process.

The tried and true combination of lukewarm water and soap are the best options. Cleansing with an ultrasonic solution is also a safe option. Heat, acidity, and extreme temperatures are off limits and can damage amethysts.

Whether you're caring for gold or silver, cleaning will be a breeze. Over time, proper care and maintenance will provide a lifetime of wear.

Ready to purchase your own piece of amethyst jewelry? Make sure to visit our store today for the most beautiful and affordable selection of amethysts in the world. SHOP NOW

]]> 2018-02-09T06:00:00-07:00 2024-01-17T20:35:51-07:00 Elegant Wearing Jewelry,Jewellery And Accessories | Fast And Easy Returns Deven Davis

Crystal jewelry never goes out of fashion. Find out more about these interesting baubles, where they come from and how you can get your hands on some.



Everything You Want to Know About Crystal Jewelry

Crystal jewelry never goes out of fashion. Find out more about these interesting baubles, where they come from and how you can get your hands on some.

Keyword(s): crystal jewelry


If you love gemstones as much as we do, you'd probably find it interesting that the oldest gem ever found is 4.4 billion years old!

With gems having been around since the dawn of man, it's no surprise that we are drawn to the beauty of these tiny little things. 

So with that in mind, we thought it would be fun to talk about some of the details you may not know about these beautiful "rocks" we all love so much. 

Let's dive on in.

Is There a History Behind Our Love of Crystal Jewelry?

In short, yes.

Interestingly, the word 'crystal' comes from the Greek 'Krystallos.'

It refers to a mythical ice palace where the Olympian gods resided. Not even the sun could melt this wonderous creation. This is probably why we associate crystals with being so precious - fun fact!

Plus, for as long as humans have lived we've sought to wear and use crystal jewelry.

For example, architects found beads carved out of mammoth's ivory. There were over 60,000 years old in graves located in Sungir, Russia.

Clearly, our love of crystal jewelry spans across the globe as well as the millenniums.

Fun Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Your Favorite Crystals

Virtually all crystals and gemstones have interesting backstories. This isn't surprising when you consider how old most of them are!

Check out the below examples, and you'll get the gist of what we mean:


Did you know Swarovski crystals aren't natural gems? Instead, they're carefully crafted by humans in Austria.

In the late 1800's Daniel Swarovski created the first Swarovski diamond (lead glass crystal).
He invented the machine that creates these sparkly, precision-cut, premium-quality lead glass crystals and the Swarovski Crystal company has been producing them as the industry standard ever since.

The composition of these gems is as follows: sand, quartz, and other minerals. Yet, no one knows what these exact proportions are. This has remained a company secret for centuries!

Over the last five generations, the Swarovski family continues to craft these crystals. (With the help of their factories and employees).


For those of you who don't know, here are a few fun facts about Garnet.

  • Garnet is the birthstone for babies born in January.
  • It's also the stone used to represent the 2nd year anniversary of a married couple.
  • The word 'garnet' stems from the Latin word 'Garanatus.' This means 'seedlike' in reference to pomegranate seeds!

Just like many of the other gems listed in this article, the garnet's been around for centuries. Its uses date back as far as 3000 B.C!

Architects found beads made of garnet in the tomb of a young man. Not only is this a fascinating find (historically) but it also proves the durability of this precious stone.


Marcasite has been used for centuries, and dates as far back as the ancient Incas!
Historians state they've found items of marcasite in several Incan tombs, including jewelry.

Apparently, the Incas created reflective plate-shaped surfaces out of this gem. They used these pieces as part of a worship ritual to the Sun Gods.

Additionally, Native American shamen also used marcasite. They believed the gem to possess healing powers. They utilized this crystal to dig deeper into the patient's soul.


Hindu mythology states that moonstone's crafted from solidified moonbeams.
In addition to Hinduism, many other cultures associate this gemstone with moonlight.

Let's face it; it's plain to see why.

The internal structure of this stone shatters any light that hits it. This creates a phenomenon called 'adularescence.'

Consequently, an interesting visual effect occurs. This mimics the texture of a shining moon through scattered clouds- how awesome is that?!

Mystic Quartz

This is one of the more modern gemstones; it first appeared in the late 90's.
However, we're quick to point out that this gem is technically coated white quartz.

Therefore, it's not an official gem type. Rather, this stone is an enhanced clear quartz.

This quartz has attracted its jazzy name because of its changing colors. These look both mystical and unusual.

Typically, mystic quartz displays rainbow-themed aesthetics. However, greens, blues, and purples tend to be the most prominent.


Here are a few little trivia points about the fabulous gemstone called Amethyst.

  • It's the birthstone for babies born during February.
  • This gemstone marks the celebration of a sixth year wedding anniversary.
  • This stone has royal overtones. It's part of royal jewelry collections that span both the globe and through time.

By this we mean, the amethyst features in royal jewelry as early as ancient Egypt!

It's clearly still popular because it also forms part the British crown jewels!

In addition to this, the Amethyst holds plenty of religious significance. For example, this stone is typically worn by bishops. This is because the purple symbolizes Jesus.

How to Care for Raw Stone Jewelry

It's no surprise that raw stones need cleaning. However, if you store your jewelry away correctly, it'll reduce the amount of dust that'll build upon your precious gems.

Despite this, you'll eventually need to give your crystals a proper clean. Needless to say the rougher the surface, the more difficult it'll be to wash.

This is our advice to you if you're thinking about cleaning your jewelry:

  • First, place your precious gems under a weak stream of compressed air.
  • Then, if your crystal isn't water-soluble or porous, allow your jewelry to soak in warm water. You should add a dash of mild detergent.
  • Then, you can use a soft brush to remove any remaining dirt.

Then voila, your sparkling crystal jewelry should be shinier and brighter than ever!

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Over there we cover everything from traveling jewelry, to jewelry pieces that'll never go out of style. Enjoy!
